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Posts posted by Hilda

  1. honestly i think FEH will end probably at the end of next year or in 2022. I dont see it going any further.
    This is just my personal opinion based on my experience. I am spending less (actually almost none) on FEH nowadays and I am playing less and less.
    Personally i think they will just keep the servers up but offer no updates anymore at the end and at some point will shut down the servers later down the line.

  2. 3 hours ago, vikingsfan92 said:

    Took a while but managed to beat marth on all difficulties with Legendary corrin, Pirate veronica/Xander, Brave Camilla and Legendary Azura. Just barely managed to survive it. Gravity from Brave Camila's unique staff came in clutch too as did Veronica's duo skill.

    cleared Abyssal with almost a similiar Team, ecxept i ran regular Xander.
    L!Corrin, Regular Xander, Brave Camilla, L!Azura. And yes Gravity from Camilla came quite in handy.

  3. 3 hours ago, XRay said:

    30% is not that much weaker compared to 40%, and with her base kit, it is functionally much better than Spurn as it reduces more damage (very few nukes hit harder than 50, so a flat damage reduction of 5 is about the equivalent of 10%) and it is harder to bypass (nukes generally do not carry Guard). It is an apt comparison.

    The ONLY way to bypass Negating Fang is via Guard, and few nukes rn Guard. The ONLY notable nukes with Guard are Eliwood and BH!Roy.

    At least most nukes are naturally fast so they stand a better chance of contesting the Spd check for Spurn.

    It is not even close to invincibility as a tank built to tank at a particular range will be demolished by nukes fighting at a different range. This is no different from Def tanks and Res tanks that specializes in a particular bulk, where they take practically no damage against a damage type, but they will similarly be demolished against nukes that target their weaker stat.

    Aegis+ and Pavise+ allow tanks to focus on tanking at a particular range than a specific damage type. You might think it is lazy and dumb, but I think it is simple and elegant. If Aegis+ exists and it were to be made relatively accessible, it would immediately dampen pure ranged Infantry Pulse teams and cav line, which are extremely common and also extremely punishing for players who do not have the resources nor skill to adequately deal with it. Even my shitty half-baked cav line can consistently force a win in the first few days against players who are not prepared to deal with it.

    In my opinion, fixing defensive Specials by giving them a damage output is even worse and throws balance even further out the window. That level of role compression is a massive leap in power creep. There is no point in running damage Specials if defensive Specials can do both damage and defense at the same time. If defensive Specials with damage output were to be made inheritable, it would immediately outclass ALL inheritable damage Specials and many exclusive damage Specials too.

    seriously yor argument for bypassing negating fang falls short again. Let me list up the ways to bypass negating fang: Witchy Wand, Flash, Dazzling Staff, Ruse debuff, Desperation, Brave Weapons with enough punching power, Pulse Smoke, Having 5 more speed then Corrin, AoE specials. There is prolly even more.

    Ways to bypass THE DAMAGE REDUCTION of Spurn Skills: Match your Opponents speed. 

    I am not even gonna Talk about the sustainability Spurn Skill offers because you can run a healing based special.

    Thats all I am gonna say and leave it at that.


  4. 6 hours ago, XRay said:

    What COD!F!Corrin got is basically a Spurn skill, and from what I remember, you do not seem to like Spurn skills very much. COD!F!Corrin's base kit basically moved Spurn to the Special slot from the B slot without giving up any damage output from the Special slot, and it utilizes a Guard check instead of a stat check, which is a much easier to check to pass since not many foes have Guard except BH!Roy and Eliwood. It does not do anything against area-of-effect Specials, but her base kit basically functions the same when in combat. Nukes rarely hits over 50 damage, so that 5 damage mitigation is generally at least 10%, and combining that with Negating Fang gives 40%+ of damage mitigation on every foe's hit. And if the player does not mind giving up the 5 damage mitigation, they can run Null Follow-Up to deny Specials from triggering via guaranteed follow-up attacks.

    To make defensive Specials worth it, they either need to be damn near invincible against their intended targets, or they need to work against enemies from both ranges. Being limited to working against either ranged foes or melee foes is pretty bad, since they can just be screwed over by any enemy using another Weapon range.

    Corrins Special is nothing compared like a Spurn skill. It is alot weaker. The fact alone that you compare those 2 is bogus. The introduction of Spurn skills was and is a mistake in my opinion. There are a gazillion ways to work around Corrins Special, there is only one way to work around Spurn: you outspeed your opponent.

    Defensiv specials need a buff, but invincibility is the laziest and dumbest way to go at it and it doesnt solve the core problem: Defensiv specials are bad because the unit gives up alot of firepower to run them. They are now even worse with all the damage reduction skills and not worth the hassle at all.

  5. 4 hours ago, XRay said:

    That is fine. They would still be vulnerable to enemies of the other Weapon range. It creates a strong counter against pure ranged Infantry Pulse teams and pure ranged cav line. Aegis and Pavise are still dead skills half the time, so during the time they do work, they better be worth it.

    No its not fine, someone like Brave Ike would become basicly invincible.

    Pulse Teams are hard countered by one skill, Pulse smoke. Everythign falls apart once you apply that. We dont need dumb stuff to counter something.

    I do agree that Defensiv skills need a buff or another layer to make them more usefull, but thats not it. What those skills need is what L!Corrin got kinda.

  6. On 9/6/2020 at 2:11 AM, Landmaster said:

    Will be nice to see Sharena enjoying a Boon soon. For now, she is able to manage fine without one still. Raigh is insane, I’m always impressed with how good he is at tanking and how strong those Glacies procs are.

    I am not sure if giving any Askrtrio a Boon/Bane is worthwhile because they cant be merged. Sharena has no superboon and one supberbane (def). The only thing i could see is a Hp- Bane and +SPD or +Atk Boon. But again i dont see that being worth the fruit.

    Alfonse has a Superboon in SPD and no Superbane, but yeah 29 Spd isnt something to write home about (although it could be occasionally nice)

    Anna is on the worst boat because she has no Superboon and 3 Suberbanes in HP/Atk/Res

    The only logical Bane for the Askrtrio i see is HP but HP comes quite in handy if you use them in AR so 😕

  7. 34 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

    Besides being disappointed in how we're getting our first Ranged Dancing Cav, I do still have some opinions...

    • Ethlyn's dagger is quite impressive, offering Daggers an inheritable version of the combination seen on units like Summer Byleth and Young Merric. Ethlyn might end up being one of the best users of the combo as-is though, considering... well, they're giving it to her. Does make me wonder if we'll see a Windsweep 4 if they're just gonna keep making units with built-in Null Follow-up weapons...

    Its not exactly a Null follow up. It just lets the unit double through skills like wary fighter and Hrids weapon (if debuffed), but it wont protect from being followed up by Bold Fighter Vengefullfighter Quick Riposte and all the other autofollowup  weapons.

    In that regard its only and best use is for playerphase units with high speed period and offers no additional bulk

    meanwhile Lachesis Dagger or Quans Bow are way more interesting. They are suited best for Slow units, so slow units can initiate combat without getting fucked by stuff like Quickriposte or so. Example Valentines Roy, he can innitiate combat against fast melees with it and run deflect melee on his seal slot and not worry about getting killed and prolly land in the range of wings of mercy, or Halloween Jakob can actually initiate on armor effectiv units without getting obliterated on the counter.
    Can also be used by faster units when up against vengefull fighter and Quickriposte or so. Winter Cecilia can be a prime candidate for the Dagger

  8. 20 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

    hm. Sigurd has magic reduction thus basically he's double Micaiah proof. so basically since both can't double it would be who would get to glimmer/iceberg (ruptured sky) first. 

    Regular Micaiah is faster then Sigurd (and has color advantage) she will still blow him up to ze moon. Besides all it needs is a melee sniff at Degurd and they are gone.

    IS desperate attempt for money... lets release a Cav Dancer!

    Well i dont see a problem with Cav Dancer anymore. For PVE people can if they want run again easy Horse Emblem and for Arena a Ranged Cav Dancer is way easier to bait out then any other Dancer.

    For AR Offense he is pretty fantastic, for defense not so much.

    EDIT: I have to say the art looks very good and I am happy for Sigurd and Deirdre duo though, they deserve it!

  9. 2 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    I just find +2 to be a very minor bonus. Sure it can stack with other things, but it's very rare wherein +2  is going to make a big difference unless it's overcoming a speed barrier. I think it's great conceptually as it's like Mila's blessing the land itself with her coverage, I just wish it was +3 instead. As for the defense boost it gives her, I can get more of that by forging a LIghtning Breath for defense +4 and Hp+5.

    her weapon is perfect for the game mode (AR) she is designed for. You can place her anywhere on the screen to block dancers/rally traps and not worry about her position to give out buffs to your main units.

    +2 to all (or any stat) can mean the difference between a tanks death or for a nuke to be able to kill the target. Mila was specific designed for AR. Her Weapon works perfect for her kit, I rather have +2 and no position requirement then +4 and being within 2 spaces of the tank unit and THEN NOT being able to block a Dancer. Seriously...

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