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Posts posted by Hilda

  1. 8 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

    Agreed. It wouldn't even be that hard either, just swap the refine effect with the inbuilt "Wrathful/ Dazzling" effect of any future staff they have planned and they're golden.

    Other than that, all of these refines seem great! It sucks that Fae didn't get even a conditional DC (or even Distant Foil/ Ward) in her weapon, but I'm curious how well she'll work with a Bladetome unit. Speaking of, I do still have an OG!Laevateinn. Hmm...

    Or you could just pair her up with regular Eirika, since Eirikas refine benefits from Fae's refine too.

  2. 5 hours ago, Othin said:

    It's funny how Valter's base weapon effect is now equivalent to Eldigan's refined weapon effect.

    I wonder what they'll do for future staff refines. Genny seems likely to be one of the next ones and should have Dazzling Staff built in, maybe another Gravity variant but with a different stat boost and refine? Mist is the other early 5* exclusive healer, Slow isn't as exciting so they might go a different route.

    And depressing at the same time. Here is hoping they do a mass update on allready old refined weapons on Februar and give them an additional free effect/skill. There are alot that need it, Jaffar, the Askrtrio, Lyn List goes on

  3. 2 hours ago, SuperNova125 said:

    Dimitri looks like he will be a fine addition to the roster of broken water legendaries that will ruin everyone's day is Arena and AR. Though Eddie won the brave race, Dimitri came as the victor of the legendary one. A slaying weapon, +5 to all stats, damage reduction, pulse smoke, -5 smoke type of debuff, and extra damage (at least 15). He can be built to be everything, from a player phase nuke to an enemy phase tank. 

    Really good blue and green pool however, I was taking a break from feh and I don't have any orbs so I won't get him most likely. 

    I really dont think he is that broken. A competent Green Mage or Green Melee unit shouldnt have much struggle to take him out. His base kit doesnt give him any form of autofollow up and doesnt prevent any form of autofollow up. Not saying he is bad, he is definitly strong, but he aint cancerous to deal with.

  4. 16 hours ago, Jotari said:

    Better to put the Quick Riposte on the B slot and leave the seal open for something to let him tank Res better like Warding Stance I say.

    Dunno not sure if Nemesis can even be salvaged with his original weapon(outside of PVE i mean). I would honestly replace his weapon with something else. Carrot Cudgel for example or Guard Sword. His weapon is just very very niche 😕

  5. On 10/23/2020 at 10:20 AM, Roflolxp54 said:

    I enjoy book 4 for what it is. I typically don't get too hung up on the story and just try to enjoy the ride.

    Book 4 seems to take at least a few risks. By having it take place in the Realm of Dreams, the writers can get away with putting in story details that don't make immediate sense. It's also a lot darker especially since the story implies some not-so-Nintendo-friendly themes, especially in the backstories of the elves. 

    Since we're already at Chapter 12, Chapter 13 is likely going to end with a cliffhanger unlike the previous books due to Alfonse's current status (if Freyja's words were to be believed). With such a reveal, there's no way they can end the book without a cliffhanger that would act as a segue to book 5 since anything else would practically be a copout. Though knowing IS, that may be asking for a bit much.

    It also appears that some characters (besides the obvious TMS cast) already know of Kiran's world (or at least what appears to be it, the World of Steel). Perhaps they may end up doing something with it.

    Book 4 is not as dark as Book 2 and Book 3, you cant get much Darker by haveing a BBQ burned crisp sister (Gunnthra), Dead Sister (Legjarn) + Helbindi and a cursed to death father (Gustav), dead Mirror-Sharena, fallen world beyond repair where our reflections failed, sacrificed everything went mad and are trying to sacrifice a parallel world in order to save theirs. It has a lingering dark undertone, but nothing really earthshattering happened ecxept for that Elf-Father we werent even attached to.

    Duno Book 4 seems rather tame in the death regard but it has some nice psychological twists or... well beyond boundaries love (lets just put it that way).

  6. 4 hours ago, Othin said:

    Yeah, if they can make it only count as a movement skill if movement takes place, I'd think they could make it only count as a healing skill if healing takes place.

    The lack of Exp/SP isn't a huge deal, but the lack of cooldown charge can actually be relevant at high levels.

    they dont even need to make a check. Gaining EXP/SP via healing was allways limited and stops working after like what the 10th time in the same battle. In that regard you couldnt even abuse it. I dont know why they made it so she cant gain EXP/SP

  7. 1 hour ago, Namero said:

    Reduces damage from foe's attacks during combat to allies within 2 spaces by 30%... WTF Am I reading that right?! lol

    Looks like Flayn will be the prize on this banner. Pair her up with characters like Brave Ike, Legendary Corrin, or Brave Edeldard and watch as they become nigh immortal! lol I suspect Shinon will be in much higher demand now. And we're likely to get even more skills like Deadeye in the future.

    She also gets what is basically Draw Back for healers. They should've saved that for a demote staff unit. There have been many times I wished my healers could use Draw Back or Reposition, but I wouldn't want to sacrifice a unit as handy as Flayn for it.

    The returns are diminishing probably if you use it on a unit that has allready -% damage taken active. (not saying useless).

  8. 6 minutes ago, XRay said:

    Hm... Do you think DH!Xane would be better in AI hands than in player hands? He can be a super bulky front line unit copying that stats of his allies on defense.

    I really doubt Xane would be better in AI hands then player hands. I mean you can probably built an AR Defense Team with him, but it would prolly be based around Armorers and Infantries, with some sprinkled Fliers, and we all know how fantastic Armorers are on AR Defense.

  9. 11 hours ago, Flying Shogi said:

    I'm still not convinced that Xane is as good as people are claiming he is. His weapons feels like you need a lot of support at the cost of your other units' turn if you're trying to use him on player phase. For offense, you're likely sending Xane in after your offensive unit attacks(assuming the enemy isn't already in range) and then move Xane within 2 spaces of said unit to take advantage of their stats. Without using him, this sounds really restrictive. He does look like a decent bait unit though.

    Xane is fun to use. I did some Arena and AR test runs with him and paired him with my +10 Silque and +10 Raven. 71 Atk 53 SPD 47 Def 47 Res, pre in combat buffs. He was able to eat an AoE Ophelia followed by a Thrasir and lived to tell the tale. He was able to eat a +10 L!Leif followed by +10 L!Alm and lived (and one shot them back). He is just very inconsistent and restrictiv as soon as something bad happens to his allies lol

    He eats B!Dimitris for breaktfast and defecates B!Ikes in the afternoon (well almost).

  10. 1 hour ago, Jotari said:

    I feel Tiki is a particularly bad choice here. We've so many gosh darn Tiki alts already, including two seasonals. It's not that I don't like Tiki, or even that I don't want more Tiki alts, but I want specific Tiki alts. Ever since I got into an argument with Ice Dragon about wether or not og Tiki was meant to be a Fire Dragon, I've been wanting to see some Tiki alts that have her using a different dragon stone. Particularly a wyvern or ice dragon transformations since there's no Archanean characters of those classes. I'd also like to see the Naga ascended Adult Tiki from Future Past. So basically I don't want them wasting their good will of Tiki alts with this sort of stuff. Especially when it'd suit someone like Fae more.

    Also I feel Almedha would have been good as the duo unit pair. She's has no real reason to ever be in the game as a fighting unit, but she could work as a duo unit support partner. I'd probably be a lot more fine with Duo units as a concept if they used it to get more non fighting characters into the game, though Amelda and maybe Mernilius are the only ones that come to mind that make a lot of sense.

    I am past the point where i care for what alts the add, because the game is just shoehorning everything for moneys sake. They can add another 20 Camillas if they want. The game is on a decline anyway.

    At this point i am only interested anymore in interesting weapons/concepts. Xane is a prime example of an interesting unit concept. I havent cared nor will i ever care for Duo units.

  11. Just as an information:

    Xane benefits from visible Buffs if they are on his allies, but he himself wont benefit from visible buffs if they are on himself.
    Tested this with Raven. Xane got +28 Attack from Raven, after buffing Xane with +5 Atk, he only benefited from +23 Attack (Raven had +5 Atk on visible buffs allready).

    In other words: just focus on in combat buffs and debuffs for him and focus on visible buffs for his allies (if you can avoid Panic on them).

  12. 4 hours ago, Vicious Sal said:

    It is a fun unit, but I can’t see him being actually usefull anywhere aside from PvE. 

    For Arena he needs merges, which defeats the point of his weapon a little bit.

    In AR, using Xane means you need to have units that soak chills for the unit Xane is gaining stats from, which is just too big of a chain imho. Having units soak chills for a carry is doable, but soaking chills for the support unit so that Xane can buff himself is just inefficient.


    Still a really fun unit, especially with those numbers.

    I think Xane is usable in AR, he just would be a bit lets say "inconsistent", because it depends on the enemy structures and enemys placed and how much merges you have on your own unit.
    If Mythics would benefit from Blessing buffs it would be a bit more consistent, but yeah.
    If his weapon was 3 spaces instead of 2 he would be more consistent

    I did run him for fun in Arena with Raven and Silque as partners and he basicly just destroyd everything in sight.

    Well he is fun to use for sure and needs tactical placement to work well.

  13. 58 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    While it may make them better, I actually think it's a bit disappointing they removed the resistance check. We just got a shiny new Phantom Res seal a while back and they would have been perfect candidates to use it on. Not that I would have used it since I like hitting all four stats with ploys, but I still think stuff like Phantom Res should be somewhat more worth having.

    It is still worth having for more potent stuff that is in the game. I think its a good thing they removed the condition on both of them. It allows them to age somewhat better as a support unit, because at this point in the game you would have needed to invest alot  to meet some RES checks.

  14. 1 hour ago, indigoasis said:

    I was really hoping that he would get Forced Desperation like B!Ike did with his Urvan refine, but I think Divine Tyrfing's refine is still really good. Also, my reasoning for putting Distant Foil on him was that he would be getting +15 Atk/Def on enemy phase, so he could reasonably tank bows if he needs to and retaliate pretty hard. My Sigurd is also +Spd, so he could probably avoid doubles decently enough anyway (+Spd also pairs well with Distant Counter for the reason I just mentioned, although it wouldn't be making good use of Crusader's Ward against mages that can still easily double him).

    It seems to me that refined Divine Tyrfing had Seliph in mind more than Sigurd, I think.

    My +10 Sigurd has Distant Foil and I am happy with it. Shuts down all ranged threats. You cant counter Magic true, but thats not what I am aiming for with Sigurd.

  15. 2 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

    We should be getting the next event calendar soon, and the notification about the Resplendent after Takumi. Think they'll follow up with another much-needed colorless unit?

    Honestly wouldnt mind if they would finally also give the resplendent treatment to a GHB unit like Xander, Camus, Zephiel etc. but realisticly speaking, i think they will go for Nino or Tharja just to sell the Pass.

  16. 5 hours ago, XRay said:

    What about regular M!Corrin? M!Corrin provides a massive amount of Drive support, and M!Corrin can reach decently high stats himself too with Life and Death and Fort. Def/Res. If you got FEH Pass, Xane and 2 M!Corrins can all get Summoner Support for even more stats.

    Regular M!Corring was my initial thought too. For PVE sure, but for AR a fully invested M!Corrin would prolly be hit by Dark shrines, thats my concern.

  17. 7 hours ago, Vicious Sal said:

    QR is wasted. Most things have follow up denial and then outspeed him. So if he survives he then stays at Vantage range 1 Hp with Vengeance ready. 


    Bolt towers are mostly in lane 3 and 4. You need to win the catapult check if you have an upgraded defense one or have duma in anima season as well. For Seliph to work, Duma is pretty much mandatory.  Seliph as the frontline means he's most likely be in Lane 3 or 4, so he's getting hit by bolt tower rather consistently. I used him for about 5 months, and he's fallen off incredibly hard. What used to be 90% wins ended up at a measly 12% wins in the last two weeks I used him. I currently use a +4 B!Ike with Lull atk /spd and that works so much better as a frontline unit. 

    Hardy bearing is also becoming more common on AR O since it isn't too difficult to splash the skill onto Eir or something. I haven't refined Divine Tyrfing, but his original refine, whilst good, just has a too high Hp threshold to be able to work consistently anymore in AR.

    I still do not regret +10'in Seliph since he was my first ever 5 star, but he has no place in AR anymore because of building creep and I don't have R Duel for him in Arena. So he's pretty much warming the bench except for Autobattling forging bonds etc.

    What you say is true, but i think it also depends alot on the Team composition. Currently my Dark Defense Team runs Brami, Yune, Sothis, Seliph, BÏke and Bride Fjorm and I usually loose only 1-2 matches totally (most of them dont even do any lift loss). There is more counterplay to Seliph and he has fallen, but he can still be annoying. I also have to mention i have a maxed out Catapult on Defense that usually gets 50% of the Bolt Towers.
    I think the winning factor here is B!Ike as if you have a counterplay to Seliph as a unit, that play doesnt work usually against Ike most of the time, so they both work in tandem with each other.


    Regarding upcoming heroes:
    Thinking about pairing Xane up with Raven. That amount of offensiv stats Raven has with Life and Death 7 is kinda yummy for Xane. But that only works for PVE not for AR i am trying to pick 2 units that have high stats in Atk + Res or Def and Spd + Res or Def. Also easy to merge units, but i'll have to see what i can cook up.
    I can see Xane tough work in a specific defense setup too.

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