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Posts posted by Hilda

  1. 2 hours ago, Jotari said:

    Oh! I've got one. Give me an inheritable Slaying Breath. Mila's prf weapon is really underwhelming and while Lightning Breath on her is pretty nice since I use her as an enemy phase thank, the fact that it extends her Special Charge is not welcome at all. I'd rather have 1 range and a quicker special charge so she can proc those devastating Bonfires on her top class defense. Actually a lot more inheritable weapons would be nice for dragons. They're so ridiculously prf orientated that there's a lack of variety to them (though strangely this is true for the Beast units too, yet it doesn't bother me there). Aside from Lightning Breath all the inheritable breaths right now are really ehhh. Slaying Breath would be a pretty excellent contender for lightning breath and even challenge some prf weapons (I could see myself maybe runing a Player Phase Grima with Bold Fighter if he had access to a Slaying Breath).

    In what world is Milas weapon ehh? it basicly covers the whole map for a support weapon. Its meant to be a support weapon that also boosts her Def a bit so her kit works.

  2. 5 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

    I, too, am totally confident that October's Legendary will be Dimitri. As for September's Mythic...gonna go out on a limb and guess Anri.

    I dont think so. Brave Dimitri is allready very fantastic with his skills, its hard to top that with a Legendary. They either would need to let more time pass or give Legendary Dimitri a total different playstyle to make him stand out from his Brave Version.

  3. 10 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    As for what I think would be most beneficial for dragons to receive right now (that isn't completely off the table like changing skill inheritance restrictions),

    • A Hone or Drive version of "Dragon Shield". It would be much more useful than an A passive or a Sacred Seal.
    • Sothis alts for every color. Doesn't actually have to be Sothis, just a fast dragon that nullifies effective damage. But Sothis would be nice because Sirius is a good skill. Also, she's cute and talks like an old geezer in Japanese.
    • A green dragon with good magic bulk that always targets Def against ranged opponents instead of the lower of Def and Res. Basically Hel Scythe, but reversed. Bonus points if it has weapon triangle advantage against colorless.

    Also better distribution for Goad Dragons. And a Goad Dragons Sacred Seal.

    A Hone C or Drive Dragon Shield is definitly not the way to go. Dragons are fine. If anything it should be a B-Skill with a drawback in it. Just like mages with high RES and low Def sometimes need to sacrifice their B-Slot to deal with Dragons, Dragons should too:

    Dragon Shield should be B-Slot skill that removes effectiv Dragon Damage but also takes away their ability to deal adaptiv damage.

    Dragons are definitly fine and its not the Idea to run a Dragon Emblem and just push end turn.

  4. 11 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Except I have a preferred play style that I'd like to stick with. Don't we all?

    In this case you have to accept that your enemy phase only schtick will underperform on some maps/modes/areas.
    A well balanced Team should allways consist of:
    An enemy phase Tank (melee or ranged)
    A player phase nuke (melee or ranged)
    Support (Dancer or Healer)
    And someone who can fill out different spots in tacky situations.

    Now this doesnt work for all modes, but as you know i have allways cleared Abyssal maps with the Askrtrio and Veronica:
    Alfonse: Enemy phase tank
    Anna: Player phase nuke
    Sharena: Versatile and can do both of the above roles
    Veronica: Support/Magical nuke

    Of course i have them loaded with all kind of skills, and the skills push them more into one or the other direction.

    I am not even sure why we discussing this, if you have invested properly in your units you like the most, then Abyssal maps shouldnt even be that bad to do. And by properly i mean giving them a wide variety of skills/weapons to choose and adapt to the occasion.

  5. Dragons are fine for what they have. Adaptive Damage against ranged units, very high bulk and tackling the weaker RES part against melees.

    Having effective damage more accessible against them is a good thing, and it doesnt kill them.

    They were for too long a time a brain dead option to use for the majority of FEHs time.
    Dragons are in my eyes still fine for various modes. They dont need to excell at everything, just like Cavs dont need to excell at everything.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

    Not to say that this Legendary Heroes banner is underwhelming, but Corrin came at a real bad time. These CYL units are among the best units in the game and people certainly wanted them (though I'm still not sure why that George guy or whatever his name was scored high enough to be a Hero Battle unit), and Corrin from my understanding is not one of the best received FE characters.

    Although, how to put this lightly... Corrin makes Fjorm completely and utterly useless. Pretty much the same role of tanking damage from any range and returning favor with strong retaliation attacks, but Corrin taking Distant Counter instead of a Bond means her weapon doesn't have to have watered down effects just to carry Distant Counter, and yes that is considering that DC weapons these days are allowed to have powerful effects. Admit it, if she had a DC weapon there would not have been enough room for Slaying effect AND that Spectrum boost (which simulates the Bond that Fjorm had).  Negating Breath is just Ice Mirror but better because it works at ALL ranges and doesn't rely on the absorbed damage for a damage boost. Hell, Corrin even has the direct upgrade of Drive Atk. The only way she could have made Fjorm even worse is if she also had a Shield Pulse 4 somehow.
    The only true problem is that Corrin has a dragon weakness, but that's a hell of a better problem than her weakness being every Green melee unit and also real strong Green mages.

    ...hm. That Alm resplendent came at a funny time... he basically neutralizes Corrins greatest form of defense if she isn't carrying Deflect Melee... ANYWAY I'm not sure what I wanna do. CYL won't be going anywhere anytime soon at least. 

    Based on what I've seen, I am now scared to admit to thinking Corrin is kinda cute

    Didn't localization remove many more Smash references in translations? Even though Smash was arguably the big driving force behind not-Japan even getting any Fire Emblems at all, so should probably at least get something like the occasional "hey not to make this awkward Roy, but didn't I take your spot in Brawl that one time?"

    Even if Fjorms DC weapon had like 2 more effects, Corrin would still be superior. Ice Mirror from Fjorm only works on ranged units and is very inconsistent with the damage output (depending on the damage soaked up), meanwhile Corrins special works against any unit to reduce the damage taken and is consistent in the damage output, because its a flat % based Damage boost based on the units Atk.

    In other words: Corrin is very tanky on offense and defense against any foe, ecxept for dragon effectivness. You can only playerphase her with some form of Desperation and enough punching power behind it (or Brave weapon), but even that I am not sure of, because i have the high suspicion that she will be very fast. If you try to enemy phase her she will open up some wings of mercy shenanigans probably. And if she is fast and can run Flashing blade on the sealslot (she doesnt even need Flashign Blade if the enemy is at full health), not even QR might help. It really all boils down to her stat spread, if she is very fast she might be a strong dualphase contender Dragon against all units (ecxept Dragon effectivness)

    But she is very susceptible to Pulse Smoke^^ and AoE damage

  7. 1 minute ago, silverserpent said:

    Not that impressed with this banner, aside from Nils appearing. I need a better copy of him and Naga merges wouldn't hurt. But, I'm not going all-in. A max of 20 orbs is it for me on this. I'm still smarting from Dimitri, but at least he's +4 now.

    Also, why the f is Corrin Wind and not Water? Nothing about Corrin is "Wind" when she shoots fricking blasts of water everywhere. So glad this banner is a relative skip for me.

    I think we can all agree that the elemental system can be thrown out the window and was thrown out the window a long time ago. The System is there for scoring and nothing else. I mean otherwise Mila should have been an Astra/Anima Mythic (the opposite from Duma lore wise) etc etc.

  8. 3 minutes ago, LordFrigid said:

    I’m confused. What about her kit makes the special lackluster or not spammable?

    It’s 30% mitigation on activation, and effectively Draconic Aura for her next attack. It’s on a 2-charge cooldown after her weapon’s Accelerates Special Trigger effect. So, if she meets the stat boost and special charge acceleration condition, it activates on her opponent’s attack, and then she full-charges it on her own attack unless the enemy has Guard (or similar).

    Her kit is basicly Fjorm 2.0 but with a dualphase twist on it. Thats not bad per-se, infact i think it fits very well. I just wish they would have released Shileld Pulse 4 with her kit, which negates or reduces AoE damage when special is ready or so, would have made it more exciting!

  9. well i am glad its colorless because i was gonna hard on colorless anyway.

    F Corring though is not my first choice of pick for most loved Fates Lord.


    What i wish IS would finally do with all those Corrin/Robin etc M and F version is that, they start using their resplendant outfit changing mechanic! (with no stat increased). That way you can switch between which gender version you allways want.
    Obviously it would cost them more to make such a hero, because 2x Art, 2x Sprites and 2x Voiceacting. But it would save a char slot and it would definitly then also encourage people to summon on this char if they are the fan of the other gender.

  10. 2 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    I was expecting something like CYL 3 Vs. CYL 4, or CYL 4 Academy Phase Vs War Phase. I was surprised when I started the game and saw the banner.

    Anyway, i created the topic if you guys want to share your thoughts which army you guys will support:


    I think the problem with that is: no Tempest Trial or GHB unit. They make sure at least 1 F2P unit is in it. Then again you could argue that the CYL4 pick is F2P.

  11. 53 minutes ago, MilodicMellodi said:

    A majority of the Legendary units (10/23, a little under 45%) are Infantry, and all of them are very powerful in their own ways. And out of the five Legendary units you mentioned...guess what? 3 of them are Infantry and can inherit Infantry-exclusive or semi-exclusive skills.
    And while we're talking about Blessing-based units, and since you mentioned Sothis, let's get into Mythics. 5/13 (almost 40%) of them are Infantry, and all of them are very powerful units as well. Bramimond, Thrasir, and Mila are especially powerful outside of AR, and more so in it. In fact, Bramimond destroys Legendary!Julia either way so...yeah.
    As a recap, 15/36 of Blessing-based units are Infantry...and they're great right from the start. But when you add in Infantry-exclusive or semi-exclusive skills, they get more powerful than the other non-Infantry Legends/Mythics.
    Honestly, this is one of the biggest reasons why Poison Dagger+ needs to be a useful check at the very least. So many powerful units, and they have nothing to take them out except for specific units with specific, powerful prf skills. And most units capable of using said skills are either seasonal or incredibly rare, making them hard to get for most people — especially F2Pers.

    None of the mentioned Infantry Mythics/Legendaries doesnt have a weakness.

    Brammimond looses when being player phased (hell even when being enemy phased against a null follow up tank, or one that can prevent follow ups)
    Sothis can be nuked to oblivion
    Thrasir actually looses to a simple seal called Deflect Magic, or Ike in the big case. Or to simply ignoring debuff abilitys.
    Mila can be enemy phased by anyone because she is just freaking slow
    and Lif just looses

    I am not sure whats so threating about them.
    If anything Regular Lysethea is more threating. Lets face it the only reason people think Infantry are overpowered is because, Brave Ikes refine or Legendary Alm and because of Close Call/Repell etc.
    Let me remind you that Close Call etc can only be used compentently by handfull of Infantry users. Yeah lets screw units like Hawkeye/Boey/Robin etc over with Infantry effectiv weapons.
    And yes I do believe Close Call/Repell/Spurn are bullshit skills that should have never existed in the first place.

    Its really bad balance when you punish 90% of Infantry units just because 10% of the Infantry units have a supreme stat spread and personal weapons/skills.

  12. 1 hour ago, MilodicMellodi said:

    Tier 16, possibly Tier 17 by the end of the season at the rate I'm going.
    I've been on-and-off AR for the most part. I recently got back into it thanks to me FINALLY getting a Duo unit (so I didn't get destroyed while defending).
    Btw, do you see many Duo units in high Tier AR?

    I see occasionally a Duo unit in AR, but its not common. Duo-Micaiah, Duo-Hector with Kronya, or Duo-Alphonse. Thats basicly it. The Problem i think most Duo-units face is besides 2-3 Mythics and your main tank/player phase unit there isnt much room left to place a Duo unit. Especially in Astra season where your Mythics provide next to none extra support (besides effectiv Dragon Damage)

  13. 6 hours ago, XRay said:

    For Enemy Phase, I would go with the following if he is not needed to counter melee enemies:

    Wing Parthia
    Reposition — Swap
    Moonbow — Ruptured Sky
    Spd/Def Unity — Spd/Res Unity — Steady Posture — Swift Stance
    Dull Ranged — Guard
    Atk/Spd Rein — Panic Smoke — Pulse Smoke
    Swift Stance — Steady Posture — Iote's Shield

    Since ANF!Claude is pretty fast, he has less need for Guard compared to a slow tank. If he is not getting doubled, enemies are much less likely to trigger a Special against him. If you still want Guard somewhere on his build, I would move it to the C slot as Pulse Smoke, as that will help him deal with enemies with precharged Specials too.

    For his A slot, I lean towards Unity, but Stances are fine too if you really want to keep Guard in the build with Atk/Spd Rein. As a Spd tank, his most important stat is Spd in my opinion, as avoiding doubles means he will be taking less damage overall, so I would make sure most or all of his skills boost Spd.

    I would also try to balance his bulk, so if you are running Steady Posture or Spd/Def Unity on this A slot, I would run Swift Stance on his Sacred Seal slot. He will need Iote's Shield if you need him to go against archers though.

    Dismissing Guard on a unit that cant prevent automatic follow ups is asking for trouble, even if its a fast unit. Especially when planing to use him as a Tank in AR, which Claude has good potential. But you definitly need Guard in some form or manner and Pulse Smoke to deal competently with Infantry Pulse Teams that have Bramimond or any other kind of autofollow-up attacker. Pulse Smoke alone will not allways cut it.

    Btw there is no Spd/Def Unity in existence, neither is SPD/Res Unity in existence, only Dimitris Atk/Def Unity exists. If you meant Forms, than that depends on the Team composition, because it restricts the placement of 3 of your allies heavy.

    For PVE it really doesnt matter much.

  14. Really depends on the bonus unit that are available for my Team.

    But atm the biggest threats are Lysethea, because Pulse Smoke doesnt effect her much at all with Times Pulse. So its either kill her or get wrecked.

    Pulse Teams arent that big of an issue with Pulse Smoke.

    And then there are some oddities in between, but to be honest i am not even try hardcore anymore, i usually end up using all 3 Free AR Runs even tough i have still the well intact to rerun. I just cant be bothered.

  15. 3 minutes ago, Roflolxp54 said:

    Got +Spd/-HP Claude through one of the free tickets -- it seems like the game doesn't want me to fodder him at all (a Galeforce flier that relies on Heavy Blade checks like Cordelia would love Atk/Spd Rein).

    I was tempted to spark for another Claude but then remembered that Caeda uses Flashing Blade so she may favor Spd/Def Rein once it exists and that my Summer Lyn already has Sturdy Impact and Ground Orders so she doesn't really need Atk/Spd Rein. And Florina would rather prefer Atk/Def Rein.

    well another possibility is Brave Camilla. I mean a +10 +SPD Camilla is sitting on 44 SPD then you add 3Atk and 3 Spd from her weapon, 7 Spd and Atk from Push and 4 Spd from atk/spd rein for a whoping 10 Atk and 14 spd. yeah 58 Spd. Although I think i should rather wait for res/spd Rein, if that ever happens.

    Another candidate i can see is Myrrh as a supertank, although i would rather see there Atk/Res or Atk/Def Rein, because Spd Doesnt help her much.

    FGrimma can also make good use of Atk/Spd Rein. Especially with her Dragonskin A-Skill

    But I think my pick will be my Heavyblade 4, Dive Bomb +10 Resplendant Cordelia

  16. 14 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

    Datamine notes [SPOILERS]: 

      Reveal hidden contents

    The restrictions for the rest of the Limited Hero Battles are:

    Path of Radiance & Radiant Dawn vs. M!Corrin & Azura; no dancers
    Shadow Dragon & [New] Mystery of the Emblem vs. Garon; 1 dancer
    Sacred Stones vs. Chrom & Lissa; no dancers
    Awakening vs. Legendary Lucina; 1 dancer

    So good news, the next Hall of Forms lineup has a grail unit!

      Hide contents

    ....but it's Oliver. The rest of the lineup is dancer Micaiah, dancer Elincia and Halloween Mia. The armor heavy lineups of previous Hall of Forms aren't looking so bad now, huh?

    Super boons and banes for the new arrivals:

    Edelgard: Def for boon; Atk, Spd for banes
    Dimitri: Atk, Def for boons; HP, Res for banes
    Claude: Spd, Res for boons; no banes
    Lysithea: Atk, Spd for boons; HP for bane
    Jorge: no boons; Spd, Res for banes


    Oh god the battle against Lucina is gonna suck. My Awakening Roster is not really stellar by any definition lol

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