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Posts posted by Hilda

  1. 3 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

    @Some Jerk Yes, that Cleric was incredibly annoying and bulky. Congrats on your clear! Midori is also quite bulky.

    @XRay That's weird. It works for me... Can you try again? I'm very curious how an f2p guide would clear this. This map was one of the harder ones for me.

    i doubt f2p abyssal is possible, because the units will lack firepower. Sabotage Atk, Milas Turnwheel and that Clersics Ploy Skill ocupy basicly the whole map and dont leave much room open to avoid all of them.

  2. 9 minutes ago, XRay said:

    But Bramimond cannot blast things into oblivion on his own. With an Infantry Pulse team, sure he can, but so does every ranged infantry unit with decent Atk who can all blast things into outer space with Glacies or Ignis bombs. Without Infantry Pulse support, Bramimond is kind of pathetic, unlike SK!Alm, QOV!Celica, Pain staffers, and Hardy Bearing Dancers/Singers who are all strong threats on their own.

    Against an Infantry Pulsed Bramimond, a player with double Milas with both Pulse Ties can just wait 2 or 3 turns to unravel the Infantry Pulse team's Specials and then move in to Enemy Range and get tickled.

    unless you are running Null Follow up Bramimond will blast most supertanks into oblivion, even with pulse ties unless you inflict some form of Guard.

    you also seem conveniently to forget that Mila gives +Def and not +Res so the supertank is even more susceptible to nukes

  3. 16 hours ago, XRay said:

    If you read my post carefully, I never argued Peony cannot. I argued that Peony has severe limitations on how she can use her buff supports.

    Assuming a super tank is bringing 2 buffers and 2 Mythics, 2 buffers will be in a loose formation with the super tank most of the time. In many cases, there simply is not enough space to run a third buffer for a full diamond formation. And in a full diamond formation, assuming the super tank is in the northern tip, Peony's full buffing potential is only possible if she occupies the southern tip of the diamond, and that is a severe limitation compared to Mila who can occupy the any of the corners.

    I never claimed Mila is the end all and be all of Light Mythics. What Mila is good at is limiting the mobility of defense teams so the super tank can take its time to safely chew through a defense team in piecemeal. Double Milas with both Pulse Ties can also unravel an Infantry Pulse team relatively quickly, and with their Specials gone, a super tank will have no issue taking an Infantry Pulse team's hits.

    Personally, I never found Dance to be super necessary on a super tank team. It is useful, but not critical.

    in all honesty this discussion is moot, because Bramimond exists, period... no matter how much support someone parks near a supertank, Bramimond just will blast him into oblivion.

  4. 56 minutes ago, Vicious Sal said:

    Yeah good luck trying to outspeed a 53 effective spd Eliwood on PP, when you don’t have field buffs, or even worse, 60 speed when he initiates on you, with special fighter, follow up negation and 40/39 defenive stats. 

    He is a monster, resplendent was what tipped me over the edge ans made me build him. 

    the problem with AR D/Spd is that he cant distant counter. Unless you have hidden him very well behind anything otherwise he might get sniped

  5. 58 minutes ago, XRay said:

    I tried throwing Celica with 3 Dancers/Singers, NS!F!Corrin with 3 Dancres/Singers, flier team with 2 nukes and 2 Dancers/Singers, and BH!Ike with BH!Lucina and double Peonys, but none of that worked for me. The units are too bulky AND fast.

    I think this is the first time I was not able to clear Abyssal in quite a while. I think I will just wait for Pheonixmaster1.

    The video stops loading around the third second for me.

    meanwhile the askrtrio cleared this on Abyssal with Veronica! Maybe going pure Playerphase isnt the optimal strategie here?


  6. 2 hours ago, Rinco said:

    When did we get the CYL1 refines? I can't remember exactly. Do you guys think we'll get CYL2 refines on the same month this year that we got the CYL1 last year (or at all)? 

    I dont see CYL2 refines happening very soon. I mean i would welcome them for sure and want them, but it would create a twist:
    We havent had a single stave unit refine/personal weapon and Veronica would then be the 1. one to get one. That means the gates are open for stave personal weapon/refines.

  7. 2 hours ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

    Klein and Merric would be great. Florina is pretty much guaranteed to get one, IMO.


    In regards to book 1 characters, what I want to see most is:

    Klein (Nifl)

    MRobin (Embla)

    Innes (who also really needs the universal stats) (Askr)

    Chrom (Embla)

    Catria (Nifl)

    Laslow (Embla)

    Sigurd (Muspell for a laugh)

    Sothe (Askr)

    Camus (Embla)

    Lloyd (Embla)

    sry but Xander Embla just has to happen! just because of the comic and the stuff mentioned ingame

  8. 9 minutes ago, Vicious Sal said:

    Can’t wait for Ashera to be an anima defense Mythic with the following C skill:


    ’Judgement of Order’

    Reduces time limit in modes like Aether raids during Anima season by 1. This effect can stack.



    Just place 6 Ashera in the back and fill buildings on the front. Guaranteed to win after the first turn.


    Well Mila might have turned Fallen Julia into the best light season tank.
    Has a very high Res stat: 40 without merges and no boon/bane
    strips the enemy from all buffs
    has an automatic follow up attack when she isnt near an ally
    inflicts -8 Atk during combat on enemy
    inflicts -8 Res during combat on enemy (basicly +8 attack)
    gives a big FU to addaptiv Dragon Damage

    with 17 Def, you could run her with 2 Milas for 27 Def, +5 Def from close foil and +8 Def from her -Atk incombat debuff for 40 Def. then add another 4 Def and Res from Milas weapon.

    Also unmerged: 55 base atk +8 from her kit +4 from weapon buffs of Mila: 67 Attack and then sprinkle in whatever you want

  9. For a Mythic she is kinda lackluster? Mmm Double Mila could be potentially be very strong the wording on her C-skill has "If the turn limity is 7, it will increase to 8 ETC." Meaning potentially that you have 9 turns with 2 Milas and 10 turns with 3 Milas.

    I think she was originally supposed to be on the Anima/Astra season as a mythic, but since Thrasir basicly butchered all Dragons during that season IS decided to make her into a Light Mythic so people would actually spend money on her.

  10. 46 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

    Myrrh is Getting a Refine

    please, all i ask that this be amazingly good. i'm not even gonna wish anything because i know if i start dreaming i'll just be disappointed but considering all the busted Dragon Breaths they've given most dragons recently - just.. make her more amazing. (i guess the worst case scenario - if it sucks i can refine for def)

    all she needs is Iotes Shield, lowering the threshold for the non follow up condition.

    or just lower the threshold for the non follow up and add an guaranteed follow up if she meets the condition.

  11. 14 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

    Oh boy, an Elibe Resplendent. I was getting really worried that those games would continue to go ignored for half of a month.

    ......Seriously, this level of favoritism in just a single area (Resplendents) should not be acceptable. And to make it worse, it’s Roy yet another red unit as well.

    Roy is our boy!!!

  12. 2 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

    I'm glad they didn't wait too long to give Roy his resplendent attire. Now Lucina is the last CYL 1 winner in need of it.

    I like the idea of these New Heroes revivals, gives a solid chance for more resources and units.

    for the love of god no more sword heroes or red nukes... we could use some resplendent Dagger, Staff or a Green book nuke. The next hero will be  5Star exclusiv and rock the Askr Attire. I really hope its not Lucina.

  13. 17 hours ago, Vicious Sal said:

    Well considering Micaiah has a Colourless tome now, Staff legendary Micaiah it is! i mean, who else would fit the criteria of being in consideration for Legendary + Staff user?

    Athos? Elice? St. Elimine? Dont know i mean if IS wanted they could pull of a Legendary Elise or Sakura

  14. 6 hours ago, Darkmoon6789 said:

    If a necessary evil is actually necessary, I don't consider it dark at all. Can you think of anything in particular, she does do in the other routes which doesn't happen in CF which fits this category?. Allowing the Agarthans to grow too powerful is the only one I can think of. And I don't think that is a willing choice on her part as much as Byleth's presence is a factor that allows her the luxury of having to rely on them less. 

    It isn't like she orders the deaths of civilians anywhere really. I don't even truly view the creation of the Dukedom as her doing. Characters in game might view Cornelia as an agent of the Empire, but I know better. And the truth is much darker.

    Realisticly speaking: I am not sure if a War was Edelgards intentions at all. I think what many people dont get is that War was inevitable, no matter what. I mean consider the political situation:

    The Adrestian empire was allready compromised and partially in the "true enemies" hand (the shadowpeople). The Emperor served as a pure "puppet" device to further the plans of the people in the shadows. So at some point they were going to hit the church and the other lands anyway with a decleration of war.

    Then there is the Leicester Alliance. I think the name speaks for itself, its an Alliance. Get some houses to flock to your side (and the shadowpeople were allready doing that) and you see that this Alliance doesnt have much firepower to withstand the full force of the Adrestian empire in the shadowpeoples hand. In an Alliance it is very difficult to get everyone on the same page and push through your agendas and Ideas of the future without a united front, in this case Claude.

    The Kingdom of Faerghus. Putting the instability of Dimitri aside as an unfit ruler. The Kingdom of Faerghus had allways strong connections to the church of Seiros and would have sided with the church no matter what. Progression? I dont think so. The Assassination attempt (The Tragedy of Duscur) speaks for itself. Someone wanted to distabilize the country, and they succeeded to some degree.

    You can go much more into Detail here, but i mean given the above facts the question i would pose myself as Edelgard is: "Ok I know where this is all heading towards with the information i have and War is innevitable, do i want to have some/partial control over it or let it run its course and then be unable to do anything because its too late? Probably ending with a worse result then my Idea/belief?"
    This isnt teletubby land where you can just talk to the other Leaders and "omg yaie we will unite and kill of the shadowpeople". I mean seriously if some random princess i dont know well would come to me and say that their country is being undermined and i should jeopardy my country to go and help them without proof evidence or anything of that sort i would be like "omg go take your pills, you insane?", the second question would be: "what do i and my country gain out of it?" to myself. Beside the fact that i would need to sell that crazy idea first and foremost to my own country and people, thats gonna fly very well.

  15. 40 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    What can I say about the topic... Hm... I can start saying that I don't like Edelgard... as the protagonist/heroine. I like her in the villain role.

    I just don't agree with Edelgard's methods to how reach her ambitions. It's pretty controversial, in my opinion.

    Of course, I agree with her about the Crest System having some problems and that it should be fixed, like how it ruined families (Sylvain and Mercedes are good examples of it), but I don't believe her way to deal with it was the right one... especially not working with the ones that did all the bad things to her. Yes, her brothers were all killed because of the Crest System, but it was not the Church that did all those things. I still believe that maybe there was a pacific solution, by using her position as the emperor to make a reunion with all others leaders plus teh archbishop and discuss about the current situation of Fódlan, but still...

    In my honest opinion and with my experience as someone in a leading position, you cant allways have a pacific solution. As terrifying as that sounds its the reality and if both sides arent willing to compromise or sacrifice anything on there part, there wont be a pacific solution because someone allways has to pay the price, and most of the time a compromise ends in a loose/loose situation where neither side is satisfied with the consensus they have, thus there is allways the lingering possibility/conflict of one side trying to overthrow the other side later on. If i was in Edelgards shoes I wouldnt trust Rhea either, but i also understand why Rhea wouldnt trust Edelgard. In that regard i believe that Rhea would have not been willing to bulge or move from her position. Of course there needs to be a base of understanding for each others side to even have a chance on a pacific solution.
    Edelgard is also not willing to bulge or move from her position, so in that regard this option is from a realistic point of view out of the question.

    In my honest opinion Edelgard had no other choice then to work with the "people in the shadows". Yes they did bad and horrible things, but if you think about it from a logic standpoint. The Adrestian Empire was allready infiltrated by the "people in the shadows", which means the Adrestian Imperators power and control was allready compromised (and thus Edelgards power). There was only 2 possible ways:
    fight the Shadowpeople head on resulting in a Civil war and by thus weakening the Adrestian Empire significatnly, which would have made it probably impossible to even later tackle on the holy church OR would haven even opened up the possibility of another Country to attack the Adrestian Empire in this weakened state.
    work with the Shadowpeople while keeping your own "hidden agenda" in check and accomplish goal number 1: overthrow the holy church, while preparing inside to later eradicate the Shadowpeople inside when the right moment presents himself. This is very delicate to do but doesnt leave much weakness open.
    We also dont know what was ordered from the Shadowpeople upon Edelgard as a task/assignment. I mean she prolly had to do things she really didnt want to do, but had to because otherwise her influence and intel gathering would have gone down or her cover would have blown up.


    While playing Crimson Flower, I never had a moment when I thought "I am doing the right thing". I had this thought while playing Azure Moon and Verdant Wind, but not with Crimson Flower, because I don't agree with the way she does what she does.

    Outside this things, I also don't think she is that likable either... I am not a huge fan of her personality and her behavior. But she is not all about low points for me. Sometimes I saw something nice on her... but not always. With Claude and Dimitri, I liked those characters right away, while with Edelgard... it never happened.

    I was between being ok with her and disliking her when I played Crimson Flower... but when she lied about the Church being the responsables for the javelins of light in Arianrhod, that made my mind. I kinda understand why she did that, but still.... made me dislike her even more that I already did.

    Maybe if I had played Crimson Flower as my first path, I would have a different opinion about her, because most of the people I know that support and defend her are the people that played Crimson Flower first. Compared to the others paths, I don't thing Crimson Flowers is that interesting... being shorter compared to the others ad not having the part where the Empire fights Those Who Slither in the Dark in screen.

    Well, that's my opinion about Edelgard. She is definitely not my favorite Lord in Three Houses... also probably my least favorite lord in all Fire Emblem franchise, from all the games I played... She is not my least favorite student because Hubert exists...  and I don't have any interesting in playing Crimson Flower ever again.

    Edelgard... for me, you is a great villain... and that's all.

    Leaders that make decisions based on Intel and a realistic outcome are never liked by all. As a ruler/king/leader you also have to make the unpopular choice which isnt liked by most people but will pave the way for a better and revolutionized future. This is the hardest to do and allways takes a toll on one owns mind, but in the end it has to be done, when there is no solution in near reach. You can allways say later on when all has passed by that there is another solution, but was that solution reachable in an timely manner? Would it have had the desired effect?
    You also need to consider that the Time is allways ticking, Edelgard can only keep a charade up for so long before it falters. The shadowpeople also gain more power and control over time in the Empire, the longer she waits, the harder it would be for her to later get rid of them.

  16. I am not an Edelgard fan. i dont hate her at all.

    While her actions seem to be too drastic for most people, i think they are rational and very carefully selected for what she is trying to accomplish. She is in a delicate Situation where she is trying to overthrow a long lasting monarchy like repression and gain intel on a secret society that might eradicate what she is trying to accomplish: Freedom by work and ones "own choice" instead of birthright. To accomplish such a feat she has to navigate very carefully and be very mindfull with whom she shares what information, because it would end her path (and herself) very quickly, naturally in such a situation you dont trust almost anyone at all.

    She is a depicted strong woman with a clear vision of a future, not many can handle this. Some call her a dictator, i would call her a Liberator and Revolutionizer.

    Meanwhile Dimitri is (no offense) a washed up dude that cant keep his s*** together, very very very unfit to rule in my eyes. I dont hate him, i just done see the glorification of him at all. He didnt manage anything on his own, his leadership is questionable, his intel is blinded by hatred and emotions thus leading to wrong decisions. He only manages to accomplish anything and pull himself BARELY together with Byleth as help. Unfit to rule in my eyes. I give him credit for trying to be a noble knight. Its this romatnic overdramatic stuff that really has no place when you need to rule a country and make logic based decisions.

    Claude on the other hand is fantastic. Gathering intel, trying to navigate himselt through a not so easy task and makeing decisions based on the intel he gathers. Meanwhile still being motivated and makeing the best out of the situation he is presented with.

    My 2 cents.
    Btw: Dimitry was my 1. playthrough pick, Claude my 2. and Edelgard my 3.

  17. With the powercreep since 1 year going up i think its high time to give Gem weapons, Brave Weapons and Raventomes a Refine, but hold on! Not the Regular refines, just to spice things up.

    Brave Weapons+ (melee) can be reforged and gain the following effects (there is no mulitpath):
    Their Might goes from 8 to 10 and the Spd Penalty is reduced to -3 no
    Brave Bows stay at 7 might their Spd just gets reduced to -3 penalty and they gain +2 HP

    Gem Weapons (Might 12)can pick from the following refines: 4 choices
    Same base effect but Might at 15 and +5 HP or +3 to any othe rstat
    Same base effect, Mt12 but with Null-Follow up
    Same base effect, Mt12 but they take 80% reduced damage from AoE specials and Regular Specials they have Triangle advantage over
    Same base effect, Mt12 but Brash assault (active at all times as long as the opponent can counter)

    Raventomes Mt11: 4 choices
    Same base effect but, Mt 12 and +3 HP or +2 to any other stat
    same base effect, Mt 11 and Null-C-Disrupt
    same base effect, Mt 11 and Guard
    same base effect, Mt 11 and Triangle Adept

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