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Posts posted by Hilda

  1. 1 hour ago, Rinco said:

    Yeah, that would be cool!

    I'm thinking on Galeforce + Boots Seal on Duma. With Bold Fighter he can proc GF and that would make everyone be a huge threat. Sylvia will prolly have a Firesweep to have an aditional coverage against Vantage.

    Iago just got built. I went with Sudden Panic on his B slot to keep the Panic effect every turn and maybe throw off someone who doesn't check him

    not sure how viable Sudden panic is on him, but at least on odd turns you are guaranteed to proc a debuff on the enemy assuming you meet the HP conditions. So the only way for a supertank to tank without any debuffs is on even turns, which means a supertank need at least one unit adjecent to him to avoid debuffs, so higher probability to snipe.

    This could synergize well with either Bramimond or Thrasir. Tough i woudl say more with Bramimond, because he can have a Dark Mythic sidekick additionaly that can cover half the screen with debuffs (Yune). Iago Bramimond + Yune together could make it near impossible to dodge debuffs.

  2. 1 hour ago, Rinco said:

    I think I'll build Iago for my future Infantry Pulse team. 
    Iago, Sylvia and Ophelia with IP, Kagero to get all those 3 IPs for turn 1 Glacies, Duma and Thrasir as Mythics.
    Iago and Sylvia will probably use 2 CD specials. If I figure positioning right, that team can do some nasty stuff.

    Actually Thrasir could be threatening with an ready to go AoE too, at least for 1 opponent, because it automaticly ticks of all her conditions.

  3. 13 minutes ago, XRay said:

    I am not sure what the point is unless you wish to elaborate. Not all offense teams completely fill up their backline with Structures (O), so cav line's space oppression would not be that effective. My semi cav line has pretty good success during first two days of the season when I get matched with more casual players who completely fill up their backline, but as the week goes on, it loses effectiveness against more advanced players who leave their back line open.

    That is the whole point of a complete cav line, leave little room and snipe a unit off, but as i mentioned a Blade Tome will do little to nothing against an Aversa/Sudden Panic/Panic Manor Team, while Eirika will do more in that case. I also never stated that a Cav Line cant be countered. I am not even sure why you brought up SPD Tanks Alm etc, when the simple fact is that Eirikas refine will do better when up against an Aversa/Panic Team in a pure Cav line then a Blade Tome.

  4. 31 minutes ago, Icelerate said:

    Eliwood is going to become even more beast of a unit. I'd rather they give units that are underwhelming the fix first. But the art fix was needed. 

    to be honest you cant fix underwhelming units (note underwhelming not decent) with the stat boost. Regular Leo will still be underwhelming even with the stat boost, not because of his stat distribution (although his attack could use some boosting up), but because his personal weapon and refine dont even make the best out of his min-max stat distribution.
    If Brynhildr was: At start of combat if units SPD & ATK < foes SPD & ATK: inflicts -6Atk & RES on foe during combat and unit makes a guaranteed follow up attack while enemy can not make a follow up attack.
    Leo would be decent even without the stat boost

    Gen 1 units can only be good if they have: A and excellent offensiv stat spread or B a decent-godly refined weapon. Just look at Brave Ike. He was literally trash and niche before his refine.


  5. 1 hour ago, XRay said:

    That is true, and a lot of super tank got Lulls to significantly blunt Blades, but Atk/Spd+8 does not seem very threatening. A lot of Spd super tanks have little issue handling SK!Alm, and I do not think SM!Eirika has anywhere near that level of firepower. For super tanks of the Def/Res variety, I am sure not sure that Atk+8 is sufficient.

    You are missing the point of a cav line. And @Vicious Salmentioned specific a cav line.

  6. 1 minute ago, XRay said:

    Its primary advantage is Spd, but I do not see much of a benefit if it cannot overwhelm a tank's Def/Res like Blade tomes can.

    The problem with Blade tomes in AR is Panic manor or Aversa so Eirika has definitly a niche in a Def Cav-Line that wants to avoid their units being crippled by Panic. A Blade Tome would be utterly useless in that setup against panic, while Eirika can still hurt you.

  7. 50 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

    So, if the pattern holds, after Eliwood we're getting a 5☆ exclusive unit in a Muspell outfit. Part of me wants it to be Leo, since he's one of the only launch characters I don't have (along with Ryoma and Linde), but I feel like they won't repeat a game twice in a row.

    why not? The amount of Gen1 heroes wasnt equally distributed among the games, so its only plausible that some games repeat.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

    Not awful, but he always looked a bit awkward and somewhat ...skeletal? I'm probably weighing the fact of him being so comprehensively outclassed by 3-4* Ares more in this case I suppose.

    @Hilda I'd love it if GHB units were added to the candidates but I'm going to assume not at this stage. Xander's art is a bit iffy to me but Camus' is fine as is I think. At any rate, if Gen 1 GHBs were in, it surely has to be Female Robin and Lloyd.

    I dont think GHB are out of the field. But I think Xander will be rather an Embla redesign then Muspell. And I dont think IS is primary only targeting units with bad Art soon. Lyns Art was in my eyes good, but she prolly got picked due to popularity. Azuras Art was fine too and was picked due to popularity. I think they analized their data: They are going by how many peopel have invested in which Gen 1 unit most likely. In the beginning before Gen 3 i have seen quite a few invested Azuras Lyns. I have seen even in recent time +10 Eliwoods Cordelias (alot) and some Sophias. I also have seen quite a few +10 Xanders. I think everything is possible, but they are going by their bingo list: most invested/popular unit check, needs a redesign check. But the primary check is the one that matters most to IS, because they want to get those subs in.

  9. On 4/9/2020 at 4:03 AM, XRay said:

    I think it might be okay to double post. We are getting new map modes that bar Dancers/Singers. For my fellow Player Phase players out there, what kind of "Dancer/Singer" replacements are you thinking of to bypass that restriction? Were you inspired to think of any new Assist skills?

    For me, the best alternative Dancers/Singers I can think of are GA!Lucina with Future Vision, CE!Chrom with To Change Fate!, and Lilith with Astral Breath for unconditional Wings of Mercy. However, none of the three feels quite adequate though, and I think it would still be a challenge to master them.

    To replicate the classic Dance/Sing-Reposition, I think the best way to do that is to combine two positioning Assist skills into one: Reposition-Pivot! It does exactly like what it sound like! Also Pivot-Reposition!

    Target ally moves to opposite side of unit, then unit moves to opposite side of target ally.

    Unit moves to opposite side of target ally, then target ally moves to opposite side of unit.

    Not sure if there is much different between the two skills in practice, but yeah, those are my ideas for bypassing the no Dancer/Singer restrictions.

    no. how about trying to deal/built a Team that doesnt need a Dancer for those easy maps? There is a reason this game has Tanky units with shitty PP stats/utility: They are meant to take PP units into safety by using reposition or swap. Again its only Infernal maps, again IS wants you to level units you usually dont use and use a strategic approach to a map, rather then just go braindead with 3 Dancers. Its a strategy game after all...

  10. 7 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

    My pick for next 5* overhaul for those who need it (taking into account both art and stats) might be Mist or Luke, maybe Eldigan. None of those are anywhere near as popular as the existing picks though, so more realistically perhaps, Hector or Ninian?

    Nah i think Hector and Ninian are out for a while. I would guess (not from an Art point of view) Xander Camus Celica Alm, maybe Sanaki?

  11. 3 minutes ago, Vicious Sal said:

    Oh man, I was planning on Eliwood for my new Defense map, this makes him even better. That mean's I have another merge project coming up. Oh dear.

    due to the Resplendend stat buff he is more tanky then his Brave son while sporting the same amount of offensiv power. I believe he is the first melee Cav that can reach 170 BST with Dragon flowers, unmerged that is. I would invest in him, but the fact i have allready like 4 +10 Red Cavs makes it kinda meh for me 😞

    The moment The Reinhardt gets a Resplended Attire everyone will sub or purchase him.

  12. 4 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

    It isn't like regular Distant Counter. It only works if the enemy is a physical weapon user (sword, lance, axe, bow, dagger or beast).

    Distant Foil could be great on Sigurd. Actually thats the only unit where that skill would somewhat make sense, because it synergizes with his B-Skill and Weapon to some degree.

    Or maybe on a fancy fun build Aegis/Shield Pulse build on a slow high Def unit with Deflect Magic Sacred Seal, Lukas for example, but you are basicly butchering the units limited offensiv power allready... or Edelgard

  13. There are 3 Legendary Heroes left to be introduced:

    Earth Res
    Fire Spd
    and Pair up Wind

    And 6 Mythic Heroes. We should be done by the end of the Year. Coincidence? Or will we see another mode by then.
    I do believe that Legendary Heroes will be done after 3 more and we will see some different form of Special Hero variants. There are only a handful prominent Lords missing: Xander, Micaiah, Corrin (and 3 Houses, not sure how you could even implement Sigurd). What are your thoughts?

  14. 4 minutes ago, XRay said:


      Reveal hidden contents

    If the player is using a super tank team, it does dampens a super tank's damage output a bit. But if the super tank is using BH!Lucina, then it does not really affect the super tank as much since they can just go back to using Moonbow.

    The Guard effect also does not impact Firesweepers and Blade mages much since they are not that reliant on Specials for their roles. Definitely a pain in the ass for other nukes though, like Blazing nukes and fast Brave archers, since they are pretty reliant on Specials.



    Aversa and Iago on odd numbered turns are even more fun!


  15. 2 hours ago, NSSKG151 said:

    Now that I think about it I think the next Legendary is going to have the fire element since it is still going to be fire season at the end of the month. I don't think Micaiah has an affinity to the fire element so my guess there might be wrong. Xander I could see be fire element if they want to have Nohr represented by fire but really I just see any Fates legendary defaulting to water element since Hosido's rep and Valla's rep were both water element and it would be weird to me to see Nohr's rep be anything but water. But as of late I feel like IS just slaps whatever element on the Legendary Heroes.

    I actually kind of wish we were getting a Mythic Hero this month instead because it would have been a good time to bring Medeus into the game to coincide with the 30th anniversary.

    It has to be Green Xander. We havent gotten any Green Legendary pair up unit. We got 2 Reds 2 Blues 2 Colorless no green yet. 

    And i mean if Fates diesnt get a pair up legendary lol?

  16. 9 minutes ago, LordFrigid said:


    Lilith is amazing. Flying Dragon with Astral Breath is always what I imagined for her. I figured Astral Breath might have DC, since it's a long-range weapon in Fates, but what it does have is arguably a lot better. Free mobility and +5 stat bonuses (on top of inherent +3 Spd, no less) should make her a great option for utility and combat. She could probably pull off some crazy shenanigans with that warp power. I actually think she'd pair nicely with Leila for Galeforce-less hit-and-run shenanigans (Attack with Leila → Constant Dagger switch → Warp with Lilith → Reposition...though I guess technically this was always possible with an Aerobatics flier). It's a pity I don't have Leila.

    Not sure what the point of Leila and Lilith in same Team is. Lilith can warp in from any point of the map to her support partner and Leila swaps places with her support partner if he is within 2 ranges. So a support between those 2 would be moot and actually a detriment because you are limiting Liliths movement. You cant have more then one support partner so something like double corrins + Leila + Lilith wont work either.

    If anything Lilith is a fantastic support partner for a cav galeforce unit or cav ranged unit due to the amount of mobility you gain

  17. 32 minutes ago, Nym said:

    Am I the only one who is afraid that Gaius' refine isn't going to be good?

    I really wish the refine is good. Maybe not Brave Ike's level of amazing but just good. 

    And I want to use my +Attack Gaius, IS.

    But seeing his whole thing about candy and his dagger being a candy, I'm really afraid he might get something bad. Or that they will copy Asugi's personnal skill and slap it on his weapon. And that's not something he needs as an unit with low attack.

    I think they will give Gaius a more Support like Refine. Maybe a 3 range Healing AoE effect with buffs on the side or so, otherwise almost every offensive Dagger role is taken. I mean he hasnt non existent bulk and low attack, the only thing going for him is his Spd, which is midling nowadays with all the powercreep and his moderate HP.
    Felicia: Adaptiv Damage
    Jakob: Deals massive damage when near a damaged unit and when he initiates
    Kagero: Raw Damage and the ability to survive the first counter hit
    Saizo: works around debuffs
    Mathew: works around debuffs too but in a different Blade-Tome esque way
    Jaffar: AoE Chip damage master

    The only thing i can see that would work is a refine based around his SPD

    Maybe he gets a Ruse Atk/SPD special refine to go with his Rally SPD

  18. 2 minutes ago, eclipse said:

    I'd expect that on Legendary Camilla.  Which would probably throw the entire fanbase into an uproar that i don't want to think about.

    doesnt matter what a Legendary Camilla would wear as a weapon. The fact that she would have a Legendary alt would throw the entire fanbase into uproar. And it would be a banner i would refuse to spend anything on just to spite Camilla as a Legendary.

  19. On 4/1/2020 at 3:39 PM, Diovani Bressan said:

    Bramimond in AR will be so fun, guys!


    Almost noone uses Dragons anymore in AR. I rarely see some in Light/Dark season, but barely any, because the Defensiv fields are field with Dragon effectiveness or Heavens rend etc.

  20. 11 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:


    @Hilda Yeah, that would make her quite destructive. She can keep up with Leila in Spd.

    Actually she can not, a +10 Leila will beat a +10 Ylgr anyway, just by the mear fact that Leila has 15 BST more then Ylgr. a +SPD +10 Leila has 1 Speed over a +10 +10DF Ylgr yeah... Of course the passives matter, but you get the point

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