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Posts posted by Hilda

  1. 47 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

    It wasn’t too difficult for me either, but it did force me to actually think instead of just going into auto-pilot (like for someone like Altina’s ordeal). 

    You can’t get exactly expect a unit (especially a staff unit) to kill shit easily (if at all) when they have a pathetic 28/22 offensive spread, after all.

    isnt that the whole point of a strategy game "to think"? in other words not hard if you put some thought behind it. I mean seriously if one considers Heroic Ordeals too hard i really have no words left...

  2. 2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    That would require leveling him up and building him since the Heroic Ordeals for newer units are much more difficult than ones for older units. And I don't want to build a unit up just to throw them away later.

    lvl 35 is enough with the skill the unit comes with and a seal. Ordeals arent that hard, because there is alos a partner.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Zeo said:

    Duo Idunn is disgusting. I still don't have a red armor dragon so I'm sure she'd be fantastic. Can't help but feel like she'll just be even more cancer for AR though. Regular Idunn was hard enough to deal with but this Idunn is just too much. I may have to actually craft a second light team just for units like this. Matthew can do literally nothing against her.

    She wont be used in Defensiv setups much because the AI cant activate her Duo-Skill. The real cancer comes from her being in an offense Team, because she annihilates all weakness Dragons and Armorers have. Which means armorers are back at supertanking, which means i really need to pull out the most disgusting Defense builds

  4. Legendary Hector: "I am the only Armorer that can naturally prevent Follow-up attacks as long as i have all my friends near me and get Def +3!"

    Idunn: "Hold my beer! I get +3 Res, can prevent Follow-up attacks from enemies, inflict -6 Atk, neutralize all my penalties and deal adaptiv damage to ranged units! And all i need is 1 person near me or a buff! Also did i mention i have a perky duo skill that gives me Armor- and Dragonslaying immunity? Did i also mention my 185 BST DUUUUHH!!"

    L.Hector: "oh..."

    1 year later:

    Blabla: "Hi my name is Blabla and i am a Dragon! My Breath allows me to: prevent follow up attacks, gives me auto-follow up attacks on both phases, i neutralize all penaltys on me and debuff the enemy with -6 to all stats while i gain +6 to all stats. Did I also mention that i have effectiv damage against Infantry, Armorers, Dragons and Horses? Also my Duo-Skills rips the sky open and sends out lightning strikes that deal 60 dmg to all the enemies and bounds them for 1 round! and all i need for that? just be in the game!? I also forgot to mention that i have 195 BST DUUUUUU!"

  5. 17 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    How rude. How about the fact that she took back her kingdom and brought a golden age to Crimea as queen? Also, if characters like Julia, Ryoma, and Tiki can be legendary, Elincia definitely can. She's just as relevant to Tellius, if not more, as these characters are to their own games.

    why rude. Is she? Elincia doesnt qualify as a Legendary. I never played the Tellius games and i have heard of Ike and Micaiah, never heard of Elincia pre FEH. If we go by importance then Anna should have been a Legendary before Elincia even gets qualified for it lol

  6. allright finished all Hall of Forms Chambers. The later ones were a bit tough but nothing unmanagable with sacrificing one or 2 units there.

    Current Team:

    Olwen: Thunderhead (Eff); Draw Back, Life and Death 4, Sabotage RES, Panic Smoke, Seal: Atk/Spd Bond (+10 merges)
    Flynn: Vengeance Lance (Def+); Rally Atk/Def+, Moonbow, Warding Stance 4, Lull Spd/Def
    The Reinhardt: Meisterschwert, Aether, Heavy Blade 4 yeah thats about it (and merges)
    Leif: Light Brand (eff), Smite, Blue Flame, Heavy Blade 4, S drink, Rouse Atk/Def 3, Seal: Deflect Missile 3

    Needless to say i invested most into Olwen and she was the one winning the chambers with inflated stats (together with Flynn), prolly will Forma Soul her and give her then Desperation. Her built is basicly almost complet ecxept for Special and B-Slot

  7. 2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    Meanwhile, I keep running into teams I cannot defeat due to the turn limit and that bullshit box-one-unit-in-a-corner-behind-obstacles tactic. The turn limit should still be increased (or removed, but that'll probably never happen, so just increased will do) and players should not be allowed to box units in the corner like that. It's cheap and very annoying. My own team(s) typically overwhelm them otherwise.

    your problem is your game understanding, unit building and playstyle, not the mode itself. 7 turns is fair and enough.

  8. 2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    I still think the turn limit needs to be increased or removed. I lose more often because I don't have enough turns than because everyone dies. It's stupid. I'd win far more matches if I just had one or two more turns.

    stay in T21 and be happy.

  9. 5 minutes ago, DraceEmpressa said:

    Colorless tome sounds inferior to Wrazzle Dazzle, the whole safe damaging mechanic... except if eventually there be colorless blade tome. In the 4* pool or grail shop. Or at least in the manual shop.

    I wouldn't buy Formal soul myself, but on the other hand I admit it's a better thing than FEH pass. Though if we can use the formas for merge source or as fodder that would mean more ppl would  buy it... Silly IS, sleeping on money as always. 

    also, there's not even new Mjolnir Strike this batch?


    Colorless tomes are definitly not inferior to Wrazzle Dazzle, because they can actually use damaging Specials, have higher stats from weapon refines/special weapons and a freed up B-Slot.

  10. I am not sure if anyone else is affected, but the game crashes at times in 4.2 and you cant update to 4.3 in the app store (it keeps loading for ever)... So what am I supposed to do lol

    and yes i have seen the text on the update notification, but it doesnt help when you cant update to 4.3 (their solution)

  11. 1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

    Yeah, I do know he isn't going to survive every single thing regardless of what it is. I don't actually try that. That's why I had NY Alfonse, to deal with what he can't since that Alfonse is a blue tome unit packing Close Counter and he also has good defenses. And normally, they do wreck just about everything I send them against. I hadn't really yet tried them vs a map like this though, until today.

    pure enemy phase doesnt work in PVE most of the time on Abyssal unless you have a super buffed Brave Ike that runs with BLucina together. Its allways nice to have 1 sweeper/offensiv unit in PVE (recommended actually). Infernal shouldnt be too hard tough

  12. 4 hours ago, Yexin said:

    cleared the abyssal difficulty with +10 +10 (flowers) +atk brave ike, an incomplete +2 reinhardt, +6 reyson and my beloved +7 levin

    quite easy, i must say, ike tanked almost everyone (except for that damn axebreaker red mage), levin got rid of the most threatening units while reinhardt killed the 99hp sword armor and killed those units with little hp left

    Tanking anything with Brave Ike is really easy

  13. 2 hours ago, Baldrick said:

    If he’s enemy phase his assist is just Reposition. If he’s player phase he’s Lucina with a less flexible assist, a worse stat spread and a generic weapon. His weapon isn’t even suited to a dual phase build.

    People mock Legendary Lyn, but at least she was a genuine attempt at a dual phase unit.

    How is his weapon not an attempt at dual phase as long as the enemy is at 100% health? -6 Atk/Def incombat debuffs is huge and he gives the middle finger to debuffs.

    If anything i think he can dualphase much better then Legendary Lyn

  14. 1 hour ago, Zeo said:

    So like... how viable is a build like this for Serra? @XRay @Ice Dragon @Landmaster @DLNarshen @SatsumaFSoysoy @mcsilas @Rezzy @mampfoid @daisy jane


    +10 & +10 Dragonflowers

    • Absorb+ / Melancholy+
    • Miracle
    • Close Counter
    • Mystic Boost 3
    • Time's Pulse, Rouse DEF/RES, Rouse ATK/DEF, Pulse Smoke 3
    • Renewal 3/Close DEF 3, Quick Riposte, Brazen ATK/RES, Brazen ATK/SPD, Brazen DEF/RES (Eventually)
    • Potential support from Drives/Infantry Breath/Bonus Doubler/Infantry Flash

    More opinions are welcome, of course. Just kinda like the idea of making Serra cockroach that can counter (instead of Fortress DEF/RES). Of course Silque runs a build like this infinitely better but obviously she's *5 exclusive and I don't have bias towards her.

    For PVE sure go for it for AR its not very usefull. Serra lacks firepower and sustainability/bulk against physical threats. But in all honesty even in PVE mode i rather built my Healers around support, with the ecxeption of Veronica. A +RES Serra could be a nice starting debuffer with Sabotage Def in her B-Slot and Ploys in her C and Seal slot for Mathew.

  15. 3 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    Wow, even after giving Hawkeye a bunch of merges and such, he still can't tank much at all. He's useless in AR. I obviously can't just get rid of him for feathers though, I've put too much into him at this point. I guess he'll just get occasional use in AA or something.

    I don't care to look at enemy skills or anything anymore either. Doesn't help. I still lose almost every battle in Astra week regardless. Knowing what skills enemies have doesn't mean I can make a proper strategy for them. I don't know exactly how they'll move or who they'll attack. I can guess, but I won't always be right. And I'll sometimes run into bullshit like Altina doing literally zero damage to legendary Alm (he's supposed to have rather shit Def). I can't foresee that.

    Though what definitely doesn't help is that I don't have a good bonus unit to use this week.

    I really wish this mode didn't exist or got some heavy changes to make it less BS.

    EDIT: I forgot that I haven't tried Brave Lucina support on Hawkeye yet. If this doesn't make him noticeably more useful in AR, I dunno anymore... I still can't get Lucina's refine yet though.

    Looking at enemy skills and actually understanding what they will do to your Team and who they target is different. Predicting AI movement somewhat isnt hard and i believe 3-4 people linked you to a page that describes how AI movement/priority works. This is what AR boils down to.

    And no Alm definitly has NOT shit DEF when he is A) a Bonus unit this week and B) prolly is benefiting from 1 or 2 Def Blessing Boosts from Thrasir which means additional 9 to 14 Def (buffs and drives not included). Look at the stats.

    Unless you really want to learn how to play the game you will need to accept the fact that Astra season (or AR in general) will suck for you. So please stop complaining each Astra season how everything is garbage.

  16. 53 minutes ago, Zeo said:

    Much smaller list. Among it I pretty much am only invested in Fae. Draug, Olivia, Donnel and Cecillia will be interesting though and Jagen/Gunter basically should just get a Prf with 3-4 abilities. With how horrible their stats are, it's completely fair. I was expecting Jakob to acquire something along those lines and not the incredibly lukewarm tray he ended up getting.

    Jakobs weapon refine is actually really good. It just needs a well synergizing Team.

  17. 10 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    I kinda liked Resplendent Ike. Not a fan of the Blue Flames on the cape, it's too colorful... but the rest is alright. But I think I prefer the original one... 

    Free Aether at least.

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    I am ok with the design, but the unit will be total garbage even if he catches up with 2 to all stats Ike still stays garbage. No usable RES stat, his SPD sits right in the middle in no-mans-land. All he would be worth for is as a Vantage unit. He is in dire need of a Alondite weapon refine (same goes for Ryoma or all the DC weapon users).

    On the other hand Cordelia is now again the queen of blue fliers!

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