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Posts posted by Hilda

  1. 13 hours ago, Icelerate said:

    I've read that the revenue of this game is dropping. Do you think the problem is that FEH is having a hard time gaining new players to replace players who have burned out or have enough heroes that they no longer need to spend money? I think this would be an excellent idea to try and bridge the gap between new players and veterans. Those hero quests were a step in the right direction and permanent content in general helps newer players catch up. 

    I would also like an infinite game mode but I want IS to allow us to undo a move thanks to misclick because my phone's screen is damaged so it often happens. 

    What's your opinion on grindable divine dew? Unlike sacred coins, IS has every bit of incentive not to make this a grindable resource because than you can just focus on 3-4* units from 2017 instead of using orbs for new heroes. 

    I think its a combination of alot of things coming together.

    On one hand the game is entering its 4. year. Couple that with the fact that not much has changed then you can see it becomeing stale.

    On the other hand the game is a bit brutal for newcomers to catch up.

    And then for me: I have so many heroes i wont even bother to +10 5 Star exclusivs unless its a favourite character. I have enough units that can get the job done. And the next powercreep is around the corner why bother?

    Besides the best feature „Skill Inheritance“ is totally undermined by the bloated amount of heroes in the summoning pool with shit skills in the 3-4 Star section. A skill/paper shop wouldnt be bad in that regard.

    Also the Developers shy away from really hard challenges due to community backlash. Whats a game without a challenge? Not really fun.

  2. 3 minutes ago, GrandeRampel said:

    Fingers crossed for something like Azelle, Lex, Brigid and Aideen/Edain for the banner, Midir as the instant demote (but if we are not ready for a bow cavalier demote, even if colored, they can pick Dew) and some a**hole villain from GEN 1. Someone like Jamke's evil brother to remain with the early game theme of the banner.

    EDIT: I know Brigid isn't earlt game. I chose her because gender balance and a personal preference for her. But you can also put Erin there if you prefer.

    actually they are mostly not. Wyvern flyers have a tendencx to have more physicsl and less magical bulk usually in FEH just like pegasi-riders tend to have more magical bulk. Just like in normal FE games. Keyword is usually. There are exeptions and they usually stem from the Fates characters.

    @Ice Dragonyeah as said i know nothing about those games. Shannan ist still hot.

    I hope the games get a remake or i really need to get an emulation, because im intrigued to learn more about Shanans background.

    There is a reason why Karel was my first +10 sword unit and Shannan hits those vibes at the correct spot and even better!!!


  3. 9 minutes ago, XRay said:

    Staff units really only need Wrathful Staff or Dazzling Staff on the B slot to work to ensure they deal enough damage to be a threat against Counter-Vantage units, and if you are not really relying on them for damage output, they do not need an expensive B slot either and can just run Dazzling Staff Refinement.

    Thats actually not true. Really effective Stave units need alot of investment. If you only want them to attack then yeah razzle/dazzle is enough, but you are neglecting all the benefits a really proper built up Staff user can bring to the table.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

    The mere thought of an Abyssal Shadow Takumi makes me physically ill and so just based on that, I'd be perfectly OK if we never get anymore GHB rotations. The Grail system kinda defeats the point of them anyways that and I've barely bothered with Abyssal maps for about the past year now anyways.

    But Abyssals didnt reward the unit, they just rewarded Accessoires and besides noone forces anyone to do Abyssal, but it would be nice for those people that actually like to tackle on Abyssal.

  5. 1 hour ago, Tybrosion said:

    Wait, you mean Mercedes actually exists in the summoning pool? It sure doesn’t seem like it to me as I’ve still not even pulled a single 4* one meanwhile I’ve pulled Brady at least three times within last week.

    Dont worry, Mercedes is inferior to alot of other 4 Star stave units.

    Lucius has basicly the same Offense spread and higher res.
    Wrys trumps her in Res and can run ploys or sabotage skills better then her (although she has a better offense spread)
    Serra has less bulk but Offensiv they are similar
    The Cav Healers trump her in mobility.

    Azama is on a total other plain and can annoy (just like Silque).

    They might as well just delete Mercedes lol, because Brady has the same Offense spread and better mixed bulk (if you are looking for that). Mercedes is the Mist of Book 3 basicly.

  6. 1 hour ago, Zeo said:

    That's perfectly fine. Hilda said BHBs aren't challenging in any form for any units. Not that they aren't challenging if you're using the best nuke in the game + 3 dancers (or any competent nuke for that matter). It was a blanket statement, that was the issue.

    I don't have Ophelia, while we're there. And no, the map wasn't a challenge for me before anyone goes there.

    And i still stand by my statement of any unit in a any decent logical assigned group (as in not all red or that kind of stuff). Otherwise I wouldnt be able to clear GHBs BHBs or LHBs with the Askrtrio. And to my experience: LHB Abyssals need heavy investment in the skill set for the Askrtrio. BHB didnt need so far any invenstement in their basekit ecxept for equiping a seal. GHBs with reinforcements have startet to need some little investment. In that regard a +10 Mathew in a group shoulnt have alot of problems to clear this map with some tweeks maybe here and there.

    And yes i dont think tackling Idunn with Mathew is good, because she basicly nullifies debuffs, but someone else should be able to do the job.

  7. 13 hours ago, Zeo said:

    Yeah so the thing about dragon based maps is that L!Marth devours them. I just used him and 3 dancers and wiped it. He had to take a hit from the blue mage cav but even at -RES he couldn't oneshot him lol.

    Pretty sad, I thought this was going to be interesting since I actually couldn't beat it easily with my Matthew team so I figured I'd be playing around with my huge barracks to see what could take it down. Disappointing. Some units are simply too strong.

    its a BHB battle map on Infernal, they arent challenging in any form for any units.

  8. 2 hours ago, XRay said:

    He can have a Refinement that activates Ignis on every hit, just as how Lunar Arc/Saintly Seraphim is basically Moonbow on every hit. That is 25 true damage based on just his Def alone without any skills.

    Maybe something like the following. I threw in Sagittae and did some minor adjustments everywhere for good measure.

    Grants Def/Res+6. Grants weapon-triangle advantage against colorless foes, and inflicts weapon-triangle disadvantage on colorless foes during combat. At start of combat, if foe's Atk ≥ unit's Atk, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 during combat.

    Deals damage = 80% of unit's Def. If unit's Def > foe's Def, boosts damage dealt by 100% of difference between stats.

    Yes they will give him 4 effects on his weapon... suuuuuuuure thing. Boey got a 14 Mt Raven tome with a conditional close Counter refine and you think they will give Henry a 14 mt raven tome with  Fortress Def/Res 3 (no drawback), a spectrum in combat buff based on his poor attack AND a true dmg refine without any condition to fullfill lol.

    This isnt book 10 yet where this might be possible we still in Book 4.

    IF Henry is lucky, they will give him the new years unit refine but based on DEf, and even that would be a shitty refine for him, because his Def is decent but its not that high to make use of such an effect.

    His only worthwile stat is his Max High HP. A refine based on his Max High HP would be imho the best for him. but who knows they might surprise us.

  9. 3 hours ago, XRay said:

    I fail to see how Firesweep can help, and I have a Firesweep archer. The problem is not killing enemy nukes on Player Phase. The problem is that I cannot Dance/Sing-Reposition away far enough after I killed a nuke. Killing an enemy nuke is suicide not because a particular nuke can do anything when you are killing it, it is suicide because their allies will have enough range to go after you.

    If you are using Player Phase, the problem with Infantry Pulse teams is that you need wipe out ALL nukes in one turn. The only way you can realistically do that is to use a Galeforce team.

    that depends on the assist skills you have and is not true, you can especially in light season now with Peony Drawback/reposition yourself into safety. An Infantry pulse Team can only walk so far even with LAzura dance

  10. 25 minutes ago, XRay said:

    I have no way of engaging Infantry Pulse teams safely with my main Player Phase team. The best I can do is to sacrifice Cordelia to get both teams down to 4 units each, but even that tactic does not always work depending on how they placed their Traps.

    If I use Dance/Sing-Reposition as normal, it does not create enough distance between my team and their team, since their Dancer/Singer can just extend the range of their nukes.

    One of my options right now is to wait for Pulse Smoke fodder so I can put it on BH!Ike and try Smiting him in with Mordecai and have additional debuff support from Aversa. I will have to do the same with Fjorm for the Astra season.

    The other option is to run a Galeforce team. I am leaning towards infantry Galeforce since they have access to Infantry Rush/Infantry Flash, so I can keep Heavy Blade on my Cordelia. I hope Triandra and/or Plumeria are Astra Mythics so I can just duplicate that for Astra season as well.

    you are using Firesweep users anyway where is the problem? Ditched Firesweep?

  11. 20 hours ago, XRay said:

    I do not have a full Galeforce team. Until I get enough Feathers to afford one, I am using Cordelia as a suicide unit on my main Player Phase team so I stand some chance of winning against an Infantry Pulse team.

    Infantry pulse Teams shouldnt be any issue with your hit and run Team i thought? Or just use Pulse Smoke. Basicly nullifies almost everything Infantery Pulse has going for them.

    In my case i use my +10 Silque with her "Witchy Wand" She has enough bulk to survive some encounters.

  12. 6 hours ago, Mercakete said:

    Since it's called a divine code, I thought it would have something to do with mythic heroes.

    As Ice Dragon mentioned in Japanese they are called "Otherworldly/Outrealm Paper Fragment". Just by this name i think its the Grail equivalent to Special units. And if thats the case then Mjollnirs Strike kinda died for me. Season 1 units are very lackluster

  13. Leaning towards mannuals or skill shop

    Or if IS is totally fancy personal exclusiv skills you can unlock on a unit (though i doubt this)

    But yeah prolly book1 manuals and they will be revealed in February when they clean out the summoning pool of book1 units (3, 4 and 5 Stars). The weekly summoning banner returns but will have only Book1 units across the board.

    Seasonals might fall under this category too

  14. 11 minutes ago, Faellin said:

    Just got a perfect IV Hrid, +attack -speed. And with him now being my only wind legendary at the moment. I need some advice regarding him, I read he basically requires a proper team built around him to truly thrive. One that can spread debuffs like crazy.

    So my question is, who would good partners be for him to make him truly great?

    Depends on the content

    For Aether Raids or arena usually Aversa or Sudden Res etc user CYL Micaiah can work to. Or A ploy user

    For PVE content anything you want. I run him with Trilemma Wrys, DaggerOlivia and Cancel Affinity on the Bslot (Trilemma counts as a debuff)

    Keep a smoke skill on his CSlot and after the first engagement he is usually sufficent to apply the debuffs himself

  15. 9 hours ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

    @SatsumaFSoysoy Does uploading this count as me saying my waifu is stronger than yours Kappachamp

    fools! Jaffar and Bride Lyn managed to kill Celica on my L!Eliwood Hawkeye Jaffar and Bride Lyn run.
    That Leaf could have killed Celica too if he actually cared to debuff Celica with Ruse at the beginning.

    Or one simply fights fire with fire: Let Veronica outspeed Celica on Abyssal:


  16. On 12/27/2019 at 10:59 AM, Rinco said:

    I think Hel has better chances than Lif, since he's kinda still part of the story going with Thorr and Loki and we know what that does for characters (right Veronica and Bruno?)

    January will be Lif so he can show up 4 Months later in May, becaus there is only 1 red Legendary running that month, and usually you have a gap of 3-4 monhts before a Legendary/Mythic is rerun.

    February will be a Pair-up Legendary Hero with prolly either Blue or Green color. My bet is Xander as a a green Legendary

    March will Usher in Hel as a Green Mythic hero

    At least thats my guess and seasonals are prolly done in this banner and will run seperatly on a two-monthly/3-monthly Duo-Hero banner.

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