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Posts posted by Hilda

  1. 4 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    About Distant Ward... not sure about this skill. I mean... it's a Distant Counter skill that doesn't work against all ranged foes. A DW unit will not counterattack bow and dagger foes. The Atk/Res+5 is good, though. I expect Close Ward to be "If sword, lance, axe, beast, bow or dagger foe initiates combat, grants Atk/Def+5 to unit during combat and unit can counterattack regardless of foe's range".

    Distant Ward is a very good Distant Counter skill for melee units with high Def that dont give a F*** about dagger or bow units. As in they have lower Res. Zephiel for example can benefit from this Skill very good with his personal weapon! His downfall is res.


  2. I said this a couple times: GHB Maker for FEH with rewards you can choose from your stock barracks (if you want to put a reward on it):

    Its easy:
    Edit/creat the map, with walls and everything.
    Place your units: You can place any unit you want and built them as you want like in Hall of Forms. You can even bloat their stats if you want.
    Define reinforcements by Turn or by defeated unit X
    Set a clear condition/rules: You can set/pick a rule like: no Dance/Sing skill allowed, or "All Infantry units only" etc.
    Set an optional reward from your inventory: this can be Feathers, or Coins, or a unit from your barracks you name it. There is a limit to it tough!

    Now to upload the map you need to clear it first yourself!!

    After you uploaded the map other people can take on the GHB.
    Ranking is done by REVERSED Arena point ranking: The less combined skill/points your Team needs the higher your score!
    For each first unique player (as in not the same user/player) that attempts the map you get rewarded with 50 feathers (as in the player pays a access fee). There is a cap of 3000 Feathers you can get max as the creator.

    After 2 weeks the GHB will end its ranking and the rewards will be given out. The GHB will remain in the pool to be played but will not give any rewards out.

    You can search for GHBs by Conditions:
    With active ranking/reward
    With gone ranking/reward
    Friendlist GHBs only
    Recently added
    Most played
    By Type of Reward.

    Fucking make it happen IS!

  3. 25 minutes ago, MonkeyCheez3K said:

    So it's really just a "buy more mythics!!!" mode, since they are the only ones that can reach +20 status, while gameplay is just..... whatever (for now). As if I'd waste premium rallys, tier 4 skills, duel skills on mythics. So I guess I'm stuck with my score forever. Pretty bland if I may say so. Thanks for the info @Usana @Arcanite @Landmaster @Azuni , I'm actually glad I don't need to bless anyone for this.

    dont worry they'll make you want to score hight because of the new currency the mode gives out.

  4. Just as i predicted: Sothis with 185 BST.

    Next time: Tier 4 Duell skills that act as if the unit had 180 BST! The cycle keeps repeating itself.

    I dont know, since Book 4 started i am playing less and less and it feels like i am done with FEH as a game, i think?

    The cycle just keeps repeating itself, instead of introducing some form like Class upgrade/Master classes to further your favourite units it feels like a stagnation in customization.
    The competitiv modes arent fun, the PVE modes can be cleared easy. Real co-op gameplay still hasnt made its way in and the Friendlist has limited uses.

  5. 1 hour ago, Zeo said:

    @mampfoid I feel like if I adopted such a rule I'd relax a lot more in this game. For one thing my -SPD Quan will likely never see the light of day and nothing would change if I just gave that double rally to one of my arena core units. Same for sac'ing my Loki to give Matt C-Duel-Infantry. But I remain a hoarder.

    As for Takumi, not really. In my opinion 32/36 is more servicable than 35/33. 33 Speed is pretty horrible these days. My Serra at +SPD only has 34 but she benefits from merges and dragonflowers. Takumi will never have either of those so if he sees use it's in his base form which is pretty terrible at this point. +SPD is a nice band-aid for that and if he gets another refine down the line he can work with it and that nature. +ATK Takumi would get doubled until the end of time with no bulk or real attack to show for it.

    Oh, I suppose I should stay on topic. No colorless again. Red gave me a *3 Cain cause reasons. I'll probably scrounge enough orbs for 2-3 more pulls and then I'm out of luck.

    Funny a +10 +10 Gragonflowers with Bonus doubler destroyed my AA Testcrun of some units lol

    like he obliterated everyone with Lazura in his back pocket!

  6. so Marth has 41 speed and prolly also a superboon in it

    a +10 Marth might reach 51-52 spd with his prf weapon (no buffs) higher with dragonflowers

    Guess we have a winner in the speed department

    Luckily he ist the only armorer who can use that B skill effectivly. Well maybe  Zelgius and Amelia too but they are too slow imho, and Ephraim and Myrrh since his weapon grants im an Extra Attack allready

    The age of desperation Armorers has started!!! with built in special cooldown charge!!!

    Its not so bad. Armor movement sucks anyway



  7. 21 minutes ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

    I actually kinda wonder was Christmas banner always full armor? Kinda semi dropped the game the first time around during these time lol

    Sadly yes

    The first gave us Tharja, Chrom, his sister and Robinmale

    The second gave us Ephraim, his sister, Fea aaaand Cecila as A TT unit (dont think this was 4 person banner but not sure)

    So yeah christams is filled with Armorers


  8. 11 hours ago, Mercakete said:

    The units may not be new, but this is the first time that this type of banner's been released, so I wouldn't call it a "rerun banner."

    it also sets up an interesting point. I am inclined to believe that Special heroes are being pulled off of the Legendary/Mythic heroes banners are being run seperately with Duo-Heroes in this new format of banners. I think this banner is just IS testing grounds. They are essentially running out of Space on Legendary/Mythic banners to put the Seasonals in.

    Considering Lukas is the only one missing form Picnic banner and Helbindi Lyn and Wolt are missing from the Summer banner

    Lukas will prolly end up in the upcoming LHB banner
    Lyn was skipped and will probably apear in January MHB banner
    Wolt will prolly apear in this December LHB and thats why he was skipped on this banner (its so obvious because they used 2 old green seasonal units from last year!)
    Helbindi will also apear in January like Lyn.

    Considering how stacked February is with Legendaries and Mythics i think the next banner of this type will apear on February with the Dancer seasonals, maybe mixed in with the Halloween seasonals.

    I dont know i am just guessing.

  9. 23 minutes ago, MilodicMellodi said:

    I agree with you wholeheartedly. I kinda just made this one up as a rough draft concept for skill conditions without HP% involved. I knew it wouldn't go that well, but I had to test the waters on that one or I wouldn't get anywhere in actually balancing out the concept.

    While you're here, what do you think about the Gamble idea?

    Imho an interesting skill, but i would go so far and make it -2 cooldown for the risk it imposes. It would synergyze  well with skills like Vengeance/Reprisal etc. and it would give units with builit in Desperation (Lyn) or Vantage (Kronya) in weapons a very nice niche.
    Since its during combat Galeforce users cant abuse this skill either.
    Cant abuse this skill easy because its on the B-Slot, so i would be intrigued to see such a skill release it opens up interesting unit builds.


  10. 9 minutes ago, MilodicMellodi said:

    New concept: Variant Assist, Variant Special, and Variant Passive
    A non-weapon skill with an effect that changes based on the met condition. This can happen either by increasing or decreasing its potency based on changing its met condition, or by changing its effect completely when its new condition is met. In other words, it can be described as either a single skill with multiple levels, or two separate skills, with opposing but connected conditions. Wrath is not one of these skills, because its two effects only activate based on meeting its singular HP condition (even if those effects activate at different times); even with its two effects activating at different times, it will not activate either effect without meeting that single condition during those times.
    NOTE: I'll work on making Assists and Specials later; for now, here's 2 Passives.

    Spartan Stance 1/2/3
    Passive A
    Armor and Infantry only
    Effect: During Player Phase, grants Atk/Spd+3/4/5 to unit, but inflicts Def/Res-5/6/7. During Enemy Phase, grants Def/Res+3/4/5 to unit, but inflicts Atk/Spd-5/6/7.
    A Variant Passive based on combining Life and Death and Fortress Def/Res that grants the first during Player Phase then switches to its opposite effect during the Enemy Phase, at the cost of losing 2 more points in the lost stats as compared to LnD. Perfect for units that want to deal a lot of damage during Player Phase, but don't want to take a lot of it during the Enemy Phase. Not abusable with DC or CC unless it's already in the weapon, since it's an A skill.
    Just so you know, this one's conditions are based on whose Phase it is. If that...wasn't already clear. Just saying, in case anyone is confused, that not all conditions have to be HP-based.
    Anyhow, its true strength is putting it on a tanky unit to give them a valuable Player Phase without sacrificing their usefulness as a Tank for the Enemy Phase. Armored units would benefit even more than Infantry, since they have access to Vengeful Fighter and thus won't care nearly as much about effectively losing 12 Spd (compared to Player Phase, I mean). I'd probably say that even Surtr would make great use of this skill, since his stats would still grant him a safe Player Phase, and his already huge bulk (and Sinmara's effect on the next Player Phase) would make up for the Atk loss in Enemy Phase.


    no just no

    This A-skill only benefits Firesweep users. no Armorer or Infantry user (with some few exeption) will benefit from it, because they get nothing out of it. A player phase unit wants as much firepower as possible and i would rather choose Life and Death 4/3 then this and an Enemy phase unit will want usually Distant Counter, because otherwise they are sitting there like a Duck . all it does is strengthen Firesweep users absurdly because they get the best out of both phases. They hit harder during player phase and will be harder to kill during enemy phase. Because they cant attack during enemy phase the -atk/-spd doesnt matter that much (ecxept for the speed) and because they cant get countered during player phase (only if the oponnent is running Null C) the -Def/Res doesnt matter.

    There is a reason why Firesweeps dont have a refine and why even new released Firesweep weapons dont have a refine. The same reason why Razzle Dazzle was a dumb concept to begin with (instead of strengthening Healers in another form).

  11. 5 hours ago, Humanoid said:

    After a long streak of boring oversaturated classes on regular banners, a seasonal banner is welcome ...but only if they're not all armours like previous winter banners.

    dont worry this time instead of Armours they all will be Duo-Heroes!

    1. heals all allies within two spaces up for 20 HP
    2. gives all allies wings of mercy and escape route within 2 spaces
    3. reduces the special cooldown by 1 within 2 spaces for all allies
    4. gives everyone effectiv against armor and cavalry to allies within 2 spaces.

  12. 8 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    I just noticed that the blocked out Mechanism in the Feh Channel was the Dökkálfar Briar, jsut to not spoiler the Book IV theme. lol

    Speaking of Mechanist, I kinda liked that the player is the one that triggers it, and not based in the turn number, for example, or that it heals your units when you don't want them to be healed.

    it makes sense in a PVE contest for the players to control them. In AR/PVP it makes sense that they go off by turn number, because the defendend doesnt have control over his defense structures either.

  13. i would like for Original Bruno and Veronica to finally arive -_-

    We have gotten fallen version of Alfonse and Veronica. And a fallen Sharena wouldnt really fit her character. Anna has so many  alts from other games, that i'd rather see one of them, then an FEH Anna alt.

    Muspell and Nifl have gotten allready alot of alts.

    I would find a villains on a good path/alternate dimension Banner quite interesting.

    Like a older Lyon that wasnt posses and actually fended off the Demon
    or a rather young (not too young)Zephiel that actually Believes in Human strength through tragedy

    Something along those lines

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