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Posts posted by Hilda

  1. 2 hours ago, Othin said:

    I haven't seen an updated legendary schedule yet, so looks like it's:

    • April:
      • Ryoma, Marth, Hrid
      • Naga
      • Celica
      • Eir
    • May:
      • Eliwood, Lif
      • Ephraim, Lucina, Julia
      • Hector
      • Leif, Alm
    • June:
      • Sothis
      • Chrom, Azura, Peony
      • Yune, Lyn
      • Duma, Robin
    • July:
      • Ike, Altina, Roy
      • Tiki, Fjorm
      • Thrasir
      • (no colorless yet)
    • August:
      • Eirika
      • (no blue yet)
      • Gunnthra
      • Brammimond

    May is probably Hel, June is probably someone red. April looks likely to be blue, since it's the most open that color will be for a while. We did just get Chrom as the previous legendary in blue, but that sort of thing has happened before, and it makes more sense than having two consecutive months of colorless or green. (And we know it can't be red.) July might be colorless, if that's why Brammimond isn't reappearing until August.

    thx for the update

    April could prolly be a Green Xander to coincide with the Fates banner or so

  2. 14 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:


    @Hilda Wow, that Nifl clear is nice. I heard the eldest sibling of Nifl uses a sword, but hm... Ylgr's firepower was a lot higher than I thought it would, for one. I haven't used mine that much myself, and wow.


    Oh its higher, i usually run her with Lul Spd/Def in her B-Slot, but for the sake of convenience and shredding everything to dust an AoE Special Spiral setup does it too. Remember she gains +4 Atk and SPD if she even has 1 Point more SPD then the enemy, That girl is one of the fastest units, even when compared to Gen3 or Gen4

  3. 48 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

    Another small note that I just thought of that kinda bugs me is that Nils isn't included in this, but Ninian is. You could say it's because he's such a new unit, but then you have Tsubasa there to shoot that theory down. Just kinda bugs me.

    I mean look at the Elibe Representation vs the Tokyo Mirage Representation. Even then Nils would be a far faaaar stretch. I dont consider Nils on equal ground vs all other Lords, Ninian on the other Hand is also a far stretch but not as big as Nils. They could have excluded Ninian too if they wanted, because Elibe is well represented.

  4. 4 hours ago, XRay said:

    And I do not find non-Dancer/Singer teams appealing. It is fun to see other people do it once in a while, but it is not something I want to go through the trouble of doing. It is a waste of time trying to force less effective tactics to work, and potentially wasting additional resources which not every player can afford or want to spend.

    I have cleared most Infernals (not Abyssal those are a differwnt beast and require alot)) with the Askr trio and no SI or barely any. That was before the FEH pass. Infernal is doable and doesnt require much investment.

    I know people that like those challenges me included so good thing they are doing it

  5. Just now, XRay said:

    It is the most effective strategy to deal with PvE content. There is no need to reinvent the wheel with less effective strategy and tactics wasting resources and time.

    I would argue Enemy Phase super tanking is even more brain dead since you just sit there and have a healer in the back to heal. At least with Player Phase, there is a slight challenge of not letting your nuke get hit.

    Cant enemy phase everything unless its Brave Ike. even then you have to watch for your support or healer to not get sniped.

    I for one welcome those additional challenges.

    And yes i have done the nuke +3 Dancers. Its just boring and really easy. Nothing compared to when useing a forced non Dancer Team that actually has to do at times perfect positioning while simoultanously prepping for next turn and suffering from movement restriction due to water mountains woods etc

    But as said it will prolly only be Infernal or Extrem which is easy anyway.

  6. 34 minutes ago, XRay said:

    Feh does sound kind of different.

    Limited Hero Battles is like totally dumping on Player Phase players. NO DANCE OR SING ON CERTAIN MAPS!!!??? I have Myrrh who can tank, and GOW!Eirika for healing. I can also try Galeforce with DM!Ephraim, but I have not built up Ross yet. Going to be a busy weekend training.

    The guaranteed 5* after 40 summons is nice. 40 summons equates 8 full summons, or 135 Orbs ([40*4]-[5*5]).

    It was explained in the video that the Special Heroes Focus will feature kid versions of the main characters.

    God forbid one has to use strategy in a strategy-game! gasp

    3 Dancers and a nuke is just brain-dead

    I look forward to those maps and i am pretty sure its only Infernal or hard.

    On the other hand one could cheese them with brave Ike

  7. One concept 2 Teams!

    Team Gunnthra vs Team Yune: Debuff Mayhem 2.0

    Team Gunnthra was my first Team based around a Legendary unit and 2 years old. The Team consistent original of Gunnthra, B!Ike, Clair and Saizo. But i swaped B!Ike out once Arvis got his +10 status!

    Team Yune is a relativly new Team consiting of Yune, Leanne, Mathew and now Nils (previoulsy it was the Blue Infantry Beast with the debuff Weapon, forgot his name ._.)


  8. 1 hour ago, Xenomata said:

    Coulda cheesed the 8-bit, but I instead decided, in the spirit of the whole Retrospective name, to use a unit that everyone perceived as the worst in the beginning...
    Odin. But of course mine is +10 so his status is... better than some others.

    POWAR OVERFLOWING!!!! Odins lines are the best coupled with Azama and Henry

  9. 15 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

    D... d... du... dude... this was my free summon...


    The last time this happened, aside from the Asset/Flaw at least, was on Christmas day last year with Legendary Celica.

    I envy you, my free pull was a free B***zilla. At least she is usefull for fodder^^


    welp 40 orbs later: 3 robins and 1 camilla. Just as predicted Robin is ruining this summoning sessions...

  10. 43 minutes ago, Yexin said:

    about Bramimond's stats, he's exactly what i feared he'd end up being: a tank with not enough bst to be a tank

    but it's fine i guess, his tome makes up for that

    what are you talking he has 162 BST

    he has 60 (39 HP and 21 DEF) physical bulk and 74 (39 HP and 35 RES) magical bulk before any skills (though he is slow)

    thats pre weapon any unit with more then 50 Atk will give him addition 5 bulk on both sides then Atk/Res Lull and thats another 3 Bulk (and nullifies all buffs to those stats). And his C-Skill nullifies all ally drive buffs.

    Assuming a 50 atk+ enemy goes up against him: to one shot him they need 68 Atk, without any buffs available to their Atk stat. If they can double him they need at least 52 atk (to offset the penalty of the weapon). This is before even considering what kind of A-Slot skill Bramimond runs and what kind of support. a low Attack high SPD unit needs 43 Atk to kill him. If Bramimond runs something like Steady Stand 4 on his A-Slot, it means that every unit has to trigger his weapon condition to even think about killing him (without a special). So 76 Attack for a slow unit without any ability to run drives or atk buffs and 60 atk for a fast unit without any ability to run drives or atk buffs. That good bulk to me for an unmerged unit.

    Merges will add alot to his bulk

  11. The 8 bit animation is a nice touch and very well done!

    But i hope this isnt all for a 30th Fire Emblem anniversary on a Fire Emblem game that has all the Heroes across all games? That would be rather a huge dissapointment, especially considering how much money this game pulled in.

  12. The only stingy part about this banner is that F!Grima is in the colorless pool. Everyone has her and she offers no reall usefull skill fodder... Duma, Fallen Corrin, Fallen Tiki, Eleonora, Silque... heck even Eir would have been a better pick (because running 2x +10 Eirs helps with points). Real hesitant to dig deep into colorless due to F!Grima...

  13. 6 hours ago, Vicious Sal said:

    So what if the update gives us some kind of colour refinery that allows us to drain a colour or grant a colour to units? 

    Red, Blue and Green units could turn into grey units with this new refinery and turn their blar tomes etc into grar tomes. 

    And maybe current colourless units could be given a colour through this refinery. 


    I thought of it as a possibility just because we only have 1 colourless tome right now and this would be a quick way to broaden that spectrum whilst giving us a new currency that is rare and needs high scores in a mode that forces merges and high end units that are expensive.



    I am not expecting it, but if it happens, you heard it here first. 

    what would be the point? everyone would just run around colorless or with raventomes. Unless you mean personal weapons cant be drained from their color

  14. 2 minutes ago, Thane said:

    This guy looks like an absolute pain to go up against in AR. They seem tanky and strong, with speed rarely being a necessity for them, and you can't count on support either. 

    Do you reckon their C skill removes Bond skills as well? 

    only if Enemy phaseing him on player phase he should be farly easy to take out

  15. 13 hours ago, Othin said:

    "Bonus is active on unit" isn't enough?

    Best example is Fallen Tiki

    Her C-Skill can be her biggest asset, but it can be also her biggest weakpoint (asside from effectiv damage), if you have someone that can panic her. The only way to turn it off is by either removing it or standing near a non Dragon-ally. which removes her biggest asset.

    Sometimes its more beneficial to not have any buffs on at all.

  16. 3 hours ago, Nym said:

    This Resplendant Azura looks a lot like the original. I wouldn't be surprise if they revealed a refine for her very soon.

    Also... they upgrated her bust, didn't they? Just like legendary Azura.

    I really hope they give her a refine soon. So far all the Resplendand Heroes have had refineable or exclusiv weapons.

    Its also worth noting that they seem to alternate between 3-4 Star and 5 Star exclusiv units:

    Lyn (5star) ---> Cordelia (3-4) ----> Ike (5 Star) ---> Sophia (3-4) ----> Azura (5 Star)

    I wonder who will be the next 3-4 Star unit? They also seem to cycle through the different games.

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