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Posts posted by Hilda

  1. 15 minutes ago, Sentinel07 said:

    That's actually been something I've been wondering for a long time. Defeating Dragon Embla will likely bring the Askr-Embla war to an end, so I always wondered whether or not they intend for that storyline to be the end of the game, or if they intend for new adventures to come even after the two countries reconcile.

    Whatever the case may be, I do hope they plan the story accordingly and don't end it unresolved. 

    I think we are still many steps away from that fight. If anything i suspect Book 5  will be handling the Allfather Alfoor, Thorr, Loki and co. Though i really dont know how they want to wrap up all the loose ends they leave behind (if they are in a hurry), considering they drop them left and right like candy.
    I mean seriously:
    - Fjorms health issue
    - Bruno and his never ending search for a cure
    - Veronicas endless battle against Askr and reuniting with his brother
    - Lif and Thrasirs collab with the gods and sworn oath to defeat them when the right time comes
    - Lokis i dont know wtf she wanted to resurrect in Book 1

    I dont know... can we finally cut at least like 3 of those loose ends... and release OCs like Veronica Bruno Gustav for once!?

  2. 9 minutes ago, Othin said:

    No, Michalis GHB has the "start with a lower cooldown but function normally after the first use" thing they've been doing forever.

    Looks like I phrased it ambiguously - that was about the "pulse" version, not the "slaying" version.

    ah ok thank you for clarifying that, guess everythings then good 😄

  3. 1 hour ago, Othin said:

    Michalis's GHB is up today and he does have reduced cooldown even on Lunatic, so yeah, that predates multi-map battles. Regardless, it's a rationale that works now, and was how I thought about those decreased starting cooldowns for a long time before this, so I think it explains perfectly well why this new mechanic is getting more complaints now than the pulse effect did in the ~3 years since multi-map battles were introduced. Even before they were added, I'd say it's more intuitively understandable to arbitrarily change starting conditions to ones that could reasonably come up mid-battle than to make this kind of permanent change without an explanation.

    In all other situations so far, skills can be identified based on how they're displayed in the unit's profile: between names and icons, all the information is there. This breaks from that precedent, making the first case of variation beyond that. So either it's a completely unnecessary exception to a perfectly good rule, which is annoying, or it's the beginning of a new precedent of variations, which is worse.

    I don't particularly care whether or not you like these explanations. You asked why I'm not giving this the same pass, and I've explained it. I do not think there is anything further to say here.

    ok making the change retroactive on older maps is kinda bad for new players 😕

  4. 1 hour ago, Tybrosion said:

    Why is this a thing?

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    I don't care that I have the Darting Blow seal on him, my +0 bab Merric (also -Spd, btw) shouldn't be able to do this to a +9 bab Marth with that much Spd.

    That said, this was also an exact kill.


    that Merric is sitting on 56 SPD: 38 base + 5 weapon + 7 Swift sparrow 3 + 6 Darting Blow. His Special is SpD based and 29 Res isnt exactly stellar nowadays and that Marths Repell skill isnt cutting any dmg, so whats the surprise here? Your merric is also benefiting from Arena unit buffs judging by his HP soooo?

  5. On 5/12/2020 at 8:25 AM, Namero said:

    Rather than just a skill , how about a whole new status effect?

    Peril: A unit inflicted with this status effect is unable to regain HP by any means other than combat skills that restore HP.

    This means skills like Reciprocal Aid will fail if they would raise the inflicted units HP, healing staffs cant be used on them (Restore could remove the effect, but not restore HP as it does so), and healing towers and such would not affect them, but skills like Sol and Aether would still restore HP.

    With all the dumb healing towers that restore ridiculous amounts of HP everywhere, it feels like any and all indirect damage strategies are nearly obsolete. A status effect like this could make them viable again. Something like "Peril Smoke" or "Sudden Peril" could be a skill with which to inflict such a condition.

    yes lets nerf the supporters that need the buffs more so they become even more obsolete. How about we introduce the skill "Perma Isolation", Inflicts all units on the map no Assists skills in any form can be used! There we equally nerfed everyone including the dancers!

    A Healing tower shouldnt cause you that much trouble.

  6. 2 hours ago, Rinco said:

    I really need to come up with a better defense team for Dark Season. I'm using a pseudo Flyier Ball (5 flyiers + Sothis) but it's being defeated more than it used to be some time ago.

    Flier ball is NOT good during Water or Earth season. Worse during Water. Legendary Leif just shreds them to dust during Water season and plucks out their feathers. Earth its Alm, but not people field him on offense, rather on defense.

  7. 1 hour ago, NSSKG151 said:

    I'm surprised to see so many people say they dislike Grand Conquest. I thought it was one of the better game modes or at the very least I would prefer to play Grand Conquest every week than deal with the crap I see in Arena and Aether Cancer Raids every day.

    i hate it, its an absolute slaughterfest of bodies piling up against each other with teleport shenanigans and no real strategy behind it. Its just tedious.

    My favourite stuff ranked from most liked:
    1. Legendary Hero Battle Abyssal, actually any Abyssal
    2. Hall of Forms
    3. Mjollnir Strike
    4. That Legendary Duo Hero Arena stuff with reinforcements (forgot the name)
    5. Limited Hero battle, its ok, it makes me use chars i dont usually use.
    6. GHB BHB LHB on Infernal, I wish all would have an Abyssal map so it would be right on top with the 1. one
    7. Arena, Regular

    The rest is just ew

  8. 39 minutes ago, Mercakete said:

    Ah, I forgot to say it earlier, but I do wonder if those two other kids with flashback Sharena were Alfonse and Bruno. The way kid Sharena was talking, she sounded like the younger sibling who always wants to be included. Also, the way the other two were talking reminded me of Alfonse and Bruno a bit (especially with how Alfonse was described as behaving when he was a kid.) Plus, Veronica may not have been born yet. She's a lot younger than Bruno, I think, so it would make sense if it was just Alfonse, Sharena, and Bruno. Also, Alfonse recently was having trouble remembering things about his friendship with Bruno. Maybe the rift between the dream world and the world Askr is in going nuts is the cause of that. "Becoming heroes" as kids may have fueled the Order of Heroes' creation (or something), too. For a while, Bruno, Sharena, and Alfonse were all working together in the order, after all, even though Bruno was going by Zacharias at the time. Maybe this arc will explain all that, including why he took on a different name. Maybe he was just being cautious. Pretty sure they didn't succeed in whatever they were supposed to do to help the fairies, though.

    Those other 2 Kids were Alfonse and Bruno, and prolly Brunos cursed blood caused the Korruption of Freya

  9. 5 hours ago, Mercakete said:

    You know...thinking about it, since arrows lose momentum when they go up, and gain it when they arc down...shouldn't flying units actually have resistance against bows? *phylo-kete*

    i mean we are talking about a game that has waterbuckets that are deadly/effectiv to Dragons! Duma just stepped on one.

    As the next weapon i want stuffed Bears and plushes that are effectiv to armorers!

  10. 5 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

    I don't think I really have a dedicated armor-smasher. I suppose I should probably build one, a couple of them do give me some trouble in Arena from time to time.

    I have none either and can deal fine with them. Triple Micaiah alone as a choice which color you want kills usually half of them in AA on 3 different maps. Then If its an Armor Team with only Physical units i put in Regular Lukas because he smashes everything into pieces and takes no harm and Regular Roy takes care of the Green Armorers. For Dragon Armorers Legendary Marth just kicks everyones butt with 1-2 Dancers and dissolves them into thin air.

    And there is the trifecta of razzle-dazzle nukers: Fjorm Veronica and ... Camilla

    As for Arena itself the Askrtrio win the matches easy (ok i have them heavy invested) that are same color or they have advantage and for the disadvantage i use a unit alongside that takes care of that. ecxept for Alfonse, he takes care of any color ecxept for colorless.

  11. 4 hours ago, IEatLasers said:

    No, I’m not. The body is Robin, the body is lucina. 
    the game dentifies them as Robin and lucina. 
    Grima is an alternative version of Robin. “Marth” is an alternate lucina. 

    i think what Jotari is trying to say is that the Consciousness is different. Possesed Robin(Grima) has a clearly different consciousness then Masked "Marth". Masked "Marth" is still Lucina in her consciousness, while Possessed Robin is an entire differenty entity and not the same person.

    Just an example:
    Lets say you could store the consciousness/memorys/personality of a person on to a drive and transfer it from one body to another body.
    If my consciousness gets transfered from my original body to lets say the body of for example Angelina Jolie.
    Am I as a Person myself or am I Angelina Jolie? From the looks i would be her, but from the thought process and decision makeing i would be myself, would you still call that Person Angelina Jolie?

  12. 49 minutes ago, Othin said:

    At least any Heroes LHB/MHBs should involve another game. Although I'm not sure what Heroes would get paired with. TMS?

    not sure why heroes should be paired up with another game. There is plenty of free units from Heroes, 6, 7 if you picked Veronica from CYL, and there is a great amount you could have pulled. There is no need to pair them up. The Askrtrio is strong enough to take on alot of GHB BHB and LHBs.

  13. 2 hours ago, GuiltyLove said:

    @Flying Shogi I also hope we don't get an Abyssal version of this map. This was the only GHB I was unable to clear when it first came out. I had to ask @Arcanite to log into my account and clear it for me... 

    Lukas is so tanky! Very nice clear!

    Why not? we coult use a 2. batch of Abyssal GHB rotations (Arvis and co) and a new 3. batch of GHBs with Abyssal. Its a very fun challenge and Abyssal doesnt give out anything meaningfull anyway.

  14. 2 hours ago, Troykv said:

    Well, I was just as I imagined, the Banners that designed units as powerful completely on purporse (Brave Heroes and Fallen Heroes) are absent from the 4 Star Focus thing because of the gameplay and character traits.

    It really makes sense; you can't really drop someone to the lower pools because they're all designed to be powerful desireable units, and the alternative (making one of the banner units clearly the dude skill wise), then people will complain about favoritism or shafting or something.

    Poor Dark Celica BTW, I hope she gets a refine at least as good as Base Celica's.

    you know the other possiblity, as i have covered, would have been to introduce a 5. 3-4 Star unit (like thy did somewhile ago) OR drop all the Fallen season 1 units down to 3-4 Stars, since those wont hurt the quote-with-fingers "game balance" they are trying to keep.

    Or you know "game balance" wise ALL those Gen1 5 stars should be kept 5 Star exklusiv because they are so broken and offer such good value as skill inheritance units *roll-eyes*.
    There is alot of things IS could have done... but they chose to leave a bad taste!

  15. 1 hour ago, Sunwoo said:

    Even so, I suppose the dancer banner has not been consistent all three years in its specific theme, or timing -- the only thing that connects the three is that it was a seasonal banner full of dancers. So I guess this year's could be in August, with a different theme.

    This year of seasonal Dancers will be full on a Horseback and/or in full Plates! I can Guarantee you that!

    They have covered the Infantry Dancers
    They have covered the Dragon Dancers
    They have covered the Beast Dancers
    They have covered the Flying Dancers (and more are on the way in form of Fairies).

    They will cover the Armorers and Horses on that banner! And the Armorer Dancers will come with an inheritable Dance that gives +1 movement after a Dance to Armorers!

  16. 2 hours ago, eclipse said:

    . . .okay, so we have bigger numbers and faster skills.  I think this matters more for PvP than PvE (the latter is still being shot down by my Leon).  Which is to be expected.

    So. . .which do you value more?  PvP or PvE?  And how much does that PvP split matter?

    For me this has nothing to do with that. For me its a simple fact of sketchiness. They promised something roughly 3 months ago and now went back on their word with a silly excuse that holds no merit when you consider everything they have been doing (or NOT doing).

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