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Posts posted by Hilda

  1. On 6/8/2020 at 1:51 AM, XRay said:

    Slow Def/Res tanks have a much higher damage output since they can rely on being doubled to trigger a stronger Special. The only time they do not want to be doubled is when facing against SK!Alm and QOV!Celica since their damage output scales with slow tank's Def/Res.

    Repel and Close Call also are less effective or simply do not work against fast enemies, and it is much easier to Spd stack Player Phase units than Enemy Phase units skill wise, although Enemy Phase units can offset some of that disadvantage via Drive stacking.

    Personally, I think Lull Atk/Spd is a better generalist tanking skill since it works against everyone, whereas Repel and Close Call only work against slower enemies.

    thats so wrong on so many levels, i cant even fathom it. You can Spd stack an Enemy phase unit much much easier, which again makes Slow tanks redundant/less effectiv when compared with Fast Repell tanks. How you dont see how the skill as a whole for what it offers with no drawback isnt destructiv for the games health is beyond me. Neglecting or hurting a unit type class like slow Infantry tanks or mixed balanced infantry units further isnt a good choice.

    The skill literally packs in 2 reduction based Specials without the need to ready those specials. All it needs is SPD to make it more effectiv. But yeah lets just throw gamebalance out the window even further.

  2. 37 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    The next Muspell is probably a 3-4*, since we didn't get one yet, and they changed the rarity distribution order to give us some Nifl/Muspell 5* and Askr/Embla 5*.

    not so sure if the next is muspell. they skiped once Embla. they might skip it again. I am starting to believe it doesnt follow a strict particular fixed order, only to some degree.

  3. 4 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

    Yes! Super happy that Linde is the next Resplendent. I've never been able to summon her, so I'm very happy to have this gap in my barracks filled.

    The next one will most likely be a 3☆/4☆ and have Muspell clothes. We haven't gotten any colorless ones yet. For some reason, my mind keeps thinking "Niles." That's...meh. I hope it isn't him.

    For another topic, there's now a big question mark in my Catalog of Heroes. It wasn't there before (as in, yesterday) and now it suddenly is, and for the life of me I can't figure out who it could be.

    to be honest we are getting flooded with red and blue which is kinda bad (especially red):
    Red: Lyn, Roy, Eliwood, Sanaki, Sophia, Ike
    Blue: Azura, Cordelia, Linde
    Green: Hector...

    Although i have to say Blue isnt really spamed and is rather balanced, a Dancer, a nuker and a physical nuker. Meanwhile Red is like 2 Red slow nuked, 3 Inf Sword users... and 1 cav
    We really could use more Green and Colorless.

    Now for the next Muspell attire: should be a 5 Star exlusiv again although it would be nice to get a 3-4 Star muspell unit. They might though skip Muspell and go instantly to Embla?

    I hope they give this treatment to GHB units too... Zephiel could use a stat bump with all the other together too.

  4. On 6/6/2020 at 3:22 PM, XRay said:

    Close Call and Repel makes Spd tanks more viable. Until Aether Raids and SK!Alm became a thing, there was little to no reason to use Spd tanks since they could not handle multiple rounds of combat per turn as well as slow Def/Res tanks

    Repel and Close Call were a mistake how they were handled. high Spd units are allready offensiv powerhouses (if they have a decent attack stat). The effect is too strong makeing slow infantry tanks redundant, which imho isnt healthy for the game.

    It should have come with a detriment offense cost or it should not work against specials (ecxept for AoE specials). Its basicly a mini Aegis/Pavise combined without the need to occupy the Special slot and run down the cooldown. Its a really dumb OP skill how it is now, and there is no reason to run any slow Infantry unit at all (unless your Brave Ike) when you have this skill at your disposal.

    I am all for SPD tanks existing, but this is too excessiv.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Othin said:

    Wouldn't that run afoul of Complete Gacha regulations?

    depends what they do with it, you still need both copies.

    I mean if they implement a way for alts to be "linked" (not merged) together and they can benefit from another why not, you still need the copies?
    Like if you link Regular Marth with Mythic Marth than you can equip Fire Emblem and Binding shield on regular Marth.

    Though limiting it to alts of the same character is very restrictiv

  6. What they did right:
    - The difficulty in Mythic and Legendary heroes was spot on until recently where older units have a hard time to keep up, but that was expected with the new units powercreep and i dont mind it so far
    - I think the rewards they hand out is decent
    - The banners have gotten much more diverse which is a good thing
    - The inclusion of Mythics like Bramimond, Altina Naga Duma etc was excellent
    - There is a decent mix of involved PVE content (Hall of Forms) vs automatic PVE content (Lost Lore)

    What they did wrong:
    - BHB maps could have used a higher difficulty in the forms of Abyssal or Reinforcements (Tana & Amelia is the only one)
    - 4 Mythic blessings... made stuff much more convoluted in my eyes. They should have sticked with 2 Blessings at max, or should have allowed double blessings on regular Units so you dont have to divide your barracks into Arena vs AR
    - Duo-Skill units are just... ugh I still havent pulled activly for one until today because i refuse to support such a shit feature.
    - i think the powercreep went overboard, the BST increase in combination with the powercreep increase in weapons (1-2 effects vs now what? 3-4 effects) has gone overboard, especially since the start of Book 4, It was still okeish one year ago.
    - the slow paceing of Weapon refines is utter garbage
    - the inability of IS to implement weapon refines for Distant Counter weapons
    - the heavy emphasis on Dancers that basicly just undermines any strategy in a strategy game. I think the game should restrict the use of Dancers to 1 per Team (AR, Arena PVE everything)
    - no personal/refine weapons for old Healers
    - the inability to tweak the balance in such a way that its not only Special spamming (which makes Healers redundant).
    - the inability to further your old +10 favourite units aside from Dragonflowers and Tier4 skill inheritance. Basicly makeing you pray they soon get a refine and that the refine isnt garbage and they get the resplendant treat to make them competetiv again
    - the inability to implement ANY FORM of Co-op play.  like seriously, the friend list is outside of unit picking for some specific modes utterly garbage and useless.
    - no regular Bruno and Veronica

  7. 4 hours ago, shadowofchaos said:

    That's what I'm afraid of because I don't have access to skill inheritance of the newer skills.

    Which means I'm probably already been "punished" for being late to the party. Alas that's what happens with Gacha games.
    Well, except Granblue if you're a casual (lol the whales get left behind by other whales every other day)

    what @XRaysays. Usually you should be fine with old +10 units and old skills to solve abyssal if you have invested into them with Dragonflowers and summoner support. The latest Abyssal stat bump and max BST powercreep makes it near impossible for the Askrtrio to clear Abyssals without any heavy investment. up until Leaf abyssal i was able to clear the stuff without any Dragonflower Summoner Support or a beefed up Veronica (although i used skill inheritance).

    Dont neglect old skills. Some old skills are actually still very good. Threaten Skills can change a map quite alot and make it easier although the skill is quite bad for PVP but great in PVE when you take positioning and spawn points into account.

    The question is do you want to use new Tier 4 skills on unmerged units or merge up easy old units and give them Dragonflower.

    New units should be able to clear Abyssals without neither of those depending on the Team-Comp

    please note i am not useing Dancer in my clears, this makes it extra harder. But thats my preference.

    In general though if you use the newer F2P units like Eir, Peony etc you should be fine without merges and not much or heavy skill inheritance, if you want to use specific loved units it depends on the Team comp

  8. I dont care how they introduce OCs as long as they are introduced either as a seperate banner, free unit whatever. I am still waiting on Regular Veronica and Bruno... for so so so long -_-

    In all honesty i hope they introduce Veronica, Bruno and a 3. unit as the new free "Askr-trio" for Book 5 that cant be merged up.

    I dont mind that the Askrtrio cant be merged up, the bonus perk is that they are on constant rotation.

  9. 1 hour ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    Hm... I just realized it... We may not have a Mythic Hero Battle for Mirabilis... Rip 1 Anima Blessing, 1 Golden Accessory and 9 Orbs.

    OC Legendarys/Mythics that are friends with the Askr-Trio usually dont have a battle.
    See Gunnthra, See Fjorm, See Eir, See Peony. The only ecxeption was Hrid

    Lif and Thrasir were opponents so thats that.

    Still a shame, i wish we would get some bonus Legendary Hero battles with reinforcements:
    Hrid Gunnthra Fjorm Ylgr on a map
    Eir Thrasir Lif on a map
    FGrima Lucina Chrom on a map
    Ryoma and Azura on a map
    Hector Eliwood and Lyn
    Marth and Tiki

    well you get the Idea.

  10. 2 hours ago, Humanoid said:
      Reveal hidden contents

    Nice to have an alternative to Brady as a current-gen infantry healer. Brady himself needs to be foddered to all other healers for the Push skill, and Mercedes doesn't count because I can't stand her and her base kit does nothing for me. This is assuming Emmy goes into the 3-4* pool of course.



    As for the banner units, some people care mostly about new characters. Others like me only care about new units, and don't care much about who they are, prioritising utility over representation. Looks like the banner has managed to unite the feuding factions in shared disappointment. 😛


    watch her be on a seperate banner repeating the Ayra incident!!!


  11. 3 minutes ago, XRay said:

    Ugh... I might have to buy Orb pack to get the guaranteed summon. Dancers/Singers are something that I just cannot ignore! Mirabilis feels pretty tame as a Dancer/Singer though, although I guess that might be a good thing since she is an Anima Mythic.

    Dont know at some point ones barrack has enough Dancer/singers and Mirabilis doesnt bring much to the table other units cover mostly allready. If she were an offensiv Mythic it would have been otherwise.
    Mirabilis is pretty useless, she cant Infantry pulse your Team, she cant avoid B!Fjorm, because Mythics dont gain stat boosts from their blessings and her buff might be more a detriment  due to Aversa.
    Infact a single B!Fjorm with Sudden panic can dismantle her.

  12. 1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

    Yeah, but I still don't understand why they'd have bad PR if they carried on with their business since they're from a faraway unaffected country. It isn't really fair to the Japanese fans who did nothing wrong.

    Heck, it's not fair to the western folks who did nothing wrong either, but the problem is still going on in the US, so...

    why are you seeing this as punishment? Sony started it with postponing their PS5 presentation and others are following suit, they are basicly taking a political stance (although i think the reason is more that now is not such a good time for PR)

  13. 1 minute ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    Hm... So Mirabilis is the 4th Hero in the Forging Bonds. Peony was not in the FB of her banner since we had Tanya as insta-demotion... but having Mirabilis in the Forging Bonds is a good way to give us more info a put her.

    Also... Is safe to guess Mirabilis as one of the Red slots in the June's Banner, like how Eir and Peony were released on a Hero Fest/New Heroes banner in December and later appeared in December's Legendary Banner? It could mean the Legendary Hero will not be Red now...

    @NSSKG151 Good luck in your mission If +10ing Anna. I know you can do it! You may even get some fairies in the way, that may be useful in AR... Or as fodder since she has Fort. Def/Res.

    i really doubt Mirabilis will be in the Red slot in the June Banner

  14. 6 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Something's going on with the devs and whoever posts on the Twitter pages. There are no Twitter posts for the new trailer and no in-game notification. I hope this isn't an indication of something bad.

    most likely because of all the stuff thats happening in the USA. Most game-companies have postponed stuff due to the political situation there

  15. 2 hours ago, SockPuppet said:

    Masked Marth welcomes all new supporters 🙂 

    well since Lif lost i did the most logical thing, since i cant be bothered with this mode. I joined Lucina. Not because i want to support her, god no. But she is the only female so she prolly will wind then next 2 rounds...

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