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Posts posted by Hilda

  1. As I have stated before:
    CYL voting should only be doable ingame in FEH with an Event. That way botting is very limited and the CYL votes come from the actual fan of the game.

    You could even tie the CYL voting up in the end with 2 "Voting Gauntlets" (but with no mulitplier or point accumalting just normal voting): 1 for the mens division and 1 for the womans division, just to give everyone a last chance to pick who they see should get a Brave Alt/Version

  2. 1 hour ago, XRay said:

    Brave Bow can still punch a hole through Spurn, and it can punch through it 2 more times.

    Mulagir is worse on player phase, and I do not think dual phasing is a good idea when stuff like SK!Alm, Blazing nukes, and Pulsed Moonbow/Glacies/Ignis are still pretty common.

    Challenger List: Filtered full list. Both sides +10 with 6/6/6/6 bonus buffs. Enemies have Distant Counter if empty, Spurn overwrite, and Darting Stance Sacred Seal. Mulagir-Brazen Atk/Spd has 31 HP, Brave Bow has 1 HP.

      Reveal hidden contents

    Lyn (Brave) (5*+10 +spd -hp)  
    Weapon: Mulagir  
    Special: Moonbow  
    A: Life and Death 4  
    B: Sacae's Blessing  
    S: Swift Sparrow 2  
    Upgrade Path: 5  
    Lyn (Brave) (5*+10 +spd -hp)  
    Weapon: Mulagir  
    Special: Moonbow  
    A: Brazen Atk Spd 4  
    B: Sacae's Blessing  
    S: Brazen Atk Spd 3  
    Upgrade Path: 5  
    Lyn (Brave) (5*+10 +atk -hp)  
    Weapon: Brave Bow+  
    Special: Luna  
    A: Brazen Atk Spd 4  
    B: Desperation 3  
    S: Brazen Atk Spd 3  

    Against infantry only:
    Mulagir-Life and Death
    Mulagir-Brazen Atk/Spd
    Brave Bow

    Against all units:
    Mulagir-Life and Death
    Mulagir-Brazen Atk/Spd
    Brave Bow

    Even against the filtered full list where it favors higher Spd over higher Atk, Brave Bow still wins out on player phase. In my opinion, 20,000 Feathers for Brave Bow is cheaper than 200 Divine Dew for Mulagir. 20,000 Feathers can be easily gained a in week, while 200 Dew takes a lot longer.

    Honey irrelevent data against irrelevent units. How many of those listed units can run Spurn/Repell competent Meta defining with high speed? Mulagir wins in a Defensiv Team by large margin.

  3. 3 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

    I've been debating about my Brave Lyn. She's +10 and +Atk, but with how fast the game keeps getting, I've been considering +Spd. But, I don't want to leave her too weak, since she's still pretty freaking fast even with neutral Spd.

    Dont let yourself be fooled by others. +SPD +10 Brave Lyn with refined Mulagir and Life and Death 4 hits like a truck and is fantastic .52 visible Speed and 58 Atk, 53 and 59 with Dragonflowers and then Mulagir buffs kick in for 57 Spd and 63 Attack. Her Weapon also ignores buffs on ranged units which is good. She also negates the bulk lost from Life and Death 4.

    Mulagir is the better pick in this current meta of Close Call/Repell. Close Call/Repell tanks cant counter with no Null-C-Disrupt, because of Brave Lyns B-skill and eat the full Damage of her.

    Brave Bow Lyn is in my eyes only good in PVE and maybe a coople match ups.

  4. 4 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

    Perhaps in your opinion, but (again) the fact remains that he was meddlesome enough to most for IS to remove him as a random PvE spawn (something that was only previously done to dancers and the CYL1 units).

    Though in hindsight, it is pretty funny in a sad way that Surtr got axed as a PvE spawn yet IS sees no problem in letting [insert at least half of the Heroes released from 2019 to present here] run free in PvE. Oh and speaking of that, I hope everyone is prepared to starting dealing with the Krises (and Julian to a lesser extent) in PvE starting on the 20th.

    Thats because Surtrs entire kit outmaneuvers/or cripples the AI playing. They removed him from PvE so people could use Auto-Battle without a dedicated Surtr tank.

    Thats also the reason why people started to build dedicated Surtr tanks on AR Defense until L!Alm came along and NFU became a thing. Prior to this you could just park Surtr in AR and watch the AI Defense Team basicly just die to his AoE damage unless you had a dedicated hard Surtr counter built into your AR Defense Team.

  5. I dont think Cavs need much help. Infact i think they are in a good spot. Cavs per say dont suck the personal weapon of most Cav units suck.
    Besides i am of the mindset that each class is its pros and cons depending on the mode. Its clear that Arena is Armor heaven because of the way points are calculated

    meanwhile Cavs excell at AR Defense. I mean Cav-Line is still a thing and every mixed AR Defense map uses 1-2 Cavs in the forms of Leif Veronica Eliwood etc. Heck i even see sometimes Brave Lyn hit and run tactics on Offense.

    Cavs are also good in the new mode they introduced due to their mobility, meanwhile Armors suck gigantic in that mode.

    It really all boils down to personal weapon and stat spread. Hrid for example is still an excellent cav unit due to his stat Spread and Personal weapon. Meanwhile Leo is garbage because his Personal weapon and refine focuses on something that is nearly inexistent unless you are called Brave Ike: Defensiv battle.

    And everyone that thinks Ophelia is opressiv: yes she can be much, but i dont even need to enter combat against her to dimish her offensiv power. Pulse Smoke cripples Ophelia to hell.

    If anything Lysethea is  way more oppressiv with Times pulse, because Pulse Smoke doenst work when she runs a 2 cooldown special.

    You cant make all Cavs good just as you cant make all armorers infantrys etc excell at everything. But to say that all Cavs suck is an really not the truth there are couple of excellent cavs existing that are very good various/some modes:

    Regular Eliwood (GF frontline or Distant Counter Tank your pick!)
    Brave Eliwood (GF frontline and Dragon Killer)
    Legendary Eliwood (Excellent Support)
    Hrid (Dualphase unit that is excellent)
    LetheNewYear (excellent Dualphase unit)
    Seliph (monstrious Enemy phase unit)
    VeronicaPirate (excellen tDualphase unit)
    Ares (fantastic Vantage user)
    The Reinhardt! Is still very good
    Kaden (excellent support)
    Leif, i mean comon there needs no introduction for this
    Brave Roy
    Brave Lyn
    Brave Veronica

    There are others that are still ok, and you dont see most of those above, because most are 5 Star exclusiv and Cavs really get the most out of merged stats in my opinion.

    Now I am not saying that every of the above units is totally viable on every mode, but they sure arent bad.

  6. 6 minutes ago, Othin said:

    My free 100 will probably go to Fallen Lyon, since his current nature is so bad. It'll also mean I'll finally feel able to start putting dragonflowers into him, I haven't wanted to since it seemed like he'd end up as SI fodder if I ever got another copy with a better trait.

    Yeah, the video showed an unmerged Fjorm picking both an asset and a flaw.

    hmmm, its a good thing that Anna has 3 superbanes no superboon and is unmergable!!!

  7. More Dragonflower merges: Great another BST increase... I like the possibility of useing more Dragonflowers, but it also means that the BST increase is gonna hurt Gen1 units again alot unless you invest into them like crazy (especially ranged units)

    Edelgard has become Hector it seems... meh

    new mode: hope the rewards are at least good

    CYL: lets wait and see their stats and skills

    Asset change: thats the most exciting thing!

  8. 7 hours ago, Jotari said:

    Phantom Atk 4: B Skill: If skill compares unit's atk to foe's or ally's atk, treats unit's atk as if it is higher than foe or ally's atk (if comparison deals damage based on the difference, deal the maximum damage).

    Phantom Spd 4: B Skill: If skill compares unit's spd to foe's or ally's spd, treats unit's spd as if it is higher than foe or ally's spd (if comparison deals damage based on the difference, deal the maximum damage).

    Phantom Def 4: B Skill: If skill compares unit's def to foe's or ally's def treats unit's def as if it is higher than foe or ally's def (if comparison deals damage based on the difference, deal the maximum damage).

    Phantom Res 4: B Skill: If skill compares unit's res to foe's or ally's res, treats unit's res as if it is higher than foe or ally's res (if comparison deals damage based on the difference, deal the maximum damage).

    For no real good reason it bothers me that skills exist that are only seals, so I'd like to see them introduced as regular skills. Not sure where to put them. They really do work best as seals. Make them C slots and you can't use them with ploys, make them B and you can't use with wind/water sweep, and make them As and you can't use Flashing.Heavy Blade (and they face serious competition against the likes of Darting Blow and even Def+3, though hopefully level 4 versions that just eliminate state comparisons completely would be best. I decided to go with B skills since giving everyone, even the slowest units who don't sacrifice anything by being unable to double, access Wind/Water sweep might be a bit too much. Oh speaking of, heaby blade is the only skill that compares atk, right? Might as well add another.

    Disarm: A skill: If unit's atk is greater than or equal to foe's atk, after combat inflict status on foe preventing counter attacks throughout its next actions.



    Noone is gonna use Phantom skills if they are on the B Slot. If anything they either need to be a Seal or the C-Slot.

    I mean whats the point of Phantom Res 4 on a B-Slot when you cant then even learn Sabotage skills.  And no 4 is definitly to strong and would break the game

  9. 2 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

    If I could get close foil, I'd slap it on my Takumi so fast. Sure, he can't counter dragons anymore, but he shouldn't be doing that anyway with his res.

    this pretty much. I slap close foil on ranged units with high def and low res. they have no business fighting dragons in the first place. Close Counter is decent on ranged units that have mixed bulk like Norne.  Close Foil is also very decent on units that have lowish Def, it patches that up. I would arguably say that Close Foil is miles ahead then Close Counter in terms of usefulness. Close Counter really was only viable on a selected few units.

  10. 1 hour ago, NSSKG151 said:

    I think they are done with Farfetched Heroes. While I liked them I understand why they stopped last year since it was getting to the point where if they wanted to add the highest ranking male not yet in the game they would have needed to go all the way down into the eighties (if you ignore Heroes OCs) and pass up plenty of female characters in the process. Plus they kind of made up for it by making sure their normal new heroes banner started having at least 2-3 of the top 5 most popular characters on whatever game is the focus on them now. Besides, even if we had a Farfetched Heroes banner this year it will just be like the CYL4 Brave banner and be full of Three Houses characters anyway minus less orbs because it would be a paralogue instead of a New Heroes banner.

    I think Farfetched was allways done on the wrong timing. It was allways too soon after CYL so people usually were/are out of orbs. If Farfetched would have happened mid January it would have been in a better place.

    But thats just my opinion.

  11. I dont think there will be a Dancer banner this year. There is allready a plethora of Dancers in the game and as seasonals and we have 2 unreleased Dancers on the way. I think they might have switched the Dancer banner with the Pirate banner.

    A new Dancer banner would be totally uninteresting if the Dancers wouldnt be on par or offer something new compared to Peony Mirabillis or LAzura, which imho might actually break the game even more lulz

    I mean just look at the last banner? How many Berkuts Reinhardts Isthars etc do you encounter on a weekly daily bases? almost none

    I havent pulled for a Dancer specificly since Legendary Azura. The ones i got in between until now were pitty breakers or lucky pulls or new 4 Star demotes that are in the general pool.

  12. 38 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Of course I know that. I'm reminded like every single time I decide to ignore a round or more of a VG... But I don't mind missing out on a measly 8 orbs (since I got the four from the first round in this case).

    uhhh wut? But everytime a G/B/L/MHB is too hard you complained because of missing out on orbs?!?!?!?!

  13. I agree they should have droped half of the Book 1 units into the 4 Star pool after this update, so the weekly revival banner cycle isnt that long:
    Out of the following the bolded ones, should have imho been demoted now to 4 Star units:
    Young Tiki
    Brave Lyn
    Brave Ike
    Brave Roy
    Brave Lucina

    Yes thats a little bit then over the half, but to be honest, i would even demote more with the exeption of a handfull of good units and CYL1

  14. 31 minutes ago, Othin said:

    Oh, man. A possible Harmonic Osian? I'd actually have to pull for that.

    Hmm. In Osian's Forging Bonds, he spends most of his time with Bartre, Arthur, and Dorcas, but also spars with Legion and Libra and mentions having fought Hawkeye and Barst as well. Anna appears as the end, but she isn't seen interacting with them directly. I swear I remember CHOP coming up in a second Forging Bonds, with Edelgard, but I haven't been able to find it.

    The one issue with CHOP is that it's a bunch of infantry axe users defined by being infantry axe users, so a Harmonic Hero based on CHOP would be kind of pressed to keep that. I could see them going for it anyway, but it'd make it feel a bit repetitive.

    we need a muscle Bruno/Hawkeye duo, because of the comicstrip

  15. On 7/31/2020 at 5:52 PM, SuperNova125 said:

    Astra has to be one of the wort things in the entire game. My defense so far is flawless and perfect but offence is as bad as it goes we desperately need two new non melee Astra Mythics with support capabilities. I started using Auto dispatch to avoid it. 

    thats because the offense of everyone else is also as bad as it gets lol

  16. God dammit ._. why did IS just throw me a curveball with Duo Xander-Veronica. I just had 700 orbs for the August Legendary banner!!!!
    I never summon for those Duo or Harmonic heroes, because i just find the concept disgusting. But why those 2 x.x

    I have to resist Q.Q


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