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Everything posted by Techidance

  1. Quick question: It seems that Colm comes into the chapter you recruit him on with keys for doors and chests, and I imagine that's to allow him to do what he'd normally do as a thief if you don't recruit him ASAP. Is this the case? Because on his turn, he just flies aimlessly at me. lol. I've considered the possibility that there might not be an easy way to make 'Other' characters use keys to open doors and chests, but now I'm confused as to why we have the keys if his Other-phase can't make use of them. Am I wrong? I'm open to being wrong, it just seems a little odd. Hopefully answering my question isn't a bother. I downloaded the latest version for funsies and I'm having a blast so far. A wonderful patch, and I smile big at the muscular brigand woman every time she hits something.
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