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Posts posted by Doom103

  1. If you don't have anything nice to say, wrap it in spoilers! But please, don't read it if you didn't expect to recieve any negative criticism from showing this to us.

    Not as easy as you thought. The hair is badly recolored. That headband attachment is still there but with no headband >_>. The ripping is done horribly. It just doesn't look good. Even for a second or first mug.

    geee thanks lol

  2. honestly theres no way to do this fairly because even the slightest button lag can screw someone over

    and mac ive won tourneys with ke and his recovery sucks big balls

  3. Prologue part 2

    Hector - Were here mathew

    Mathew - yea we are havent been here since phewwwww so long ago

    Hector - ahhhh i see them

    Mathew - ughhhhh

    Hector - WHAT IS IT. BAH

    ? - why are u here

    Hector - Rath..... u

    Rath - you brought curruption to out sacred lands its being invaded by troops what have u done!

    Hector - what troops? rebels?

    Rath - no form Ostia

    Hector - WHAT!

    Rath - dont play dumb there after Lyn

    Hector - Is she safe?

    Rath - I dont know why dont you ask your soldiers! there coming this way

    Mathew - ughhhhh mi lord i know who sent them

    Hector - WHAT! WHO

    Mathew - your........brother....

    Hector - how do you know !?

    Mathew - because im his spy. remember i was his spy first

    Hector - no then why did they attack you

    Mathew - im such a secret the soldiers dont even know

    Hector - so brother is alive........

    Rath - so it wasnt your fault

    Hecotr -....

    Rath - mathew you traitor

    Mathew - ughhhhh.h.h..h...h.h.......h.......h.......

    Hector - u ... u killed him

    Rath - i had to to he could have been leading us into a trap


    Rath - Damn

    Soldiers - ahhhhhhhh ughhhhhhhhh

    Rath - heh what took u so long

    Guy - .....

    Hector - Guy........

    Guy - mathew i owed my life to you once but now....... i couldnt care less if your dead of alive traitor

    Guy - i know were our allies are Rath

    Rath - really were

    Guy - in another continent being held prisoners

    Hector - which continent?

    Guy - Magvel

    Mathew - looooordddd...... your brother is there too.........

    Hector - mathew

    Mathew - sorry mi lord... but im done..............................................

    Hector - BAH!!!! Damnit all

    Rath - shall we be goin lord hector

    Hector - yea to recruit more troops

    Soren - we beach tomorrow

    Shinnon - man i hate war its such a drag

    Nepheene - Dont worry i recon we gonna win

    Shinnon - i have no doubts but still its such a drag

    Sigrun - General

    Ike - yea

    Sigrun - nothing forget it on your leave

    Ike - .....?

    Mia - BOSS!!!!!!! its been too long since weve spared can wew please please please?

    ike - heh u havent changed a bit ok lets go

    Ziark - sigh ** i hate boat rides

    Vika - why hate them? there so calm....

    Haar - ZZZZZZZZZ

    Volke - hey can u stop snoring


    Haar - what what

    Volke - stop snoring

    Haar - oh i was. ill stop for 1000 gold

    Volke - ? what?

    Naseala - how did i get draged into this

    Tibarn - same way i did

    Naseala - Sigh**

  4. l am not good vs. Kirby

    what u main toon link. the matchup is in your favor

    well for me DDD and snake ike's worst matchup's damn penguin.

    well DDD has projectiles and out ranges ike so yea gay. he can chain grab me gay again and te waddles stop quick draw recovery and its hard to aether spike him

    and snake is stronger than ike and his recovery isnt very gimpalbe so thats gay plus he has projectiles up the wazoo. he can KO ike easy and ike is easily punished by snake so yea very gay

  5. The pieces don't go well together, giving off a flowing appearance, like it goes together. Like it should be like that.

    u know i kinda thought the same thing but im on a laptop so i messed up in alot of places if i had a mouse and was on a table i maybe could have done better

  6. How do you know? I looked up earlier. You aren't even close to me.

    yea lol keep thinking that

    it takes big skill to plop a render on a pre made BG and lowering the opacity.

    all i do is politely CnC your work and u flip out. not cool but ill let this go so we can start over. we ok

    just dont worry ill not help u and dont reply to this because im not coming back here :) later

  7. @Doom103: Because you're calling me a noob and you're not even good yourself.

    @Legendary Drive A: Sorry, just the way you worded it made me think wrong. Sorry and thanks.

    im not calling u a noob

    and youve never seen my work

  8. I heard that Pichu has an up on Fox because of some specific thing he can do, but digress. "Pros" don't just know what their characters can do, they know what every other character can do. With that stuff in mind, unless the "casual" guy actually knew stuff too, and was very good, and just played with items and all that jazz because they thought it was more fun, in which case they wouldn't really be a casual guy, that's pretty far fetched.

    and all that comes with experience which all pros have

    btw im posting this to see my new sig lol

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