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Posts posted by Tenzen12

  1. 8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Insert philosophical babble others have said wherein I'm tolerant to Pay to Win gamers. Let us all FtP, PtW, and PtF alike try to be semiproductive, semihealthy citizens though.*

    FtP - Free to Play

    PtW - Pay to win

    PtF - ??? 

  2. So you think people capable spending thousand dolars on FEH can afford it without working hard? People who work hard in RL can take it easy in game (or not that's up to them). People who don't work hard in RL have no choice but grind and brag about being F2P.

  3. We need pain as concept, but we don't need be in pain. If we feel pain it means something is wrong, if we don't it means everything is alright. There is no point being in pain over mobile game. In first place why  do you consider  playing mobile game worthwile as long as it's for free? Regardless whether you pay or not  it isn't "productive" way spending your time either way. You should go feed children in Africa or something instead if you look for valuable experience.


  4. I don't consider myself whale, but I do spend money on FEH and I never regreted. My most reliable units units are fully made from (originally) 3 and 4 stars I raised promoted, merged. By paying I didn't loose any of perks F2P get, but on top of that I can admire full set of Lyns and Hectors which is "my reward", if I didn't pay I wouldn't have them and I know I would be GREATLY bothered by it. If money wouldn't be able buy even peace of mind what good they would be and what is more valuable then that?

    So will you still say that I would be happier if I didn't spent money on "mere" mobile game? That's not up to you decide though. Every invidual have their own priorities. F2P and P2W are both equally valid approaches to FEH any other game of this kind. So you really need deal that this is "each of their own" case. In the end it's not any different then buying book,  movie or any other kind of entertainment..

  5. 3 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    I believe Laguz/beast units are something to the version 3.0 because it's a big thing. Normally, in big version updates (2.0, 3.0) they add something very unique. In my opinion the things added in 2.0 were the blessing system and weapon refinery, two things that changed FEH a lot (the blessing not that much, but the weapon refinery opened the way to units who we didn't see that much, Alm being a exemple), and I can see Luguz being a thing for 3.0, being a totally new class for the game.

    I am sure that IS already created the beast units for the game too, but they are probably waiting for the best moment to release it. We will probably know about Laguz/Beast units during a FEH Channel and not by surprise in a random "new heroes" banner.

    You should just say that first! 

    I guess these are good reasons for them appear around 3.0. While I think they could be easily implemented without any major change of mechanics, It's still big event suitable for new version. 


    28 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    Colorless dragons or colored bows are different colors of weapons which already are in the game. Laguz will be a new type of unit. They need to decide how they will work. They will transform only during battles, like the dragons? They will be a transformation unit who target Def? IS need to do something different, or a red laguz will be like a red sword unit, a unit who do physical damage and have vantage against green unit and disadvantage against blue units.

      As far as we know IS could as well work on Laguz for year and half without single break already and maybe they just finished yesterday (that's just example of course). It's not like IS report us their progress on projects do they?


    Well, while I agree there might be issues that need (or needed, because as I said everthing could be already solved) to be adressed, I think some points are clearly set in current game mechanics. Red Laguz would be weak against Lances and blue tomes. That's perfectly logical. They would indeed transform for battle (unless IS really feel need to do some super special, which is not necessary but they are free do so if they want) and of course there is no reason why they would target anything else but defense (Dragon laguz would be simply count dragons instead anyway).


  7. 1 hour ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    I don't believe IS will add Laguz or beast units until version 3.0. Colorless Dragons and Colored bows are easier to be added, but beast unit needs more work to do.

    Out of curiosity, what kind of work, you think, IS still needs do so they can implement Laguz units? And in what way it's more complicated then dragons or colorless bows?

  8. What value is making your character stronger? Well, they get stronger and Stronger unit have easier time to clear game content.

    Well there is obviously more to it then just that.

    1. Some unit simply appreciate more stats then others. Especially units who fall behind due having "Balanced stats" are gimped into lighting bruisers. Fragile speedsters (like Nino) can avoid getting one-shoted. Dancers who are week, became usable in actual combat ect, ect.
    2. Natures: Some are crippling, so it's better merge into better so you don't loose all effort building it, starting from scratch.
    3. Special projects: These sometime require it. I got -atk Brave Roy which is not exactly great... so I just decided make better one from lot of Eliwoods :D. Then there is my +10 Cecilia who can excelently use Blade+Close Counter+Vantage and is practicaly unstoppable. She wouldn't work that well without bulk she get from merges. There are no limits to imagination.
    4. Some unit are just too good to not merge. Units like Nowi, Caeda, Masked Marth or Reinhardt, these are units you  would use for very long time. So any investment into such units will pay of in long run. In the end it's better invest into unit that are useful then give golden glow to random bench warming proffesionals.
    5. Easier inheritance: Units that use expensive skills (like Aether/Galeforce/refinable legendary weapons...) or such where you want more alternatives for slot can make great use of merging as new copy can once again level from 1 to 40 and thus learn skills that "main unit" don't have yet.

    Yep, that should be about it.

  9. I am quite happy I get another Martha. My TT rewards usually doesn't see much use once trials end and I feel bad using limited characters as fodder, so they just laze around in my barracks. Marth in other hand is excelent healer as well as fighter. Merging all her into super Marth is certainly on my list to do.

    Unfortunatelly I will gonna use flyier emblem this time as my Caeda is in dire need of SP.

  10. 11 hours ago, Icelerate said:

    I wasn't being funny at all. I guess you aren't bright enough to see that considering your previous post. Either that or you're simply a joker. In either case, not worth having a serious discussion with. 

    I thought so. I just hoped to make you sound like having good sense for humor rather then being plainly wrong and this is how you pay me back for my consideration...

  11. 8 hours ago, Pegasus Knight said:

    Judging from the answers here the problem isnt the origins of inspiration but the actual mindset that people have built over the years... Its really baffling to me how they can accept dragons, magic, woldskins, kitsune and any other crazy thing (that didn't exist in that country's history or even mythology!!) but show them a male pegasus rider and they freak their minds.... RIP i mean RIP the irony is that the only actual pegasus rider in mythology was a  male.... RIP i cant take these arguments seriously when they flip flop all over the place... (see also the Pegasus efficiency argument RIP)


    I am sorry i dont want to sound rude but if the opposite side tries to put themselves on the other sides shoes they might actually understand instead of trying to find unreasonable excuses to fit their agendas...

    I am almost sure there wasn't even single person who would "freak their mind" (or  even expressed mild annoyance) because idea of male pegasus knight.  Are you sure you didn't jump to conslucsion somewhere along to way?

    Sorry to tell you that but your witch to be burned is in another castle.

  12. 11 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Kind of sort of.

    "Loyalty and bravery" is 義勇 (giyuu), literally righteousness 義 (gi) smooshed together with bravery 勇 (yuu). The entire compound can be translated as one as "heroism", but I used a more verbose translation because "hero" is kind of a loaded word.

    The "brave" in Brave weapons is 勇者の (yuusha no), literally "hero's" as in 勇者の槍 (yuusha no yari), "hero's lance", for Brave Lance. The word for "hero", 勇者 (yuusha), can be deconstructed as "brave person" (and is also the Japanese name of the Hero class).

    So these words are related (sort of) after all.  I did thought it could be fun if Dauntless Lace was blue version of Amiti...

  13. 6 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Dauntless Lance:

    It's name is 義勇の槍 (giyuu no yari), "Lance of Loyalty and Bravery", in Japanese.

    Its Japanese name kind of screams Resolve (勇将 (yuushou), "Brave General") to me mostly because she was one of two characters in Path of Radiance able to run the Wrath + Resolve combo without needing both skill scrolls. I'm expecting something like Brazen Atk/Spd 3 and Desperation 3.

    I assume Bravery part is written differently from "Brave" weapons, isn't it?

  14. On 6/27/2018 at 9:30 AM, jake72002 said:

    I believe it would be like Fates Special Edition, having three paths involving Byleth joining one of the Lord's against the others. The fourth path would be Byleth betraying all three, forcing the three Lord's to unite against himself then is later revealed that he became the monster in order to bring unity to the three houses in a Lelouch-like magnificent bastardry.

    I definitely think there will be infighting among lords and routes will split because of that, but I don't see more then two routes. Fates couldn't do it properly even with three games after all.

  15. Again tell me where I said pegasi can't carry males? All I said that it makes sense for it dominated by females and that potential male knights should have light slim physique. Again game itself make obvious pegasi are not good with heavy burdens, that's not "real world logic" (which s same as that of fantasy world anyway, because logic is logic regardless where it's used), but fact affirmed by FE itself.

    Caeda si fine because she is badass, she would be all the same in real world. What exactly is supposed be relation between her kicking assess and her being in fantasy world anyway?  She has no super power, nor she use magic as far as I can remember.

  16. 4 hours ago, Pegasus Knight said:

    the fact u took a "i would like more pegasus riders" (key word more since we already have 1 so its not about "breaking" a tradition) and turn it into a Youtube comment section about diversity says a lot...

    And your posts are very hypocritical since u have no issue with caeda kicking the asses of opponents she would never be able in real life BUT on the same hand a non existent creature cant carry males because of science :rolleyes: At least be honest and say u dont like it... no one is going to hunt u (at least here) for stating your aesthetics opinion...

    Are you backtracking your own posts now? Having more maler PKs was never issue with me I even explicitly said it would be fun, remember? What I did have isssue with was you calling reason behind this class sexistic and deciding it should be unisex for sake of diversity. Also I don't know about single opponent Caeda fought in FE she wouldn't be able theoretically fight in RL, which includes dragons.

    What's more I never said pegasi can't carry males, I just stated why it's more practical for it not being case. Even in fantasy worlds exist physics, gravity, momentum and practically everything else. Magic can bypass it, sure, but  in FE case it was never even implied  pegasi are magical creature. It's just treated as winged horse. Did you ever look on their stat in games where Con is thing? Pegasi are not good carrying heavy burdens, if they do they get huge penalties. That's why PKs are mainly female and Wywern riders unisex


  17. Yeah, no. There is no sexist tradition in fire emblem. Females kick asses for decades already, starting with Caeda. This is your regular witch hunt, which always end with innocent burned on stake in name of '"social justice". And support that is nothing but about making yourself feel good about yourself how just and upright you are.


  18. 1 hour ago, Pegasus Knight said:

    This doesnt make sense at all...

    so why aren't riders only female as well ...

    Pegasus (a non existent creature) is capable to carry a rider in the air... in some cases more than 1 (see sumnia saving chrom)

    wyvern riders also carry male and female...

    also this is a world where skinny chicks like Charlotte (an almost any FE female character)  can butcher beefy man...


    lets not try bring fake logic to maintain sexist characteristics


    lets ne honest here pegasus riders only being female was done for aesthetic reasons but there is no reason to keep it that way anymore....


    p.s subaki isnt beefy at all RIP


    in what world is this beefy ... especially for a horse to carry on...


    It's you who makes it sexist. Pegasi are winged horses. Did you ever see jockeys? They are always small and light and yes horse can carry heavy burdens, but if you expect high perfomance in battle, lighter rider is obviously better. And yes it's also for aesthetic reasons, but that doesn't change rather obvious reasons that can be applied on story.

    In first place don't fix what isn't broken. Fire emblem have lot of archetypes and habbits codified in it over decades of it's existence. It's fine experiment here and there or even break rules for more fun, but discarding traditions just to comform some kind of  "social agendas"wannabe would just ruin game. Male pegasi knigh? Sure. Gay/Lesbian lord? Fine with me (just don't make everyone bi so they can marry. That would be stupid). Oh you wanna black/hispanic character, why I should care? Everything is fine just don't try make it sound like it need to be there or that game is worse without it.

    As for Wywern riders. They are flyings tanks, when pegasi are fragile speedsters. Why you don't give thought of difference between both animals first before you make argument that doesn't make any sense.

  19. Got Lector in 30 orbs (+HP/-Spd), that's practically second best boon? With 26 res he seems practically unkillable even by red mages.

    Anyway I hope we will get another Hector after CYL to complete my ultimale shipping fantasy. Can you imagine five Lyns being paired with five Hectors? Probably only Lucina x Robin could do something similiar, but she is not lesbian so it wouldn't count.




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