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Posts posted by ashlyn

  1. When I first started playing the game I didn't care who I got as a 5* because I needed as many 5* as I could get. But now I only pull for specific colors because I usually have specific heroes in mind that I'd like to get, considering I already have a pretty good selection of heroes now. It may take a bit longer to build up the appearance rate but it is worth it to me because you save more orbs towards getting the hero you want, and you won't have as big of a risk as breaking your appearance rate, especially when you could potentially get another one of the focus units that you didn't want if you go for all of the orbs. 

  2. We're totally getting another wedding themed banner and I'm convinced one of the units will be a bridal Anna. I know people are going to hate me for this but I really hope that Tharja will also be one of the units on the banner. If they put grooms on the banner, I have a feeling one of them will be Marth. I would love to see Saizo or Hector as one of the other grooms, but I doubt that will happen. 

  3. I don't think we need any changes to current units but that it would make things interesting if they were to add a skill like that to a new character. They could make it be an A or B slot skill that gave the option of inverting the weapon triangle, and then people would get the option of keeping it on them or getting rid of it and using the unit with the regular triangle advantages/disadvantages. I think that would work better that way than if they were to make a weapon that did the same thing. 

  4. yeah it's a really weird class that's never really appealed to me. but replication is nice to get from the class, if nothing else lol. but now everyone can just get it from castles, so that defeats the purpose of going into the class for that reason, unless you want to get the skills naturally yourself.

  5. 16 hours ago, SilvertheShadow said:

    Honestly I feel Eden Riegel aka Claudia Lenz does a very good job replicating Danielle Judovitz. She even does the odd phonetics such as saying "Pu-PAH".

    The fact that nobody seems to deduce who Alicia Stratten could be assuming she's indeed a pseudonym is kinda odd. Nanna sounds pretty similar to Brianna Knickerbocker, but Laegjarn sounds nothing like Knickerbocker so that's out the window. My best guess is that this Alicia Stratten is either a completely new VA entering the scene or a different VA who hasn't been in Heroes yet. 

    after listening to her I will say that she does sound very similar to how she originally sounded, so I'm glad that at least worked out. 

  6. Thanks to reducing the stamina cost down to 0 for these maps, I took the initiative to try harder to clear these maps since you don't really lose anything if you happen to fail the battle. So last night I finally beat the map on Infernal, with my team made up of Winter Tharja, Deirdre, Male Morgan, and Inigo. Now it's time to move on to finishing those pesky quests for the battle...

  7. On 3/22/2018 at 5:35 PM, Mbgx16 said:

    That's perfect, thank you so much! Yeah, send it today, and I'll shoot you a PM after I get it. I'll check after my class tonight around 10pm eastern

    I completely didn't see this post until right now, I'm so sorry! I just sent you one and I'll send you two other ones in the next two days if that is okay for you. Again, I'm sorry about not seeing it sooner and any inconveniences this caused. >.<

  8. I can help send you some, and I can send you some each day. If you want, I can send you one today when I get home. 

    When I visit you it'll be under the name of Matt, since he's my avatar. If you want to visit me back the castle code in my description will link back to my Revelation file, and I've got a lot of good skills on people if you want to pick some up. 

    I'm happy to help out, and hopefully Jakob will make some good meals for your team. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, Charmeleonbrah said:

    Yes, Kanna is awesome.  About a month ago, when i was obsessively watching the show, I would actually hear the opening and closing song in my head at work for large chunks of the day.  I felt like I was going insane but I didn't really mind it.  You should check out KonoSuba too.  It's a funny lighthearted anime with some lewdness thrown in like Maido.

    That happens to me all the time. I'll watch something so much that I'll just hear the songs from it all the time, or think about it and want to watch it when I can't. It's a little bit annoying but I'm used to it, lol. I haven't actually heard of that anime, but I will have to check it out. Thanks for the suggestion! 

  10. Awakening is better. I found it to be more challenging and had a better story than Conquest did. I also liked the characters in Awakening better than the ones in Conquest. It was easier for me to like them and become attached to them than the characters from Conquest, who were just really...odd, I guess is the best way to put it. It also offers more gameplay than Conquest, which is pretty important if you really value the gameplay you're getting from it. 

  11. I watched people argue over who should and shouldn't go to thrift stores. It was this one person who started it all by basically saying that anyone with a lot of money shouldn't be allowed to shop at thrift stores because they are taking away from people who don't have money and who had no choice but to shop at thrift stores. They also attributed these types of people to being entitled and oppressing minorities. Tons of people argued with them and told them the rational side of the argument, that it's stupid to even say anything like that because anyone should be allowed to go to thrift stores if they want to. But this person kept responding by saying it was just elitism and racism in America, and that if you did that you were a terrible person. I swear, it was the stupidest, most pointless thing I've ever seen in my life. It was on Tumblr, which isn't all that surprising. It's part of the reason why I can no longer tolerate the entire website and had to leave to save my own sanity.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Charmeleonbrah said:

    They do sound kind of pathetic.  Imagine actually logging into a forum and making post after post about a video game character design.  They're a broken record for sure on this forum- every time a banner rolls out, the forum gets bombarded by posters triggered by bob and thigh.  They miss the point: it's fun to see your favorite characters in new and silly outfits, and Kagero's design is FUN.  

    Also nice avi btw; I've watched through Season 1 of Dragon Maid 4 times since starting it in November.  Usually I act like Kobayashi herself and watch it when drunk after a long day at work.

    Yep, it's almost a given at this point that fan service in a banner is the main topic of discussion, more so than the actual units themselves. And I agree, it's always fun to see the cool and often goofy designs of characters. It's so draining to only talk about the negatives and to constantly criticize, so I'd rather focus on what I actually like about it. To me, all of the seasonal banners have offered fun alternate versions of characters and have made me excited each time. But to each their own! I guess some people just can't help but complain.

    Thank you! I still have yet to finish the anime. I'm halfway through it still, and keep getting sidetracked with other things. I have the tendency to start things and never finish them, for whatever reason. I do really want to finish it, and I might do so next week when I'm on spring break. From what I watched, I absolutely loved it. It was really funny and I thought Kanna was so adorable. Plus, the opening and ending songs of the anime are so darn catchy I can't help but love it. 

  13. The one that definitely deserves it the most out of anyone is Marth. The poor guy has been screwed over by this game for too long. Give him the recognition he deserves! As for others that I think would be interesting to see as Legendary Heroes, I would have to go with Lyn, Celica, Tharja,  and Veronica. I know I'll probably get backlash about those choices but I chose them simply because I love all of them and want more versions of them. Tharja Emblem when? Not sure how Veronica would go down as a Legendary Hero, but it's not that far fetched to think that she may one day become one, since she is getting a CYL version sometime in the future. 

  14. 17 minutes ago, Charmeleonbrah said:

    Not this debate again.  Don't you all get sick of complaining about "fan service" in this game?  Haven't you all watched anime or played old-school fighting games?  None of these designs or tropes are new.  They're in almost every video game or anime.  Why do Fire Emblem fans whine so much about this crap?  We get it: you want a cute anime girl, but with a flat chest, and no legs showing.  A large chest is simply unbearable.  BTW, I'm calling it right nao: Kagero will be the most popular, and you will see a ton of Tier 20 whales with a +10 merged of her.

    I agree. The age-old debate of the whole fan service issue needs to stop because anyone making that argument just sounds like a broken record at this point. The game developers obviously don't care, or they would have stopped implementing those designs in the game long ago. Nothing is going to change, so everyone should just save their energy and move on. I also agree about Kagero being the most popular of the units, and I'm not really looking forward to fighting her in the arena as a +10 unit. I do hope I get her though! She would be a wonderful addition to my flier team. 

  15. I like the Rival Domains and think it's pretty fun to finally be able to use your friends' lead units. I've heard some people complaining about a lack of rewards and while I can kind of see their point, I don't think it's that big of a deal. We regularly get rewards from different quests that are put out and we do technically get some rewards from completing Rival Domains, so it's not that big of a deal. I'm just glad to have a change of pace on Heroes for once. It's made me need to look for new friends though because a lot of mine have bad lead units. 

  16. 51 minutes ago, mangasdeouf said:

    I'd rather make them equally tanky physically and magically so they are THE TANKS of the game, or their class is just plain useless if they barely tank half of the game's damage and get the worst penalties of all units in the game.

    Good point. Out of Effie, Benny, and Ignatius, Effie has the lowest Res, unless you make Ignatius have a mother that brings down his Res stat. They are not so bad with dealing with mages, if you can keep them away from a lot at one time, and it's good that they have so much HP, which helps somewhat. They should still be pretty good tanks, even when you factor their Res in.

    EDIT: You could also consider running Aether on an armored unit so that they can deal extra damage while healing themselves. From what I remember, the armored units all had decent Skl, so it should trigger fairly often because it uses the Skl stat x 0.5 for its trigger rate. It will make them more of a tank by helping them survive longer and potentially reducing the amount of times they need to be healed by someone else, which can help you heal more units and save you some staff/rod uses. You may also want to consider using Benny and Ignatius as your Generals, because they tend to be more of a tank than Effie. Ignatius's Def and Res may fluctuate depending on who his mother is, but he still performs the role well and is arguably better than Benny. Effie works nicely as a Great Knight and can help knock out more enemies in other areas quickly, since she will be mounted, while you focus your other armored units in another area, if you choose to use them all together.

  17. I got so excited when I saw the whole "Spring Ninja" thing. I thought it would be Saizo. But no, it's Kagero. I'm still holding out for a special version of Saizo.

    I mainly want Alfonse because I couldn't stop laughing at how tight his pants were, and for some reason I though his cape looked like a wedding veil at first, lol. But the rest of the units seem pretty nice too and seem to offer some interesting skills and weapons, and even though I was disappointed with Kagero, I'm glad she is a dagger flier. I was wondering when they would add one to the game, so I'm hoping I can get her too.

     I just hope they will turn out better than the spring units from last year. Those looked promising but were pretty mediocre to me. 

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