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Posts posted by ashlyn

  1. I don't really understand the hate for Xander's and Ryoma's hair, I think it suits them both fine. The long hair seems to fit for Ryoma because it seems like it's a tradition for the royals of Hoshido to have long hair, or at least that's what I believe. That and a lot of the guys on the Birthright route have long hair anyway, so it doesn't seem that out of place. I don't think Xander's hair is bad enough for me to hate it, but it's definitely pretty funny looking with all of the little curls he has. 

    I don't really hate a specific female's design, however I dislike most of the female's attire because as others have pointed out it doesn't really make sense. I mean, I get that it's for the fanservice, but some of it just makes me wonder who actually took the time to sit down and make those outfit designs, thinking it was a good idea. Of course Charlotte was one of the most notable, with her whole midsection being exposed, but the one I have the most problems with is the outfits for all of the female knights. Why in the world would they be covered in full armor but leave their ass exposed? Oh, that's right, so everyone can look at their thong. Honestly, it's pretty funny that someone actually made that. I don't know if they changed it for the female generals, as I currently don't have any, but knowing them they probably didn't change it.

    For me, there is a three-way tie for the worst male design, and it's between Dwyer, Hayato, and Azama. I think they all got screwed over with their designs, and I think that had their designs looked better, it would have made them a little more enjoyable as characters, since their stats certainly aren't amazing or anything. Dwyer to me looks like a drug addict. Hayato just looks like a bratty kid, which fits his personality but makes him more annoying and more forgettable. And as for Azama, the only thing I have to say is: THE HAIR. 

    Edit: I almost forgot to put my best ones! I think my favorites have to be Azura and Shigure. Sorry if that's basic, but both of their designs were really pretty to look at and I think it really suited their characters. 

  2. 5 hours ago, MediocreLee said:

    When I was there, the people I saw I wouldn't say are older.  More like the image of what the stereotypical "otaku" or "nerd" would be more accurate.  Then again, I could've been there at a completely different time than most of their customers would come since I was there in about 2 in the afternoon.

    I just couldn't shake the image of old perverts trying to peek at some maids. I would probably be one of the nerds there, if I had gone. I actually really want to go to one now. 

  3. I mean, of course the game isn't perfect, but it was still an enjoyable gaming experience for me. Some of the game play does get repetitive, particularly in Birthright, but it was fun overall. I really liked the Dragon Veins, because it changed things up a little bit. The characters were also something I liked. There were a few characters that I thought were a little meh, but overall I loved the characters. The character supports were more interesting to me than the actual story was. But my favorite part overall has to be the music in the game. All of the tracks were wonderfully made and they often get stuck in my head. I think the soundtrack helped the game out a lot, because a great soundtrack makes a game more memorable. 

  4. On 5/27/2017 at 2:06 PM, Ertrick36 said:

    It almost feels like Odin exists solely to produce Ophelia.  Barring the obvious fanservice, of course.  And Peri is just an unfortunate situation.  You've got, like, nine units who are either default Cavaliers or could become Cavaliers right from the getgo (without any planning prior), and the only one really worth a damn is Xander because he gets an edgy boomstick and defense and strength stats that only see competition from Camilla and the natural Armor Knights.

    I agree. The best part of having Odin is being able to get Ophelia because so far for me, she has performed much better than her dad. I married Odin to Nyx, and with Nyx and Ophelia paired up Ophelia works wonders. Yeah, I think there are far too many Cavaliers, as well as Heroes. It seemed like most units could reclass into either pretty easily, and to me it seemed like they were pretty much meant to go into those classes, since most of them won't work well in magic classes. 

  5. On 5/26/2017 at 1:08 PM, MediocreLee said:

    South Korea sounds really fun to go too as well.  I'd be very keen to hear about it!

    Yeah, I didn't think they did a performance either.  They are pretty fanservice-y because they're over the top cute.  The whole "blessing" the food thing is really what caught a lot of people off guard, considering what they have to say and hand motions they have to do were kinda just random.  But hey, just gotta enjoy the experience!  I wore the bear ears the whole time just 'cause why not?  And when I was there, there weren't.  There were mostly foreigners that you knew were anime fans.  However, as I was in Akihabara alone and walking around, I did see some of the maids, since there'll always be one maid out on the sidewalk, advertising and showing older men where they were located at.

    I guess you would have to just be open for anything when going to a maid cafe. Being open minded makes the experience better, I think. I figured there would be a lot of anime fans there, but I'm surprised there weren't a lot of older guys there. Guess maids aren't their thing lol

  6. No, you don't have to have children to get through the game. It might make things easier in Conquest though, as most have already said, depending on what difficulty you are playing under. I ended up benching some of my characters like Peri and Odin very early on, because let's be honest they're pretty mediocre, at best. I replaced them with some of the child units I had and it worked out much better. If you don't really want to rely on child units, I would still say to try to marry most of your people, at least the ones you're currently using so that they can get better pair up stat boosters. 

  7. On 5/25/2017 at 2:23 AM, MediocreLee said:

    Saw this super late, my bad!  And yes, Japan was gnarly.  10/10 would go back.  And the maid cafe was...interesting..? To say the least.  I knew what I was getting into and I went with my friend who happened to also be in Japan while I was there.  It was in Akihabara, which is basically where most, if not all, the maid cafes were.  Going into it, I didn't expect to be there for 2 hours 'cause they do a performance and the food takes a while.  It's funny because the one I went to had mostly foreigners in there anyway, but none of them were getting into it.  There was this one guy in particular that I remember so specifically that had this face of, "WHY AM I HERE, WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?"  Meanwhile I wholeheartedly got into it because I'll most likely never experience it again.  So while my friend and other patrons felt awkward doing the "super kawaii dese~" stuffs, I committed and said "rawr" as loudly as could as I "bless" my food.  They also give you either bunny or bear ears as a gift which I still have chilling on my shelf.

    TL;DR It was different and pretty fun, and super pink like holy shit.  It's also pretty pricey, but the food was decent.

    Coming back to work is the worst, definitely feel ya'.

    That sounds like something that would be pretty cool to go to since there aren't any around here and like you said, you probably won't be able to experience it again. It would feel a little bit awkward though at first probably. I didn't know that they did performances too, I thought they were only fanservice waitresses. It's pretty cool that they gave you the ears though, I don't know that I would wear them but I would definitely keep them lmao. Were there a lot of older guys there? 

  8. Azura's one of my favorite characters for sure, but idk if I can agree that she's the most beautiful. But hey, I married her my first time playing in Birthright and it was pretty enjoyable. One of my favorite things about her is just the amount of grace she has. It just seems like she's really graceful, and I think that pretty much helps encompass everything else about Azura. 

  9. On 4/21/2017 at 9:47 PM, Sunwoo said:

    1.     What is your name? (Just put your SF username here.)


    2.     What's in your pockets right now?

    absolutely nothing

    3.     What's your favorite meal?

    anything spicy, especially spicy noodles 

    4.     How do you define what is good or morally desirable?

    honestly it's subjective and it changes with each person depending on what their morals are. and if you're asking about my morals? well, they have the tendency to change. 

    5.     Coffee or tea?


    6.     Do you like to eat pumpkin?

    ew no

    7.     What are your views on marriage?

    marriage is something that people need to think seriously about before going through with it. that's why so many marriages either fall apart or people just stay in unhappy relationships, because they didn't fully think it through. and personally, marriage just isn't for me, for multiple reasons. 

    8.     What do you think about telepaths?

    idk if it's completely real but hey, it'd be pretty cool

    9.     If you had to choose between a family member doing a great evil or a foe doing a great good, who would you side with?

    a family member doing a great evil. it sounds pretty bad, but even though it would hurt a lot to see someone I love do something terrible, I could never stand to see someone I hate doing something good, and then most likely get praised for it. yes, I'm incredibly selfish and jealous. 

    10.  Is the glass half empty or half full?

    half empty who are you fooling

    11.  When a tree falls in the forest, and no one’s there to hear it, does it make a sound?


    12.  What is the sound of one hand clapping?

    a pretty lonely sound 

    13.  What do you see when you look up at the sky?

    well if it's daytime, it's probably the sun blinding me, and if it's night, then eternal darkness or is that too edgy

    14.  What is your favorite past time?

    being l a z y 

    15.  What is the most mundane, simple thing you like to do?

    lazing in bed

    16.  What do you think about “morals”? Do they exist, or do they not?

    morals definitely exist, whether you acknowledge them or not. everyone has something they believe in, things that they find acceptable and unacceptable. it's there, whether people admit to it or not

    17.  Which country do you want to visit most?


    18.  Would you call yourself happy with your current life and situation?


    19.  Are there any foods you just cannot abide?

    any kind of seafood

    20.  It is 5 minutes to 8 and dinner is not ready. At 8, your guests are arriving. What do you do?

    I'd say, "hey, my lazy self couldn't fix anything on time but let's go out to eat somewhere"

    21.  Favorite flowers?

    roses, honeysuckle, hydrangea

    22.  Are you a day or night kind of person? 


    23.  Have you ever hurt someone intentionally? Why?

    yes I have, a lot actually. I do it if they've wronged me in some way,or if they are just a jerk person in general and deserve it we all know those people

    24.  What's the biggest (or best) lie you ever told?

    I've told so many lies I've stopped keeping track- 

    25.  What color is the sky?

    any color you want it to be 

    26.  What is your greatest regret? Would you go back to change things if you could?

    I'm gonna be real cliche here and say it's wasting time/opportunities. I would go back and change things, and tell myself to stop being such a loser lmao 

    27.  If you do celebrate birthdays, how do you celebrate? If not, why don't you?

    I do celebrate birthdays. usually just tell them happy birthday, give them a gift, etc. 

    28.  What's in your bathroom medicine cabinet right now?

    lmao, don't have one

    29.  Do you consider yourself normal?

    what's that?

    30.  A little girl is crying because her cat is stuck in a tree. How do you respond?

    either get the cat myself or call for someone to come get it. come on, it's a cat

    31.  Name one thing about yourself that you wish you could change.

    I wish I would be more social

    32.  What is your biggest pet peeve?

    just one? well, it would have to be people making mouth sounds 

    33.  Do you talk out loud to yourself when no one can hear you?

    yep. hell, I do it when people are around too

    34.  What would be your first, second and third thoughts if your consciousness was suddenly transported into another the body of someone of the opposite gender?

    1. am I actually attractive now? 2. how in God's name did this happen? 3. will I want to go back? 

    35.  What would be your first course of action if you realized you were in a time loop (ie. no consequences)?

    probably go steal something I couldn't otherwise have 

    36.  If you were not doing what you're doing, what would you be doing instead?

    going shopping 

    37.  What would you do if you came up to a locked briefcase that was beeping faster and faster and faster and faster …

    get tf away from it 

    38.  Favorite color?


    39.  When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

    anything that had to do with gaining attention 

    40.  How old were you when you stopped believing in Santa Claus?

    like 8 or 9 

    41.  If you could go anywhere in your world, where would it be, and why?

    in my world? I'd go anywhere isolated

    42.  What advice would you give to someone going on a long and possibly dangerous journey?

    don't screw this up 

    43.  If you could push a button and vaporize all evil people in the world, would you do it?

    as tempting as it is, I would have to say no. because who decides who is evil? gosh, this sounds like Death Note all over again. I mean, would someone evil be someone who has killed hundreds of people, or could it also be someone who has something mean about someone? are they one and the same, or does one evil outweigh the other? and do we really get to decide that? 

    44.  Milk or water?

    water, you peasants 

    45.  In a huge crowd, would you blend in or stick out?

    blend in

    46.  Again, in a huge crowd have you ever felt alone?

    yes unfortunately 

    47.  Do you have a food that you cannot live without?

    C H I C K E N 

    48.  Describe yourself in one word.


    49.  If someone is in a position of authority, does that automatically make them a responsible person?

    gods, no. just look at the police in the U.S.

    50.  You come home one night to find your worst enemy waiting for you at your door. What do you do?

    I'd tell them to go away if they know what's good for them

    51.  What's your favorite pizza topping?

    pineapple! joking but seriously, I'd have to go with the classic pepperoni 

    52.  Have you ever watched the sunrise? If so, when?

    plenty of times. the last time I did so was this morning, when I couldn't sleep

    53.  All right, so your mother just tells you you’re adopted. What's your reaction?


    54.  We've heard all about lies... what's the hardest truth you've ever had to tell?

    "I like myself"  honestly idk, if it's painful I just block it so... I don't remember 

    55.  How would you feel and what would you do if a friend you weren't that close to suddenly started telling you about their tragic past? 

    I would feel really bad for them and try to help support them from then on as much as possible 

    56.  What's your favorite kind of music?

    almost anything. right now though, it's future funk 

    57.  Do you like socks?

    socks are amazing. I'm wearing some right now

    58.  Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or fly?

    fly. you can go underwater and look around, and breathe with scuba gear. flying isn't always that easy. sure you can use hand gliders or go parachuting, but come on. flying would be so much better

    59.  What makes you laugh?

    anything and everything 

    60.  What are you thinking about right now?

    school work. all of the school work piled on my shoulders. 

    61.  What are you most afraid of and why?

    death, because who wants to die?

    62.  Do you have any dietary restrictions? If so, what are they and why?

    what's a diet?

    63.  What is your drink of choice?

    either Dr. Pepper or sweat tea

    64.  What is the first thing you do when you wake up?

    roll over, try to fall back asleep, and fail every time

    65.  What is the last thing you do before you go to sleep?

    either play a game on my 3DS or watch a YouTube video 

    66.  What do you do to keep yourself occupied when you're in an annoying situation?

    think about plans for when I get home

    67.  It's 3 in the morning and you're awake. What are you doing?

    tossing and turning and going crazy 

    68.  Do you believe in the power of love to change the world?

    no. the form of "love" as in love for other people always fails in some ways, it's never perfect and it can't solve everything. another selfish or twisted form of "love" will always interfere in some way. 

    69.  What kind of person or character trait annoys you the most?

    mary sues!! they're everywhere!! 

    70.  Would it bother you if someone hated you for no reason?

    it probably would, but plenty of people do that anyway. as long as I don't know about it or it doesn't affect me, then hate away

    71. There are three doors in a room (not including the exit), they're unmarked. One leads to death, one to riches, and one to home, but you don't know which leads where. What do you do?

    wait to see if anyone else walks by and see where they go. if no one else comes, then I'd probably just pick the one in the middle

    72. Would you like to rule the world?

    no. too much to deal with

    73. If you did want to take over the world, how long do you think it would take you?

    an eternity 

    74. If you could own anything in your world, what would it be?

    honestly I'd own my own house far away from everyone 

    75. Is there a song that drives you nuts?

    any meghan trainor song. it doesn't matter which one. they're all terrible 

    76. You've found some treasure guarded by a dragon. The dragon may be a bit too tough for you to fight. Do you go after the treasure anyway?

    nah. let the dragon do its thing

    77. If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?

    either a maple tree or a cherry blossom tree. they're both really pretty 

    78. If you encountered the mirror of Erised from the Harry Potter series what would you see?

    probably me being famous or just getting attention

    79. Confronted by a hungry, annoyed dragon, what would you do?

    I'd probably make a bad pun, which would annoy it even more, and then run for it 

    80. What would you do if someone tried to blast you into the ionosphere?

    well in that situation I'd be screwed so I'd just let it happen tbh 


  10. Surprisingly enough, my avatar is male. I'm female, and normally I play as such, but for this game and Awakening for that matter I felt like playing as the male avatar. It just seemed more entertaining to me that way. I played Birthright first and played as a male the whole time, and when I started playing Conquest I decided to go female. I didn't like it at all. Maybe it's because I was used to the male avatar, but regardless I started over and recreated my old avatar and liked it much better. The only thing I dislike about the male character is that you can't get all of the child units unless you marry one of the corrinsexuals, which makes the marriage option pretty boring, unless it's different in Revelations, which I haven't played yet. 

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