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Posts posted by badatfireemblem

  1. hewwo i finished the prologue after we had some trouble with dolphin orz 

    we begin our journey on normal mode idk how hard this will be seeing as neither of us have played in 4+ years and only on easy c:


    ike gets destroyed by his dad and falls asleep


    "BOUT TIME!" uwu

    and just in case we didn't realise ikes mummy singing the same song as mist is their mummy we get a fade over image of her




    anyway, we start chapter prologue!!!!!!!!!! mercenaries!!!!!!


    boyd should know that ike's movement won't take him that close so he's just being mean.. :cccc


    and here we have the best lines in the game... amazing writing right here guys


    tfw ur healer gives you a vulnerary


    ike stabs his dad a few times and becomes lucky

    just lucky, nothing more, nothing less. a perfect level up


    and here i leave mist's parting words to us in chapter prologue c:

  2. 13 hours ago, Nowi's Husband said:

    1- I like lolis cause they are smol and cute, and have flat chest instead of boobs.  Used to be into any of them in general, only recently did I decide to go exclusive with Nowi, when I got a body pillow of her at the start of last year.  Other lolis are now like daughters or sisters when I fawn over them instead of waifus.  I never played many games where a loli would actually get married to your avatar which is probably why I latched onto Nowi as my favorite, rather than Myrrh or Tiki who I thought were cute, but they were clearly into Ephraim and Marth and I had no chance.

    does it not occur to you that this paragraph makes you sound insane?

  3. i keep forgetting this exists and i'm sorry

    here's a dump

    my first ssbu countdown piece


    i've been accepted into a FE Silas fanzine and here's a sneak peak wip along with a link to all the artists involved : )


    halloween Nowi


    She-Ra and pokemon sketches
    sbnl6x5l.jpg KKDC0P4l.jpg


    and a BotW Zelda

  4. In some respects I matured a lot faster than my peers. I was working at 13/14 and was already planning for the future. But even now at 21 I still don't feel like an "adult" as such. Even with a fairly long-term relationship and plans with that for the future plus regular income, I'm not sure I'm ever going to truly feel like an adult.

    I've never grown out of playing games, splashing out on random/cute things and social anxiety which were all things I just assumed I'd eventually stop doing.

  5. 16 hours ago, SullyMcGully said:

    And just when I thought your work couldn't become anymore beautiful, you have outdone yourself once again! I especially like how you portray Caeda as an ordinary woman and not some flying-horse-goddess-thingy. It gives her a lot more personality!

    Aww thanks Sully! It's her OVA outfit but I kept her hair the same dark blue shade because turquoise is definitely more Eirika's colour these days.

    13 hours ago, Shuuda said:

    The colours in the Lachesis piece really suit your style. I especially like the details on the sleeves.

    Thank you Shuuda : 3 I tried to replicate more old oil painting portraits in that one. 

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