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Everything posted by That_Tj

  1. I have only really played with nintendo exclusive games. The only time i did not was a ps2 and that was a long time ago.
  2. I have to decide between that and a switch. Because either way the other option i won't be able to save the money for a while. So im trying to weigh my options
  3. @ronnie funny enough thought about getting a ps4 many times.
  4. I am just in the mood to do nothing regarding video games. I only have a 3ds and not a big library of games. I think that these facts might be the ones that pushed me toward the rut but i don't know how to get out of it. I wanted to see what others here on this forum have done to get out of their ruts. I have been suggested thought to maybe get another system and to start playing games on there but i would not know how to go about doing that, what games to play, or if that would help me out of this slump. If any one could give me tips or anything to help me out that would be awesome.
  5. Is it beneficial to have two of the same color on a team? I was thinking of doing a team with merric and beruka, and was wondering if thats a good option.
  6. I have anna, at two stars. Wrys, two stars. Alfonse and Oboro. Oboro is the highest with four stars. So its red, blue, green and healer. I have others but i have mainly have been using these. Is this enough variety? Every one except Wrys is level 23 and above.
  7. Could some one point me in the direction, of a guide to build a team. I have multi color team but when i play in story mode they all get destroyed but one. All but one are 3 stars. The other is a four star. They are all about 3 or 4 levels higher then the enemy. I dont know if i just need to get a better team or just learn to play the game better. Any help would be awesome.
  8. I was looking for games that i could play after i finish playing FE:Echos. One of the suggestions that i found was Dragon Quest 8. I wanted to see what people thought about this series, and if i were to start what game should i start with? Any help would be awesome.
  9. Without paying any real world money, how long are the chapters of the main story?
  10. That_Tj


    Hello, im new here too. Nice to meet you
  11. Since i am new to this whole series i have wondered this. Do you really need to have kids in these games. I am trying to learn more about the meta of the game so this would help me out alot.
  12. That_Tj

    Hey Guys

    Yeah, i am excited to play more. I dont really know where to start though. Could you give me a few suggestions on where to head from here?
  13. That_Tj

    Hey Guys

    Hello, My name is Tj and i am new to Fire Emblem series. I picked up birthright a few months ago to see if i would like this series and it was a blast. I wanted to learn more about the game so i came here. Hope to see yall around this board and make some friends. See yall later
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