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Chad Radwell

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About Chad Radwell

  • Birthday 12/02/1996


  • Member Title
    Cakesniffer Supreme

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  • Interests
    Girl. Let me tell you how much I LOVE homemade jams, salsas and preserves.
  • Location
    Cottage Country, Ontario

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Path of Radiance

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  1. hey so I know I said "you have a good name" or something in your intro thread but I actually wanted to ask

    is your name from an inside joke or something or did tibarn actually have a lisp

    normally I wouldn't bother asking something like this but when people talk about the cutscenes in radiant dawn I always think about the scene where zelgius and ranulf fight and they both have lisps for some reason and it sounds silly

    1. Chad Radwell

      Chad Radwell

       HAHAHA C': I just pick on Tibarn because I like him, but almost everyone who talked in RD had a pretty bad lisp. (Rolf has to have the worst one though, yikes.)

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