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Chad Radwell

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Status Replies posted by Chad Radwell

  1. I still love your avatar.

    Don't do drugs, kids.

    1. Chad Radwell

      Chad Radwell

      OH yeah my signature is actually art c': I've been kind of meaning to update it tho? What characters should I throw in there if I do tbh, I may make a group shot

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. I still love your avatar.

    Don't do drugs, kids.

    1. Chad Radwell

      Chad Radwell

      Aw thanks ♥ (I'm coming out of being dead to answer this and this alone lmao)

      I like yours too, that's the best pic of Femme Fatale-era Britney I've ever seen ;)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. why did i read ur about me

    pls get out of my head

    1. Chad Radwell

      Chad Radwell

      I draw for drag queens mostly. It's a niche client base, but I really enjoy working with that community :) most of the queens I've drawn for get their stuff printed either on a small scale for individual events or they have their merch listed on their own web stores, but here's a shirt I did that made it to the big online retailer, DQM. That was pretty cool news tbh, 

      HHAJKDVNWOKDNB HER HAIR UNDER THE CHOKER NOOO that would drive me nuts!!! I don't mind chokers so much on other people the (they became common enough that I stopped noticing them at some point) but I don't like stuff touching/tight to my neck personally. Hbu though what did you think of it? Out of curiosity 


    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  4. why did i read ur about me

    pls get out of my head

    1. Chad Radwell

      Chad Radwell

      Hmmmm tru :0 well I suppose I do have enough to start a thread tonight, I'm gonna do then when I get back to my tablet I guess !! Thanks my man

      OMG thank you c: I'm very into fashion illustration and weird runway concepts and like to draw inspo from that. Her name is Beneventi, & she's a character im working on for a small rpgmaker project - she's a medium who reads people's shadows to make predictions about them. (She's also a criminal on probation so no one knows how accurate those predictions actually are.) I'm super flattered that you enjoy this style so much, I'm excited to do more with it!! ♡♡

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  5. dafuk is that signature LOL

    1. Chad Radwell

      Chad Radwell

      It is a GOOD TIME my fella

  6. why did i read ur about me

    pls get out of my head

    1. Chad Radwell

      Chad Radwell

      Hhsmkdvnsjkdnfsndgjo it's funny you ask that actually because my dumb ass accidentally deleted my tumblr last night during a particularly hazy moment, so I made a brand new one :0 it's dollcodeine !! And I need people to follow real bad lmao (but thank you!!)

      I considered making an art thread but tbh I don't have any fan art to post yet? (Crazy right) I mean I plan on making some like within the next couple days though, so yeah I'll def make a thread & alert you when I do :>

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  7. hey so I know I said "you have a good name" or something in your intro thread but I actually wanted to ask

    is your name from an inside joke or something or did tibarn actually have a lisp

    normally I wouldn't bother asking something like this but when people talk about the cutscenes in radiant dawn I always think about the scene where zelgius and ranulf fight and they both have lisps for some reason and it sounds silly

    1. Chad Radwell

      Chad Radwell

       HAHAHA C': I just pick on Tibarn because I like him, but almost everyone who talked in RD had a pretty bad lisp. (Rolf has to have the worst one though, yikes.)

  8. Are you following me because you are my lisp??? LOL

    1. Chad Radwell

      Chad Radwell

      MAYBE :) actually, I just wanted to try out the follow feature and you seemed like a bro. Hello!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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