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Chad Radwell

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Posts posted by Chad Radwell

  1. I'm way too lazy to look at numbers right now, so this is gonna be from just a writing perspective if that's cool.

    My favourite? That would be Gatrie. Um, we could make him not die alone I guess :') poor bastard never got any, what an unfortunate sonofagun.

    Actually, I would love for him to have had more support/base conversations with the other dudes that aren't Shinon. I get that he's a manwhore, I do, but I would have liked to see other guys' perspectives on him being...that. I've always run him alongside Rhys, so those two need a Marina and the Diamonds-esque montage on How To Be A Ladykiller (TM), like, yesterday.



    My least favourite is Hayato. Just...delete him. Go into the game files. Find him. Remove him. Cut him out entirely. Remove his wiki page. Send him to his room. Or, at the very least, give him one (1) conversation with SOMEONE where his being an insufferable brat isn't just...ignored? It's really bizarre, but it seems like whenever he runs his mouth, people are always just like "Haha, yep, that sure is a quirky young sprout! Eat your vegetables, you silly munchkin!" Give him dynamics where he's not the one steering the conversation all over the place with his whiny arrogance; have him apologize sometimes, maybe. There are supports that even seen kind of OOC on the other character's end, because they just don't seem to notice or react that much to the way they're being spoken to. (...He was probably a late addition to the cast, wasn't he?) So yeah, having Hayato supports that aren't 3-4 straight cutscenes of "weh weh I'm an asshole and get away with it because everyone else is dead inside" would be good.

    Then delete him.

    Out of the deliberately obnoxious characters in Fates, he's the only one that bothers me so much; everyone else at least has something that I can enjoy about them. (See Peri/Odin's "BITCH WHY YOU LEGGING IT INTO THE SLUMS" "I TEACH YOGA" convo, and Azama being a total babe.) Hayato just makes me want a flyswatter to be a weapon in the game.

  2. 1 minute ago, Von Ithipathachai said:
    • Bring back the Deeprealms and allow the Child Units to have their own Child Units
    • Make every female character either a loli or a Camilla clone

    These are both things that I'm already afraid of hhlgllglsjlgllfff 

    2 minutes ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

    Finally, to top everything off, hot, steamy, adults-only sex scenes between you and your S-Support!


  3. (I'm writing this on an iPad so I'm sorry if it's messy argh)

    Sometimes there's fun to be had in the irredeemably awful. Tell me your most terribad ideas for new features that you would absolutely hate to see in the series. They can be gameplay related, story related, whatever. I'm feeling morbid, so if you make me chokelaugh, you get 10 brownie points that do absolutely nothing whatsoever :)

    Here's an example! (Spoiler'd for images/gifs and pg13 content whoops)


    One thing we should absolutely not do is implement trashy cutscenes in the style of reality tv confessionals. If you're not familiar, that's these things:





    Concept being, whenever you get a new unit, defeat a boss, go through a support/base conversation, whatever, you get a little scene of one of your characters snarkily telling you how they feel about the thing that just happened. And in true reality tv fashion, these should be as sassy and over-the-top as possible. "So she's coming up on this dragon, right, and I'm like BITCH! But girl, that dragon was not playing. I cannot believe she died in that moment. Legendary." 

    (This is actually something I'm using in a personal project lmao but the idea of it being in fe made me laugh, so here we are.)

     Another one, which I mentioned around here a couple months ago, is permadeath - but you can get your units back in a gachapon-ish lottery. Like "Oh sh-jeez, I lost Effie, but I need Effie so I'll build up some gold and then try and get her back." But the slot machine that revives units at 12,000 G a pop doesn't want to give you Effie; it gives you Mozu every time, and you're never gonna get your wife back at this rate because it's chance and it's probably rigged. You just keep rolling Mozu and then losing her again, and now everyone you've lost who you actually like is forever stuck in the hell roulette. And they all revive at lv 1. With their supports reset.


    Anyway, this is a really silly topic, but do your worst :) I'm curious to see if we have any really, really terrible ideas floating around! (Also if this needs to be moved to FFTF or something, lemme know. Or, just, uh, do that, I guess. Thanks.)

  4. 4 hours ago, Carter said:

    I dislike everything about Oboro's design. I've never liked blue and orange together, it's a must-NOT. I know that they are complementary of colors of each other, but it always looks ugly.

    Oh god, I totally forgot about her, yeah. I've seen cases where blue and orange work, but they're usually very, very bright or very dark, and neither one of them is the main colour. But Oboro has, like, bank-statement-letter blue and pesticide orange, which already don't want to work together, and they're both fighting for dominance in her costume and..ergh. Also, is it just me or is her nose weird? It's only very, very slightly different from everyone else's, but the way it's shaded and shaped reminds me a little of tumblr nose

    It's a shame too, because she's a cool gal. We would probably be friends.

    Edit: @a bear, since I can't quote you in an edited post (sorry), Xander's hair wouldn't bother me so much if he wasn't, like, marriageable and important. (Granted, though, he's way less awful than Ryoma.) Like it would be totally fine imo if he was an older dude who I wasn't supposed to have a magnet in the loins for, or if he was less of a great, standup fella. Arthur has terrible hair too and it's kind of similar, but his entire design just screams "douchebag", and he's a joke anyway. It doesn't fit Xander for me, he looks greasy. 

  5. Totally disregarding them as units and looking only at this game's character design, which characters do you think were super successful, and which ones fell behind a bit in the looks department?

    Personally I'm 300% here for Setsuna, Izana, and Charlotte purely for their colour palettes. (I actually like Peri's a lot, too; I know the Harley Quinn hair is a bit much, but the pastel primary colours and general triangular composition are gentle on the retinas. Plus, they make her dark makeup more effective.) On top of that, Subaki and Arthur are great in terms of getting the most personality across in one design/costume. Elise gets an honorable mention; she looks a little Madoka-y to me, but the animation of her hair flying out behind her when she runs is way funnier than it has any right to be and I appreciate that. (Also she's the most cohesive of the Nohr siblings imo.)

    On the other hand, Ryoma and Xander both have such terrible, terrible hair. I can almost forgive it on Xander because the rest of his costume is pretty cohesive, but it's so overpowering on Ryoma it hurts. (Azama also has terrible hair, but my brain lets me pretend it's a war bonnet for some reason, so he gets a marginal pass for it.) There's also a little too much going on around Hinata's face, and it's a bit distracting. And then...Hayato. Yikes. I can't even put my finger on it, but if you asked me to design a character who looked "punchable", that's probably exactly what I'd come up with.



    What are your thoughts? Who are the best/worst designs in Fates? (It can even just be for thirsty reasons, go for it.) I'll add onto this myself later when I'm not dying of dysentery on the Oregon Trail.

  6. For me it's a few things: how they interact with their surroundings, how they relate to other characters, and whether or not they, to put it simply, can fuck up.

    The quickest way to make me detach from a character is to give them no impact on or connections to what's going on around them. If a character is in a setting I, as a viewer, am unfamiliar with, then I want to see how they experience it. Even if it is a setting that I would know (like the town in Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy, for instance  - a small rural Canadian town with a lot of regional nuances and very little adult supervision? Exactly the scenario I grew up in) then I still want to see how they interpret and experience the things happening around them.

    (This is gonna be a huge rant, so spoilered for space.)


    To use a Fire Emblem example, a lot of people on here give Ike a hard time for his Stu-like qualities, and I agree he has those, but I have a hard time disliking him because I enjoy learning about the Tellius worldbuilding through him. I like seeing how he treats the mercs and the Laguz, what he thinks of the political war, etc. On the other hand, I have zero attachment to Elincia because, even though we spend a lot of time with her too, I feel like she has almost no commentary on any of that. What she gives us and tells us is directly related to the people closest to her, and to herself, and that's...about it. But for me, there's more fun to be had when you have characters like Ike and his frat boys - characters who mostly exist in the same circumstances within the game, but who interpret the things happening to them as a group so, so differently. How Oscar and Shinon interact with Laguz units (the same one, actually, since they both have some really entertaining supports with Janaff) gives context to that relation as a generic Beorc/Laguz relationship, to how Oscar approaches the situation, to how Shinon approaches the situation, and to how Janaff himself acts when he goes through the same thing twice with two wildly different people. 

    And that leads into my next point - characters who shut themselves out from building more relationships to focus on only the most important ones. Someone mentioned Kirito earlier in this thread, and yeah, he's a bad example of that. Of course, he has his shallow friendships with whatever fuckin characters, I don't even remember all of their names, Klein and...whoever. But they're so generic and one-sided - all of them are "friend is impressed by everything Kirito does and then he kind of snarks at them, but not really." The only people that matter to him at all are Asuna and whoever the bad guy is. There's nothing to explore there beyond that, and on top of that, he suffers from the horrible writing sin where even those relationships aren't that interesting. He loves Asuna a lot and hates the bad guys. It's so standard and bland, I can't help but consider characters who treat their friends and enemies differently than the most expected route. How would Usagi Tsukino act in his setting? Much differently, because her character develops in a way that allows for further exploration than "bad guys = bad, blragrh ba d g utgys". I like that she's openly jealous of some of her friends, openly attracted to other ones, and that her missions play out differently based on who she has with her at any given time. Or what about Ryuko Matoi, the theoretical opposite approach? Here we have a character who actually does try to shut out all but one or two people, but the narrative of Kill la Kill lets every other character develop around her even when she isn't directly interacting with them. The end result of that was an incredibly likeable and well-rounded cast that, when Ryuko finally accepted their assistance and let them into her life, felt like an actual family. 

    Finally, I don't think I should need to explain why characters need to be able to make mistakes. If they don't, then the plot will inevitably start bending itself around them to allow them to continue their ways without needing to stop and criticize themselves. It makes other characters look bad when they make inexplicable, out-of-character judgement calls to let the protagonist do whatever it is they gotta do. And yes, I'm aware I previously excused Ike for this, but I won't pretend he wouldn't be so much better if this didn't happen with him. If the character is providing entertaining enough insight to me that I can at least enjoy the fictional universe through them, then I don't mind them not screwing up enough. However, if they're just kind of a dead-eyed flesh husk who doesn't really seem to give a shit about commenting on the plot and just lets it happen around them, then I start gagging. They don't even have to have an active role in moving that plot along. They just have to have something interesting to say about it.

    I think that's everything!! Sorry it got so lengthy. At least now you have a new novel for your rainy days, haha.

  7. Let's fix that right now.

    (Actually, I feel like the RPDR fanbase doesn't intersect with the FE fanbase in anyone except myself and my best friend, but you never know? Maybe someone here will be interested c: )

    Rucap time!

    At the time I'm making this thread, tomorrow night is season 9, episode 10. #Maskgate happened just last week and people are still shook over Valentina's elimination, and we're down to our top 6: Shea Coulée, Peppermint, Nina Bo'Nina Brown, Sasha Velour, Trinity Taylor, and Alexis Michelle, who is shaping up to be quite the villain this season.

    My personal predictions for the standings:

    Winner: Shea

    2nd: Sasha

    3rd: Trinity

    4th: Peppermint (also a strong contender for Miss Congeniality if Valentina doesn't get it, but she probably will. Also, definitely my favourite this season. She's so cute!)

    5th: Alexis

    6th: Nina

    What do you guys think? Who's your top 3 and who's going home this week? Was anyone robbed? (I will physically fight anyone who says Farrah Moan was LOL.) Did the switch to VH1 make the show weaker, or do the likeable cast and interesting challenges/runways make up for the missing mini-challenges, pit crew, and the editing changes? And most importantly, Why y'all actin' brand new? Who's after Peppermint?!

    (I'm totally prepared to get zero responses to this on this site, but that's okay c': I'll just slink back into the shame hole.)

  8. 10 minutes ago, Natalie said:

    Thank you guys. Will definitely be using Aran next time round.


    6 minutes ago, MediocreLee said:

    Please do, Aran is great and deserves more praise and attention.  

    Also: he looks like a Hot Topic disaster.





  9. 11 hours ago, MediocreLee said:

    Aran turns out pretty well too.  Both he and Nephenee are good endgame units, but Aran is slower than Nephenee so he won't double as much as she would.

    ^ yes! Aran is invaluable regardless, especially given how few soldier-line units you get in the game. (You get Devdan/Danved/whichever fkin one it is too, but I think there's just the three of them in RD? Correct me if I'm wrong on that.) He's always been an endgame unit for me, and even though he's slower than Neph, with a little BEXP right after you get him he gets scary really fast. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Blade_of_Light said:

    In regards to Corrin's customization options, Corrin is (believed to be) the middle child of both of the royal families, meaning (s)he can't look any older than Camilla/Hinoka or any younger than Leo/Takumi , so I think that Is the reason for the lack of an older build. Skin color for a similar reason too, as it would be jarring if one of the "siblings" had darker Skin than literally everyone else for some reason (Robin's got no excuse though).

    For sure, like, I get the restrictions on Corrin specifically. I do hope it gets updated for future games though, if we continue with avatar creation. (I'm not even speaking from a "we need x amount of y representation" point of view here, it's literally just, some of the hair colours on that pasty skin aargh) LOL 

  11. I know Eliwood is kind of the poster child for this, but he's doing alright in my current run, so really, who can't? If we're doing personal anecdotes though, my poor current Oscar has the upper body strength of a five-year-old girl with advanced muscular dystrophy :(: on the flip side, my last Shadow Dragon run gave me Olympic Sprinter Merric, which was...a wild time.

  12. For avatars in most games, I'll usually go male, because I have to be a girl in real life already and it blows. With Corrin, though, I...don't really care? Azama is my husband and Effie is my wife, and I'm not really more attached to one than the other so I guess it's version-specific. But when I think of them as their own character, they're totally gender-neutral in my mind. (I guess I headcanon nonbinary Corrin? But more likely, I just don't think about them that much, haha.) 


  13. 4 minutes ago, unique said:

    i think it was actually planned for sothe to be more important in the sequel, since the reason sothe joins you in the first place was something along the lines of how he was going to daein to meet someone

    and in radiant dawn you find out that the person he wanted to meet was micaiah

    but yeah either way it really doesn't work and I didn't like it

    it sort of ruined my opinions of both characters to an extent, but I at least kind of liked micaiah afterwards compared to sothe who I kinda just separate from his FE9 version now since I disliked him in FE10 that much (i sort of do the same for ike but I at least liked him a little in RD)

    True, but with the way it was executed I doubt that was the relationship dynamic they had planned. Was it that Tellius was really light on romance and that had to change with a main character? That's my only guess. (And tbh the lack of romance doesn't bother me, I find it refreshing, so this relationship is a little jarring.)

    And that's fair. There are a few characters who I separate like that, too. Hey, if it prevents you from going all sacrificial lion on him, then...good? I guess? LOL.

  14. 3 minutes ago, SHSL Ninja said:
      Reveal hidden contents

    At the beginning, stereotypical anime girl with unnatural haircolor with superpowers leads a gang of hoodrats against the authorities, 'cause eff the poh-lice amiright?  She becomes BFFs with an edge lord who uses his edge lord powers to carry anime heroine to victory withthepoweroffriendship!

    Next you have a n00b Queen that people want to manipulate and overthrow because they want power and they try to mess everything up.  N00b Queen defends her country though and gives a big middle finger to all that oppose her 'cause...

    Batman comes to help and everyone knows Batman.  Batman is homies with Beast Boy and Cheetah and all the furries in the world and they wreck shit together.  The Justice League goes against the Runaways, Batman is surprised Edge Lord is alive or whatever.

    Anime heroine hates Batman, but the Justice League and the Avengers end up working together anyway like in that one amalgamate comic series so they can eff up some Goddess that's being a bitch and turns furries and anti-furries to stone.

    Anime heroine goes Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan and the Justice League and the Defenders work they up the tower of Babel fighting a bunch of assholes on the way.

    Batman fights edge lord again without the help from either Justice League or the Thunderbolts.  Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan heroine blesses her homies weapons so they're all superpowered up and shit and they fight some dragons.

    Justice League and the X-Men beat up the big bad Goddess and everyone is happy and whatever.




      Reveal hidden contents

    Batman dat wields a giant sword if you know what I'm saying. ;D

    Yeah...that was um...interesting to write up.

    This was beautiful and you've officially made my day, thank you. 

    Also petition to change Ike's name to Batman because holy shit.

  15. 8 minutes ago, unique said:

    so yeah I like micaiah at times but I hate sothe and I hate micaiah when she's with sothe. i don't remember much of her character but the... romance? between her and sothe was so bad that I did remember it. that is my current thoughts on micaiah! fuck sothe

    Oh right, Sothe is in RD. There's so much going on there, I almost never notice him :')

    I guess they had to tie the new protagonist  ("protagonist") to the old cast...somehow? I don't even know why him specifically, because you're right, it does feel forced, almost like having to write around a new relationship that creates a ton of plot holes and cheapens both characters was hard ? (also I legitimately never noticed her game overs all mentioning sothe, that's interesting! And, well, kind of lame. My strategy has always been "have someone pick her up so she isn't a liability and forget about her because I don't care." LOL)

  16. (If this should go in forum games or something, I'm sorry! I'm a forum babby)

    You've probably seen this meme (badly describe your profession/favourite movie/etc) on facebook/tumblr/wherever else, so why not bring it here? It isn't really a guessing game since we can see everyone's fave, but it's fun :)

    (Hard mode: badly describe your favourite character too)

    I'll start: 


    A group of idiot jocks get together and form a frat. Then the top dawg of the place, big daddy G-Money, shuffles off the mortal coil, so they put his kid in charge because he's got mad skills and madder pecs. Then it's a soap opera for a while, and then some furries show up and everyone is racist for about 12 seconds. Then it's a hard political drama and some small children are subject to vicious bullying. Also, Largo is there. Don't worry though! In the next installment, everything you thought you knew is wrong and there are even more furries.

    Okay, go wild.


    Bonus content: my main man is one of the idiot jocks and he's maybe the only one who isn't all that racist other than Football Boy Jr because he tries to stick it in a cat. Also, he dies alone no matter what you do and it's comedically awesome.


  17. 4 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

    Hee hee hee

    I like you

    Well I guess so LOL

    You play any FE Heroes?

    My phone doesn't have space for it atm so I had to delete it, but once I get my old cell working again for games and stuff I'll get it on there ;u; rip 5-star soren, you'll always have a place in my heeeart 

    I'm gonna guess you do thoug&?

  18. Just now, unique said:

    yeah I can see what you mean there I just didn't think it fit the description you mentioned earlier

    there are definitely a lot of things I don't like about her character but she never came off as like, an obnoxiously sweet cute animu character

    i think the problem you have with her is that she's a little too magically amazing

    i'm pretty sure that's a thing a lot of people dislike about her

    Yeah, you're probably right, and I've definitely seen that opinion from other people too. I guess it's kind of perception too tho? She definitely isn't lolicon bait or anything, but that amount of all-loving self-sacrifice still kind of makes me grimace unless it's on, like, a mom or something. But oh well. (What don't you like about her, if you don't mind me making conversation?)

  19. 7 hours ago, Arcanite said:

    Start of the day

    end of the day

    middle of the day

    middle of the night

    Waifu drama is always good XD

    So what makes you our friendly local trainwreck? You do a lot of train wrecking in your spare time?

    What makes me a trainwreck? I'm gonna start the waifu drama >:)

    Also I got yelled at for giggling too loudly on a bullet train one time and then cried about it, does that count? 

  20. 4 hours ago, unique said:

    mm, I can get that on a visual level, but is that really accurate for micaiah? i never really got that impression from her

    The sweetheart who sacrifices her body to heal others, talks to animals, and is considered beautiful and charming by pretty much everyone she meets is one thing too many for me. Tbh I would have loved her if the game continued a darker angle with her after she tried to set a 13-year-old on fire, but it kind of forgot and then let her be Beloved Queen of All Living Things? Just personal taste though, I won't get into the debate over whether she's objectively bad or not.

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