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Everything posted by SB.

  1. 400) Will never stab you, will stab others if necessary. Can work independently or work closely with you depending on the gamestate, doesn't throw. 401) To an extent, but idk how accurate my first impressions are. I'm good at reading them over time I think. 402) If my throwing would save someone who had been hard carrying me and they would otherwise have lost (and only if it's like, 100% that it would work out this way) and maybe not even then because you don't wanna have a rep as a game thrower imo. 403) Reflexive Rolecop isn't broken, but it's really stupid. It's info that you don't have to work with that tells you who is shooting at you, breaks fakeclaims and has annoying interactions with other roles and the only counter is like... shooting it all at once (you'll never inspect it ahead of time without being found yourself) or being a Ninja. It's a lame role. 404) Nah, they're all there for good reason. 405) I actually win now, so new meta. Heh. 406) Nah. I've played some similar stuff (Avalon) but never 407) Gut feelings > Bad memes > Things that look like they were supposed to blend in. 408) I go all in with my hard allies if I think they trust me in the same way, so RIP softs. 409) I don't. I'll make one after All Stars 2 if you remind me.
  2. @Conqueror Memes are totally my thing though. 390) BUS DRIVER 391) Graveyard talker. 392) Less so than in the past I think? It's mainly stab paranoia that gets me tbh. 393) Ee Eye Em Em. 394) Em Oh Tee Kay. 395) Shoot Kim before Conq tries to yandere ally her (alternatively if I'm not working with her she could just shoot me outright), sheep Sylv bc I think they'd have less people they'd be unwilling to kill (so it'd be a better shot) and kill stab Kitty because leftover there rip. 396) I don't namekill lol, but you seemed like the most fitting person for it in Role PM. 397) Fucking Makaze spectacularly (for everyone else). The best part of that was that I completely forgot about it until Zeta rofl. 398) Winning CYOR2 after ALL MY TOWNREADS DIED AS SOON AS I GOT THEM TO STRONMAN KILLS (fuck you prims), winning SFMM4 after my team ran it down mid within 3 days. 399) 10%? Usually bad luck is something you can mimimise by taking more precautions or making less mistakes imo.
  3. All Role PMs are out now. Please confirm that you have received yours (in the PM itself) and feel free to ask any questions there as well. Likely game start time is here, but it's possible that it moves back an hour or something if work finishes late.
  4. You got your wish Refa until I get you to sub in for scum. This is not the alignment roll, just to clarify. KTS and Refa will be highest priority subs if (or more likely, when) I need them. Role PMs will be sent out shortly. Please confirm in Role PM once you have received yours.
  5. 380) Watching the news is for uh... more aware people than me tbh. Stuff about exam stress was vaguely recent + relateable. 381) I barely pay attention to localish news :ablobsweat: 382) That feeling when you actually lynch a maflord instead of town!Bartozio again RIP. As scum, winning against the odds or going deeper than anyone expected you to go (SFMM4, Antihero). 383) You have absolute freedom to do what you want, even if some playstyles are more successful than others depending on the meta. 384) First: Dear Rssp1, you are SB, the Lazy Brit. “My entire gameplan was one massive shitpost.” You aren’t sure how you even got here or what this EiMM thing even is. How do you play? How do you shoot? You’ll probably figure it out later so you aren’t really worried about it, ay? EiMM is for shitposting anyway. Current: *insert All Stars 2 Role PM here" Fun game, I like the fact that you can work with whoever you like, can get too emotional sometimes if you get too invested I guess. 385) Hard to say bc it's been a while since I've actually gotten a game in, but I think I'm good at working with people and facilitating agreements I guess (that both sides feel good about) and I just try to talk to lots of people so that I know whats going on and can react to the gamestate if I need to. 386) Town: Try and make people easier to read earlygame, gamesolve later on. Scum: Work out what a good endgame looks like and move towards that. If a buddy is dead weight then they can go, but if there's an alternative that's probably better unless the only viable win condition is deepwolfing. 387) My lies are the best lies. Idk though in all seriousness, I won't lie about random shit so I'd say I'm honest about 90% of the things I do, but if I have to lie then I don't have any qualms with it. 388) I think I'm about average, I'm just good at picking which lies to tell. 389) Anything that isn't super rigid I guess. If I can negotiate with someone reasonably, I can work with them.
  6. 371) Gryffindor: Kitty ("i'll beat that guy up kim") Hufflepuff: Kim Slytherin: Iris (ambition + resourcefulness) Ravenclaw: Sylv (you come across as very studious + the most pragmatic member of jaburu probs) 372) Gryffindor: Paperblade Ravenclaw: Euklyd + Amy Hufflepuff: Monde 373) First: "Are they actually gonna ally the full game and not kill anyone after that" Current: "Never mind, they know what they're doing" 374) They make me want to talk to someone less/more, but they tend to fade away pretty quickly once I get to know them. 375) I expected Conq to be way different than he was just because he's really fucking good at a lot of things, but instead he's really humble. Dammit Conq, you were supposed to be an asshole. 376) Avoid them when possible, and when I can't it's just business. I don't need to give them a reason to like me and then want to spend more time with me. 377) People who are too loud/can't read the mood. 378) Buy a house, future proof it for the next however many years, pay off student loans, travel, probably some other stuff and not necessarily in that order. 379) Medical research, probably Cancer because of deaths from family, but if I was doing this for real I'm sure I'd research around it first.
  7. 361) The ability to admit when they've done something wrong without trying to make excuses. 362) My dad: we're both kinda jokey and laid back. My mum: We're both fairly private and like our space, and I think we generally work in similar ways wrt preferring to do stuff on our own because we're just more comfortable when we know exactly how things are going to work. 363) Nope, I'm an only child. I have a kinda big family though. 364) If I'm really down I tend to withdraw a bit. This isn't a bad thing at first (it helps me to clear my head and stuff) but I can overdo it sometimes and be left feeling kind of awkward wrt just talking to people again. I think generally if I'm upset about something in particular I'll go to someone I feel comfortable with to vent, but in general just talking to me about random silly shit helps to keep me grounded and from spiralling downwards. 365) Idealist, 100%. 366) On my own I'm kinda whimsical and impulsive, but when I'm with friends I'm a bit less floaty I guess and wanna make sure that I don't drag them along to anything they don't want to do. If I'm tired out I kinda act more like I do on my own wrt daydreaming a lot and kinda drifting in and out of conversations though. 367) I don't like being touched by people who aren't friends/family. 368) When I was younger I would lie a lot just to avoid conversation/shut them down because I was very awkward and uncomfortable with myself so I didn't like talking very much. Nowadays, I guess I'll still lie a little bit, but it tends to be more about omission and I don't tell deliberately malicious lies because that's kinda fucked up. Everything is fair game in mafia though. 369) Not always immediately, but I get there. 370) Trustworthy, dependable, understanding.
  8. 351) Wanting to play Tactics Universe (leading to me joining SF and meeting a lot of people who changed my perspective on shit in a good way). 352) The goddamn Pixar lamp never fails to put a smile on my face. 353) No, but when I see it happen by chance it feels really good. 354) Kind of, but I think that you can bend it. 355) Yeah, I think I've had a fair amount of good luck come my way wrt meeting good people. 356) Not really? 357) Not sure if it's the most unique, but whenever I sneeze I can end up doing it like 5-8 times in a row :weary: 358) I'm usually able to take something good from the aftermath of a bad experience/event, although it can take a while for the realisation to sink in wrt what I should have learned. 359) Indecisiveness. 360) Doing things wrong, but I'm trying to work through it.
  9. 340) I'll use love freely if the other person (or people) involved uses it, but otherwise not really because it feels kind of intense lol. Hate is easier to say but for things I hard dislike I'll genuinely use stronger language. 341) Quality Time > Words of Affirmation > Acts of Service > Receiving Gifts > Physical Touch 342) I'm far from a cinnamon roll, but uh... fairly wholesome I guess? That sounds kinda dumb though lol. 343) Kindness, self-awareness, enthusiasm, motivation, empathy, intelligence, sense of humour, probably some other stuff. 344) Constant boasting, lack of awareness, generally being a dick for no reason other than to be a dick. 345) Being able to bring out the parts of me that I like + being thoughtful and respectful of boundaries. 346) Being non-judgemental and laid-back or generally people with high energy levels I guess? Hopefully that makes sense. 347) I'd probably add another hour or two for more time to sleep. 348) I was kinda edgy during my younger teenage years, but not overly so I think? 349) Wrt negative thoughts, I try and work out why I'm feeling that way (not always possible depending on how flustered I am though) and try to walk myself through my thoughts slowly and diffuse it I guess. I think this generally tends to happen when I've been sleeping poorly/not getting enough of it, 350) I think I'd try and build good habits earlier, but I'd be afraid of changing too much because I wouldn't want to be a super different person, and different experiences can lead to different things I get.
  10. A busy day on my end is causing me to push back game start for a day (and this also works out fine with the substitute situation so I'm fine with that). I'll still send out Role PMs tomorrow, but game start will be on Tuesday night instead so that people have time to confirm.
  11. shit I missed this 280) Something that makes me think + has a good environment, but isn't too crazy stressful with deadlines. Unsure on the specifics. 281) Christmas? Nothing sticks out tbh. 282) Moving out? 283) Probably Reddit. 284) I'd say 80 or something, but as I get closer I'll probably want more and more. 285) I have strong beliefs, but I'm also fairly open minded so I guess they tend to shift over time. Idk how much sway other people have over me though instead of my own realisations. 286) When I'm mad, circular arguments are good description of my mindset (which is why I tend to withdraw from things when I'm annoyed). 287) Turned up to an exam last year 30 minutes late. I still finished 30 minutes early and got like 88% (I probs could have gotten more but I was feeling pretty done after the morning stress and I got the grade anyway). 288) "The Chronicles of Sborge, Mage Knight Extrodinaire(ily bad)" 289) I'm not sure, but the editor would probably cut down a lot because I can get kind of rambly when I feel like it! 290) Does being an INFP count? :thinking:
  12. I can’t tell you your alignment before I’m finished will Role PMs!
  13. 330) If it's a small thing about myself, I can take it. If it's a friend involved or something bigger, I tend to be direct with my confrontations but try to be understanding (because shouting contests never help anyone). 331) I'll let you know when I find it lol. 332) I don't think it's quite as crazy as when I was younger (when it comes to creating something from zero), but I'm good at thinking of things based off of a stimulus. 333) I'm still quiet, but I'd say that I'm more comfortable with it. 334) Not really. I talk to people from secondary but I haven't really kept in touch with my primary school friends or whatever despite most of them still living close by just because we drifted into different friend groups. 335) Use words and emojis (and pretty pictures are nice too). I'm comfortable with servers or DMs so if you have anything you want to talk about I'm down with it, I'm just cautious with DMing Jaburu in general bc you guys used to be afraid of me and I don't want to make you uncomfortable or anything. 336) Tbh I don't know because my playstyle has shifted a lot in the last few games. I used to be chaotic moral, now I'm like... neutral impure maybe? 337) ADORABLE PURE I mean uh... I dunno, cool wholesome based on all of your impressions of me but idk lol. 338) neutral loyal? I probs play more like logical if that counts but idk I've definitely been swayed by emotional stuff in the past. Loyal is hard because I'm ride or die with the people I actually want to win with but if I have to stab someone, I can normally talk myself into it. 339) An aspiration, but not a priority atm. If it happens that's cool, but I'm not going to go out of my way to look.
  14. 320) I'm good at making weird links between things in my head + portraying things in ridiculous ways that make people laugh, I think. Also puns. 321) I'd rather follow, but if there's really nothing happening then I'll step up to lead. 322) I don't even make them. It always feels kinda arbitrary to me, and if something is important I should probably try and act on it right away? I guess it's good wrt getting into shape and stuff so maybe I should use that next year. 323) Oops. 324) I think that I have pretty good intuition, but idk if this counts as a talent. I'm not sure what else I would put here. 325) Getting my uni grades back this year was like bliss considering my botched A-Levels. 326) Not especially, but I'm working on it. 327) I don't think so, but I tend to account for them nowadays by starting things early and working at a more relaxed pace. It probably takes more time than it needs to, but it helps to relieve stress and it's more enjoyable overall so I don't mind it. 328) When possible: leave the situation, come back with a 329) If I'll finish all of these questions. Nothing especially, there's a minor thing here or there but the uni year hasn't started yet so I expect that to throw a wrench into things.
  15. 310) I dislike the idea of saying something that would actively change my life (like don't make decision X or something) so it's probably be general advice about having confidence in myself, reassurance that things will be fine and to keep going even when things feel really shitty. 311) I'm more self-aware in general and am less afraid to do what I want to do. I'm also more willing to go outside of my comfort zone and generally I'm just a lot happier. 312) Further along the same path, but with more willingness to trust myself. In a more uh... physical sense (there's a better word for it that escapes me right now), moved out with a steady job and satisfying relationships (this is both 5 and 10, but obviously 10 better than 5 hopefully). 313) I'm passive until shit needs to get done. If I know that I have to do something, I'm good at getting on with it and working out what want to get out of confrontations, I just sometimes take some time to figure out when that point is. 314) Selective is probably the closest? I don't think that my memory is totally awful but I'll remember some random details of things while forgetting others. 315) The realisation that I could actually be happy instead of living like a zombie. 316) Being called a sweetheart the first time I was drunk was kinda whoa for me because at school all of our friends would just constantly shittalk each other and almost never say anything nice about one another lol. It probably wouldn't be a big deal now, but it felt significant to me at the time because I didn't have a lot of self-confidence and uh, tbh I didn't feel like I conformed much with the gender norms of being a dude and it was kind of validating to see someone not care about that. Being drunk probably helped it to stick in my mind though, heh. 317) The gift I've enjoyed the most was probably the old Gameboy (the brick) and Pokemon Red+Blue. The nostalgia is real. There's probably something that beats this out that I'm not thinking of right now, but I'm also not a huge gifts person. 318) Going to Rome with my two best friends was fun. We all kinda went our own separate ways for a while afterwards, but it was a good time and there wasn't that pressure you get from family holidays where you feel like you have to make it a big thing? We still came back every day tired but it was a lot of fun. 319) Everyone who has helped me though it so far.
  16. 300) Quiet, observant, easygoing. These are things I'd probably say to people I'd just met rather than three words to describe me as a whole I guess. 301) I can be pretty shy and quiet around people I don't know and generally don't like rocking the boat (idk if I'm a doormat now but I definitely was in the past). I think I'm easy to get along with 95% of the time or something because of this, but when I actually feel like something is wrong I try and be direct with confrontations. I'm empathetic towards my friends, but less so towards strangers. I warm to people fairly easily though. I'm not good at hiding how I feel about things or people and tend to wear my heart on my sleeve if you have any kind of regular conversation with me (as in, a conversation that isn't just about getting a specific thing). Also I think I'm pretty funny so there's that. This is definitely not what I would tell strangers irl though who I first met just because it's super direct lol. 302) I don't think there's an intrinsic meaning to life; you have to make something that sticks for you on your own. 303) I wanna live in a big city. I haven't done it because of the specifics and its kind of a big deal and I don't have a specific reason to justify it like a career. 304) When I'm in a good mood, I can generally find amusement in anything, and then when I'm down its the opposite. 305) The perfect day is where I feel like I've learned something, I've contributed something and generally everyone in my life is feeling good (or at least okay that day). 306) Experiencing lots of new things and feelings with good weather (on my own or with close friends). 307) I'd say I'm 60/40 with happy/not happy, and I consider that a win for now. 308) Feeling like I'm making progress. 309) There are probably a lot of things, but generally the answer is a combination of ignorance (in the past, and probably there are more things that I'd do if I was aware of them), being lax about things (trying to shift away from this) and not trying to do too many things at once.
  17. 291) Uh, the most memorable thing is lending me their phone charger when I ran out of battery, but I’m not sure if I’m missing something. 292) First: How can I screw with these answers? Current: Thanks Mitsuki, I couldn’t have done it without you. 293) Take care of yourself. It sounds simple, but it’s easy to fuck up. 294) Uh, idk if there was a specific piece of advice but I was overly cautious when I was younger and it put me in a kinda bad mental hole until I kinds figured out my bullshit. 295) Misreading things and typing too fast and missing out entire words. 296) Shit happens. 297) Having a positive impact on other people’s lives. 298) Pillows, so instead of breakfast in bed you’d have bed AS breakfast. Perfect for being lazy and going back to sleep. Ideally it’d taste like candy floss or something. 299) Some part of the first time I was drunk (I could not stop laughing for like 2 hours straight after getting home).
  18. 270) I haven't seen it. Maybe. 271) I watched Season 1 a few months ago and was interested, but never ended up watching more after bc idk I'm lazy. 272) Only if I'm really into the game? And even then usually I don't get all the way, if it's a chore then I won't do it because games are supposed to be for fun anyway. 273) I was gonna say the light bulb thing from earlier, but uh I had to wear a dress for an English thing I was graded on (we had to do a performence thing for one of the units and we needed another female character). Iirc it was a dating show thing and iirc I was the 'girl' who got chosen in the end and at the time I was just super embarrassed about it. I got a really good grade for it, but I'm not sure if part of that was my teacher just being like "wow he actually did it" or something else. 274) Fortree City is actually really cool. Idk if I'd want to live there forever, but it immediately jumped to mind. 275) 100% medical mastery (first aid, surgery, general health stuff, medicine etc). 276) !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 277) I don't really have one tbh + I suck at remembering most of their names. Most of the scrum debate memes have different fonts just because I forget which one I used the last time. 278) I watched about half of it and I know spoilers. It's okay, but I had the twist spoiled for Episode 3 and I feel like it relies on the shock factor to drag you in. 279) Meet a person that they feel comfortable trusting with everything.
  19. 260) Probably stay reasonably behind the top clearers (I don't wanna die lmao) but I'd want to get strong enough to defend myself if I needed it. 261) Parallel I guess, because if the universe happened once, what stops it from happening a few more times? 262) I hope not! It seems like massive headache. 263) Idk how to define any of these. I'd say something beautiful is something that evokes a strong positive emotion though. 264) Coolness is to do with being likeable and self-assured, I think. Not sure. 265) Cute is like... something you want to protect maybe? But that doesn't cover all of it. I need a cute scientist to help me out (not a scientist that is cute, but someone well versed in the science of cuteness). 266) Damian has a quietly good laugh imo. 267) I definitely laugh at my own jokes. 268) I tend to make very brief plans/notes and then mostly wing things. 269) I didn't, but I'm fairly sure that Kim wouldn't have let you :notlikeblob: but tbh if you'd asked I would have considered it because I didn't actually have any hard allies RIP.
  20. 250) UH TBH I AM NOT A PILLOW CONNOISSEUR but I have two for my bed and kinda swap them around (or use both) if I'm restless and can't sleep lol, even if it really doesn't help. 251) Nah, 999 is kinda crazy anyway. 252) It depends really. I have some friends that I tend to DM more than server chat, but I'd say overall I tend to talk more in severs (unless I'm feeling kinda down in which case I tend to kinda go quiet in servers and talk a little less in DMs, but probs more). 253) The last time I properly cried was a few months ago, and before I'm not really sure. I don't cry very often but uh, I can definitely get teary eyed pretty quickly if I'm in a sentimental mood or something (but I struggle to actually cry even if I want to). 254) Nothing really notable. 255) I don't think that there's a super dominant colour, but I trend towards darker/more muted colours for sure. 256) Assuming this is for guys, I'm not a super big fan of long hair on dudes, but I guess the good kind of messy? Idk how else to describe this because I suck at hair lol. 257) I kinda like curly hair for short hair. 258) Uh... I'm too shy to say this one lol. 259) Lover sounds kinda ott and partner is kinda eh. S/O is okay but boyfriend/girlfriend is cuter imo.
  21. 240) I like Kim's the most. 241) I like the first three the best (Luka > Chiaki > Original). 242) I prefer movies because they're easier to get into, but tbh I'm probably missing out on a lot of shows. 243) Not really. I don't really absorb podcasts very well when I'm doing other stuff and prefer to just listen to music. 244) Uh, wrt random hobbies it's mostly a lack of effort/commitment and getting distracted by other things. I think I talked about them in earlier questions though. 245) Trickster. 246) Bishop? 247) :hehe: confuses me becuase I don't think it looks like a hehe! Otherwise, nothing else really sticks out. 248) I think I'm alright at them? I can usually figure out an algorithm or something for solving something once I've done it enough times or reverse engin 249) Baka is funny.
  22. I thought about how to answer this question but decided to just make a tier list instead and now I'm going to eat ice cream. Have fun! Top Tier: Punch Rouge Watermelon High Tier: Bubblegum Coral Flamingo Taffy Mid Tier: Ballet Slipper Blush Rose Rosewood (is this even pink tho) Strawberry (see: Rosewood) Peach Pink Low Tier: Crepe Fuscia Lemonade Magenta Salmon Bottom: Hot Pink
  23. 220) Cycling between periods of optimism and emptiness/depression, I think, as I discover new things or run out of them. 221) Dying in a week sounds pretty bad, so strap me in for eternity I suppose. 222) Trains are more chilled out that all other forms of transport imo. 223) Saturn sounds kinda cool, maybe I could live on one of the rings and it'd be a cool place. 224) Yeah, then I could be Star Boy! 225) Probably not too disimilar to Earth, but with an element of fantasy with things being uh... maybe more exaggerated (probably a bad word for it) and self-sufficient, and probably a little bigger. 226) Skyscraperssssssssss (I've never actually seen one in person I think but they seem REALLY COOL) and like, multiple levels of transport (as in vertically, hurry up and invent floating cars already influential nerds of the world) that are mostly transparent so you can still look up and see the sun coming through. Those are the major things, everything else is kind of a bonus. 227) I have no idea tbh, but I hope it isn't a soon thing. 228) Maybe? I can't imagine it not being horribly botched for years and years before someone manages to succeed though. 229) I don't think that forever is an attainable timespan, and that everything is probably going to end at some point. 'Forever' as a concept is too absolute to be a real thing imo, and even if we find a way to make it so our bodies don't age or something, there will be something that the immortals overlooked that ends up biting them in the butt later on.
  24. 210) Pizza /shrug 211) I want to try more asian dishes out in general because I've been to some pretty nice restaurants, but nothing in particular comes to mind. 212) They're cool, and it feels like that's the only thing that everyone can agree on here lol. 213) Nah, that's way too much effort to act proper all the time. I'd rather just be me. 214) I wouldn't be surprised if it broke at some point (on an individual level) because at least in my experience schools are veeeeery heavyhanded in trying to get you to apply for university and stuff like that, even if it's not good for you/not what you want to do. Pretty much all of my friends who went ended up going "just because" which is kinda fucked up culturally imo, and iirc there's a bunch of stuff on the news about student stress being on the rise which doesn't surprise me either? It feels like a system more based around the educators than the students in the system, which is kinda fucked up. I might be jaded on this though, and there are definitely good individuals within the system, but to I'm really not a fan. At the very least though, we have a good system for student loans for uni. 215) Winston Churchill. 216) Uh, following on from that, BigBangMeteor Hitler. Oof. 217) I haven't lost any incredibly close family, and I don't think that I really have anything I really need to say to someone who has passed on. Some of my cousins lost their mum last year though, so I think I'd probably talk to her and see if she had anything for me to relay back to them. 218) Maybe Australian? I'm not sure, I don't really think about it too much bc I'm more used to people being excited about British ones lol. 219) fairyjigglypuff.
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