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The Baroness of Blainswal

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Everything posted by The Baroness of Blainswal

  1. Definitely Genealogy of the Holy War. The fact that it has a unique theme for each chapter is something that I truly find admirable, especially for the time. Gaiden is pretty high up there too, despite that I've never been particularly fond of the game itself. I have yet to play the remake, but from what I've heard off YouTube it's pretty solid in that department.
  2. Perhaps when creating tomes the more powerful ones are mystically imbued with weight so that they're less likely to be used by the unqualified. Then again, I suppose you could just be strong and pick it up anyways so maybe that's not the case,
  3. Honestly, at this point I'd recommend buying it on Wii-U Virtual Console instead. The price of most Fire Emblem games skyrocketed after the series got really popular so even if you do find a copy that's legitimate it probably won't be anywhere near a reasonable price.
  4. I only ever buy DLC if i feel like it's a significant expansion on the game, and as of now I don't think the Fire Emblem series has really done that.
  5. Nintendo was really strict on religion at the time, so I doubt they would use the term "Holy" to describe anything in game. I mean, Final Fantasy VI had to rename a spell to Pearl for that very reason
  6. Greetings! I've been a fan of Fire Emblem since I first played Radiant Dawn about a decade ago. I became aware of this site recently and thought it would be nice to join a forum with people who have a similar interest to my own.
  7. During yesterday's presentation Reggie said that 3DS sales actually grew last year, so as long as it's making money I think it's safe. As for a successor, I don't think we'll see one for next while with the Switch and all.
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