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Everything posted by GoD

  1. I can do the dragon challenge next week. But we can do it now if it's okay.
  2. Posting would do you some good. Also whatever happened to Fred? And Gar?
  3. This has been a message from our daily segment of: "Teach Me, Phoenix-Sensei"
  4. How do I make retro convo's though? Is it like a combo post where we both collaberate on one single post?
  5. Why is like, no one posting? This is like, so boring.
  6. Rook Inquisitions: Cheslea: No response because Cheslea does not wish to speak with hoes.
  7. So do I need to re-do my post? Sorry if I messed up but since no one was posting I decided to do so.
  8. As the voyage at sea was coming to a close, Cheslea Liton reflected on her days during the voyage. Not much happened really, an announcement that there was some floating dragon head and there would be dream training at some point in time. Chelsea also managed to armor for Nenesha, courtesy of Raquel whom she bought it from and Connor who upgraded the armor so it could be more useful. Nenesha seemed to like it a lot when Chelsea outfitted him with it, but personally she thought it looked really lame. The rest of the voyage was uneventful, with the troubadour simply reading her tome and experimenting on her light spells to see how she could better implement them in combat situations. So their voyage was ending and Chelsea was looking forward to seeing land again, seeing as she hated the sea and boats with a passion, although not as much as the first time she was on a boat, way back when the Fallen attacked them. "I really hope we don't run into any weirdos when we get to Sergio. According to Raquel it's where everything started, so we probably will run into any weirdo... so long as it isn't HIM I don't really mind. But I doubt we'll get that lucky, especially since he appears when I least want it."- Chelsea talked to no one in particular, instead to herself. Hopefully there would be no encounters at port and they could move to Ursium without much incident.
  9. No. You may not learn Baou Zakerga. Or any Zaker spells for that matter. You Zatch Bell hoe. JK XD
  10. Oh sorry, I think I read it so that Shadrak was some sort of Prima Donna and you needed VIP privilege to talk to him. I was at least wrong about the VIP thing. :p
  11. What is a retro convo for starters? - Why can't Chelsea be permitted to see Shadrak? Recluse mode be damned.
  12. Let's hope there's a dark gym. Or better yet a gym without a theme. Different types for variety.
  13. I personally love it. I like the grass type- Chespin. I am so getting that.
  14. Are we actually doing this challenge? Well crud, If you need some healing call upon me and I shall appear. I mean, I'm still fucking terrified but If I gotta fight then I will.
  15. I FUCKIN KNEW IT. That dragon is so predictable~ Chelsea's reaction to entering the infirmary: 1. Sees Shadrak's nose, screams in surprise. 2. Sees Floaty Dragon Head, squees. 3. Sees doctor, runs the fuck away.
  16. In response to Raquel's hallucination: Everybody in the ship gettin tipsy!!!
  17. You assume we have a chance to win. You assume we even have a single % of victory. Because I don't feel confident. I feel horrified. On the other hand if the reward was Burke joining our party: *prepares to be a meatshield* Bring it.
  18. These challenges frighten me :( We're gonna do them at some point aren't we?
  19. "It will be fine. You won't lose Zach's friendship over this. Just give him some time to cool his head off and you'll be right as rain!.... Well is rain exactly right? eeeeh, you know what? You're good, just find something else to do in the meantime."- With that, Chelsea turned her back to Robin and began to exit the deck, off to go bother someone else, probably Shadrak. However, on her way out the troubadour turned her head towards Robin and, with a full smile said: "I came here to look at the endless sea, so that maybe my sadness would go away. But it looks like you did the job better than the sea could ever do. See you later, Robin." And with those words Chelsea left the deck, but the smile she had never once faded.
  20. "Don't try and think about what that means, you'll just get an unnecessary headache from it all."- Cheslea explained with a wry grin on her face. "Anyways, I can understand your sentiments Robin, but if Zach wants to mourn in his own special way there's not much you can do. Well, the point I'm trying to make is.... well don't worry, sooner or later Zach will realize what he's done and come rushing back to apologize. Then again guys are thickheaded aren't they?"- Chelsea concluded her explanation with these words and decided to wait for Robin's reply. "Come to think of it, I may as well help Boss lady with the merchant set-up. Maybe I'll buy some armor....ah so annoying, it's not cute at all."
  21. "Robin... I'll admit that was a very sweet thing you did, cooking him some food and all. But maybe you shouldn't have mentioned Lia's..... um... death so casually like that."- Chelsea sighed, and shuddered remembering Lia's corpse. Shaking her head to get the image of that girl's corpse out of her mind, Chelsea raised her finger and placed it on her own chin. "Listen Robin, you're gesture was a very kind thing. I won't say it was bad to cook the guy something, but you failed on a few key things. I have more experience in dealing with men, I had to deal with Shadrak after all, so I can give you some advice. First off, mentioning Lia's death was bad. It was kind of a... how do some geeks say it, a loser flag? But yeah, mentioning her death right after she just died was... not really a cool thing to do. Second, men operate differently from women most of the time. Some women seek others to comfort them when they have gone through a rough time in their lives. Men, would rather like to be left alone to their own devices... is anything I'm saying making sense?"- she paused to see if Robin was understanding what the troubadour meant to say.
  22. So here is something: Chelsea currently has 45 points. I sell the vulnerary I have for 5 points, it's full FYI. Chelsea then has 50 points. I purchase the chain mail for 30 points, and then use my remaining 20 to upgrade into splint mail. Chelsea now has 0 points. Is this acceptable?
  23. Chelsea blinked once. She was surprised that Robin did not speak Kigenese, but that would mean she was from Neviskotia... ah, the troubadour so ashamed, her cheeks reddening a little before making a coherent reply to Robin. "Ah, sorry it was my mistake to start speaking in Kigen like that. Truly sorry about that."- she held her hands up apologetically. Then on to the matter at hand, it seemed as though Zach and Robin had a fight. "Another quarrel again, Robin. You truly are a... spunky girl."- Chelsea thought as she attempted to come up with a response to Robin's dilemma. "Was there anything you particularly said to Zach? Can you tell me exactly what you said to him before he, um... threatened you? I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding."- Cheslea asked in an attempt to calm Robin down.
  24. (OOC: At the ship, the ship's deck) Cheslea x Robin! As Chelsea got on the ship she quickly found herself wanting to retire to her quarters for the night. She didn't get a lot of sleep at all, the troubadour was still thinking about her fallen friends. She sighed many times in her vain attempt of reprieve, hoping to Mercy that this was all a bad dream, and that she would awaken from it soon. She knew it couldn't be a dream though, this was reality. This sadness and anger was her reality. Eventually, the next day, Cheslea had decided she had enough time to rest and left her quarters, her destination: the deck of the ship, where she could gaze at the sea in peace and quiet. Upon arriving at the deck however, she saw the archer, Robin. who looked quite furious, and some other faces she hadn't seen before. The troubadour was quite curious as to who they were, but honestly that wasn't the reason why she was here in the first place. "I'd better go see what's wrong with Robin. Mercy please let me live another day."- Chelsea thought, and after a quick sigh, her previously gloomy demeanor changed into a happier one, not a cheerful attitude, but rather one that wasn't frowning like a sour-puss. Waving her hand so that Robin could see it, the girl decided to speak in Kigenese. "<Hello, Robin. How are you today, is there something wrong>?"-
  25. Okay guys.... that was kinda mean.
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