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Posts posted by Ronnie

  1. Free PDFs. Saves you a ton of money from buying college textbooks! Screw paying $50+ for something you'll only use for 3 months.

    Also Ctrl+F is a godsend when trying to look something up instead of flipping through the index.

  2. Kind of a follow up thread to the consoles collecting dust topic. Do you sell off games you finish or never play? Same for systems?

    I sometimes sell my games if I end up not liking it or not playing it often with no signs of going back. That's how I feel about my Vita lol. I thought it was cool and I bought a bunch of games for it. I had it for more than a year but I haven't beat a single game on it. Compared to my other systems, it's a clear sign I lost interest in it.

  3. 45 minutes ago, Omegaprism said:

    When I was a kid I was really into Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. If I could have, I would have themed my entire life around those green boys and their colorful masks. Instead of getting a SNES for Christmas one year, I got a Sega Genesis, and that was fine. It had a few TMNT games, such as the Hyperstone Heist. One of these Genesis turtles games was TMNT: Tournament Fighters. I loved it with all of my being, and I played the hell out of that cart just trying to beat the final bosses. While many people got into fighting games because of Street Fighter, I learned to be a fighting games guy from the ninja turtles.

    Decades later I found another copy and, afloat on nostalgia, booted it up to see how it had aged. The verdict: terrible. Everything I had learned about fighting games in the intervening years bashed against the incredibly stiff controls and harsh design decisions, and I suffered that fate that all people who grow up and develop taste know: I knew I could never recapture those good times as a boy in the early nineties, and I knew that it was because I was a dumb kid, and ignorance is bliss.

    Try tournament fighters for SNES. MUCH BETTER game. Plays like Super Turbo.


  4. 1 minute ago, Dragoncat said:

    I see.

    He's handsome I hope the skin on his hands is fireproof, does he like, ignite his fists himself? Zuko has nothing on him if that's the case.

    Lol he's part of the Kusanagi clan that can control fire.

    Personally Terry Bogard is my favorite SNK character:

  5. 26 minutes ago, Zera said:

    Are you implying that beat 'em ups died? Haven't you played Guacamelee? Or Muramasa?

    Basic/traditional beat em ups like Final Fight or Streets of Rage aren't really around. Last I can think of is Double Dragon Neon. Muramasa's labeled as an action RPG. Guacamelee counts though.

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