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Vicious Sal

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Posts posted by Vicious Sal

  1. I made an Escape Room in Radiant Dawn chapter 1-3, and I'd love it if you'd check it out! Even better, if you're interested, please upload your attempt to YouTube so I can see how everyone tackles the Escape room!
    If you're more interested in watching others struggle, I also had four fire emblem players try their hand at the escape room in this YouTube video:
    But if you're planning on playing yourself, I highly recommend doing that before spoiling yourself by watching! You can find a link to my discord in the YT video, and in the discord you'll have access to all the resources you need to play it yourself!

  2. It orders it based on highest growth to lowest, in the case of ties it goes from Res backwards to HP.

    This skews growth rates to a rich get richer system. Higher growths are first in line, proc often and thus lower growths get lower. Best example is Jill with no capped stats. 

    She has a 45% STr growth rate, but it is like her 4th highest growth rate and ties with one or two other stats so it is like 6th or even 7th in proc order. Statistically this lowers her STr growth from 45% to a measly 21% when using BEXP only.

  3. 1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

    It is a bit deceptive, as it got its hard reputation thanks to the difficulty setting getting mistranslated. The original Path of Radiance cut out Maniac mode and added an Easy mode just for the English release, but when they released Radiant Dawn they didn't change the difficulty at all, but used the naming scheme of Path of Radiance,  so Japanese Normal got labeled Easy in English, Japanese Hard got labeled Normal in English, and Japanese Maniac got labeled Hard in English.



    Not actually a mistranslation! 😉

  4. 4 hours ago, lenticular said:

    Tellius is a world without any sort of mass media. No Internet, no TV, no newspapers. From memory, I don't even think they have the printing press. Portrait painting probably exists, but I can't imagine that Ike is the sort to want to sit around for hours and get painted. So how many people would actually know what Ike looked like? Basically only people who have actually met him in person, which is not that many. Other random soldiers probably saw him a little, but probably not enough to really remember his appearance in detail. So I think it's entirely plausible for him to be able to just disappear into obscurity if that's what he wants to do.

    As for whether it was actually a satisfying ending for him... eh. I don't think it was terrible? I'm also not really a big fan of the little text epilogues that FE has for all its characters, so I mostly just ignore them and headcanon my own instead. I don't think Ike's is notably worse than others, though. He probably wouldn't want to stick around and play politics afterwards. The problem, if anything, is just the shift in perspective. The epilogues are from the perspective of history. It's what gets recorded in scholarly books years after the fact. Whereas for the game up to that point, we've had a more intimate perspective, from the PoV of Micaiah, Elincia and Ike. So I can see how that shift could be jarring, but it isn't something I personally cared about. If anything, I like that it's open-ended so I can head anon whatever I want without being contradicted.

    Fun fact, there is physical evidence portrait painting exists in Tellius, Oliver has a portrait of himself in the 4-4 map!

  5. 7 minutes ago, Aircalipoor said:

    Boyds unique ability to ORKO Wyverns  (what Paladins and Falcon Knights with their lower Str. cap can't pull off) is redundant it you have blessed Jill. I don't mind employing him, but I wouldn't do it on a run that also includes Jill. They may even compete for the same ressources (Speedwing, Draco-Shield).

    Really funny to see such a shitty Soren, he is ridiculously overused in most runs I read about, usually with high Mag and Spd, Vantage, Shade and A Ike. The speedrun proves that he has too much of a bad start and movement and physical defense is important in this game.

    If you have 1300 BEXP (a number you could gather through chapter 18-24), you could level Geoffrey up to level 17 to make him a valid Oscar light. He could barely ORKO even nasty 22-23 AS Paladins in chapter 26 with a forged Silver Lance. Though he sucks in chapter 25 and the game is ending very soon.

    Next chapter is the hardest in endgame just because of the condition: Route forces you to engage all these numerous bulky enemies, while you can ignore a bunch of them in Seize/Arrive/Kill Boss chapters. Also shitty terrain. We'll see how this turns out, I lost Jill on one of my playthroughs there and didn't even reset because doing this chapter again is more of a hassle than 26, 27 and Ike Soloing 28 and Finale.

    Funnily enough, in Maniac LTC he is extremely valuable due to the 255 thunder tome hitting Res and picking up OHKO's with vantage other units couldn't hope to get. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Uscari said:

    I get your point about rules and restrictions, maybe cheating was a harsh word.

    I think from a balance and difficulty evaluation standpoint, it makes sense to play the game the way the developers intended, and not abuse exploits/glitches. I don't think it's valid to say "This difficulty is easy because I can use this glitch/exploit to beat it" when it's clear that the difficulty was built around what tools the developers intended to be available to the player.

    That's rather hypocritical, why are you talking about Maniac Mode then, since that was literally a mode removed in the final version of the product and thus was clearly not intended to be played. 

    As has been said above, those playthroughs, even if they don't allign with your moral code, can still prove valuable insights and can still be learned from to apply to other playthroughs. The Typhoon Carter playthrough plays with 100% growths, which is just the same as rigging without all the resets. The chili one is 0% growths with critforges, because it uses existing game mechanics -intended or not- to play around the loss of stats. 

    Playing 0% with critforges is still a lower power level than with growths but without critforges. And they completed the game in 149 turns. There is a lot to be learned from that. If you cannot acknowledge that you can still enjoy playing the game your way, but you can't expect people to take your advice and tiering seriously, as it is incredibly linear and close minded. 

  7. 5 hours ago, Uscari said:

    Ideally all of your team should be comprised of growth units by the end. Your prepromotes and laguz are generally just there to secure loot, bonus experience, and shepard your growth units to replace them. Once your team is strong enough that your growth units can protect your weaker growth units, prepromotes and laguz stop serving any purpose, you're just syphoning experience that ultimately won't get any use out of.

    In my playthroughs, there is about enough room for 8-9 main units, with a couple of slots reserved for utility units (smite, thief, dancer, reinforce). Those 8-9 units should ultimately be all units with good endgame stats, you'll need them to get through the last chapters. 

    I mean ultimately you should use whatever units you enjoy using, it's your playthrough, but I'm just saying from a success rate standpoint, you'll make the endgame much easier for yourself if you concentrate experience and resources on the units you will use at the end, rather than in the units that don't need help now and will fall off in the future.

    Pretty much all of them, don't have their siege tome equipped, and instead have a standard tome equipped. The ones that have a siege tome equipped can be slept and won't equip anything. Your staves could miss but this guy is using Soren, who has high magic and skill growth rates, which improves the chance of them hitting. He'll be overleveled compared to the rest of the team due to healing experience being better than battle experience, so he'll have 80-90% chance of succeeding with staves even against enemy sages. Even if you do miss 1-2 procs, you'll still have 40 uses of siege tomes, which I promise makes a big difference in the hardest maps of the game. It solves so many problems to use high-might magic attacks against units from well outside of their range.

    Playing the way you like is fine but 'working from a succes rate' standpoint while you're playing as far from efficient as physically possible is just not helping your case. 

    You're literally arguing 'handicap yourself for 95% of the game for a marginally better chance of succes during the 5%' 

    Maniac has been completed with 0% growths in 149 turns. That's completing the entire game in around the same amount of turns as you said you took for clash alone. And I can assure you Titania is worth more there than any growth unit ever would be. 

    We've come a long way since the early 2000's, where people favoured growths over bases and Nino over Pent, but by now we've learned that Bases > Growths.  A 20% growth rate advantage is at max 7,6 points worth of magic, but that is only if both units start at lvI 1 T1. That is not realistic and still not the whole picture because the lower Mag growth unit often gets close to cap anyway on average, so the end result won't be 7,6 mag difference either. I highly recommend some of those maniac mode playthroughs on YT, the commentary often has valuable insights regarding their unit choice and what makes a unit good (for any kind of playthrough, LTC or otherwise)

  8. 19 minutes ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    Skepticism needs be furnished with reason, though. Do you have a case to make that this claim

    Is wrong?

    If you're going for an ironman you want reliable units, because a fed unit snowballs harder and stays fed. So if you Bexp marcia and get her ahead of the curve she'll have a level and stat lead, including def.
    You could do the same to Jill, but why do that when you can do it to Marcia and benefit from that fed unit for more chapters. Jill's speed is also suspect enough to consistenly miss doubling or get doubled.

  9. Sorry but if OP is talking about Maniac Mode, how is Marcia not at the number one spot still?

    Bexp dump flier to have her instantly promote and give her a slim forge with 255 crit and she literally OHKO's everything, and I mean literally everything,  until chapter 17, after which she stil ORKO's until clash.



  10. Regarding that:

    Nailah: Who would’ve guessed that a madman on the other side of the desert would somehow threaten Hatari?
    Sephiran: Hatari. I’m sorry I didn’t get a chance to see it. The wolf tribe has survived all this time in the far corner of the world. Only the goddess could have known that.
    Nailah: Perhaps even she didn’t know it. Your goddess isn’t perfect, you know. Does an imperfect goddess have the right to judge imperfect beings?
    Sephiran: I see your point. Does the creator retain the right to destroy her creations when they are no longer what she envisioned? I imagine we could discuss this sometime… if only we had more time. I believe you alone might be able to sway my opinion on this, Lady Nailah, Queen of Wolves.
    Nailah: You have too many opinions. I’m done talking.


    Ashera has no dialogue with Nailah or Volug

  11. On 3/15/2023 at 12:44 PM, Whai said:


    This is my first time creating cheat codes involving ASM so there might have side effects.

    Gain x2 EXP (Univseral)

    04120830 57E30E3E

    Now it also works on skills (Sacrifice/Steal/...), galdr, etc...


    Display other encounter (Push R and + on Wii Classic Controller)

    283D79BA 00FF0600
    0402CB68 40820004
    001221CF 00000000
    CC000000 00000000
    0402CB68 408200E8
    001221CF 00000001
    E0000000 80008000

    You will be able to observe the encounter between Other/Ally and Enemy units

    Push R and + to toggle on/off


    Can attack anyone

    0003C96B 00000004

    You will be able to attack every player/ally/other/enemy units except when they are pacifists to each other (e.g. Micaiah vs Ilyana, Haar vs Jill, ...)

    Here is a demo :


    That is very nifty, I've actually been looking into that back when i was working on PvP. I got pvp working, but it's with an outside tool modifying live code. 
    Do you have the address locations etc as i'd be keen to take a look at your notess to see if this can be implemented directly without codes.

  12. On 12/14/2022 at 11:01 PM, Colony_Nine said:

    Oh yeah, I did see that! What I really wanted to know was who did the deciphering in the first place (was it a community effort?), or if there was any information on who possibly designed it (likely this will lead to a dead end, but I want to try to find out).

    There was no deciphering needed. The game files were ripped and an image file with all capital letters and non capital letters were founds in Alphabetical order. It was a 5 minute job to get the file and a 10 second job to match the letters to their normally used counterparts.

    Who designed the font, probably someone on the graphical team working on PoR

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