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About Hhtetris

  • Birthday 08/26/1989

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Profile Information

  • Interests
    alot of anime stuff
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Previous Fields

  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Path of Radiance

Hhtetris's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Happy Birthday!!! (again)

  2. Hmmm, alright. I guess this really isn't your place then...

  3. ya i WAS interested, but i was playing at a friends house and i never finished it, so now im waiting for halo reach and COD: black ops

  4. Heh, alright. Yeah, this is a FE site. You're interested in FE though, right? After all, you joined this forum...

  5. hold up hold up i thought this was a pokemon site xp oops

  6. lol, you joined a FE forum site for Pokemon

    There is now a Pokemon sub-forum that wasn't there before. You can check it out sometime if you're still interested.

  7. thanks for the bday comment!!

    LMAO ya i signed up wen i was into pokemon. but now theres too many and they r running outta ideas >.>

  8. Happy Birthday! Enjoy your 21st!

    If you ever see this, that is, considering that you were offline for nearly twenty months!

  9. Happy Birthday!!

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