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Status Updates posted by deranger

  1. Kewl, kewl. It's all in the same thread right? Going home for 3 weeks was a good amount of time, good enough to destress, but still be into it when I got back.

  2. I've been getting better. I like my courses this semester, and seeing everyone back home over break was cool

  3. I wasn't banished?but I kinda filled in. Or something. Right? (I should really get back to that thread sometime)

  4. swEET. I like being important.

  5. Pretty damn exciting (even though I didn't know they were gone and I think I haven't read the latest stuff before the break). Finals are done for me though, so perhaps that shall change...

  6. I guess. I mean, it's engineering

  7. my workloads not at it's heaviest. Which I guess is good.

  8. I've been remarkably unmotivate to work these last few days

  9. How have you been? Have you found anything cool recently to be interested in?

  10. meh k. I shouldn't be this deep in work after monday. Trying to get stuff done so I can go out tonight.

  11. no, we got into college to be able to do the most in the most tedious way possible

  12. fail, but I prefer not to.

  13. I know the feeling.

  14. is that good or bad

  15. How're you feeling/doing?

  16. Intramural Hockey and reffing (my job) are pretty good, just got better from being sick. Before that was midterms. So I think things are settling back into normal. Feels like a transition phase

  17. college. Still trying to figure it out.

  18. hmm interesting. We have an earth systems course with a little on sustainability, but we don't have to write anything for that.

  19. You teach a class?

  20. I am still super busy. Buuuuttt, university's awesome, so it's worth it. What's up with you.

  21. Oh god. Required reading. (Yay...when I have time.)

  22. Power Ups...excellent

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