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Posts posted by CriticalMiss

  1. 11 minutes ago, Køkø said:

    You do realize that Doma Tower is where she was headed anyway? Doma and his cult are the main villains, where else where they supposed to go? If she was beating him and his forces on a quest to rescue Mila the entire game, why wouldn't she go after Falchion? Are you suggesting she should have sat around waiting for Alm? His campaign was to conquer Rigel, and it's not like she was told that only Alm could wield it, which I'm sure is just a gameplay thing like Ragnell. Would Judah have warped them to the dungeon regardless?

    I'm not saying she should have just waited for Alm, but it's better to do nothing then do something rash and then end up in a worse situation. Again, I'm not trying to attack Celica as I can understand her thinking. I'm just saying that, despite being understandable, her decision was still logically poor and ended up making a bad situation worse.

    16 minutes ago, Køkø said:

    I was referring to the sluicegate when I said Celica saved him prior.

    Ah, sorry, I misunderstood.

    17 minutes ago, Køkø said:

    We don't know how Judah would be able to free Alm from the mountain, or more importantly, why he would do so. We don't know if he even did it in the first place. You have to complete this part first in order to proceed on Alm's path. We don't know if this is just a game thing or not. Celica asks Hark to help Alm, and he promotes Alm from a distance. We don't know the extent of his power, or whether he was the one to free Alm. As I mentioned before, they were warped into the final dungeon. We don't know whether Judah would have done this regardless of anything Celica did or said.  


    18 minutes ago, Køkø said:

    Nice history lesson but remember, Gaiden is an NES game. You have to hold it to a lower standard. It was Echoes job to improve, and it failed. 

    I feel like your last quote kind of sums this discussion up. A lot of the things we're debating from Gaiden were not clear due to hardware limitations, and, as you said, Echoes should be held to a higher standard. It's unfortunate that Echoes was not able to flesh everything out perfectly.

  2. On 1/13/2018 at 12:17 AM, Køkø said:

    Gaiden Quote

    Okay, I see where she asks Jedah to save Mila now. Thanks, I somehow missed that when I was reading through the script.


    I understand how you interpreted Gaiden Celica that way, but I'm not sure that interpretation is any smarter or stronger than Echoes Celica. For the sake of discussion, let's compare your interpretation of Gaiden Celica and Echoes Celica:


    • Both listened to Jedah after he and his followers attacked their respective army's throughout Act 4. Sure,  according to you, Gaiden Celica did not agree to be a sacrifice but she did follow Jedah into the Tower of Duma and then, upon seeing Alm, follows Jedah into the next room after he asks her to do so. And it's not like Echoes Celica just immediately believes Jedah; she doesn't do what he says until after seeing that Mila sealed herself.
    • Both lead their armies into a trap.
    • Neither saves anyone in Acts 4 or 5. You said earlier that in Gaiden Alm had to save Celica only after she saved him, but, if Gaiden Celica did not sacrifice herself, then she did not really save Alm. In Gaiden, Jedah offers to free Alm in exchange for Celica sacrificing herself, but, if Celica did not sacrifice herself, then Jedah would have no reason to free Alm.
    • Both use questionable logic and decision-making in desperate situations.
    On 1/13/2018 at 12:17 AM, Køkø said:

    I still disagree on turning back after coming that far.

    It's still a logical fallacy though. Even if you invest a large amount of time, effort, money, etc. into something, it doesn't make logical sense to keep investing in a failing endeavor if it will almost certainly lead to more harm. Probably the most famous example of the Sunk-Cost fallacy was when former President Nixon implored the U.S. to continue fighting the Vietnam War even though the army had determined that it was unwinnable so that the soldiers would not die in vain. It convinced the American public because it was emotionally powerful, and no one wanted to be the cold, heartless soul who did not care about the sacrifice of the troops. But, in the end, the U.S. still lost the war and even more soldiers died.


    I want to say that I'm not trying to bash Gaiden Celica; I actually like her. Maybe she made decisions based on logical fallacies, but if that logical fallacy was convincing enough to convince the American public to continue an unpopular war, then it makes sense that it could convince a sheltered 17-year-old who feared for Alm and Mila. I appreciate the impact she's had on the series (first female Lord, first Lord to promote, first story promotion, and first mixed-attacker). I just don't really see how she's so much better than Echoes Celica (outside of not having to be saved by Conrad 3 times, which we both agree was bad).


    On 1/13/2018 at 6:57 AM, Jotari said:

    What makes you think they could have left? They make it very clear Celica's trapped fighting a losing battle at the end of the game. Hell, you can even  explore the area where the battle takes place before iniating it and see that there are no exits beyond the locked door that Alm eventually arrives through. And their spawn point is on the opposite side of the room to that door, backed into a corner, with Celica's entire army slowly being whitteled away as Alm fights through the dungeon.

    That's not what I meant. Sorry, I guess I wasn't clear. I meant that Celica did not have to follow Jedah and could have simply left when he said:

    Hehehe… Cellica.
    Alm’s trapped in Dragon Mountain. You must want to save him.
    If that’s so, then follow after me.
    If you offer yourselves as sacrifices to Lord Doma, Alm’s path shall also open up once more!

  3. 20 minutes ago, Køkø said:

    Either I am or you are. "Sacrifice" as in submitting and willingly offering her soul to Doma? No. She doesn't even reply, and the first thing she asked him to do free Mila, not Alm.


    I suppose it's up to interpretation. I don't see where she asks him to free Mila, but that could easily be attributed to just a line or two being excluded in the translations I'm using.


    I guess my issue with your interpretation of Gaiden Celica being better than Echoes Celica would be that she still willingly walked into a trap with her entire army, which is foolish (albeit not selfish like choosing to sacrifice everyone in your army would be). Also, if she didn't sacrifice herself, then she did not really save Alm, as she would have given nothing to Jedah in return for Alm's safety. In that case, Jedah would have acted surprisingly magnanimously in choosing to let Alm proceed.


    20 minutes ago, Køkø said:

    Did you not see the warping? Did they even have a choice? Even if they did, they were supposed to run away after coming all the way there to stop Doma?  


    I saw the warping but just in text. I haven't watched any videos/played the game itself, so it's entirely possible that I'm missing key information. I would disagree with your last question though; they could have just left. That's a Sunk-Cost Fallacy (although, admittedly, that is a line of reasoning that many people use).

  4. 3 minutes ago, Køkø said:

    Honest mistake, don't worry about it. Might have been a good idea to get a refresher before jumping in though.

    Sure, but is what I'm saying wrong? It seems from those sources like Jedah told Celica to sacrifice follow him to sacrifice herself and her army to save Alm. And then, after she complies and follows him into the next room, she and her army are trapped, and the sacrificial process is merely them slowly dying at the hands (tentacles?) of the Mogalls. Is that not what happens, or am I missing additional context or something?

  5. 6 minutes ago, Køkø said:

    No she does not. You just said you didn't play, so where are you getting your information from? She was fighting alongside her army against Judah the entire time Alm tries to find a way to get in. There was no "sacrifice". The first thing she asked him to do is release Mila, not help Alm. 


    I have two sources:


    EDIT: To make it easier to find, Control + F "If you offer yourselves as sacrifices to Lord Doma, Alm’s path shall also open up once more!"


  6. 9 hours ago, Køkø said:

    The real kicker is that it's a step down from the original. Celica being a dumbass who needed to be saved all the time was not in Gaiden. (Don't even get me started on Conrad.) She only needed to be saved once, and that was after saving Alm. She did not give her soul to the psychos, and fought right up until Alm came to save them. It doesn't help that most of the other females suffer from damsel syndrome as well, but Gaiden Celica subverted this. At least Sonya,May,Genny,Catria and Palla are still okay.


    I've never played Gaiden, so I may be wrong about this, but doesn't Gaiden Celica sacrifice herself as well as her entire army to save Alm? How is that better than Echoes Celica? Regardless of your stance on Echoes Celica's reasoning, I think it's fair to say that it makes a lot more sense to sacrifice yourself to save the whole world than to sacrifice yourself and 14 others to save one person.

  7. 10 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

    Expectations and miscommunication played a big role. The switch isn't just the next handheld, it's their next home console at the same time. Historically If you wanted to play all the newest nintendo games, you had to buy two systems, and that's a 500 dollar price point comparatively. It really took game announcements for people to wrap their head around Switch. New mainline pokemon for switch? Oh, so that's where my pokemon games are going, I need the upgrade. Switch had an awkward presentation to start the year off. Some weird, Wii-like gimmick with its controllers, and a bunch of Wii U ports including Zelda. That is not a good sell, and suggested the Switch was just their next handheld that's powerful enough to run Wii U (still last gen) games.

    So people saying the Switch was overpriced made sense a year ago, but I never heard that complaint post launch, except in cases where they didn't have the luxury of buying a Switch at 300 dollars when their only option was some dumb retail bundle or through a secondhand seller. Obviously people don't generally find the system overpriced when the demand is this high.

    I can see that. I remember being very excited by the January Direct, but I might have just been blinded by love for Nintendo.


    6 minutes ago, Nobody said:

    I thought it was overpriced when it was first released, but nintendo seems to be selling a good amount of them with the current price (and it was supply restrained for a long time), so it's factually not overpriced. Nintendo won't drop the price considering how fast they're selling it.


    In fact, if you want to get into supply and demand conversations, there were worldwide shortages, meaning the Switch was underpriced.


    7 minutes ago, Nobody said:

    I think the reason some people think it's overpriced is due to the fact that it's more expensive than the more powerful PS4 and Xbone.

    This could be true, but the PS4 and the XBone were both more expensive than the Switch when they launched, and that's without even accounting for inflation.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Chconroy said:

    People think the Switch is overpriced? I remember many people, myself included, being relieved when the price was reveled to be around $300; I had been expecting it to be at least $350. As a bonus, it comes with two controllers (Being fair, using a lone joy-con isn't ideal and getting a pro controller to go with the bundled joy-cons is probably a good way to go.) while the PS4 and XB1 come with a single controller and they launched at $400 and $500 respectively (While the prices have decreased, the PS4 Pro and XB1 X are set at those same prices last I checked.). As for backwards compatibility, the Switch doesn't have it because they switched to an entirely new game format, meanwhile no console this generation seems to truly have backwards compatibility; the PS4 has select emulations and ports for purchase, but not proper backwards compatibility. The Xbox One has it better, but that functionality was only recently added and does not include every game in the previous library.

    Not everyone thinks the Switch is overpriced, but I have seen a lot of people complain about it. Take this article from US Gamer, for instance.

  9. 48 minutes ago, Elieson said:

    37$+ for half of a controller definitely feels like a kick in the pants.


    Well, the Joy-Cons can be used individual controllers, in which case $37 for a controller seems like a pretty good deal, especially when PS4 controllers normally go for $60. Beyond that, the Joy-Cons can be pretty versatile. I suppose whether you think the pricing is fair depends on if you care about local multiplayer and handheld mode. If you generally just play games at home alone or online, then I could see why you think they're overpriced.

    EDIT: Now that I think about it, this would not be an issue for those who only want to play at home and alone/online either because a pair of Joy-Cons are included with the Switch, meaning you would not have to pay for any controllers. So, from my perspective at least, the Joy-Cons seem like they are very reasonably priced no matter how you want to play.

    I would point out though that the Switch currently does not charge for online play. I know that it will eventually have a paid subscription, but that's a year in advance and is currently slated to be priced at $20 a year, 1/3 of what other consoles charge. So, in some ways, the Switch accessories and peripherals actually cost less than what you would have to pay for other consoles.


    48 minutes ago, Elieson said:

    Backwards Compatibility existed on the Wii and Wii U, and also does so for the 3DS and its variants. PS4 and Xbox 1 X box 1 one box X both have it. You're definitely getting more bang for your buck if you can run your old Breath of the Wild for Wii U on the Switch...except you can't, so go shell out more $ or keep an obnoxious powerslot sucket and collective of behind-the-tv wires if you wanna play some of that oldschool goodness in things that you already own hardcopies of.


    I mostly understand this, except for having to pay for BOTW again. If you already have it on Wii U, then why do you need to buy it again on the Switch?


    48 minutes ago, Elieson said:

    It's a crusher for me. I'm deliberately not buying a switch due to the lack of backwards compatibility, because the 300$ price tag references a whole new piece of tech, not an upgrade.

    I think there's an argument that it being an entirely different piece of tech makes the price more worth it. Think about it like this: the PS4 is an upgrade to the PS3. That means that the PS4 does pretty much the same thing as the PS3, but with better hardware and some additional features. On the other hand, the Switch is very different from the Wii U (you can see a progression from the Wii U to the Switch, but that's a different discussion). Therefore, the Switch can fill a different role in your gaming life than the Wii U did, whereas the PS4 is just an improvement upon the role played by the PS3. In other words, the Switch offers an appeal different from what previous consoles have, so there is better reason to buy it than just another upgrade.

  10. This is a complaint I’ve seen around various parts of the Internet occasionally, especially after the January Direct. But if you look at past consoles, the Switch at $300 isn’t that expensive. The Wii launched at $250 and the Wii U launched at $300. And if you account for average inflation rates from 2007-2016 (obtained from http://www.inflation.eu/inflation-rates/united-states/historic-inflation/cpi-inflation-united-states.aspx), the gap between the Switch and Wii launch prices becomes even smaller: the Wii would cost about $297.72 in late 2016/early 2017 dollars, nearly the same as the Switch. Video game consoles are in general are expensive, but the Switch seems pretty fairly priced. 

  11. I never thought of the memory prisms as tangible, real objects or that it was canon that Alm and Celica find them. None of the characters ever comment on them, and they usually just materialize in a village. It's like in BOTW where Link remembers events at similarly sparkling places: he's not actually finding a memory object when he does so.


    Just to clarify what I mean: what happens in the memory prisms did occur, but the memory prism itself is not real.

  12. 2 minutes ago, DisobeyedCargo said:

    that really is a nice detail. What was the dialogue exactly, alm only got the finishing move, I didn't see it

    When it's Rudolf's turn to attack, he just stands still. A message pops up that reads, "Rudolf isn't attacking for some reason." Then, on the first round of combat between Alm and Rudolf, this conversation takes place:

    Alm: What’s going on? Why won’t you attack? What are you planning, Rudolf?!

    Rudolf: ……

    Source: https://serenesforest.net/fire-emblem-echoes-shadows-valentia/game-script/act-4-rigel-falls-rigel-castle/


    4 minutes ago, DisobeyedCargo said:

    Don't worry about spoilers, I'm in the Duma temple, I just finished fighting Berkut after he made his fiancé a witch.


    Good luck! I hope you enjoy the ending.

  13. 4 minutes ago, Ertrick36 said:

    And if he ever engages Alm (I don't even remember if he does)

    I just wanted to confirm that he can engage Alm.


    Anyway, Rudlof not attacking Alm is a detail that I really enjoyed. It made the battle really easy, but it was a nice touch.


    11 minutes ago, DisobeyedCargo said:

    Jesus Christ Mycen.


    Minor spoiler for the end of Act 4:


    And when Alm confronts him on in, Mycen just tells him to get over it. Classy.


  14. There would have to be some pretty big changes to make Barons useful, but I would first reduce the number of Witches. With their high defense, Barons can help to defend the flanks of your army. The issue is that Witches target units on the perimeter of your army, so any Barons that are placed there will be attacked. Because Barons have very little speed, Witches can double them and pose a real threat, thus largely negating Barons' defensive usefulness.


    I would also increase their speed. Having such low speed severely hurts their defensive capabilities for the reason stated above and renders them offensively unviable.

  15. Welcome to SF! I really like your profile picture. Also,

    15 hours ago, dweebunny said:

    Just earlier today on twitter I was overexcited at the slightest possibility that Celica could be Irish based...but I'm basing this solely on her Overclass class being Irish based.

    I was intrigued by this, so I decided to do a little research. According to this page https://www.ancestry.com/name-origin?surname=lima, Celica's surname could be related to a Celtic word, so she could be partly Irish. 

  16. 23 minutes ago, Florina's #1 Fan said:

    Saber couldn't fight Conrad. In the FE games, especially in the beginning, the promoted units are almost always considered stronger than those who aren't, even when they are eventually overshadowed. Conrad could totally kill Saber, especially because of the weapon disadvantage Saber has naturally.

    There's no weapon triangle in Echoes though, so there's no weapon disadvantage. Also, it wouldn't have to be a one-on-one fight. In a battle in which Celica, Mae, Boey, Genny, Saber, Valbar, Leon, and Kamui are all fighting against Conrad, I know which side I would take.

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