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Everything posted by Tenyo

  1. We managed to take all 6 neighbouring territories in the end for a final score of 16-8-6. Pretty good final result for Alfonse.
  2. Team Alfonse in outrealm 3377 - I thought for sure we were going to get completely wiped out because from the beginning we lost pretty every single one of our border areas to drop down to 4 territories by round 2, and we've been struggling to hold more than 4 at a time since. I've been really impressed by my teammates the last few rounds though, everyone's been really good at only focusing on holding or invading the territories that matter while completely ignoring the ones that don't, such that now in the final round we've managed to claw our way back to 10 territories and only need to defend 3 while having the option to attack 6. Worst case scenario we finish with 7, but I'll take it, considering I was expecting to finish with 2-3.
  3. I don't mind the multiplier system - I think it gives that extra edge of excitement and incentive to fight in otherwise close matches. I do think it should be tweaked a bit though - x7 seems like a bit of overkill, and I'm thinking maybe they should limit how many times each team can trigger a bonus per round because watching Gaius trigger a bonus every 2 hours this round is a bit much. Hi btw everyone, I'm new.
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