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Everything posted by Theri

  1. They can be, though Castor still considers it divine punishment even when she finds the true cause of the appearance of monsters. As with Estuan, the only chapter in Estuan is the prologue, which if I can code right, you won't be able to trigger supports until the chapters after. The true cause of the monsters appearing is Princess Maya of Torrenia using dark magic to resurrect her deceased brother so she won't have to become queen at the tender age of 11.
  2. These are the two main lords for my Fire Emblem fan game. I also have a support with Castor and the main avatar below.
  3. All of these are for my ROM hack I'm working on (since I'm a terrible artist and can't draw anything from scratch) First one is one of my two main lords. Second is a bard who's half Manakete. Third is the fourth character's retainer. Fourth character is the 11 year old princess and villain. I had limited hair options for the last one though since I used young Guinevere's portrait as a base and her portrait is smaller than all the standard portraits. I also really really hate skin shading.
  4. Is there a way to fit smaller portraits like young Guinevere and young Lilina in FEditor without absolutely killing the quality? First one is one that got butchered, second is the one I redesigned after the first one but have yet to take to FEditor. Their portraits are a lot smaller than the regular ones so I'm not sure if it's possible.
  5. Found this cool YouTube video some beginning ROM hacker made with Eirika and Lyon. Imo it seemed to portray his character quite well?
  6. I tried to import a custom portrait in the FEditor portrait editor, but this happened? It seemed to be the right size and everything, not to mention all the other images look fine. It's just the bottom one that's messed up. Also I'm dying she looks hilarious Originally it was L'Arachel's portrait, so then I went over all of it to make sure that wasn't the issue, but it's still not working. The second one is from after I redid it.
  7. I've been working on it for quite some time now. I'm looking for people who know a lot of the tech details as well as some artists, but story's just as appreciated. I've been dedicated to this, but I'm still looking for the resources to get it started.
  8. Looking for some plot-related ideas for the Fire Emblem ROM hack I'm working on. I have some character designs in the works, though a plot to go with it would be nice. Right now all I have is the antagonist. Basic plot: The continent of Pyrrhen is mighty. Neighboring Archanea, its citizens have long lived in peace and avoided war. However, darkness hovers on the horizon. With the recent death of Prince Alessandro, strange and dangerous monsters have begun to appear, spreading death and destruction all over the continent. With the king and queen ignoring their citizens’ plight, it is up to the avatar and their army to send back the monsters and figure out what’s causing the darkness to spread. I do want to include the avatar system for people who liked the 3DS titles and are wary of older FE games. However I need a portrait artist for that and I can't seem to find any. As for Maya, the antagonist, she's the princess of Torrenia, the capitol of Pyrrhen. After her brother passes away, she uses an ancient dark magic to bring him back. However, the consequences are severe, causing blighted creatures to rise up. Only the avatar can stop her, gifted with the ability to wield Divernium, the holy magic. Looking for alternatives to the plot, volunteers if anyone would like to work on it, and gameplay mechanics that you'd like to see in the game.
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