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Posts posted by Zinnia

  1. Here's my beloved wife!


    Her attack is already insane by herself, but she's married to PA!Azura, and they're by far the best, most deadly duo on the game. Properly boosted and with her wife close, my girl can reach 70 attack plus the -blade tome bonus. They can easily clear entire maps by themselves. I have spent so much feathers on her and I'm so proud of my child. If I ever manage to merge her any further, the LilinApocallypse will be a reality.

  2. Somehow I just got my second Sakura in just a few days. Unfortunately, she was -res as well </3 At least +spd is better than +def.

    Got a 4* Rein as well who I will eventually promote and merge. So overall, not a bad summon session (at all)

  3. A few days ago I got a 5* Ryoma as a free pull!! I didn't check his nature before leveling him (I never do), but I'm scared he might be -speed. And shortly after I got a Halloween Sakura, which is +def -res, which is probably the worst nature ever for her. At least was the character I wanted so cannot complain at all...

  4. ^In the video preview it looks like Azura is holding a bow, instead of her dancing a Cordelia. I spent a few minutes trying to understando how you could have an Archer Azura.

    Anyway, cleared (surprinsingly) at first try, with Arthur/Subaki/Lilina/mysterious-blue-haired-dancer. Kinda random, just let Subaki tanking on the right (his def + QR is a blessing) and Lilina getting danced and clearing everything else from behind the wall. With her special she was able to OHKO Celica (even on a defensive tile!) and then helped Subaki with Alm. Arthur killed the blue mage and then... he was just standing there, I guess?.

    I'll come back later to see your clears to see how to do the quest!

  5. I was never a big fan of Hoshido and love the Nohrian brothers with all my heart, so it's not like I can complain they're getting more attention

    Finally the Halloween banner confirmed! I'm happy I saved some orbs for it I'd die for a Witch Miriel, that's everything I need on life. I mean, she's already a witch but anyway, I'd love to see her. And I'd love to see Charlotte back as well! Some non-3DS charas would be refreshing to see as well, but I besides Lyn, it doesn't look really likely (sadly!)

    Anyway, really looking foward to see the desings! *v*

  6. I remember I never managed to clean the original lunatic battle, so I finally could get my revenge todar and feel  good, man.

    Needed an stamina potion overal, Lunatic was messy but could do with Xander/PA!Azura/NIno/Lilina. Infernal took me a couple of tries before realising Lilina can almost solo the map. So cleared with QR!Xander, Lilina and two dancers (Lilina and definitely-not-Azura are happily married, so the boosts are crazy). First turn let Xander in the lower ninja area so he suicides himself, second turn Lilina kills the armor, gets danced and enters the mages range. Ursula cannot kill her, Green mage cannot either and dies. Third turn is just Lilina getting danced to kill the red cavalier, Ursula (with Draconic Aura's help) and finishing the ninja. Quick, and easy. no wonders why Lilina is my most reliable unit

    Then tried again with just one dancer and with Vantage as B-skill, as long as on player's phase you can take down the armor and cavalier, the rest is just letting enemies come and suicide at you.

  7. 2 hours ago, Dayni said:

     I've left Ursula in range of Julia, which I assume is certain death. So I run her in to the rest of the party, right next to her support partner, Titania. Julia attacks.

    She manages to survive with 1 HP. After that nice bit of luck, I realise that Titania literally saved her there. Finished the map handily and right after Titania and Ursula get to S Rank.

    LOOOOL This totally sounds like a love story of Ursula and Titania getting married after they managed to survive because of the power of love.

    My TT on the other hand goes as usual. Terrible luck on bonus rounds (either I met the worst enemies on the possible map, or I forget to select the proper team) and easy, deathless A grade runs on non-bonus... Anyway, this TT had the easiest final map so far. Compared to BK, Hector or even Sonia, Julia is a joke.

    Went without a healer for the first time this TT (wasn't my intention tho, just forgot to switch PA!Azura for Lachesis) and I'm happy with the result! I managed to do pretty well and waay faster than before. Teams used were Rein/Lilina/S!Tiki/Lachesis on my first runs, Lilina/Rein/S!Tiki/PA!Azura after and Lilina/Arthur/Sharena/PA!Azura the last time since I forgot (again) to switch from my Arena Team.

    Anyway, Rein and Lilina can one round kill 90% of enemies on any map with almost no damage (I always try to keep them on their -breaker skill range) , and S!Tiki is used mostly for tanking when needed and she can easily auto-heal. PA!Azura does mostly dance, sometimes killing a blue unit and support Lilina as much as possible.

  8. After being on Tier 16 since forever I managed to go up to 17, and was my first week with avanced dificulty enemies! It's not like it makes a difference at all since everyone and their mother have B!Lyn+Rein+PA!Azura tbh Used Lilina/PA!Azura/Subaki/Arthur and it worked wonders, danced Lilina can take down 80% of units there, and whenever she¡s in danger Arthut or Subaki switch to finish the work. Boosted Lilina+bowbreaker can tank and take down B!Lyn, and Reinhardt is a joke to Arthur. Got two defense wins as well, but with a different team.

    Probably won't last a lot on tier 17, but anyway, that's enough for me for now  ~ 

    6 minutes ago, Stroud said:

    This time I really wish that there would be another Method for raising the merges. Even if it costs like 30 feathers and some rare item which you get in some events D=.
    I mean as long as they do it so it with difficulty to obtain and rarely it should not influence the sales. But I guess this is only a wish.

    Agree x1000000 with this. Specially with seasonal banner units, who can't get merges after the baner expires.

  9. @Ranulfo Love your Sophia soo much! I remember she was my first mage and kept her as a main for a long time until I got Lilina. Now seeing yours, I wanna train mine again! Amazing attack, and seems really bulky and reliable! And wow, being able to survive a Moonbow Rein, I don't know a lot of Red mages (or a lot of units tbh) able to do that!

    @KatarinaCS1 That attack and speed seem deadly! And paired with high movement and FS lance, she must be a really funny unit to use! And it makes me so happy to see people using Sully because I always loved her as a character

    Not sure how low-tier she's (in the wiki is qualified as a A- which offends me so much), here's my precious and delicate wife Glass Canon! Spent 80k feathers on this, but worth it! She can deal giant damage no matter the color, and if she manages to double, RIP everyone. 


    (howeveriscalledblade tome, Draw back, her default special, L&D 3, Bowbreaker, attack increasing skill (?), +1 attack seal, hopefully soon to upgrade. Yet I'm not sure if keeping it or switch for a +speed one, allowing her to reach 39spd with Azura's boost...)

  10. I didn't even bother to try this time with Rein because most fliers had great res (tried with Nino but made only less than 10 damage), and not the map seemed troublesome for horses. So I was surprised you got to use your horse emblem teams with ease.

    I couldn't find an infernal strategy, so threw Subaki (5*+1, +def seal) at enemy's range and let him tank everyone while protecting Klein. Even with Lote shield he can manage to deal good damage. Definitely-not-Azura was close to dance when needed, Lilina was there just for drawbacking her out of danger. Somehow it worked.

  11. I remember when map was first released I couldn't even finish the lunatic. And today I spent my whole stamina bar on that. But somehow then did infernal at first try. With Xander & Camus (or any tanky distant counter unit) was too easy, didn't really have a strategy, Just let Xander in Clarise's attak area (on the top) on the first turn. After she attacked retired husbandos out of danger and put Lilina's on the green mage area to OHKO him. Then was just a matter of killing the units as they approach.

    Used Olivia as well, but wasn't really needed at all tbh. I think she just toke a hit and danced Lilina once? 

    Gotta do the quests and go back to the Tempest now!

  12. I'm almost sure the left one is the blue haired lady from conquest, the one who wears a black version of Azura´s dress, sings Azura's song, carries Azura's pendant and appears when Azura is not with the siblings, but nobody knew for sure who she was. If she appears in the banner I hope at least they tell us her real identity :/

    Shigure would make sense because of the pendant, but I M!Corrin might be a possibility as well. Anyway, a tome user for sure. And definitely a Hoshido banner.

    ALso, judging from the shilouette, the way definitely-not-Azura holds her weapon seems kinda uncomfortable. Looking foward to the complete artwork.

  13. I have an horrible luck with the bonus points runs. Whenever there's any bonus I cannot even make to the last map. Or end up with everyone dying to BK. And whenever there's no bonus I can easily beat all 7 maps without much trouble.

    My first team is composed of Nino, Xander, Camus and Maria, and often (unless there's some bonus going lol) reach the end map deathless. On the last map I try to clear it a little, and let Rein, Lilina, S!Tiki and Sakura finish the job. Didn't have any bonus units this time (My Soren is baaad, and couldn't find a team that could work well with Titania).

    How can some of you go without a healer? Renewal, reciprocal aid? I know with some units (Klein, Rein) and drawback/reposition is easy to kill units without recoil, yet long term it's impossible for me to get 0 damage. Specially on the lunatic-7, I don't think my units could get to the last map in a decent condition without a healer.

  14. 6 hours ago, I'm a Spheal said:
    1. Miriel (FE 13); She's one of my favourite characters in Awakening.

    I LOVE YOOOU ♥ Miriel seems hated by everyone and she's my favourite girl! Nice to see someone who likes her as well! 
    I'd love to have her, she was a great mage. And I want to use Heroes support system to marry her to Sully. I'd love to have Libra as well to marry with Virion tbh

    I only played the 3DS era games (yet I'm really looking foward to playing the older ones!) which are the ones with the most characters on Heroes, so it's not like there's a lot for me to wish for.

    Besides ultimate-mage-best-waifu-Miriel, I'd love to see "normal" Charlotte as well, was one of the funniest units to use. Would miss her criticals tho. I agree with Aversa (flying tome + super cool desing), and some flying archer would be great as well (Summer Takumi, please!).

    And would love to have a Garon GHB. As weird as Fates plot was, Garon's desing was exquisite.

  15. There's so many units I want and I cannot stop summoning the same trash over and over again

    Top priority:

    Brave Lyn: I chose B!Lucina just to get another one on the next summon... and now I regret not getting her =( She would be really useful for GHB

    Ike:When I see him on arena or videos I'm so jealous I want him

    Hector: Wanted her since the release of the game, never got it. I want him to team with Lilina! ♥

    S!Elise: I have only Nino as a green mage and I love her, but Elise is so cute!! I wanted her so much! But could only get Leo which is totally useless ;;___;;

    Bride: Cordelia: Same that Ike, everyone uses her, everyone loves her, and here I am crying in the corner.

    Ninian/Azura: Olivia does her job, but one does not know when a non-red dancer would be needed. I prefer Ninian over Azura.

    B!CHarlotte: I love her desing, I was surprised "normal" Charlotte was not into heroes (I mean, aren't boobs reason enough to get into the game?)

    Sonya: She was my favourite SoV character and as stated above, I only have a decent green mage. Sadly everything I get on green orbs are Merrics.

    Celica: With Lilina I don't really need any other red mage, but I love Celica and she's strong as well.

    Linde/Delthea: I already have Rein and S!Lucina, who can make their job, yet I want them. I love Linde's desing so much. And one does never have enough magical lolis.

    Amelia: She seems like one of the best armors along with Hector, and I like her desing.

    Kagero: The only ninja/dagger/whatever I want and the only one I didn't get yet

    Low priority:

    Lilinas: To merge the waifus

    Anyone with Death Blow: Reinhardt is waiting, and really NEEDS it. 

    S!Camilla: Not a big fan of Camilla, but once again, I want decent green mages, and flying is a bonus.

    S!Corrin: Don't really need her, but I love her desing and want a flying mage.

    Bridal Lyn: The bridal banner was my favourite banner and I wanted every unit but couldn't get a single one.

    Spring/Summer Xander: I'm not a bit fan of the desings, but would love to grow my husbando harem

    Someone with Brave Axe+: I wanna try Brave Cherche but I'm not sure if I want to spend 20k feathers on Barst...

    More Reins: Some stat boost would be welcome. Or even giving her tome to another blue mage?

    Elise: I don't even use heales, but she's such a preacious cinnamon roll ♥

    S!Chrom: I don't need him, but he's cute

    S!Daraen: Can you guess the reason? Yeah, she's cute

    Y!TIki: I have been wanting her for months but I can only get adult one, who doesn't work at all for me...

    Takumi: Remember when the game was released and everyone was complaining about how broken Takumi was? I've wanted a Takumi since. But now he's low priority because I have Klein and actually prefer Brave Lyn

    Lucina: I don't need her for anything, but I have S!Lucina, B!Lucina and S!Lucina, so I only need normal Lucina to make the Lucina army.

    Any other merge for my 5*

    Probably forgetting someone but I wrote enough for today

  16. Did hard first try with my "main" team (Lilina, Sharena, Arthur, Subaki) and did second try on Hard with Olivia, Nino, Klein and Lilina, 
    For infernal needed a couple of stamina potions until I figured out what to do (tried to start at the right with Lilina, but the green mage would survive with 1HP, allowing Hawkeye to transport there and kill mah girl, and when I tried tanking on the other side, the red cavalier would troll me so hard. Also, no joking, I spent 50% of my stamina because I would either drawback Olivia on the wrong direction or forget to make her dance. How is it possible to be such an idiot lol

    Finally did with once again with kinda average units: 5* Subaki, 5* Arthur, 4*Olivia and 5* Lilina. Subaki and Arthur had pretty much their default habilities + some special (only Baki needed it, tho). Lilina was the only one who was buffed to hell (Summoner support,+1 merge,whateveritscalledblade,L&D3, bowbreaker) but probably with Olivia's buff Tharja would be able to do the same. Olivia has ruby sword as well, which is easy enough to get and a great long-term investment. I'm sure you could switch Tsubaki for Lukas/Ephraim/Camus/B!Lucina with no problem, and use Narcian instead of Arthur as well.

    - First turn let Tsubaki on the Red cavalier area, moved everyone else as far as possible thanks to dance&drawback. Enemy turn Red enemy attacks Tsubaki, Ninian dances him, he attacks again and dies thanks to Tsubaki Bonfire.

    -Second turn moved Tsubaki to the south as much as I can, danced him to get him as far as possible from the battle. Olivia ended up on danced-hawkeye area, surrounded by Arthur and Lilina. Hawkeye came to my dancer, both receive some damage.

    -Third turn Lilina kills Hawkeye (bless my support extra speed), Olivia dances her and she gets out of enemy zone, letting Arthur able to enter the Blue cavalier area. On enemy phase Blue cavalier can't survive Arthurs's emerald axe+lancebreaker and soon dies.

    -Fourth turn I move arthur to the far left, leting Lilina take her spot to kill, thanks to Olivia's dance, the red unit. On enemy phase, the green unit gets danced and attacks Lilina, surviving with just 1HP.

    - Then just finish the mage, and move Arthur, with Olivia's help, to Ninian's area. Ninian should attack and get damaged enough to get killed her next turn.

    .Overall, was interesting having a GHB with a dancer, since it was harder to predict the enemy turn, but the AI was kinda crappy. If Ninian chose better who to dance it would be millions times more challenging but anyway, fun challenge1

  17. ^That happens to me with every battle, whenever I see people commeting "whoa, how easy, did at first attemp" makes me feel really dumb, I normally need tons of stamina potions, and try tons of different strategies and units. So think you probably can't do GHB worse than I do xD

    However this was the only one I didn't need an stamina following one of the strategies someone posted here, but using my mages intead of abusing B!Lyn, and Olivia instead of Severa. Let Olivia on the chokepoint to tank the green axes, lancebreaker Rein, and lolimages Lilina and Nino (who work really well together!) to take down the non-green enemies. On my first clear Nino took down the blue mage, Rein the axe, Lilina the red mage, and then it was just Lilina and Olivia finishing everything quickly, Second clear I used Rein for the lance and Nino for the blue again, but this time switched Lilina to the South to let Robin suicide to her (she was ridicously easy to kill!) and Rein to the North to finish the blue mage. 

    So overall, I think with Ruby Sword Olivia (gave mine a Def +1 seal just to be sure she survives) and mages/archer with decent attack there shouldn't be a lot of problem. Klein, Linde, S!Lucina, S!Camilla or Tharja seem like really good options who could get the job easyly done as well.

  18. ^I hope the cheap orbs service works for you!

    I think my biggest mistake is sending home a ton of heroes that I really need atm. For example, my Rein lacks attack and really NEEDS Deathblow, but all my DB units besides Klein (who I'm not gonna sacrifice) are home now. Also sent home some of my "duplicated" heroes I got from GHB. Sad, my Xander and Camus would love a +1! Hope I can at least get another ones if we get an infernal rematch.

  19. 10 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

    It's getting to the point where Klein is to me what horses are to a lot of other FEH players

    Same here, I was not sure if promoting him to 5*, but since I did I couldn't be happier. Boy is my GHB saviour. Mages? OHKO'd Fliers? OHKO. With a dancer and calculating when the special is triggering you can clear an entire map.

    Back to topic, this was really easy. Lunatic took me one try, with Nino/Rein/Klein Olivia.Infernal was slightly more difficult than Narcian's since the strategy wasn't soooo obvious. My inicial plan was starting tanking on the square where only the two mages can attack, however second turn it would became a mess because enemies were EVERYWHERE and couldn't figure how to survive. So ended up changing my strategy and my units.

    What I used: Olivia,Klein(with Drawback), CYLucina (with Drawback as well) and Tsubaki (with bonfire). I have some extra SI, but not listed since was not used here.

    What I did: First turn did a triangle formation with Olivia in the middle, Baki on the upper part and Luci on the lower. Next turn I moved tsubaki up, danced to him and drawbacked with Klein.Baki went to Eirika side without attaking (if he did, Eirika would suicide next turn and Ephrain would destroy my boy). On the lower part of the map, positioned Luci on the leftt ready for attack.



    On the enemy pase, Eirika attacked Baki, none of them fainted. Ephraim, mages, thief and Red cavalier approach the rest of the army. So what I do is taking down the  green mage and thief with my gift-from-heaven archer, and Lucy destroys the red unit. Tsubaki, who didn't initiate a freaking attack on all the damn battle, keeps being lazy on the upper side.



    Mage attacks Luci, who somehow manages to survive. Eirika tried to kill Tsubaki once again, but ends up suiciding because of Quick Risponse. Then you take down the mage, and from there it becomes a matter of spamming Ephraim with Klein until Lucina can finish him.



    Overall a really funny battle. As always, Klein did most of the job, and Tsubaki is the best unit when comes to tanking reds.

  20. ^My Nowi can't resist the archer either.

    Finally cleared it, pretty easy!  A usual, ended up switching Reinhardt with S!Lucina, who makes everything easier with her speed. Once I figured out how to take her out of the danger zone first turn (she doesn't have reposition/drawback) I could beat it with no trouble, At the end went with S!Lucina/Nino/Lyn(w/drawback)/Olivia, all 5* but Olivia.

  21. Hi! I'm sharing my art from the first time here! Hope you like it! Here you have some FE related art!





    I have used the chibi busts as holographic stickers, I have Celica, Lucina and Camilla (the one on my avatar) as well, and working on some Valentia girls as well!

    Will keep updating ;)

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