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Everything posted by ChickenBits

  1. Anyone from Sacred Stones ?. My favorite game is the gba oddity :/. Also fe 5/4 Characters. Leif, I'm sorry that intelligent systems doesn't care about you. The poor boy isn't even in Heroes.
  2. I just realized something, my little heart will break if Caeda doesn't have the Wing Spear. Although three lance users who are peg knights doesn't exactly shout balance. BUT with the sheer amount of swords balance doesn't really matter anymore ?.
  3. 12/10 for your contributions. This was a nice change everyone needed due to salt levels. ??
  4. The way this forum strayed off from the main topic is hilarious. We go from confused/bitter/happy fans reaction to boob physics. What? ?
  5. Lol, you poor soul. Though it's true once something is pointed out you just can't forget about it.
  6. Hmm I'm just on the fence for this one (my Sacred Stones/Shadow Dragon bias is strong). I like Lyn but I'm not crazy about her. I hope the 25 character theory is wrong since four characters for Archanea is a little sad ;-;. I'm excited for game mechanics and characters I like that are confirmed. Basically, I'm happy for Lyn fans and I'm staying on the fence until launch. ??
  7. I feel bad for all the Team Ike players getting an all red team. Team Camilla has been a breeze for me in terms of teams. Not so much with the predicted outcome changing so much.
  8. That's why the Internet is so lovely, if you don't make your statement clear as day someone will misinterpret it /sarcasm. Granted you can make fun of a character but not the fans for liking said character. That's low.
  9. Oh far from it. She cheezed her way to the final by exploiting a horribly flawed system. Some people just genuinely like her character, it gets annoying at some point when your opinion is tossed away for being "horny". I'm female and I like her for odd reasons.
  10. On a side note, to those on team Lyn, are you still stuck on the "still calculating" page? It's probably due to my Internet but it's working properly.
  11. Your point is? It's the same thing for the female avatar, minus the s-support obviously. Her behavior goes a little extreme but does that make her some horrible vixen trying to get into the avatar's pants? No. She's just an older sister with a traumatic past. The writing overall in Fates is awful and Camilla is just another victim of that.
  12. You're kinda making something out of nothing. Camilla grew close to Corrin because of the concubines fighting in King Garon's harem. She never actively seduces him, she acts the same way regardless of Corrin's gender. If doting on your little sibling is seductive then a lot of people I know are trying to get into their little siblings pants ?. Hate a character all you want but don't jump on a bandwagon and become an ignorant sheep. Edit: For some reason the reply I quoted isn't showing, whoops. Probably because of my slow computer.
  13. I'm rather shocked that Roy is leading against Ike according to the site. Never underestimate the power of the multiplier.
  14. I still can't decide . I already have a fantastic archer in Bride Cordelia but Lyn is the only archer on a horse and I don't trust my luck in colourless hell. Meanwhile I like the other characters more than Lyn except Roy.
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