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Posts posted by Charmeleonbrah

  1. 47 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Autists- as in autistic people?

    Excuse moi! Select thy language more carefully, we're not always raging and inconsiderate of others. We can tolerate, we can empathize and sympathize, we rein ourselves in sometimes too, I've certainly worked harder to do this as I've gotten older. I stand out much more often for what I love and say that isn't in the least based in rage than the contrary. And I would think I am a perfectly adapted and fair member of this website, and am I not?

    Your choice of language is also possibly tinged with a lack of understanding for the Native Americans/First Nations/Indigenous/Aboriginals/whichever terms they would prefer be used. They hadn't the choice that they had been cut off from the diseases of the Eurasian-African world and thus had no inherited immunity to them, and neither did they have no choice about choosing to be infected with them or not. *Cough* The crushing of Pontiac's Rebellion being an extreme case of it being otherwise. *Coughs into a blanket*

    Furthermore, the choice of people with autism being on the Internet or not is arguably not a choice either. The Native Americans had no choice about becoming part of a globalized-disease exchanging world. And to be an individual in the modern day and age, I don't think there really is much choice for those with autism to be on or off the Internet. It is so ubiquitous and so essential for daily existence, that few avenues would open to one who avoided it entirely.

    I meant no offense, I'm actially on spectrum myself and my brother has diagnosed Aspergers.  My point, which was conveyed thru joke, is that unfiltered access to Internet since childhood has probably done pepo more harm than good, and r/Incels is a good example of this, also /pol and other stuff I won't mention.

  2. 2 hours ago, silverserpent said:

    Now...should I put Lucius in as well? Since I'm sure that's the only reason Raven would even go on a vacation to begin with.

    Of course!  Raven will be sulking under umbrella.  Lucius, wearing low-rise swim trunks, playfully invites him over for a game of smashing a watermelon blindfolded.  Raven grudgingly agrees, but deep down he's as excited as a 13-year old schoolgirl.  Priscilla is cheering them on, while the 3 lords and Ninian are chuckling at the scene from cafe having some umbrella drinx.  Lyn says, "those two make the cutest couple", and Hector follows up with, "What about these two?" motioning to Eliwood and Ninian.  The two heroes turn red as a beet, and they all watch sunset together right by water.

  3. 12 hours ago, Slumber said:

    They're like incels. Getting laid would probably do wonders, but they do everything possible to repel people. 

    Let people enjoy what they want to enjoy, and bring up your grievances when it's actually appropriate.

    "The conversation around FE has deteriorated! Let's make it worse to make it better!" is a very odd way to go about things. 

    From what I've gathered from the 'Serious Discussions' posts and other places, there's probably a decent amount of people who are 'incels' on this forum, though I doubt any identify with the word.

    The Internet is to autists/introverts what smallpox was to the Indians; they just can't handle it. Lol

  4. On 6/15/2018 at 12:01 PM, bottlegnomes said:

    @Charmeleonbrah I think all those pairings, save maybe Raven x Priscilla, are pretty popular, but I do think most other people support additional pairings.

    Idk I guess I'm uncreative.  I mainly did Raven x Priscilla because they're family and they were probably my best two units in my HHM run.  Nino and Jaffar is canon.

    21 hours ago, eclipse said:

    Out of the seven billion and then some people on this planet, yes, you're the only one.

    Nice!  That means I'm unique.

  5. 9 hours ago, sdgj1994 said:

    So today I had an incredible off-banner 5* pull in the form of Hector. He has completely neutral IVs. I already had Hector but his IVs were less than ideal (+HP -Atk). However, I have already invested into my previous Hector a lot that foddering him off would make me lose a lot of skills, as well as a fire blessing. Then again, merging to +1 would be a huge waste, ESPECIALLY for Distant Counter fodder. So which Hector do I fodder off, the heavily-invested bad IV one, or the brand-new neutral IV one?

    Depends on what you put on him, but most of Hector's most popular skills can be inherited from 4* units (Bonfire, Vantage, Hone/Fortify Armor).  I would NOT merge, because DC is an amazing Slot A skill for certain units (WT Reinhardt, Myrrh, Amelia, Effie).

  6. On 6/15/2018 at 1:16 PM, Oz ♠ said:

    yeah, that's gonna solve it

    sarcasm disclaimer

    Lol.  Don't people on Reddit put /s  or something at the end of the posts to show they're being sarcastic?

    21 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Is there anyone out there who'd be willing to put up with these people if such little things make them so angry?

    Probably not, except maybe the other weirdos that supported the ban.  


    They could just censor the word, not ban it outright.  For example: "My w*ifu is Rei because she has a nice smile."


    4 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

    Death Blow alters your attack stat by increasing it. It's considered a combat buff. Heavy Blade works regardless if your atk stat has been altered by field and/or combat buffs. That is if your atk manages to be higher than your opponent's.

    So if a unit has 51 base Attack and runs Death Blow 3, Heavy Blade activates if the opponent's attack stat is under 57?

  8. Lol.  I got incredible luck on the Fangs banner and pulled a +Speed -HP Karla!  Prior to her summon, I also got a WT Reinhardt and T w I s T e D Celica.  Adding to my luck, I got a Adult Tiki on my free summon on the New Power banner.

  9. 53 minutes ago, Nowi's Husband said:

    Nino's Pegasus line is another reminder of how uneducated she was raised as.  It's pretty new to her even though it's common knowledge to others.  In her Florina support she says she's never seen one before.

    "Perfect lolis don't exi-"

  10. 3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    So what happens then? We're introduced to a new character who is a king who then dies right away? From the people who brought you whats-her-name in Fates....

    Or does somebody die who then Surtr suddenly bursts into tears over?

    Or does Surtr reveal he just the incarnation of the hatred of some bad dude from before him, and then summons said bad dude as a giant worm?

    You guys are California Dreaming, Book III is going to be LOKI EMBLEM.

  11. 6 minutes ago, Troykv said:

    Yes! I want a Sophia Alt! But please wait to August! I need to save orbs! (I need to get Nino first).

    Looooooooong hair is justice indeed!

    We'll get a 5-star Sophia with 50 BST.  She can be the worst unit in two games then.  ;P

  12. 2 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

    Some part of me thinks they're doing it on purpose to troll.

    This same thing happened a while ago when Hector was in a VG.  I got nothing but a stream of Hectors as support allies.  They're just morons.  Real OGs on Team Alphonse run either Green or Colourless.

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