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Murdok Dracul

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Posts posted by Murdok Dracul

  1. 8 minutes ago, CycleDone said:

    To be fair IS may just be using the FE 3DS engine to make this as a buffer for the FE switch title in works since that may use a new engine made from scratch. 

    That's a good point. Still a small disappointment, but hey, I can't expect them to just worry about pleasing me :P 

    Unrelated to my whining: I wonder if certain Gaiden-unique gameplay features will be returning, like magic costing HP and Dreadfighter being able to 'promote' into Villager for some insane reason. 

  2. Just now, Spellsion said:

    Is this from the Direct, can anybody tell more detail, I cant watch the stream.

    Fire Emblem Gaiden remade for 3DS. It looks awesome. Just, really, really awesome. 

    HOWEVER... Isn't anyone else disappointed that this won't be on Switch? It would have done wonders for the new console's first year. I don't know; maybe it's been in development for longer than IS have had access to the Switch, but I doubt it. I guess they want to take advantage of the 3DS's ready-made install base, but would a dual-system release really have been out of the question? Especially considering the fact that they're also releasing FE Warriors on 3DS (which will surely hamper interest in the Switch even further). 

    I've been very optimistic about the Switch so far, and I'm definitely getting it on day one with Zelda. But I'm starting to worry about it just a tiny little bit, and it bugs me that in May I'll probably be more inclined to carry around my FE-blessed 3DS with me than my new Switch. 

    But anyway. Shadows of Valentia looks fantastic. I couldn't stop smiling all the way through its trailer. 

  3. This is a very interesting theory.

    Reading the Wikipedia article, I'm reminded of biorhythms, especially at the part talking about phases. Haha, now I'm wondering if terrain/weather will influence the damage/accuracy of the magic used. (Highly unlikely but it's just a curious thought.)

    If Wind and Thunder is exclusive to the Western faction, then does that mean it's just neutral when against the five elements and the five elements have their own magic pentagram? Hm, if we do get a magic pentagram instead of a magic triangle, I wonder how Wind and Thunder will fit into this...

    Wiki says 'air' comes under Wood and 'storms' come under Water.

    Fire > Wind/Wood

    Wind/Wood > Thunder/Water

    Thunder/Water > Fire

    This would also make Wind good against Earth and weak to Metal, and Thunder good against Metal and weak to Earth...which all seems to make sense to me. Pokémon logic, right?

    However, I'm not sure they'd introduce new elements just to make them the same as pre-existing ones, so this might not be the case. The existence of Metal and Earth would keep things fresh, though.

  4. My favourite option would be FE10's anyone-with-anyone supports without conversations, along with a separate, returning Info system, with special conversations available to certain characters in certain support relationships. That way, you can put any two characters together for gameplay purposes, so you don't have to feel like your main team is hindered by your favourite characters' few support options, and it allows for the kind of in-depth conversations that the GBA games and Path of Radiance had.

    I've recommended this in other threads but I would like a system that's affected by in game actions. I like that you can do supports with virtually everyone, but in this game, it should be limited based on the actions of the game. For example, if Kamui were to recruit the enemy brother of a unit, he can get an S support with that unit, but loses respect of a more nationalistic unit, limiting that support to a B. Or Kamui can choose to attack a castle of enemies or defend an ally's castle, attacking gets her an S support available to the Cain archetype, but defending gets an S support available to the Abel archetype.

    This way all supports are in theory possible, but you can develop supports with different types of conversations. Also, supports can contain the events of the game, depending on the conversation and relationship. This would also allow for C conversations to be surface level, B conversations to be getting to know the person, A conversations about having romantic feelings and S conversations about falling in love. Considering the game is going to be all about choice, this would also tie nicely into the theme of the game.

    Actually, this sounds cool.

  5. If it returns, it should be just a regular class and not completely overpowered (i.e. no Veteran or Rally Spectrum).

    I'd rather we got a new class with the same weapons. Like others have said, Magefighter would be cool, and then maybe that could promote to Dark Knight or Dreadfighter (but a less OP Dreadfighter).

  6. Also I agree that the avatar shouldn't get access too all other classes.

    It looks cool on paper,but it ends up pretty broken(at least if they reuse the skill system from awakening),I'd say that if class change is an option again at all,the avatar should have as much classes to choose from as all the others(maybe they could simply give him/her a mounted and a mage class as alternative?)

    Maybe something like Lord/Mage/Mercenary? So you can get access to all weapons (save Dark, and whatever that new magic fan-thing is):

    Great Lord (if it's the same as in FE13, which it may very well not be) for Sword/Lance

    Sage for Magic/Staff

    Dark Knight for Sword/Magic

    Hero for Sword/Axe

    Bow Knight for Sword/Bow

    Looking at Kamui, though, I can imagine him using Dark. I also get the feeling he's a Manakete. I think it's pretty likely he'll be able to reclass to anything, or maybe he'll have Lord/Dark Mage/Manakete? Or maybe one or more completely new class(es).

  7. What's the difference between it being on the disc and it being delivered in an update? It's on your hardware either way. You are just not allowed to access it. But even so, stuff like the adaptive AI system from Smash Bros would still be on-disk DLC in the purest sense of the word, seeing how it has always been there.

    Anyway, while I get that Amiibo DLC wouldn't cost anything extra if you bought the Amiibo already, the whole thing is nevertheless dangerous.

    Smash Bros alone expects you to buy like 600€/$ worth of Amiibos to be able to use a single feature with every character. One little mechanic requiring dozens of 15€ expensive keys to unlock. And even then, you can't have more then one adaptive AI for each character, not to mention that all the data-transferring is one hell of hassle. Of course none of that would be a problem if you were just allowed to save the data to the Wii U or an SD card but then they couldn't sell figurines..

    There is no option for those who only care about the actual practical function of that adaptive AI system to access without also buying dozens of plastic figurines along with it. And those are just the Smash Amiibos. One single game and the whole system is already a bottom-less barrel. Seriously, something like 50 figures or 600€. It's crazy.

    I have the Marth Amiibo and I will get the Ike Amiibo, sure. But in order to add content to the game, for the customer good old vanilla DLC would be the best way to do because otherwise we have to pay for stuff that we might not want. Just imagine you would have to buy a 15€ figurine for every single character you might want to have in the game. Can you afford that? Do you even have the storage space for that?

    Any yet the actual game content wouldn't be worth all that much since the figurines themselves are worthless in that context. It's an unfair system.

    No, it would not. 15€ for a single character? That's completely unreasonable. Why couldn't there be normal Fire Emblem DLC in those games? Overpriced DLC is really the only thing that this is encouraging.

    For an optional character in FE and STEAM, and a Figure Player in Smash, and a physical collectable figure/toy, and also a few little misc. extras in Hyrule Warriors. Sure, maybe you'd have to own all those games to make it seem worth it, but the point is that amiibo are entirely optional. If you don't like them, and you don't think they're worth it, you don't need to worry. They don't affect you.

  8. The content is already there. It has to be. How could an Amiibo actually add something to the game unless your console put it into it in the first place? Do you think they can create 3D models, illustrations, sounds, or anything else by themselves? Maybe they are always connected to the Internet and Nintendo automatically uploads content to them?

    They can only ever be keys for on-disc DLC. And I'm not even saying that I have a problem with the concept of on-disk DLC. But actually asking for Amiibo support is essentially to ask Nintendo to let us download DLC onto our console, then upload it onto the Amiibo, just to add it right back into the console to actually unlock it. It's adding a completely unnecessary middleman. It's absolutely pointless.

    Well, at least for my part I am not in favor of Nintendo adding repetitive farming to their games just so that they can sell shortcuts to it. That would be Nintendo artificially creating a problem just to sell us the solution separately.

    The thing about amiibo is that they're encouraging developers to add things that they wouldn't normally. Fire Emblem characters being in Codename STEAM would not have happened if amiibo didn't exist. The same thing will apply to this game if it gets amiibo support: without amiibo already being a thing, there would be pretty much no chance of Lucina, Marth, Ike and Robin appearing in FE14. And as much as you might pretend otherwise, I know that you know that that would be awesome.

  9. Oh indeed, have I gone blind?

    Apologize to every albino on this planet :c

    The fact that he would have red eyes for sure would be against the Avatar thing, kind of.

    If Kamui is more like a cross between Avatar and standard Lord, then I'd be perfectly fine only having limited customisation. Maybe all you actually choose are the name and gender...although his mugshot does look quite 'customisable'-ish.

    Edit: Is that Kamui fighting at 1:24 in the trailer? If so, is that a new attack animation for his class? Looks quite like a mercenary to me, but I'm not sure.

  10. So...the Lord is an Avatar...and also a dragon?


    And that girl who looks like Ninian seems to have a dragon stone around her neck so I wouldn't be surprised if she was one either...

    Yeah, I thought she looked VERY like Ninian as well. I had to check on Ninian's eye colour to make sure it wasn't actually her, but nope, she has true red dragon eyes. The next thought that sprung to mind was...descendant of Nils? But that's obviously very conjectural.

  11. I was gonna vote no and no, but actually I don't mind either way. I wouldn't particularly like to see children again; I'd rather there were more unique characters in the same generation.

    The biggest thing for me is whether it's a 'world map' game again. I was happy that Awakening followed the lead of Gaiden and SS, but now I feel ready for a linear game again.

  12. Guys.

    It's time for Soren.




    Huh...also, I'm just trying to make a Joshua Mii (settling for reddish-brown hair because real red is stupidly not an option) and I just looked up FE8's release date to use for his birthday. Turns out today is the 10-year anniversary of Sacred Stones in Japan. That's cool.

  13. I enjoyed Other M's story. Shoot me.

    I agree almost entirely with what Loki said. (Also, I'm curious to see that picture that was edited out, but I guess if it's not suitable for the forum, then that's that.)

    But to me, it looks like SSB4 Zero Suit is wearing a bit more makeup.

    SSBB: sGATxxc.png

    SSB4: DHaI752.png

    Yeah, I noticed that too. Seems to me like that should be more complained about than the awesome rocket heels, since it's purely cosmetic and not really suitable for a fight (though she does look nice). If I were the type to scream 'female objectification!', that'd be my trigger. But I'm not.

    However unnecessarily aesthetically pleasing she is, it doesn't stop her from being a complete badass even in Other M. I shake my head and sigh a little when Anacybele (sorry :P) fangirls all over Ike, but there's nothing wrong with her doing so. Intelligent Systems gave him muscles and made him (subjectively) more physically attractive in Radiant Dawn, and is that something to complain about? Is he an object?

    I've seen the comments on YouTube that OP was talking about, and they sadden me, because they're dismissing how cool she is to make over-the-top complaints and, I can only guess, make themselves feel holier than thou.

    Okay, so the 'Bottle Ship' and the 'Baby's Cry' were a bit cringeworthy, but really, that's all.

  14. We have to get the sequel we just have too! I wants it :<

    I dont think you have given us your FC I cant find it anywhere XD

    But Bravely Default is awesome!! (Though I want RF4 It needs to hurry up and be released here T_T)


    [spoiler=Story Spoilers]I been thinking Airy has linked countless worlds together in the past and each one of those she would have tricked Agnes up until she killed her correct? Also Would that mean Tiz was also with her everytime up until Airy kills them? and would Tiz have had a celestial being in him every single time? And Edea would have also been with them every single time possibly, that is unless the world that Ringabel came from was the first time Agnes,Tiz & Edea was together.

    And then you have the world you start in, I presume that would be the first time that it was ever Agnes, Tiz, Edea & Ringabel traveling together, And this happening is pretty much what led to Airy finally being found out and being killed along with her master and them then saving all the worlds,if she had just killed Ringabel in his world with the rest things probably would have went a lot differently, she might have never been found out and the worlds most likely would have been destroyed, Is was pretty much Ringabel being in the group with his book and regaining some of his memories this time that made it go a different path to what has happened every time before.

    And still waiting to see if anyone will reply too...

    What do you all think happened to Ringabel, that scene in the end really didn't make much sense but if you read D's Journal it says he is with the rest, I honestly didn't get the end with Ringabel, but then again there is so many instances with him that just plain don't make sense...I wish that part was all explained better maybe in the sequel..I can hope... all the characters need to return, they have too! I'm just sad the world they go back to everyone they knew is pretty much dead.. and cant return in the sequel.. T_T I was also thinking the scene with Ringabel in the alternate ending also made no sense when he is on Granship and puts a flower on the spot Edea died... is that him paying respect to the Edea from his world or did he actually go back to his world in that ending..

    Fudge, I thought I had it in my signature. I do on other forums. Silly me. Here it is:

    2836 - 0188 - 2561

  15. For those that don't know, this is a turn-based strategy with great-looking animation and apparently a very good story. I haven't checked it out yet, but I've seen it on Steam and I know it's also available on PSN and XBL.

    Has anyone played this? If so, could you give a brief explanation of how it plays? Is it like Fire Emblem, and would you recommend it?

  16. I played the demo as soon as it was available, loved it, and downloaded the game on Christmas Day. I'm only about 14 hours in because I've been playing other new games like Assassin's Creed 4 and Super Mario 3D World, but I've been leaving my 3DS on sleep mode for ages so my Norende is very nearly complete.

    I've just added a few people who posted on the first page whom I recall seeing around the forums before. That's...

    I realise this game isn't out yet in the country that most of our forum-goers hail from, but I just wondering are there any players here?

    If there are, I would love to add you as friends. My FC is 4871-3909-8599.

    Currently, I've put about 7-8 hours into the game and am having a blast. Most of my time is spend idlying to rebuild the village though, as I'm currently working on a long project.



    Yess I got it on release day here! It's an awesome game! I have invested so many hours into rebuilding already, I absolutely love this game!! I will you add my FC is 4468-1013-9845


    Vincent, Shelie, I've added you. Mine is: 3909-7667-0449

    I'm about 16-17 hours in the game, playing hard mode (does that affect the power of the characters I send you?), and I'm around at lv.22... I've yet to figure out most of the online mechanics though. Anyway I'm happy as long as I can get more people to rebuild the village... Being stuck to 2 is quite terrible. And I'm curious to see your characters, haha.

    P.S. This game probably has the best OST I've heard in the past 10 years.

    so yeah. Add me, please! Sorry about everyone else, but I just don't want to go through this whole long thing.

  17. I don't really buy used games because on 3DS and PC, I get all of them digitally, and on Wii U, I get most of the games I want close to launch.

    The only gaming company I dislike is EA. I'm unlikely to buy any of their games in the near future, but to be honest, that's primarily because I'm just not interested in any of their games. I'm not sure whether I'd buy an EA game used if there was one I thought I'd really like.

  18. I think you should play some proper board games first, to get an idea of what they're actually like. Trying to get your foot into the door in a market you don't know is a recipe for disaster - imagine if I wanted to make a new FPS, and the last FPS I played was Doom? What you've described sounds vaguely similar to Summoner Wars, so maybe have a look at that to get a feel for how that does things. But really, I think if you play some modern designer games you'll get a much better feel for how they've developed in modern times.

    As for this design itself... it's probably not fun. Too much randomness, and lots of dice rolling. Every turn where what you do is primarily or entirely decided by dice isn't fun, it's just bureaucratic. Ideally you want lots of decisions with strategic implications. A great way might be having a lot of control over each character you create, for example you can choose whether to rush lots of units onto the battlefield, taking them quickly through only a few CC upgrades, or instead spend more time there, focusing more upgrades on each character. And you can choose how to tool up the characters - give them overwhelming stats, or extra tricks and traps to spring. For the battles themselves, I dunno, that needs work... you mention a deck of cards like in Pokemon - would that mean this is something like a Collectible Card game, or what? I don't think that'd be a good direction to take things. Perhaps you could do something like Dominion where each game has just a small subset of possible cards and upgrades available, and half of the game is about players working out which combos of abilities on characters will work best - while also working out how to counter those combos they see opponents developing.

    I can't remember if I did before, but I should mention that I don't plan on publishing or selling this. At most, it's just a little experimental curiosity. But anyway, you've given me some good stuff to think about, so thanks. I of course respect the opinion of someone who's played a few of these games much more than I value my own rushed ideas.

    Actually that wouldn't all that bad, since Doom doesn't have a two-weapon limit or regenerating heath - two things that plague the modern FPS.

    Hey, regenerating health is the only thing that saves me in modern shooting games :P

    I don't actually play them much, though, so...

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