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Murdok Dracul

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Posts posted by Murdok Dracul

  1. About the Demon Fighter class, isn't it possible that it will have swords and bows, like Alm originally did? I really can't see him using tomes.

    Then again, as I think has been pointed out, though I haven't read many of the previous posts, we don't know for sure that Alm himself is of the class. He might be a Hero or Assassin, and just happen to come in the same package as the Demon Fighter Scroll, which could potentially have any combination of weapons.

    If I had to guess right now though, I'd say Alm is a Demon Fighter, and members of this class just use swords, like in Gaiden. The difference between them and the other solo-sword-wielders, Swordmasters is in their stats - Demon Fighters will have more HP and Strength but less Skill and Speed. But as I said, this is just a guess.

  2. If this really is the list of the future SpotPass characters, then I have just one question.

    Where. Is. Merric?

    On second thought, I'd like Wolf and Nabarl as well. My guess (well, hope) is that if this set of characters does become SpotPass content, it will be representative only of Shadow Dragon/Shin Monsho, and there will be a separate set of characters from Ankoku Ryu/Monsho no Nazo at some point. Including Merric, Nabarl and Wolf.

  3. I just checked the Classes video again, and it seems like Roy's redesign is almost entirely based on the mercenary class. Belts, shoulder pad (even its shape) and boots/pants match up perfectly with the in game 3d model of the mercenary class. Of course, Roy has a cape too, and a different head. I thought his design resembled something from the game itself, but I hadn't realized how close it was to it.

    In that case, it's safe to assume that if at some point they release Ike as a DLC character, he'll have the same model (with a colour change) and class as the new Roy, right?

    Edit: ...On second thought, maybe not 'safe' but at least reasonable. Not that my point matters anyway.

  4. [spoiler=Not sure if this even needs a spoiler tag but I'll give it one just in case]I don't know if this has already been said, as I'm trying to avoid most of the spoilers (in fact, if I'm avoiding spoilers I shouldn't really be on this thread; I've just read about Masked Marth and part of me is thrilled that I guessed correctly, while the other part wishes I'd waited to get the game before finding out), but...wasn't Mark the default name of the player character in Blazing Sword? And wasn't he also a strategist? Either that's just a subtle reference, or we now have a new family of cross-game player characters!

  5. This is a good point.

    However, if that's not the case, I don't think original weapons will be given as much weight as you say. Alm's Hero class seems to be a fighter-style class, while the Assassin class still appears to be thief-style. It seems to me that there's more of a difference there than there is between two physical secondary weapons.

    Fair enough. Thematically, and probably stat-wise, Hero or Lord does seem more appropriate for him.

  6. From what I understand, they're planning on having 120 characters as DLC. So this is just the beginning.

    However, I'm not sure we can assume that they'll be bringing in all the lords - and classes are part of the issue, since I highly doubt any DLC characters will get custom classes. When necessary, they'll probably just be adjusted to fit the closest thing that maintains the basics of their abilities: Micaiah would be a Sage, Alm would be a Hero, Hector would be a General. Messing around a bit with secondary weapons seems entirely reasonable: Hector, for example, would still be Hector with lances instead of swords. Hell, he was a General with just lances and axes in FE6's Trial Maps, which seem very much comparable.

    I'm not sure about Celica. It's not like she had full access to healing spells in the first place, but I think she could more reasonably be made into a Sage than a Grandmaster or Dark Knight. That's just my impression without even having played FE2, however.

    You're probably right; personally, though, I wouldn't want past characters to appear without their original weapons.

    Theoretically speaking, if Cellica were made into a Grandmaster to use swords and tomes, then perhaps a skill like Sacrifice from Radiant Dawn would allow her to use healing magic. This seems fitting to me, considering that spells had to be used at the cost of your own HP in Gaiden. However, I think it's unlikely that such a skill will appear in this game.

    Also, maybe Arum could be an Assassin, if he needs to use both swords and bows. Now that I think about it, the Assassin class would also suit Lyndis. As for Hector, why not just make him a Hero with high defence so he can use both swords and axes?

    One thing to consider is that if these main characters do become available, it will probably be through paid DLC as opposed to Spotpass, and I think if we're actually paying for this content then there's a higher chance that they'll come along with special classes or skills to suit them.

    ...I'm getting kind of off-topic, though.

  7. Update:

    Currently my numerous favourites, roughly in order, are:










    That's right - my Fire Emblem team usually consists of that one male thief/assassin, surrounded by loads of female characters. What's wrong with that?

    Actually, I'd usually include a mage, but Miriel and Richt just seem kind of boring to me. Maybe it's the wizard hats. Dark Mage Sariya will do for me instead.

    ...I know that this is an awfully long list, but there are just so many awesome-looking characters in this game.

  8. I can't imagine any of the Laguz-type characters being weddable...no wait, that's the wrong word... Marryable? Doesn't seem right. ...Mariabel?


    Besides, I think Donnie or Richt is probably the best choice maturity-wise to marry Nono. Myself, I'm going for Sariya - that is, if she doesn't turn out to be an evil traitor.

    As for the product of a human and a Manakete/Taguel, I can only imagine it being a Branded. However, that would mean Velvet, Nono or Tiki would lose her transforming powers, wouldn't it? Another reason to think it won't be possible. Unless it turns out that Manaketes and Taguel aren't like Laguz at all.

  9. Why wouldn't you be able to hit for 22 damage with triple might?

    There's a point. If it's tripling the might, then you can still take defence away and get 22; if the damage itself is tripled, 22's obviously impossible. I was never entirely sure how bonus damage was calculated till now though.

    I'm still wondering if the Trickster is the new Mage Fighter, or the Mage Rogue

    I don't particularly care which, but I dearly hope it is one of those.

  10. I'm not sure if anybody else has received an e-mail reply like this, I haven't checked, so sorry if this is old news, but I sent an e-mail to Nintendo of Europe's Service Centre yesterday. The following is the message I sent:

    Dear Nintendo Service Centre,

    I have no idea whether you would be able to help me with this question, or whether I am sending to the correct address for this kind of email, but I'd like to ask anyway. The Nintendo DS game Fire Emblem: Shin Monshō no Nazo ~Hikari to Kage no Eiyū~ has been available in Japan for around a year now, but has not been so much as hinted towards by Nintendo anywhere outside of Japan. This strikes many of the Western fans, including myself, as quite unusual. The Fire Emblem series has been a favourite of Western Nintendo fans ever since the release of Fire Emblem on the Game Boy Advance. I understand that you probably cannot give away information on future games, but I and so many others are desperate to know whether Nintendo actually plans to release this game internationally or not, as the series has many, many fans in the West who would be incredibly disappointed if the game was never released outside of Japan. Has Nintendo completely given up on the Fire Emblem series' international releases, or can we expect to see a Western version of the game in the future? I hope that you are able to answer this question, as there are many Fire Emblem fans in the West who are starting to lose faith in Nintendo and believe that they have been waiting patiently for nearly a year, for nothing. With best regards to you and dearly hoping to receive an answer for the many confused Nintendo fans,

    Jacob Graham, UK.

    This morning, I received a reply to the e-mail:

    Dear Mr Graham,

    Thank you for your email.

    With regard to this title, unfortunately we do not currently have any plans to release this product within Europe. If this should change in the future, then release dates and product information are typically announced on our official website, which can be visited at the following address:


    I do hope this information helps.

    Kind regards,

    John Parker

    Nintendo Service Centre


    So Mr John Parker confirms that they don't currently plan to release it in Europe, and presumably that means it won't be released in North America or Australia either. I guess it doesn't look like we'll be seeing it at E3 as some speculated. I know most people probably guessed it wasn't going to be released; this is just a clear confirmation. Sorry to disappoint, guys :(

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