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Murdok Dracul

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Posts posted by Murdok Dracul

  1. (I'm kind of mad they didn't include Cliff who was my favorite)

    I was going to say the exact same thing!

    Another thing: is the 20 unit limit in effect for the redesigned DLC characters as well? That doesn't really seem fair sad.gif.

    Assuming that's so, then my 20 will be:

    1. Marth (redesign)

    2. Elincia (redesign)

    3. Cellica (redesign)

    4. Roy (redesign)

    5. Lyn (redesign)

    6. Mia

    7. Nephenee (but since there are no soldiers I'll have to make her a Falcon Knight or something awesome like that. Just can't keep her as a General because Generals are boring (unless they're named Zelgius))

    8. Matthew

    9. Amelia (again, not as a General but maybe as a Paladin (though I find Paladins almost as boring as Generals)... Amelia's at her coolest when she's a Super Recruit, and we all know that's the truth)

    10. Eirika (redesign)

    11. Ephraim (redesign)

    12. Joshua

    13. Ike (redesign)

    14. Soren

    15. Merric

    16. Nabarl

    17. Micaiah (redesign)

    18. Sothe

    19. Black Knight

    20. Lute

    I know this is in a pretty jumbled order, but I had to keep going back and changing my mind. I am determined to use all of these characters in my perfect playthrough (or as perfect a playthrough as you can manage in Fire Emblem). I am so excited to team up Soren with Merric; Micaiah with Lute; Matthew with Sothe; Joshua with Nabarl and Mia...but I am extremely disappointed by the absence of Erk and Heather!


    But...*sniff*...I couldn't fit Norne or Jaffar in... unsure.gif ...Actually, maybe I'll take out BK for one of these since I've never been fond of Generals anyway, and reclassing Zelgius just wouldn't seem right so it'd limit how much fun I get out of him.

  2. You're arguing an incorrect point.

    My point is not that it's wrong because it doesn't match up perfectly, my point is that realistically, the new artwork is NOT too skinny compared to PoR, but that the head shape and the proportions make it seem that way.

    This is good, I think I'm starting to like you a bit more now.

    EDIT: LegendaryHero0, when you mentioned the legs on PoR!Ike being too long, were you talking about that in relation to Ike's head, or as a separate issue to the head (just in relation to the torso and arms)? Because I was on about the latter and I'm starting to think maybe I got a bit confused about your point there. This isn't me getting all technical about proportions, I just think I might have argued that particular point when I didn't mean to.

  3. As you can clearly see, PoR Ike has way too long of legs. It doesn't "look it to me", it IS.

    I agree his legs aren't realistic. I was just talking about his head. Again, though, I say it really matters very little.

  4. Coming from an art perspective, no he is not too skinny. It's his head. It's just too large, which makes his body look off. Along with that, the hips and leg placement are jacked up, and the perspective is very incorrect (see the cape in the weird pose and his right arm.)


    The reason that the PoR Ike looks more buff is because the artist sucks at proportioning. The head is WAY too tiny and the legs are ridiculously long. It doesn't match human proportioning at all.

    FE actually has a bad history with proportioning.... Awakening is way better, though.

    For heaven's sake, we see this kind of proportioning in anime all the time and nobody calls the animators up on it. And in case you hadn't noticed, the vast majority of games in the Fire Emblem series use anime-style artwork. And I can't say I agree that the head is too small on PoR Ike. It might look it to you because his clothes make his torso look thicker. But really, why care? Why does a 2D cartoon drawing have to match human proportions?

    For the record, and this isn't aimed at the comment I'm replying to, but at everyone who's been acting like it's the end of the world throughout this whole DLC thing, I like Ike's new artwork. In fact, I like all of the DLC artwork. I'm open to all kinds of art styles (just look at a collection of famous portraits and you'll know that whether or not a sword should be before or behind a person's knee would matter very little to a lot of the artists), and I'm bearing in mind that they're all redesigns. They're supposed to look different to the characters as we know them! Look at Roy, Elincia, Cellica; they look so different from their original designs that they could get away with being different characters altogether.

    Remember also that the descriptions all say "from another world", meaning that this probably isn't the same version of Ike that was in PoR and RD anyway.

  5. Yeah, that's true, although it's possible they were just trying to hand-wave having Sigurd and Celice at the same time, as well as Eliwood and Roy.

    But, if the each game(or time)=one world concept holds true globally, it could be a potential stepping stone in the argument for Awakening being set in a parallel world to FE1-5.

    It could also lead us to the possibility that all the continents do exist in the same world, but there are multiple worlds, each containing all the continents, if I'm interpreting your explanation correctly.

    As for the 'hand-wave' thing, I think that even if it is just for the sake of gameplay convenience, it still happens, and therefore it still affects the story and the state of the in-game universe. Right?

  6. Did Fiona ever talk to Ike ever? Does she even HAVE any base conversations, for that matter?

    She...has one, I think, with Micaiah. Possibly more, but if so I don't remember them.

    I might actually try to use obscure characters like Fiona and Vika in my next playthrough instead of letting Micaiah, Sothe, Zihark and Jill own everyone for the first ten chapters. It might make me appreciate some of the less-featured characters a bit more. Even if they are oh-so-easily replaceable by Oscar and Naesala.

  7. The mist thing doesn't even make sense >.> IKE left Tellius not mist how did her kids end up in another continent .How does that work ? It makes more sense that he just married a random women from the continent he ended up in . Then MistxBoyd's kids going on epic journey in search of their uncle or some crazy shit like that . We don't even know if Ike is gay . What because he's close to his male friends , it's only in western society and only in western society in recent years such a close relationship is seen is so weird . Did any of you stop to think maybe Aimee was right , and wasn't deluded when she basically said Ike was too busy being a bad ass to care about women ? Maybe he finally got tired of beating the shit out of people and decided to start a family . Why is it that someone is suspected of being gay because they have a close relationship with a same sex friend and aren't currently interested in being in a romantic relationship with someone of the opposite sex ? What are all 11 year old boys , who would rather play video games then talk to girls all gay too ? Guys don't have to jump on the chance to be with any attractive girl who shows interest in them to be straight . I mean outside of Marcia and Aimee , Ike has a reason not to be in relationships with the girls , he knows ; Elinca is a queen and he's a commoner , Lethe is laguz who couldn't take being in relationship with a human even if she did love him , and Mia didn't seem interested in Ike in a romantic way ( don't forget Rhys ) . Titania might be to much of a mother or older sister to him , Sanaki is an empress and too young for him , Meg is to busy trying to rape Zihark , Micaiah is obsessed with Sothe , Lucia is banging Bastian , Jill is banging Haar , Heather is gay , Nephanee is to shy for him to notice her( might be banging Heather), Cali is with that Beserker guy , Leanne is in love with Naselea , the wolf chick has Volug and that heron prince and Astrid only has eyes for sir Makalov . Who is left?

    Laura, but she's surely destined for Aran; Lyre, for either Kysha or Ranulf; Tanith who clearly is meant for Oscar, Vika who only ever interacts with about 3 people, Sigrun... Actually, Sigrun might be a viable option.

    Oh, you also forgot Fiona. But don't worry, you're not the first and you won't be the last.

    (Oops, I double posted, but it was just so long.)

  8. By all rights, Paris shouldn't even know anything about Ike, given the amount of time between them. But this is fantasy, so how can we expect him not to look like and know all about his ancient ancient ancient ancient ancestor? (I wanted to put an Ike emoticon here but there doesn't seem to be one dry.gif)

    By the way, yes, I'm sure we were all just joking about Ike's pairings, and no, I will not believe that Paris is descended from Mist and Boyd. He's just too reminiscent of Ike for me to accept that he's not directly connected to him. Of course there are generations upon generations separating them, so appearance shouldn't be a factor, but as I said, it's fantasy. I don't think we can assume that he's descended from Mist and Boyd when there's nothing in-game to say that that's as credible as him being directly descended from Ike, whom he resembles.

    ...Not that any of this matters at all.

    And I would certainly avoid Aimee if I were able to attract any other young woman in the game besides Tanith.

  9. Ike and Mia's only connections, as I recall, are:

    She's his preferred sparring partner because she can take a hit without complaining.

    She says she's in love with his fighting style.

    She's the only character who refers to him as 'Boss' instead of Ike in their Radiant Dawn supports, which can be taken either to have no meaning, or maybe as an affectionate term.

    As much as I like the pairing, this isn't a whole lot to go on. None of these things hint towards any actual attraction between the two.

    So...who's for Ike x Marcia? Marcia certainly is.

    Seriously though, I think it's probably most likely that Aimee forced herself on him. Violently.

  10. If you can't take him on head-to-head, you're not going to be strong enough to fight off the rest of his troops.

    Worth noting that it's a Rout chapter, not Defeat Boss.

    Ahhh... Well I'll just wait until I've got an insane post-game army then. Don't know why I'm trying to plan strategies now, anyway, as I'm waiting for the English release next year.

  11. Meg wasn't in Ike's army.

    You could sort her into the Greil Army in Part 4, couldn't you? Ike x Meg OTP.

    Actually, personally, I'd pair Ike with either Mia or Lethe. But then I think Mia should really be with Rhys. And Lethe should be with Jill.

  12. Likes meat-based cooking the most out of the army.

    Damn right he does! Ike Jr lives up to my expectations! (And his gran-pappy's.)

    ...Right. I really need to go to sleep because it's 3 AM now. Laters, and I expect to wake up to a much more fussy and celebratory forum.

  13. Hmm, so what makes Paris so relevant as to include him? Is it a sequel hook?

    Or was it just for the hell of it? @.@

    It seems to me that he's just a one-off reference to Ike, but who knows?

    By the way, does this make it more or less likely that Ike is the next DLC? Othin, you're up.


    *Founds Paris fanclub*

    Would it be possible for him to be Mist's son?

    I think Mist and Boyd's descendants would still be on Tellius, though they may have moved eventually like Ike. I can only imagine this Chapter being a follow-up from Ike's ending in Radiant Dawn, though.

    So unless being a Branded Dragon somehow gives Soren the reproductive organs of a woman (shouldn't really have imagine that, now I have weird images in my head), I think this points towards Big Blue being a hetero after all.

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