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Murdok Dracul

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Posts posted by Murdok Dracul

  1. When does this gaiden chapter actually come out?

    From reading other posts, I thought it was supposed to be 8:00pm eastern time yesterday...

    If the timelines are the same, I'll just say...

    [spoiler=Theory?]Ike traveled to a new continent at the end of Radiant Dawn...

    Everyone patiently awaiting the release?

    Some of us not so patiently...

    Since it'll be about 3 AM (or maybe 2, I'm not exactly sure of the time zone difference) where I am when Paris is revealed, I'm being rather sad and staying up till then. I have the Elite Four in Pokémon Emerald, and my new iPod, to keep me awake for a while.

  2. ...I feel like I should post something to commemorate the end of the Paris speculation... Something like, 'I'm glad to be with you, Samwise Gamgee, here at the end of all things.'

    Oh, and to the person who thinks it could be Link: you rock.

  3. Perhaps naming the kid Mark was just MU remembering that name from the FE7 time before getting dropped here and losing their memories. After all, MU must be very special if Gimle wanted their body.

    This seems like a plausible explanation to me. Reminds me for some reason of Mark's ending in FE7, which states that his skills were so great that wars were fought over him.

  4. I think MU is a similar to the main characters in pokemon games , their adventures happen at different times and different places but they're all kinda the same . Characters who have met multiple protagonist from the different pokemon games always refer to a look each of them has in their eyes a certain spark , they all share and everyone who meets them notices in all the main characters . I imagine a similar thing is going on here all the MUs have a similar feel to them a spark that everyone who meets them notices . So it becomes hard to tell the difference between them maybe it was the mark from awakening , maybe it wasn't . It doesn't matter , it's just the game creators leaning on the forth wall ,all MUs and the main characters in pokemon feel the same because they are the same they're all YOU, the player . Behind MU's eyes is the same person who was behind fe7 marks eyes , behind FE 12's chris' eyes . It always the player regardless of how my unit looks , and the in game characters who meet MU regardless of MU's current form can feel that .

    ...Hey, that was my idea. sad.gif

    You explained it better though.

  5. Thanks for the quote, Vincent. This reminds me a lot of the Pokémon series, and how certain characters who appear in multiple generations comment on the similarities between the player characters, like when Cynthia remarks that Hilbert/Hilda reminds her of Lucas/Dawn. It seems that what we're seeing in Fire Emblem is the same kind of thing, almost as though these different player characters have the same spirit or the same aura or something. I like it.

    However, this doesn't explain why Lyn would mistake MU for their opposite-gendered child. :P

  6. This whole thing about Lyn recognising the player sounds amazing. While it might be a bit confusing, I think Shun One's point could be right.

    We'd have been able to pass it off as Lyn simply getting confused due to MU and Mark's family resemblance, if they didn't have to be different genders.

    If this is 'Lyn from Another World' then maybe her tactician was an other-worldly version of MU or Mark and she's mistaken...?

    But I think it's safest to assume that at some point in MU's lifetime he ends up having fulfilled the role of tactician in both Elibe and Iris. Given all the time travel and amnesia and stuff that seems to be going on, maybe it doesn't really matter at what point in his lifetime it happens.

    Maybe it's a bit like Katarina remarking how MU is similar to somebody she loves knows (Chris or FE12's MU).

    Does this happen in a DLC chapter? Can you get me a link or even just a quote of it? I'm intrigued. What might that say about the connection between Mark and Chris?

  7. Krom x Sumia

    Mariabel x Gaia

    MU x Sariya

    Not too sure about anyone else. I'm not really bothered about which skills are passed on to whom, so I don't have a strict plan. I'll just see how it goes.

    By the way, I'm sure there was already a thread like this a while ago, but eh, doesn't matter to me.

  8. Donny is my scrappy because of his stupid headgear and the fact he can't become a Halberdier. Also, Miriel: she looks too much like a maths teacher, but if her personality's agreeable then I might end up liking her, as I do tend to make good use of Mages.

    Personally I plan to use Sumia and Mariabell. Sumia because I always go for the most 'canon' pairings in at least one playthrough (though with Ike and Soren I pair them to the max in all playthroughs, despite not believing they're gay), and Mariabell because I quite liked Clarine and Serra, and I love Valkyries because healing + sword + movement = Paladin but cooler (though I'll probably make her a Falcon Knight because that's even cooler.)

  9. ...I haven't voted because my opinion is split. If Paris does turn out to be Ike, and I'm not saying he will, then it'll probably be either Sigurd or Eliwood (though I'd like it to be Hector, just to throw off Othin's groove wink.gif). If Paris and Ike are unrelated, then I'm sure it'll be Ike.

  10. For me personally, it's not that I actually think Paris is Ike, it's just that I want him to be Ike.

    And as for the post above, I'd be pleased to get him in a relationship with someone if it were possible for him to woo anyone other than Female MU. IkexAnna, for example, might mix things up a bit.

  11. Perhaps it could be Sigurd next, and then they'll release Hector, Eliwood and Ike in one more set to spark the international release. Makes sense to me; don't know why it wouldn't make sense to others, especially as those three are arguably the most popular/well-known Lords over here, FE7 having been the first translated game and Ike being, well, Ike. Unless he's Paris, which I imagine there being about a 50% chance of.

  12. Lyn could easily be an assassin. Either Eliwood, Sigurd or Lyn could easily be a bow knight judging by some of the weird class choices we've seen so far. Hector could easily be included as a general/warrior/berserker. There could easily be no pattern to follow. I'm starting to dislike all this speculation anyway, I'd rather just let it come and be pleasantly surprised than be confused at every turn.

    I am slightly confused about the low amount of hate this is getting compared to the other females, though I personally like it (and have liked all the DLC artwork). It seems most of you have finally started to chill out.

    And I shall be reclassing her to strategist.

  13. If you paid attention, the statement you're attempting to bash was Mr. Dracul agreeing with assuming that "all girls like dresses" is sexist.

    I just wanted to bring this to the attention of those who so far have replied to me Hm... Mr. Dracul... I like that...

    I don't see any UFs. God forbid a PRINCESS get married. Never happened before. And it's totally not like she did in any of her support endings (you morons). And last time I checked, getting married doesn't make a woman a simpering foolish little girl who can't pull her weight in battle. So remove the sticks from your collective asses fans.

    And even though your post was only really significant to a minority of the complainers, you are still, sir, on my Awesome List. I don't really have one of those but don't tell anyone.

    Anyway, I don't like arguments based on opinion, because nobody ever stops and tries to come to an agreement (not just on this site, or just on the internet, but in pretty much every non-fictional situation as far as I've personally been able to tell) so I'm running away like a little wimpy coward this is my last post on this particular thread (and possibly on any thread related to any female DLC's design).

    Unless I change my mind.

    Might still read it though.

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