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Posts posted by ZeManaphy

  1. The DLC makes more sense one you have played through one of the routes, so I'd personally suggest doing it after one route. Though if you want the Ashen Wolves, you have to complete the DLC, so only do it you want the DLC characters. 


    If you found Normal too easy, hard will probably satisfy you. Its higher levels with generally more enemies. 

  2. As already mentioned, I loved Gambits from a visual stand point: Being able to be surrounded by soldiers makes it feel like a war game. Yes, some are absurdly strong, but nothing to the point I considered breaks the game, unless you are doing Stride + Dance for one turn clears. I hope they return for future games. 

  3. On 3/31/2020 at 2:36 PM, Hawkwing said:

    While they're still cool, the "legendary weapons used by a historic hero" trope is overused in the series, and the weapons themselves rarely have much lore behind them.

    Which makes me hope for a Fire Emblem game where either a main or side goal is to forge a legendary weapon, and the player could design what they want weapon type to be, whether it focuses on having high might or crit or if it does effective damage, and perhaps even customize how it looks visually. It would probably end up broken, but as a reward to finishing a long quest instead of just being handed to the player at some point with ranging amounts of fanfare. Let us wield an awesome weapon we had some part in creating that wasn't used by some historic figure in the past for once.

    I know the forging system kinda allows for this, but I'd like something more substantial than paying some money to give my bronze sword the strength of a steel one and naming it "Gamebreaker" or whatever.

    3 Houses kind of addressed that though. Hero’s Relics and Sacred Weapons can be used by anyone, just that there are benefits for those who possess the marching crest. In NG+, Crest Items can be given to units so anyone can theoretically wield a relic with its full potential if they wanted to.

  4. You could probably get away by combining AM and VW, gameplay wise, they have the same maps with the exception of 2, which are Shambala and Nemesis map being exclusive to VW, while Fhirdiad and Deirdru being exclusive to AM.The narrative is very similar for the most part: Stop Edelgard, with Shamabla expediton as a bonus for the Golden Deer. I would probably have Byleth reunite with Dimitri first. Dimitri's psychosis is influenced partially by Byleth's disappearence, he believes Byleth is dead and is another person he needs to avenge. His return is  key for Dimitri to regain his sanity. I would have the Golden Deer script play after defending Deirdru, only difference being Lord Arundel retreats due to his role in Shambala. Fort Merceus works the same way in VW, while the Palace battle takes place in AM style. The rest is Verdant Wind TWSID confrontation. 

  5. Honestly, TWSID really needed more time to be fleshed out. They are responsible for making Fódlan the way it is, and yet they barley get any screen time. In AM, they are the absent for the whole saga except for the final battle. In CF, despite working with them, you learn next to nothing and the confrontation takes place off screen. Only in SS and VW are the two they are directly confronted, and only in VW do you get a full explanation. Even with that, it’s a lot of speculation. Rhea and Seteth only conclude based off evidence that they conspired with Nemesis, which is never outright confirmed. DLC in a similar manner to Fates’s Hidden Truth could be useful for fleshing them out.

  6. Just now, Flere210 said:

    I am quite sure that Dimitri never asked Dedue to turn into a demonic beast. It's not like he can't act on his own volition. 


    Also, i think Felix is 100% wrong on Glen. Dying to protect the king is the fucking point of being a royal guard, he died doing what he must, and most likely never had a choice about it(as in, he had no chance to escape or surrender). Whould Felix be happier if Glen runned away and was hanged for desertion? Even for Rodrigue, everyone react differently to grief, i can't blame him for trying to find solace in the fact that his son died heroically doing his duty or for trying to be strong and not be seen by his other son murning. It was not what Felix wanted, but comunication between parents and children is always difficult. 

    He’s not mad at Glenn. He’s mad at his father for saying ‘ he died like a true knight’. Thus his dislike of chivalry.

  7. 4 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

    The whole "Claude is a third wheel" thing ties back into the (confirmed, as far as I know) theory that the basic premise of Three Houses was heavily inspired by the novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms, which is practically Koei's home turf when it comes to game stories.
    The basic structure of what is depicted as the main conflict in both is "the ruthless, ambitious conqueror against the benevolent ruler", which, in Three Houses terms, is Edelgard vs. Dimitri. Claude is the third faction, the wild card, whose allegiance and aim in the conflict isn't clear to the other two, but it is seperate from them, making that third faction appear as a third wheel.

    Didn’t IS confirm they made the story though?

  8. Hmm.. So those are some interesting points. Fates was my first game of Fire Emblem, so obviously I have higher opinions than everyone else. 

    Here’s what I think:

    Story/Characters: 3 Houses wins here. Our debate on Edelgard proves how good the moral gray was handed, and characters generally designed less fan service, which I can appreciate, since we learn a more serious facts on the characters. I don’t think the characters are bad as people say in Fates, Camilla, Nina, Elise, Oboro have personality quirks with their background. That being said the problem I have it doesn’t feel like it need 3 Houses to be told. This game could have been just Dimitri/Rhea/Edelgard conflict. Claude honestly feels like a 3rd wheel- I know he’s supposed to find the truth of the Relics and Crests, but the “ defeat Edelgard “ plot takes for most of the Verdant Wind that it’s shoved in one explanation in the last chapter of Verdant Wind. More fleshing could have gone to Edelgard’s route who still did not convince me her decision was the best. No gender locks were great as well.

    While 3 Houses does get the popular vote for better use of politics and in its world building being more shown off, I would like to say that Fates does a lot to provide world building at first glance. Going by music, I love how you can associate each music with the nations: Hoshido uses Japanese instruments, while Nohr uses European Instruments. Hoshidan Music sounds light and airy, while Conquest music is more grim. Character wise, the names reflect Japanese culture, Orochi, Takumi, and Sakura are all Japanese names, while Xander, Camilla, and Leo are Greco-Roman. The NPCs and playable characters are also designed to reflect Japanese and European clothing- you can instantly tell an NPC from what nation they are from by looking at their clothing. It’s those tiny details that makes me really love the art direction behind Fates. On contrast, the soldiers from the church and kingdom look identical, as well as the empire. Even soldiers from Almyra, which the natives are Tan-Skinner are generic white soldiers. Even classes are route locked, reflecting culture as well. I also love how they renamed Sage to Onmyoji and others to fit in that theme. 

    I agree that Fates route split was better despite being behind a paywall. Despite reusing some maps, most of the objectives were different as well as the enemy layout. In 3 Houses, between AM and VW, the only maps that were actually exclusive  were Fhirdiad and Deirdru, while VW had Shambhala and Nemsis final battle. These maps which are shared are identical in structure and objective. 

    Gameplay wise, I don’t see why people complain about BR and Revelation being a waste of a game while Conquest gets all the praise. Birthright was designed for beginners, while Revelation offered a mix between the two. I’m not sure I understand why Revelation maps are considered Gimmicky in contrast to Conquest’s maps. They are still really interesting to play and I enjoyed them a lot. As for 3 Houses, the first part is really slow, especially since you have to play all 12 chapters again on repeat playthroughs. Thankfully, New Game + exists so that slog is made significantly less tedious. The developers probably realized this, so that’s why it’s there. The monastery was good in concept, just needs a bit more refinement. Like maybe instead of always staying in the Monastery, you could be in Fhirdiad after retaking the capital, and explore around there. I like the social aspects like Tea Parties and Saunas, but the Monastery got boring over time due to it being the same old area. I also think the calendar schedule can bring really boring and tedious on repeat playthroughs, since you are required to do some activities before the final chapter. I found Fates’s my  castle so much more enjoyable since you can do activities and grind at your own pace rather than just have to wait a month before the main mission.

    I’ve written a lot for now. In conclusion, I love both games to death, and I think they are wonderful games well worth your time. I got my brother 3 Houses and he loved it. Each has their strong points and weak points, although I do agree that I find Fates easier to replay than 3 Houses.

  9. 38 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

    Now you got my attention. I want the lowdown on what makes it so bad.


    20 minutes ago, forsettipatty said:

    Chapter 4 was good tf?

    Basically it’s an escape chapter. You are being chased by Golems who are invincible, with a swarm of phantom soldiers after you. When you reach the 2nd room, and army of rouges appear to add on the headache. When you reach the homestretch, an additional 18 units appear to block your way. I literally was spamming Gambits left and right for this chapter. Oh, BTW there is a 10 turn chapter.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Sid Starkiller said:

    Straight from Ch 2.

    Couple of minor nitpicks that bother me:

    1: There's still an option on the main menu to go to the eShop. Why? You can't buy the individual DLCs separately, so the only thing to buy is the Season Pass. The Side Story option should have replaced eShop on the menu.


    For real, though, I thought it was cool that I could give Byleth glasses, since I wear them. I am disappoint.

    Ok thanks. BTW once you complete Cindered Shadows once, is there benefits to replaying it again? Just wondering.

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