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Inferno lizard

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Posts posted by Inferno lizard

  1. Scrounged up 15 FTP orbs for my free pull session on the Spring rerun banner. Go to pull and get 4 red/colorless orbs and one blue one.Do the blue one, and end up getting bunny Lucina. +ATK, -HP. I now have every Lucina except for the original.

  2. 1 minute ago, Tamanoir said:

    Do you have a lot of materials for building/Money, or is it hard to acquire ?
    Do you have easy opportunity to train ? Do you need to grind ?
    Do you have some limitations of any kind ?
    Is there immediate game over ?

    My example of restrictive game would be Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon. This game gives you a limited amount of time to train yourself, and some characters are unavailable for a large part of the game.

    Also, are the combat mechanics easy to control/understand ?

    There is no money. There is no trading. There is no economy. As for resources, usually you can find everything you need. There are some extenuating circumstances, and each chapter has a different take on the resources you can use, but overall I didn't find it that restrictive.

    There is no experience. There are no levels. You can increase your health with seeds of life, which you obtain through quests and a few found throughout the world. Other then that, your attack and defense are determined by your equipment, of which you will get progressively better stuff throughout the chapter.

    Limitations: In each chapter you have a set base where you're supposed to build. You can still build outside the base, but doing so won't grant any bonuses what you build grants unless you build it within the base's limits. However, in the free build mode, the entire starting island counts as your base, so there's not really that restriction.

    Game Overs: There are none. If you die, you lose half the stock of everything in your inventory and respawn back at base. However, you can go back to where you died and reclaim the items, and unlike minecraft, they won't disappear.

    The combat mechanics are pretty simple.

    Hope that answers all your questions :)

  3. 8 hours ago, Tamanoir said:

    About Dragon Quest Builders. How is the game difficulty ? And how restrictive is it ?

    The story mode gets progressively harder with each chapter. Chapter 3 in particular has some tough enemies, though that is mitigated by the fact you can have teammates in that chapter. Also, what do you mean by restrictive?

  4. 33 minutes ago, Slumber said:

    Yes, but not until pretty late in the game.

    The only person who leaves who you don't get back is


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    I figured he wasn't coming back. At the very least I hope he gets a happy ending.

  5. 2 hours ago, Slumber said:

    7 is not only my favorite DQ game of all time, it's probably my favorite game of all time. It's definitely the most narratively focused DQ of them all, and it offers a lot of character freedom, building on DQ6's class system. It makes the battle system incredibly fun, and it has a very strong story/string of stories that rarely ever makes you upset that you're not out exploring and killing monsters and unlocking new jobs. But it's probably the most hardcore DQ. It takes a few hours to get going, and while the others can be finished in 50-70 hours, DQ7 is probably going to take at least 100. It's an investment, to say the least. 



    I do have a question about 7. Do you ever get Maribel back after she leaves? I got seven as my first DQ, but after she left I was like screw this, and downloaded 8.


  6. I haven't seen a thread for this game so I decided to make one. I got this on the switch when it came out, and I've had an absolute blast playing it. I've spent well over 150 hours playing it, and I've built an expansive town in Terra Incognita.


    Here is an album featuring my town: https://imgur.com/a/A5iLF

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