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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Blazing Sword

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Haha, yes as much as that would be awesome, I can't find one... Maybe I should change my name to SuperSonic.
  2. Hello. Are you new here? You must be new here. I'm DeathSentence, but you can call me by any of my enormous variety of nicknames like DS or Deathy. So... yeah. Welcome.

  3. Show them some porn. That was Sonic inside, trying to break loose... Ignore him.... I say Hard mode, iron weapons only. No tower or ruin or arena abuse.
  4. Thanks all for your welcomes. Is it the craze to have undeniably hot anime chicks for sigs and avatars? *considers* And yeah, Hyper Sonic should have been used in more than just S3&K, he's much more powerful than Super Sonic...
  5. DAMN YOU ZERO!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Haha yeah, I know alot about most people around here, it's great. Hahaha, I believe it makes up for his lack of killing power when in normal mode. Thanks, I believe I know enough to survive this place. It's been murder lately.
  7. oi! may Providence protect you while you're in the forest!

  8. Nergal, I see him as the evil equivalent of Athos. Nothing else. So to me he's a human, and the father of Nils and Ninian, which makes them half-dragons. I don't think it's that hard to see this.
  9. Hi, I'm HyperSonic, just call me Sonic or Hyper or even HS for short. I was a huge lurker for months, so I decided to join.
  10. First! lol sry MaSu. =P

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