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Posts posted by KevinskyHaaz

  1. Hell yes, Vestaria Saga is out on Steam in English! Woooo! Go Kaga!

    This topic can act as both a celebration of his new game, but also... I cannot find any way to make the game fullscreen. It's fine if I have to play it windowed I guess, but I'd really rather not. Any ideas? I've tried many of the typical key commands for entering fullscreen, and there are also no settings ingame to access fullscreen. Any help is much appreciated, thanks!

  2. 13 hours ago, EdelgardHresvelgTargaryen said:

    My Avatar should pretty much answer it

    also Marianne, the other black eagles, and the Golden Deer to a degree(IM LOOKING AT YOU LEONIE). Also all the blue lions except Dimitri and Dedue.

    So... your favorite characters are... everyone? lol also geezus why not Dimitri and Dedue...

    On that note. Dedue is my favorite character in the game and one of my favorite characters in the whole series. I could write a whole lot on him, but I'll just leave it at that.

    Dorothea is also really great. She is one of the only characters who seems sort of grounded in reality. She's not the same heightened sort of anime/cartoonish character that most 3H peeps are. In a world of characters that feel extremely over-the-top and practically unrealistic, it is a breath of fresh air to have someone like Dorothea who actually seems like a down to earth human being. She's not limited by one or two gimmicks/tropes, and while other characters certainly prove to have 'another side' to their main gimmick, Dorothea goes even further. She's more than a 2D character.

    Additionally, I really love Linhardt and Sylvain. However, these two don't make it as big as Dorothea and Dedue because of issues I have with the class group "discussions"... if you can call them that. I thought both Sylvain and Lin had amazing supports that really showed the layers of their character, however all of that is just torn apart in the group scenes. Honestly the class dialogue is one of my biggest issues with 3H. Seriously, who did the writing for these sections??? Every single scene follows the same path... the House Leader or 2nd in command (Hubert, Seteth, Dedue...) explains the current happenings in the story and then everyone reacts with extremely unsubtle gimmicky remarks. The dialogue was hardly every even connected to each sequential line... It was just sputtering of tropes and nothing more. Unfortunately, Lin had some of the worst of these. Example: 

    "We've got a big fight tomorrow." - House Leader

    "Well, at least I'll get to take a nap afterwards." - Linhardt

    "I will be doing the winning in the battle tomorrow." - Petra

    There's no reactions to each other's lines or anything. It's just "HEY! HERE'S MY MAIN CHARACTERISTIC! REMEMBER THAT?" Ugh it bothers me. Lin was such a good character, soiled in any story event due to cartoonish writing.

    Sorry for ranting y'all. I promise I still really enjoyed this game. I'm just super passionate about writing....

  3. I just beat CF with Jeritza. It's really nothing special. Honestly, he wasn't that interesting to me. He just seemed like 'all style and no substance.' Although he is a very versatile unit ingame. 

    In my opinion, I'd just do Verdant Wind and Silver Snow. In the future if you want to come back and do CF again then go ahead, but replaying it now isn't going to be worth it for one character who has two [very mediocre] supports and nothing else to add to the story.

  4. Thanks to the both of you! I remember having to do a few re-reads of these scenes in the script back when I first played TRS, but yeah, I guess I still managed to forget exactly what their motivations were. So thank you both very much!

    11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    Glad to see somebody else who's enjoyed TRS! It's a rather hit-or-miss game, but when it hits, it really hits.

    Mm hm, you're correct in saying that it really really does it. To this day it is my favorite game, though Radiant Dawn is a close second. I can't wait to play Berwick Saga and Vestaria Saga later on!

    I really wish the modern FE games would revert back to Kaga's methods of storytelling, dialogue, and character/world building. It just feels so much more realistic and meaningful! We had characters that were all equally important to the plot and all felt like real people... gosh where did the good days go? I still enjoy the new games but... this was really the best stuff. Now we get avatars who have the slightest bit of character whatsoever, and yet they receive all of the praise for the team's actions. And instead of grounded characters we have people who act in such an odd heightened reality, and they are often simply two sides of a coin: one personality trait or gimmick, but they are also shown to have "another side." But real people aren't just one gimmick and then "another side..." The Kaga Saga characters feel like real fluid people, and that is the most important part of his games to me. Long live the Kaga Saga!!!!

  5. So I played  this game quite a while back, and I absolutely adored it! The story is amazing, but what really captivated me was the focus on side characters and their importance in the universe (instead of 1-2 characters being the focus of literally everything). 

    I had a question though... I remember all of the cutscenes featuring Julius, Barker, and Reshe, the children of the Zoan emperor, and I remember their super cool plot to assassinate their own father. That was all extremely interesting! I wish Nintendo would follow Kaga and do more side-plots like that in the future. Anyway... I know their goal was to stop the war as quickly as possible since Emperor Bahanuke had expressed interest in conquering the entire continent. However, what was the reasoning behind Julius defending against Runan's army? I can't quite remember why Julius would not just team up with Runan... can anyone lend me a hand on this? Thanks!

  6. My main reasoning for 3 Houses being better as a live action show instead of an anime has nothing to do with aesthetic or production value or anything. I just think that typically anime tends to be a more heightened reality, while I prefer that Fire Emblem be a more low fantasy with lots of grit (like Game of Thrones). Unfortunately for me, the games have become more lighthearted in tone in the recent titles, but my favorite Fire Emblem games will always be those more centered in a realistic world that just so happens to be inhabited by dragons, magic, and the like. 

    Also, I find that many anime TV shows feature characters that follow the same formula as those in 3 Houses: one (or two) gimmicks/tropes that are constantly reaffirmed thorough the dialogue. Granted, they are often shown to have motives for these tropes, and they usually are shown to have "another side," but in real life people are not just two-sided coins. I wish FE games would feature more complex characters that are all just people instead of just specific tropes that also happen to have "another side."

    So, yeah I guess an anime makes more sense for 3 Houses because 3 Houses already sort of feels like an anime, but I would simply prefer a more realistic portrayal of the characters in a low fantasy world.

  7. 4 hours ago, Etheus said:

    Personally, I think that if fast travel is even necessary for a social base camp like this, they dropped the ball. 


    It doesn't need to be that big. Give us a war camp the size of what Edelgard gets just before the last chapter of the school phase. Add in a few amenities via a campfire (where the cooking happens), a pond, an armory tent, and a war planning tent. No loading. No instances. No fast travel necessary.

    I feel like part of what makes Garreg Mach so interesting is its size, though. I agree that I wish it were easier to traverse later on, but the school as a whole is quite beautiful when you first walk around it. It brings a sense of immersion and allows you to see the scope of the Church's power in a way that nothing else could capture.

  8. Yeah, sorry I think I did a bad job of conveying what I meant. I never used the word 'equal' but it may have come off that way still.

    What I meant was that I am just not a fan of how most Fire Emblem protagonists always seemed to be praised to no end. 3 Houses was amazing, but damn, do the characters ever thank anyone other than Byleth for their victories? It's honestly kind of comedic when the whole party walks into the room at the same time and simultaneously goes "WE WON THIS FIGHT BECAUSE OF YOU PROFESSOR. THANK YOU."

    Anyway, I just hope that we feel like more of a party working together, rather than a mob following two to three people.

  9. 5 hours ago, Sire said:


    At the moment the Lord position is vacant, but I'm starting to think that ToS doesn't need a "Lord" and simply follows the adventure of the party instead of a central character.

    I absolutely adore this idea. I've always treasured the idea of Fire Emblem losing its main characters/lords and instead just having the party. It emphasizes the importance of every team member instead of the leader always being the only one receiving the praise. Yes!

  10. 1) The new critical animations ever since Awakening. I am not a fan of how instead of the really cool, really unique character movements that we used to get, now its usually just "OH HEY MY FACE IS ON THE SCREEN! YOU'RE GONNA REGRET FIGHTING ME, BAD GUY!!!" And they jump and strike down or something. Granted, there are a few actually good crit animations. I love the new Peg Knight and Wyvern Knight crits where they fly around (esp. with bows). Also War Masters have some interesting stuff. Most classes are really lacking though.

    2) All of the pre-mission and post-mission scenes in Three Houses where your class gathers around and endlessly praises Byleth and only Byleth. I seriously cannot stand this... Also, I hate how every character other than the Lord (Dim, Edel, or Claude) has usually only one line in each of these scenes. Their line is never necessary. It's always just a "HEY! REMEMBER MY CHARACTER TROPE? YEAH? REMEMBER THAT I'M STILL HERE? HAHA YEAH." Ugh... Why can't they just talk like normal people?

    3) This is not exactly a 'little thing,' but I'm still putting it because it bugs me. Games that have multiple stories based on what path you choose at the beginning. There are only 2 games in the series that apply to this. For some reason, this is the new popular thing because people like feeling like they are in control of the story, but I just don't vibe with it. Instead of having one super long, super engaging, and beautifully written story with characters whose arcs span an extremely long play time... people now prefer to have two or three much shorter stories that force complex arcs and narratives into a much tighter space. This often leaves each possible route feeling very rushed (looking at you Crimson Flower), and it leaves an empty feeling in me. In short, compare Radiant Dawn to 3 Houses. Radiant Dawn was one MASSIVE story, and you got to play as three different teams throughout the overarching story! That's so cool. Meanwhile in 3 Houses, which still had fabulous writing at times, you only get a small chunk of the cast, and the story is so much shorter if you only do one run. Instead of one AWESOME story, we got 3 decent ones. Sad.

  11. Character Name: Kevinsky

    Forum Name: KevinskyHaaz

    Class: Cavalier (or Paladin), Mercenary (or Hero), Knight (or General) or Lord if we still need a Lord (the idea of being the main character scares me though)... basically whatever is convenient for us because all of these classes fit me.

    Affiliation: Protagonist

    Recruitment/Recruitment Time: Chapter 1 or 2, automatic. OR whenever is most convenient for the team.


    This looks kinda wonky when I adjust it to 96x96. Any ideas?

    Personality: Prideful to a fault. Dramatically heroic to a fault. Impulsive. Thinks he is funny; isn't. At heart is a good man who, when told to seriously calm down, will return from whatever planet his brain lives on. Enjoys company, and will actually become extremely terrified if left alone in a dark or foreboding area. Recognizes his own faults; deep down is ashamed of his unrestrained personality that often takes things too far.

    Stats: If I go Merc, Cav, or Lord, I'd be slower and tankier than most units of that class. If I go Knight, then I'll just be a typical knight. 

    Other Notes: He has one blue eye. Nobody knows why. He claims to have mystical powers from it. This still has yet to be proven true or false.

  12. 40 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:

    Really, all FE needs to do to get these villains right is to remember that their contribution to the story needs to be more than just "powerful monster fought at the end"; their being a monster or an evil dragon needs to be a feature of their character, not the entirety of it. Even if written to be pure evil, it can still be done well. For a quick comparison to Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (great show), the main conflict is a massive conspiracy, and Father & the Homunculi are really good villains because they're at the center of it; their contribution and characterization is more than just being the guys fought at the end. 


    However, I would argue that in some cases it is fine if the final boss is solely there for the final battle. Really only if it's a situation like FE7 where the real antagonist just so happens to summon something with his final breath. 

    2 hours ago, De Geso said:

    Dragons are wicked and fighting them with your army is always a blast. I don't want them to ever leave the series.

    Fun is more important in a game series than writing.

    Dragons are extremely fun to fight! But please, these games would be empty without good writing. Having fun is definitely important, but I would rather take part in a really intense medieval political drama that is slow at times, than just have a giant fight-fest that is super fun the whole time. There would be no reason to care about your army's success if the game had poor writing.

    Anyway, as everyone is saying. Ultimately, a final boss or climactic battle is not made by the character or monster itself. It's made by the writing that sets up that finale. There's not really any element of realism that's ruined by huge monsters as long as they are explained in the world of the game. I do wish, however, that Fire Emblem returned to more of a low fantasy aesthetic like in the Jugdral games (and somewhat the original Archanean games, but those were a bit lighter as well).

  13. This is something that I even argue with myself about. Most of the time, I come to the conclusion that dragons and giant monsters are okay as long as they are handled properly. For example, the classic fire dragon from the end of Fire Emblem 7 was amazing in my opinion. It seemed like just your ordinary fantasy dragon, and it was insanely scary and powerful. On the other hand, I wasn't a huge fan of The Immaculate One in 3 Houses. My main issue is just that for some reason her voice is still slightly the same instead of just being a typical dragon roar. Other notably well handled dragons: Idoun and all the FE6 manaketes, Grima, all of the FE1-3 dragons, Julius/Loptyr, etc. I didn't like Corrin's dragon but that is just because the design was shit.

    For the most part I think dragons are fine. Demons are a bit more out there. I thought that Conquest's handling of Takumi was awful, and I wasn't the biggest fan of Sacred Stones's Lyon either. That doesn't mean that I think demons are bad, but... they just weren't handled fantastically. As long as they are rooted in dark magic then I feel like it makes sense in the game. Ashnard, for example, was possessed by the medallion and I thought that was handled greatly. So really, I think demons are okay too as long as they are written decently. 

    There's some stuff that I absolutely hate though. I prefer my Fire Emblems to be as low fantasy and as high grit as possible. Magic is cool. Large dragons and other monsters are cool. However, when you pull an Awakening and introduce time travel into the mix. Oh geezus, I shuddered when I first heard that time travel was a thing. And then Fates went even more into the shitstorm of nonsense with the pocket dimension for babies to be raised in. That's the most absurd thing I've ever heard, and it was only there for fanservice. Luckily 3 Houses returned to a slightly more low fantasy style. 

    My #1 dream is that one day we will be back to the lowest of low fantasy though: Fire Emblem 4-5. Those games are the bomb. All political drama and realistic events that force the characters to be a bit less cartoony and more like real human beings.

  14. Hello all!

    So for quite some time now, I have been creating my own sprites and splices of Fire Emblem characters (all GBA era) and using them for D&D characters that I write hefty backstories for. It's just one of my favorite creative outlets, and I always find it enjoyable to see a finished product ready for a campaign with my friends. I have made around 15-16 characters/sprites now including the one in my profile picture, entitled The Yeoman; The Yeoman is the character and design I am most proud of. 

    Anyway, I've come to a point where I've written so many characters that I really only want to do one or two more, and I think it's time I really start working on my magnum opus. I'll handle the backstory all on my own, but I really want to make the sprite from scratch. This means doing more than just splicing two or three characters together and recoloring it all. However, I am not the best at drawing these from scratch, and I was wondering if anyone would be willing to help me out. What I am looking for is a GBA style custom sprite based on some images that I will provide you of the character that I envision. 

    If any of you can show me some of your previous works, and they look coolio, then I'd love to have you do the job for me, and in the end I would be willing to pay for your services no matter how much time you need (if you really impress me a lot, then I'll adjust the adjust the payment quite handsomely, say 40-50$). Alrighty, so if anyone is interested, please message me, and we can discuss further. Thanks y'all!

  15. Thracia 776's final level is one of my favorites. The final boss is perhaps the most boring in the series, but the level is incredibly spooky and climactic. I also love how it makes every single one of your characters essential for victory.

    I also love the final level(s) in Radiant Dawn. I consider the entire Tower of the Goddess to be the finale of that game, and boy does it deliver in excellent level design, climactic events, and a wrap-up to my favorite story in the series. 

    Lastly, Shadows of Valentia's final level is possibly the most climactic final level in the franchise. That theme... so amazing.

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