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Everything posted by Hanes

  1. Three possible back stories and we basically know which one it is (but I forgor) and it isn't very interesting. Nonononono. He's the worst. Also, Nintendo Switch Pro controller arrived!
  2. Nah it actually just hurts to strain my eyes, and it makes seeing even the things I'm supposed to see a PAIN. It's an accessibility thing. Also flashlights in videogames work like bright white dots when in reality they are more like, illuminate a whole room, thus, why I turn the brightness all the way up. Yeah this! Then there's games like MK 10 X, it said "Turn up the brightness until you can barely see the dragon icon", but I turned it up all the way because otherwise I could not see the characters or the HUD or the attacks very well. Also I'll be scared in a horror game no matter the brightness, so, lol.
  3. Blah, more mistakes. Yeah american keyboard doesn't have the accents, I ignore them. I actually like the brightness, bright games ftw. >Playing Horror Game >"Please turn up the brightness until you can barely see the symbol" >Nope, I'm turning it all the way up haha. I don't want to strain my eyes loll If you change the brightness it might end up crashing the game, somehow, lol.
  4. Alright, thanks! I have forgotten conjugations, it's been a long time. I'd need to actually sit down and study them again. Phooey. I mean this is good, actually. Based. Tu est tres intelligent 😉 Cool concept and all, but I can't stand to see this it's so ugly. Brighten the colors up ffs. Also, overdecorated as hell: All the map sprites are the new romhack overexaggerated and detailed stuff which works even worse with the super dark colors.
  5. Tsunderanes. Nah yeh I agree. I will be a broken record, LuciLOLa already doesn't. However Bleublanc also falls weak.
  6. Je voi! (Hey to the french guy here, correct me!) Hmph. I despise the traditional family. However, he's either a little bit on the spectrum, or just dumb. He likes antagonizing me when he knows my dad is much worse, and sides with my dad on all things. Yet despite how much he pushes me away, and our morals and values are entirely contradictory, he still talks to me. I don't know what goes in his mind. So again, I say, I am the older brother. I am impervious to him, and I do have to try and help him, even if he doesn't care, because I know how it goes if he takes the full brunt of my dad. Oh it helps to tell you guys I don't live with him, lel. Ah, yeah. I usually bring that down to the entire game rather than just the characters. Because see EVERYONE reacts like this is funny. It is a blight upon the entire cutscene's quality, and thus the game's cutscene to cutscene quality as a whole. I think as characters Shirley and Ilya work fine. Mind you, I fucking detest this trope. KILL IT WITH FIRE. You know what she probably is, I probably disliked her and thought she was annoying because I was being sexist! I mean, god forbid women do anything. (Half-joking, it might have been like a subconscious thing if it did happen, but also probably I just forgot why I disliked her). Ah........ god. I mean even in Azure... like, LOL ok guys nobody cares about you anymore. Lel, so true. Ye. Harken's character himself is also actually cool. Survivor's guilt. I also like Isadora because 1.- She's underrated. 2.- She's his fiancee (or wife?) and like, fuck if you're married to Harken you are awesome no matter who you are and 3.- Because she's awesome herself too.
  7. Hey I was just thinking how did no one reply to me haha. And yeah, true. I stand by my brother but he doesn't stand by me in anything. Whatever though, I am the eldest so I just know he'll be a dunce. Idk bout Ilya or Shirley? Add Luciola there too. Amalthea maybe? Nah. LuciLOLa ughhh My friend is like the edgy myrmidon. Idc, I just said I will be like Harken: Strong, epic, have a brave sword, carry spiky armor. Ga damn I really like Harken. Harken and Isadora awesome FE7 characters imo.
  8. I see. Will check it out. I believe you, but I am too lazy as of now. Waiting for my controller to arrive to play TotK. HAHAHAHAHA true enough, he isn't. Also, they would literally fire at a tower with all the fucking world leaders (or most) in them, like, this would single handedly destroy the world. The ILF are in fucking sane.
  9. Haha my life sometimes. To be honest a friend of mine is more important to me than my brother lol. She suckssss Rean off i hate her writing Yeah me too, I like talking to him but idk if it's like that, maybe sometimes it is. Anyways, still a 10/10 friend. I will stand by his side like Harken, not like Harken does but I will take Harken's aesthetic and slam my Brave Sword (Based!) into enemies.
  10. Ah, I guess it does. (I am so brainrotted I have to make it about other dumb shit). BMZ trilogy? Ok. MZM I probably should. ALSO: 3 is better than 4, then 4>2 and 2>>1 1 is still fun. It's kinda cringe sometimes but also good in other ways. YEAH UGH. CS1 and 2 conflict with his sister too. I am going to kiss him. (Joke) Not kidding (Kidding a lot). If I'm the first time he feels love, then he will. (I should shut up). I refreshed the page because there were a lot of replies, and I didn't know if a new page would show if I clicked "show replies", so I refreshed the page and it all erased. Oh well. New thing I learned. Color me surprised. Also yeah I reply out of order, I go "I ain't replying to all that" then I do.
  11. NOOOO I LOST MY REPLIES DAMN IT. I am not gonna reply to as much as I did before. Ugh. Haha thanks. It's what I do. He's not very open about his feelings, but I've supported his creative endeavors (LITERAL GOLDMINES. EVERYONE ELSE IGNORED THEM BUT HIS JRPG INSPIRED STORIES ARE SO GOOD.) and I know it's made him happier. He's not like a depressed doomer btw, he's just told me about life being a pain in the ass in a neutral way. Peak friend, 10/10. Also I agree with them on like every JRPG opinion. I hated her character in CS1 too because the one conflict she has with another character is dumb and forced. It's a very pointless clash that becomes just worse. Funnily enough it started out as good. I was gonna write a whole dissertation but nah idc. What does U mean I don't speak bottom. (Kidding!) Shoutouts to her having a mental breakdown in CS2 when coming back from the castle in the lake, for NO reason. It comes out of NOWHERE. it makes NO sense and it was NEVER hinted at. Emma could keep the cat's lines and still know nothing. Also, she supposedly knows sooo much, but doesn't ever reveal it and when she does: It was all obvious stuff even back then that doesn't explain anything.
  12. FE7 based is a joke, I like ranked system because the gameplay becomes interesting here, actually. Very fun to optimize. FE8 is actually cool, even if not gameplay wise I love the story and its themes, especially the ruination.
  14. No yeah, I don't. I don't remember most so I'll just agree to not reach a conclusion, then. I meant the specific instance where Lloyd says to order things like that, in that case it does feel earned on the player as well. Geofront fan translation is based, take for instance: That isn't entirely verbatim, but it's a raw-ass line. I love all of FC, FC ending and then SC start, like the immediate start, is awesome. Unfortunately SC Prologue is kinda meh, and gameplay wise it can kinda suck. Yeah, I know. Can't wait. Oh actually, yeah I remember now! It is really cool, I agree. I also like the cutscene afterwards where the two dorks argue about love. Then I love how a LITERAL NPC comes in to save the day. And it makes a lot of sense too, actually top-tier writing, Ch1. Yeah I'm a Zero Knight. I stand by Zero until the end of my days. Megaman Zero, and Trails Zero both are kino. Also, I have actually heard good things about Reverie! Even REAN! (?!?!?!) I probably never will meet him irl and I've never seen his face even, 😞 I know he hides a lot, some pain I wish I could aid in relieving (but this is actually entirely platonic, I wish I could help more). No way double Reverie hate lol. I guess I'll see on CS3, 4, and Reverie for how bad or good they truly get rather than rely on other's opinions. I don't think that's entirely fair, he's blander but everything in Zero still carries over. Like, the character writing gets worse but also the characters from the previous games are all good enough or awesome that they don't become bad by Azure and the future writing team's garbage. COLD. STEEL. 1. On the other hand... nothing characters and nothing developments ESPECIALLY emma, Emma please stop talking you don't matter girl 🤣. What if instead Sky is Zero 0.25, 0.50, and 0.75? Sky is awesome but Zero trumps them. Ao is CS 0.5, but also Zero 2.0. Give the game credit. The bear is stupid as hell but the other antagonists are awesome. And nobody cares about the Ouroboros anyways. Right, but with the wrong team composition it can become near unwinnable, there's too many enemies that you can't hit hard enough and then they can even drain HP, that part sucks.
  15. Lol. Based French person. Nah just sayin, sale numbers come up and we all know they don't *mean* much and you go full rant mode, it's just funny I like the whole calling people "hater" jokes.
  16. YES! I HATE THIS GAME. I think it's boring. That's actually just it haha I can't hate it. No I agree, usually detectives are written like this, but he's actually different. Like in Ch1 or 2 he's like "Let's rearrange the motives and the whys", or sth like that and it works so well. PLUS you the player do that for extra DP so it feels earned. Meanwhile Rean doing the same makes ZERO sense. I think FC-Zero is all fantastically written. Azure I say is when the windshield started breaking down into what became CS, in terms of *just* the writing quality. Hey, SC endgame is kino it's just the start isn't. The game is like "Let's go to Ch5!" but then it remembers we have to count three, FOUR, five so we go to Rolent for no reason and of course things have to happen. All the while we are thinking "Really got to get to Boer (whatever the place is called). Also, the final boss is entirely irrelevant and LuciLOLa is a cringe character. Essentially: Look, I know god forbid women do anything silly, but she just sucks. Ch4 boss also sucks. All of them are epic, to be honest. It's just the Mayor there is epically epicer. I forgot who that was. Oh and Ch2's, the fucking worms, are also ass. Yeah I know... CS3 I am told has some good and then some funny bad which makes it more enjoyable. Then CS4 is the abyss of fiction. If Zero is Peak, CS4 is Abyss. I actually laughed out so hard when my friend said that. I love him he should kiss me, dressed up as Joshua.
  17. All interesting points you make, yeah. And this, yeah. It's not like Germany wasn't interested in a war. I wouldn't even say it's 60 or 80%, it's like 40% at most. CS1 is whole ass let's not bring that name up or else I will puke unbelievably hard. The protagonist is also a pretty good protagonist, he's an actually smart detective, he has a pretty strong motivation too. The cast also helps because they're all pretty good. Also, the first game to be mostly filler of nothing clues is actually SC. Ch4 sucks my entire asshole. Ok sorry for the language. Either way, Prologue to Ch4 is a mess, Ch5 starts the same but it's in the epic town with the epic mayor and has a cool final boss, so it's actually good. Anyways SC is at least goated in the latter half. You're such a hater omg lololol This is pretty fun. If waifus alone = good times then I pass. I only hope God lets me through CS not scarred. A friend tells me CS3 is pretty fun to play, at least. 😠 Rean can go screw himself. SoV proved that it's the best game in the series and FE2 came second, two times. GAIDEN SWEEP Unlike the other one /s this is actually kinda funny. LOL. Also y'all talk too much I was working 😢
  18. True, but after the war you kind of want peace and for a conflict as large to not happen so rather than do a balance of powers thing, you want to make sure such a war doesn't happen again by not letting two countries stalemate each other. At least, that was the idea. Yeah, for Alsace-Lorraine.
  19. Trails Spoilers for Sky and Crossbell, I guess. Only in Azure with dumb sexualization and harem shit and the "Bear" (you know what I mean). Zero is literally 10/10 and Azure would be too were it not for how its scenes are less consistently well written and great. I think the treaty imposed upon Germany made sense, and was not too uncommon from everything else that's ever been applied to a country proportionate to their destruction. In this war, the deaths were so high that it made sense for the losing party to be punished harshly. The "harsh conditions" thing is true, but it was also a Nazi talking point. I still stand by the fact that the war was caused by the other European countries being too chickenshit to stop Hitler. BASED THOUGH. Lol I didn't say I was skipping CS3 and 4. Chronological order is the only correct order, after all.
  20. I actually just bought Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R... lol. That sale ended a few days ago.
  21. Heck they're even connected underwater by the seafloor, maybe we could call this continent something like... Earth!!! 🤯
  22. Well I did say Latam, which is a cultural term for Mexico and south, but geographically that definition includes Belize, and the Guyanas
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