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Posts posted by soly

  1. Neck needs to be a little thinner. You might get better results cropping off Legault's entire neck and pasting someone else's neck (Guy's, probably) in its place. Also, Guy's frinds looks odd without the headband, I feel like it should flop a bit more.

    As for the hair, it's... floating away from Bors' neck, which is odd. Perhaps try splicing someone else's hair onto the back of his neck?

  2. 5 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

    The first is dependent on which village you visited out of the two top ones in chapter 9.

    Echidna is locked to one half of this route split - 10A/10B. Offhand I don't recall which half she's in, but this is a thing, so if you intend to use her make sure you visit the correct village.

    Aside from that, a bunch of lategame enemies have massive def but low res and 1 range, so definitely consider picking up a couple of mages at least.

  3. Gregor passes Axefaire and Swordfaire to Severa, so Gregor!Severa will be more or less usable, though strictly worse than Vaike!Severa for the most part.

    He passes Axebreaker and Patience to Yarne, so Gregor!Yarne will be solid. Worse than Archer dad Yarnes, but decent behind a counterattacker with Vengeance and Anathema.

    Gerome inherits Berserker and can pull off breaker spam sets similar to Vaike!Gerome.

    Gregor!Noire is a decent specialty Sniper. Basically also strictly worse Vaike!Noire, though.

    Nah gets Axefaire to use with Wyvern Lord, Hero to use with her new Axefaire, and Valkyrie to use with her innate Tomefaire, so will be a versatile hard support. Her 4/1 Str/Mag leans her physical, though. As a physical Nah she's worse Vaike, as a magic Nah she's worse Henry, but she's the best Nah who can do both. Though usually her partner won't need both, either.

    Lucina, Cynthia, Kjelle, Owain, Inigo, Brady all don't benefit in the slightest or can't get Gregor, and Laurent is Laurent.

  4. 3 hours ago, ChickenWings said:

    One thing I noticed is that 2nd gen couples are referred as boyfriends/girlfriends instead of husbands/wives.

    Haha! Yes, very sharp! They're sort of kids even if not really, and they don't have their own kids either way unless Morgan, and in my head they are children, so using boyfriend/girlfriend was a little more comfortable for me.

  5. So yeah title, I wrote an Apotheosis pairings guide. There's a lot of info on Apotheosis pairings out there, but it's seriously scattered - among 300 pages of the Pairing Thread, across GameFAQs guides and forum posts, and there's one gem I found on like page 1'200 of a TVTropes thread. Not to mention all the stuff with next to nothing out there that I had to bring together myself. No one's ever really bothered to bring it all together before, so I gave it my best effort.

    Here's the link. Any feedback would be appreciated. In any case, I do hope it proves of some use to you. That's why I wrote it, after all.


  6. To be perfectly honest, I'm not certain Grima required an origin story/motivations to begin with. He's the big bad, sure, but the game's major antagonist is really Validar. I think it's perfectly fine for Grima to be just 'hurr durr evil kill everything' if the game's other villains can pick up the slack with respect to things like evil motivation.

    I quite like Gangrel as a villain, but I'm not certain the other villains have picked up that slack. Still...

  7. You sort of have to figure that with Limit Breaker and Rallies, you're gaining +22 to your unit's "regular" maximum stat, which is already enough to put an above-average kid unit on par with Anna, the map boss. Add in Pair-Up and Dual Strike and you're doubling her with Brave weapons for six times expected damage (1-2-2-1-2-2-1-2-2-1-2-2). I don't think it needs to be said that you just stomp the mooks flat.

    Take away all DLC skills and your above-average kid unit is still stomping mooks (with 50-55 stats) for the most part, since they still have +8 to all stats from Rally skills, +2 from stat tonics, and their pair-up. They'll be on par with maybe a mid-level Apoth boss and... a grade or two below Anna, maybe. Even then Stahl!Severa can muster the stats needed to ORKO the bosses of waves 3, 4, and 5.

    Pair-up is exceptionally strong in this game.

  8. Apotheosis. Final DLC map, only real challenge map in the game. You don't need to pick it up immediately (or at all), but this is the hardest map in the game and it's the only map you really need to optimise your army for, so for me it adds a lot of longevity to the game. Also, Chickenwings is spot on here:

    11 hours ago, ChickenWings said:

    For DLC classes and skills that'll be fun and/or useful especially in that map are: Champions of Yore 3 with +2 All Stats skill, Lost Bloodline 2 for Dread Fighter class, Smash Brethren 2 for the Bride class, and of course, Rogues and Redeemers 3 for Limit Break! None of them are needed to beat Apotheosis, though.

    Though I would possibly add DLC Palla to that list (Roster Rescue, I think) she's definitely nowhere near essential - her main claim to fame is Rally Str/Skl/Spe/Heart/Spectrum on one unit, but it's shared by DLC Katarina from Apotheosis itself and you can always run 2 Rally users.

    Lost Bloodlines 3 is also one of the fastest grinding maps available and drops the Paragon skill for doubled EXP gain, so it's also useful to streamline grinding for Apotheosis. In a similar vein, the DLC gold and EXP maps are nice, but I don't see them as essentials, EXP especially.

    Future Past is always a recommendation for character development and that glimpse into the future.

    Infinite Regalia is skippable IMO.

  9. Gaius!Noire's three (four) major sets are Sniper, Assassin, Bow Knight (and Bride, but you're no DLC) with 44/50/45/(46) speed in order, or 54/60/55/(56) with Rallies and Spe Tonic and 62/68/63/(64) with a Berserker pocket (Yarne). Assassin seems attractive, but you won't have the Def to live Anna's Aether anyway (even with the Knight's Def+2 skill) which means it's mostly for doubling Thronie. If it were me, I'd probably favour Sniper in the general case and only pick Bow Knight if you need her to double Invincisorc - which shouldn't be the case. Gaius!Noire Sniper x Berserker doesn't really do anything particularly special in terms of speed but she's good at what she does.

  10. 41 minutes ago, ChickenWings said:

    Wouldn't Dual Support+ bump up Gerome's Hit?

    Dual Support+ only affects the unit in front, so no. It's still fine as filler skill 5. If you're doing Severa x Gerome, you can probably do Vaike!Gerome with his Breaker skills; I really do consider them very good and I honestly just don't hesitate to do so if I need Henry elsewhere.

  11. Yes, this is after Rallies and Spe tonic - though I think I forgot to give Severa Def Tonic so you might be able to drop Defender no matter what. Ugh, def tonic, now I need to recheck a lot of my calculations. My bad, I did give her Def Tonic. 34 base Def, +8 Rallies, +2 Tonic, +1 Defender puts her neatly at 48 Def.

    Virion!Yarne is always going to have the edge on accuracy, gaining +35 hit on player phase (Prescience, Hit Rate +20), but Gerome edges him on damage (+3 Str) and has good hit on specific targets (due to breaker skills). Vaike!Gerome will basically always carry Axebreaker and Lancebreaker, I think, alongside Axefaire, Str+2, filler, so if you keep him on those weapon types he'll be better, but Virion!Yarne will edge him on things like Invincisorcs and Celica's Sages in wave 4.

    +Spe on Apo challenge runs is pretty staple. Morgan will have 48 Spe as a Sage, 58 after Rally and Tonic, so given a Dark Flier he's hitting 66 Spe (not doubled by Anna). Check if he lives Aether (48 Def) but if you're using Stahl!Severa it doesn't matter. Your alternative is to go Grandmaster to boost a female Sage to a higher Spe tier, but most of the female Sages don't really care unless you can give them double-Thronie (69 Spe) or Anna survival (66 Spe 48 Def). You don't really have that much business being that much faster than 60 Spe anyway.

    +Mag Morgan has a 4 Spe modifier and is just fast enough to reach 60 Spe with a Sage and Defender. This also has knock-on effects with Lucina (who's now locked into magic), but if she gets Laurent she doesn't care as much.

    Obviously Morgan's girlfriend is going to depend on whether he's physical or magical as well as whether he needs to get +Spe from a class bonus or not... Henry!Cynthia is good on magic galeboys for the most part, and you can go Donnel!Kjelle on physical ones maybe. Nah will be good on Morgan either way - since Morgan won't necessarily need +Spe as a Sage, Nah's free to take someone like Libra for +Mag mod instead of requiring Henry's Valkyrie inheritance (important since you're probably requiring Henry!Cynthia). And as physical she has dads like Vaike and Gregor to pick from.

  12. No DLC Apoth is doable with Chrobin + other kids for sure @ChickenWings. If you don't have any major objections, you can try packing Stahl!Severa, too, Stahl!Sev @ Assassin can ORKO both Thronie and Anna on Enemy Phase (if her Berserker doesn't Dual Guard for her). Set is Assassin pocket Berserker, Galeforce/Vengeance/Bowfaire/Spe +2/Defender to hit 48 Def (survives Anna's Aether) and 69 Spe (doubles Thronie; Severa actually reaches 70 Spe with this set). You can drop Defender if Olivia Special Dances for Severa.

  13. 3 hours ago, DaydayMane said:

    Vengeance/Luna + 2nd proc?  All+2?

    yeah that's more or less what you're looking at; Luna + Astra, just solo Luna with filler (if you don't have Astra), or Vengeance with filler. You can filler All Stats +2 if you hit a new speed tier; even if you don't it's still okay filler but if you don't go up a speed tier I might filler Anathema instead.

    One notable Sniper unit who *does* go up a speed tier with All Stats +2 is Gaius!Noire who reaches 74 Spe with a Berserker, and 76 with All Stats +2.

    Additionally I'll note that Berserker hard supports are really best behind bow users, so Gerome only gains +10 Hit from Anathema; he only gains +25 hit if he gets Hex in addition but Hex only triggers at range 1 so melee units. If Nah is going to a magic Galeboy I personally just do Henry!Nah and Vaike!Gerome; I've learned not to underestimate Gerome's Breaker skill access - it's one of the gems in his class list. This can kinda go either way though and if you're dropping Nah and her boyfriend then it doesn't matter nearly as much.

    54 minutes ago, ChickenWings said:

    What challenges in Apotheosis can't Chrobin pull off? 

    They can V/V Apotheosis as Sniper/Sage. Aside from that idk what kind of challenges you're looking at o.O but  if you're talking about Chrobin as a pairing in general for challenge runs in general (and not like soloing Apotheosis with Chrobin), it's fine for nearly everything. Maybe not if you're like dropping both DLC skills and Rallies but that's pretty insane. For something like no other DLCs it's still fine, though you'll also want to be optimising your other pairings.

  14. 16 hours ago, izanagi61 said:

    warrior's don't get axefaire, berserkers do. but i might use him as hard support sniper for wyver lord kjelle. back to staffbots, should i use parents for that so i can leave the fighting to the kids?

    Inigo has Barbarian base, so he has native access to both Berserker (which drops him Axefaire) and Warrior (which I'm suggesting as a possible finisher).

    Usually staffbots are spotpass units in Falcon Knight or Valkyrie (latter with Acrobat). You can use parents if you want, but aim for one of those two classes, probably favour Falcon since your Valkyries don't have Thief for Acrobat.

    14 hours ago, DaydayMane said:

    Kids I'm considering keeping: Sumia!Lucina (paired with Avatar), Ricken!Owain, Gregor!Laurent, Lon'qu!Brady, Fred!Inigo, Chrom!Cynthia, Stahl!Severa, Gaius!Noire, Sumia!Lucina!Morgan

    Considering benching: Vaike!Nah, Henry!Gerome, Virion!Yarne, Donnel!Kjelle

    Your child units are all good (save possibly Vaike!Nah; Nah wants to support a Galeboy, Vaike!Nah wants to support a physical Galeboy, and Fred!Inigo isn't worthy of a hard support also his support line with Nah is trash), so now it's just a matter of pairing them up.

    For the most part, you can just pair physical units to physical units, and magical units to magical units, then call it a day. Units which can use either physical or magical sets (eg. Sumia!Lucina can run both physical Sniper and magical Dark Flier/Sage) like to be paired to similar units (Gregor!Laurent and Henry!Gerome can both Berserker and Sage) but don't consider this necessary.

    If you want to get into a bit more detail, look for speed tiers. Use https://serenesforest.net/awakening/characters/maximum-stats/complete/ to get your units' base speed (for example, LQ!Brady has 46 Spe as a Sage). Add 10 for Limit Breaker, 10 for Rally Spe Heart Spectrum, and 2 for the Speed Tonic consumable item for a total of +22 on all units, putting Brady at 68 Spe. Then add the speed from his pair-up partner (see https://serenesforest.net/awakening/miscellaneous/pair-up/ for details). If you've done your math right, you'll see that Dark Fliers pass +8 Spe as pair-up partners, so Brady will reach 76 Spe if he has a Dark Flier in his pocket.

    Benchmarks to aim for are 75 Spe (doubles all enemies), 69 Spe (doubles all enemies less wave 5 boss, wave 2 boss and his wave 5 boss rush clone), and 66 (not doubled by any enemy, doubles almost all enemies). If you're playing without DLC, aim for 60 Spe (doubles most enemies). It's more important for spellcasters (like LQ!Brady) and bow users (like Stahl!Severa and Gaius!Noire) to reach 75 and 69 Spe than it is for sword, lance, and axe users, who are generally content with settling down at 66 Spe.

    As for final classes, Sage on spellcaster boys like LQ!Brady, Dark Flier on caster girls paired to galeforce caster boys (like Chrom!Cynthia whose boyfriend is LQ!Brady). Put Bowfaire on your better physical units (Stahl!Severa, Gaius!Noire) and rely on mooksweepers like Fred!Inigo and Donnel!Kjelle to bring the melee damage with axes/lances/swords. Good melee classes include Paladin and Hero, Wyvern Lord is considered good but I'm not a fan. Any physical class with Bows will prefer to use bows. Berserker or Sage on hard supports (units without Galeforce) depending on whether their boyfriend/girlfriend is physical/magical; Vaike!Nah can go General if she needs damage or Hero if her partner needs speed.

    you usually want 4-6 combat pairs, so this is an example of something you could do with your pairings:

    Chrom @ Sniper x Sumia @ Sage (your sniper)
    Sumia!Lucina @ Sniper x Avatar (+Spe/-Def) @ Berserker (your other sniper)
    Chrom!Cynthia @ Dark Flier x Lon'qu!Brady @ Sage (75 Spre Brady brings the pain)
    Sumia!Lucina!Morgan @ Sage x @ Gregor!Laurent @ Sage (75 Spe Morgan with Aether and Sage support brings even more pain)
    Gaius!Noire @ Bow Knight x Henry!Gerome @ Berserker (fast, powerful, versatile, mobile unit, swords and bows versatile targeting)
    Donnel!Kjelle @ Paladin x Fred!Inigo @ Warrior (mooksweepers)

    Then pair off other units as you see fit - give Yarne (physical hard support) to your remaining physical galegirl (Stahl!Severa) and Nah (axefaire Hero) to Owain (Sage). 

  15. Inigo for sure. He's the only kid left who actually gains a lot of benefit from Stahl's amazing parentage. Gerome would rather get Berserker from Vaike or Gregor; Noire wants Galeforce from Gaius and has Archer and Luna overlap; Stahl!Nah is a fairly versatile physical unit but if she's going to Owain then Henry is better on her; Laurent can take Stahl and succeed similarly to Gregor!Laurent, but his actual benefit from Stahl is quite low - he almost doesn't care who his dad is, Inigo does.

    Inigo picks up Bowfaire from Stahl, which is actually actively incredible on him. Bowfaire is by far the best physical weaponfaire, and Inigo has the Warrior and Assassin classes to use it with, as well as Stahl's Sniper and his own pretty solid mods. You may not need a third sniper, but Inigo will excel as a Warrior or Assassin with Bowfaire - and if you need him melee, he still has his native Axefaire and Swordfaire with Hero and Warrior. Stahl!Inigo is about the only Inigo I would even consider giving a hard support to (the other one is Chrom!Inigo).

  16. Henry!Gerome can do 2-3 more damage (he has Cherche's +3 mod, the kids' +1, and the skill Str+2 for up to +6 Atk, which is halved by Dragonskin) which is not insignificant if he's doing 8-15 per swing, or over the effect of 8 swings. Henry himself won't be bad at it, of course. But... you get it.

  17. On 02/11/2018 at 8:29 AM, TheSilentChloey said:

    Chrom @Great Lord: LB/Aether/AS+2/Aggressor/(Charm?) x Avatar (+SPD/-DEF) @Grandmaster: LB/Galeforce/Ignus/Swordfaire/Tomefaire

    Chrom behind Avatar-F is unlikely to ever lead. Either focus him as a hard support, or give him a reason to lead. Sniper with LB/Aether/Luna/DStr+/Aggressor is a good reason to lead. If not, the recommendation is Bow Knight hard support, something like LB/Bowfaire/Aggressor/DStr+/filler.

    Avatar could go to dualproc with Astra + Ignis or Luna + Ignis. Drop your Swordfaire, it's largely worthless if you have Tomefaire.

    Will your setup work... to be honest, probably yes it will, because you're looking at full DLC skills and forged Brave weapons; that breaks Apo fairly hard. It'll work, but it won't work as well as it could.

    Lissa @Sage: LB/Tomefaire/Healtouch/Galeforce/AS+2  x Lon'qu @Assassin: LB/Swordfaire/Astra/AS+2/Agressor

    Lissa has no stable proc to boost her damage; LQ's damage behind her as an Assassin is low; and he doesn't boost her Mag, either. So you might very well drop kills. If LQ leads you lose Galeforce. My advice? Go Wyvern Lord. You drop Swordfaire but do more damage anyway due to axes and higher Str cap; if you switch to LQ for second kill you get flier mobility at the start of the turn. He's fast enough to hit the lower speed tier as a Wyvern anyway (38 base + 3 mod + 22 LB Rally Spe Tonic + 3 pair up = 66 Spe, so he doubles everything he cares to double anyway). Lissa's slow; with Limit + Rally + All Stats +2 + Speed Tonic she hits... 69 speed, you double Thronie. You hit 75 with a +Spe support, I guess, but Lissa has no stable proc to fight with so for the most part I think the added Str is better for mookslaying.

    Will this pair work... again forged brave weapons + DLC skills, and Lissa still has Galeforce, you break thresholds enough to pull it off.

    Sully @Paladin: LB/Luna/Astra/Deliverer/AS+2 x Donnel @Hero: LB/Agressor/AS+2/Armsthrift/Sol (or I could just hack some skills on him but...not for the first clear of Apo if I get there)

    Donnel's two class lines plus villager plus Hero overlap means he's just worthless in Apotheosis, honestly. He has no stable proc, he has no weaponfaires, so he just breaks down the moment you drop his DLC skills, his mods even suck. At least go Warrior so he has something resembling damage; Sully's speed doesn't matter since she's not hunting anything but mooks anyway. Sully at least is halfway pretending to be redeemable with dualprocs to lead with - she drops Galeforce, but you should saddle her with Swordfaire.

    Can this work? Yeah, maybe, but at this point you're brute forcing through the map with inflated stats and brave weapons, and that's going to be an issue for this pair in particular because once brute force stops working then so will these two. It's also a little inefficient to be hitting one enemy mook with one pair like this; puts more strain on your other units who now have to polish off the rest of the enemy wave themselves (usually 4 more enemies) and on your rescue bots.

    Maribelle @ Valkyrie: LB/Tomefaire/AS+2/Galeforce/DSp+ x (Ricken @Dark Knight: LB/Agressor/Luna/Tomefaire/AS+2) or (Virion @Sniper: LB/Bowfaire/Aggressor/AS+2/Deliverer)

    Do Virion so that Brady gets to be fast. Fast Sage Brady x +Spe support is really nice. You miss out on 75 Spe if Lucina goes Grandmaster, so if you care at all about that, and you should because this is your highest functioning pair and you really really want them at 75 Spe to hunt Nightmare Sniper and Anna, then go Dark Flier.

    Since you appear to be insistent on carrying your parent units into Apo (not recommended, by the way) at least go Sniper x Sage. That way they're actually contributing, and quite significantly at that, 3 range longbow is disgustingly good especially backed by Sage dual strikes. I guess Sniper x Valkyrie works if you need Virion to be fast. With his +2 mod he's just not really that fast though so Sage is probably broadly better.

    Sumia@Dark Flier: LB/Tomefaire/Luna/Galeforce/AS+2 x Henry @Sorcerer: LB/Hex/Anathema/Agressor/AS+2

    I was about to say, stay out of Sorcerer, but Henry's other options legitimately sorta suck too. Sumia is perfect, though. Go Dark Knight Henry for +Mov if you want, that works decently. If you just want maximum magical damage stick to Sorc. You can actually consider Berserker here, but I don't think it's really worth it.

    Morgan @Grand Master: LB/Galeforce/Ignus/Tomefaire/Agressor x Cynthia @Dark Flier: LB/Tomefaire/Luna/Galeforce/AS+2

    Both units in this pair hit 75 Spe, which is a total waste of speed since you'll never see two enemies with 70 Spe close enough for two members of a Galepair to take them out. You can switch Morgan or Cynthia to Sage instead; the Sage will operate at 75 Spe and give you additional mobility via Rescue.

    If not, they're still a fantastic pair, go for it.

    Owain @ (Class undecided): LB/Galeforce/Swordfaire(?)/Astra/Agressor x Kjelle @Bride: LB/Galeforce/Lancefaire/Luna/AS+2

    I get that you love Lon'qu!Owain, I really do, it's a favourite pairing of a lot of people, but he just doesn't function at a high level, especially not if you're pushing him into a physical class. Owain's Str mod suffers from Lissa's parentage and LQ doesn't fix that; nor does he complete the Galeforce/Weaponfaire/Stable Proc trinity with a stable proc. So whenever he goes physical, it just leaves a dirty taste in my mouth: "This unit is worse than an enemy mook." You should instead probably aim for a magic class (Sage). If not, I would definitely at least settle in a high-Str class like Warrior or Wyvern Lord.

    Kjelle probably wants to dualproc with Astra. Bride is fine if Owain is a Sage; if not, aim for a physical pair-up like Paladin.

    Lucina @Grand Master: LB/Aether/Ignus/Galeforce/Tomefaire x Brady @Sage: LB/Luna/DSp+/Agressor/Tomefaire.

    You've forgotten to give Brady his Galeforce. Do that. Dual Support+ kinda sucks anyway, it's a filler skill and mostly notable for giving +Crit to critspam Laurent and +Avo to Lancebreakers, both from the back. And give Lucina her Dual Strike+, it's legitimately amazing.

    Aside from that, Virion!Brady actually fails to make 75 Spe here so Dark Flier is preferred on Lucina, I would say. If you really want to stick to Grandmaster, I guess it's OK, it just means Cynthia and Morgan have to pick up the slack a bit.

    So the thing about first-gen characters is that for the most part they just don't have the classes and skills to play in Apo. Units trying to lead tend to be met with a dearth of stable proc + faire + Galeforce, which is basically the defining setup for a kid unit lead - there's a reason Galeforce Dad is meta on Kjelle to the exclusion of nearly everything else; there's a reason no one does Sully!Lucina for Apo even discounting the effect of Chrom on Kjelle, Owain and Inigo aim for Luna or Vengeance dads, and no one does Galeforce Nah. That's the proc/faire/Galeforce trinity talking, it's the staple of leading units.

    It's not undoable to go into apo and even with with pure firstgens, but it's definitely harder, and if kids are on the table you shouldn't be considering their parents for the most part. Cordelia and Sumia are fine; in front of Avatar-M you can sorta pull off Lissa and Maribelle. But for the most part, it's not worth it.

  18. On 28/10/2018 at 1:48 PM, izanagi61 said:

    Just some thoughts on what you said. I gave fred to inigo because i was planning on making him a paladin no matter who his father was and i hear fred isnt the greatest dad, but inigo is so solid already that i figured would save me more valuable dads later on. Is henry nah really the best fit for my team? I was making gerome into a hex anathema hard support berserker, what role does he serve at gregor gerome or vaike gerome? And if i really need to have staff bots should i just use a parent? Im guessing lonqu x mirabelle?

    It's not that Inigo is really solid, it's more that Inigo variance is very low - so Stahl!Inigo and Chrom!Inigo (his best dads), while they do perform better, don't improve Fred!Inigo by a large amount. Compared to how massive an improvement Chrom is on Cynthia, for example, or Stahl on Yarne or Severa. Fred!Inigo is free, and he's more than good enough to give Apo minions the boot. While Chrom!Inigo and Stahl!Inigo usually won't be chasing Apo bosses either, so the improvement, while not insignificant, isn't that important.

  19. Henry!Nah's critbuild is different and doesn't reach 100% crit, nor is it a Vantage/Vengeance setup. Mostly it's used in conjunction with Vengeance counterattacking as a lure - she's mostly notable for having Vengeance/Wrath/Focus/Anathema/Dual Support+, though frequently she'll be running Tomefaire over one of them - over Anathema if her partner is contributing that Aura, and over DSp+ if not. She has to give up one more of those for Limit Breaker if DLC skills are allowed, so it sort of gets worse there.

    Beside Morgan-M as a Sage, she can pick up 43 crit with critforged Celica's Gale (while leading) and a nasty 73 crit backed by critforged Katarina's Bolt. If you're banning Brave weapons in your run, this can get pretty nasty pretty fast.

    The set I have written here is Henry!Nah @ Valkyrie, Tomefaire/Vengeance/Wrath/Focus/Dual Support+; beside Morgan-M \@ Sage, Galeforce/Astra/Luna/Solidarity/Anathema. You'll immediately notice that Morgan's dropped his Tomefaire to run Anathema for Nah. Trading Dual Support+ for Anathema on Nah results in a net loss of 5 crit. Up to you if that's worth it. Note that while Nah is supporting, she drops 10 crit from the Dual System (15 if running DSp+) which is going to Morgan-M instead.

    The reason I'm using Morgan-M here is because he has both Galeforce and Solidarity, plus he's male and therefore able to S-support Nah. It helps that her support with him reads pretty nicely.

    Libra!Inigo has access to all the relevant skills (Vantage/Vengeance/Wrath/Gamble/Focus), but his Skl modifier is too low to guarantee 100% crit - you need +4 Skl to pull it off, and I think Libra!Inigo only carries +2 Skl, so he only hits 99 crit. @ChickenWings

  20. Nothing weird about your pairings at all, they're mostly the recommended ones. Spending Stahl on Nah isn't always wise, but it's still considered good for the most part, just a more specialty setup than is normally seen. I would definitely do Vaike!Severa if Axefaire is your main concern; Swordfaire really does almost nothing for her if she has Axefaire and Gregor doesn't do anything else for her.

    By the way, Dual Guard+ is trash. People do Stahl!Nah for dualproc Sniper mostly. And your team isn't really set up to run dualproc Sniper Nah well, I don't think... actually I can't think of any lead who would want dualproc Sniper Nah behind them except physical Inigo or Morgan-M, and her supports with Inigo are trash.

    So you have Sumia!Lucina, Chrom!Cynthia, Gregor!Severa or Vaike!Severa, Gaius!Noire, Donnel!Kjelle, and Stahl!Nah on one hand...
    ...and Ricken!Owain, Fred!Inigo, Lon'qu!Brady, Libra!Laurent, Virion!Yarne, and Henry!Gerome on the other, plus Avatar-M and Sumia!Lucina!Morgan or Chrom!Cynthia!Morgan.


    Mostly you want to try to give hard support boys to your highest-performing Galegirls, Nah to a Galeboy who appreciates her support (physical if she's physical and magical if she's magical), a Dark Flier girl to +Spe Brady (or give him a Valkyrie or Bride instead if he's Lon'qu!Brady in particular), then pair physical with physical and magic with magic.

    We'll start with the high performers. Lucina or Cynthia already get Avatar-M. Cynthia can go to Brady as a Dark Flier if not pairing with the Avatar, but Lucina appreciates a hard support. If her sister is a Sage then she is probably a Sniper and wants Virion!Yarne or Henry!Gerome. If Cynthia picks Sniper she wants the same.

    Morgan-F is presumably magic if she has a Sage royal sister for her mother. If she's +Spe Morgan, then she can go either way and wants Henry!Gerome. If she's +Mag Morgan then she is heavily magical and can take Libra!Laurent.

    Your highest-performing remaining Galegirl is Gaius!Noire, who wants a Berserker. If Morgan got Laurent then she has Gerome and is fine with this. If not, she wants Gregor!Laurent instead. Alternatively give her Yarne. Don't forget that Noire has innate Anathema and can lead a Gerome without Henry parentage - Breaker skills instead of his Dark Mage auras or Archer +hit suite.

    If Cynthia went to Brady then you still have one hard support remaining. Your remaining galegirls are Severa and Kjelle. Severa's the better performer here even without her +Spe dads so give her a Berserker support.

    Nah is physical, but Inigo is a low-level performer and not really worthy of a dedicated hard support, also his supports with her suck. You probably want her to go to Lon'qu!Brady instead. Give her Bride and Bowfaire. If Brady got Cynthia then the same Bride Bowfaire Nah with Owain works well. If Henry is free (you did Gregor!Gerome beside Noire, for example) then give Henry to Nah and run Valkyrie with Tomefaire instead of Bride, it's way better.

    Brady will have Dark Flier Cynthia, Bowfaire Bride Nah, or Tomefaire Valkyrie Nah, he's okay.

    Your remaining kids are Owain (magical), Inigo (physical), Kjelle (physical), and Severa (physical). That's actually a big problem. You can try doing Stahl!Owain and Henry!Nah, which gives you physical Owain, or Virion!Severa or Ricken!Severa and Libra!Owain or Ricken!Yarne, Libra!Yarne, Gregor!Yarne (which gives you magic Severa).

    You can also do Cynthia x Brady, which means you did Owain x Nah (still try to get her Henry), and then you have a physical hard support boy in the wings. That works better.


    So you have

    Sumia!Lucina x Avatar-M
    Chrom!Cynthia x Lon'qu!Brady
    Gaius!Noire x Gregor!Gerome
    Vaike!Severa x Virion!Yarne
    Donnel!Kjelle x Fred!Inigo
    Henry!Nah x Ricken!Owain
    Sumia!Lucina!Morgan x Libra!Laurent

    Is there anything I'd do differently...? Well, this setup has no Stahl, and Stahl is a top tier dad who can go to Inigo as a straight-up improvement over Fred or Yarne as a straight-up improvement over Virion, or to Severa as a sidegrade - Stahl!Severa doesn't hit as hard as Vaike!Severa, but access to Sniper, Paladin and Assassin give her more options to run as a lead, plus she gets Astra to dualproc with Luna (Vaike!Severa has either Luna or Vengeance).

    Doing Stahl!Severa gives you Vaike!Gerome which is mostly a straight upgrade to Gregor!Gerome, then you can do Gregor!Laurent if Morgan is +Spe asset (so that Morgan can run a physical set with a physical support if need be, instead of the always-magical Libra!Laurent).

    Now, if you're bringing all your kids into Apo, you'd have 14 units in the list above, plus Chrom and presumably Sumia make 16. Olivia makes 17, and two rallybots make 18 and 19. You'd have space for one staffbot, which is a very bad idea - staff users are essential to mobility with Rescue and turn crunching.

    I'm not saying to drop your kids for staffbots if you don't want to, but the onus is on you to make sure you have the necessary staff support to get by. Running high mobility sets will help reduce the burden on your Rescue staff users - Dark Flier over Sage on Lucina, for example; or Paladin on Stahl!Severa; Bow Knight on Gaius!Noire; Wyvern Lord on Donnel!Kjelle. +Mov classes on units in the backline, maybe the likes of Griffon Rider on Fred!Inigo. Valkyrie Morgan-F paired with Dark Knight Laurent, maybe, instead of Dark Flier x Sage or Sage x Sage (or Dark Flier x Dark Knight, for lack of staves).

    You also want to make sure you have staff users scattered into your combat units. Sage Avatar-M, for example, instead of Dark Knight for mobility or Grandmaster for Speed. I'm not certain if it's a good idea to go all the way with that idea (War Monk Kellam!Inigo).

  21. Lon'qu!Laurent and Gregor!Laurent (Gaius!Laurent can do it too but is otherwise an irredeemable pairing) can pull this off - Laurent needs to inherit Vantage and Skl +2 mod. Avatar!Laurent notably cannot due to the build requiring Solidarity on an S-support partner.

    Set is Laurent @ Sorceror, Vantage/Vengeance/Wrath/Focus/Gamble, with the Ruin tome. S-support with Avatar-F, Avatar!Lucina, or any female child of Avatar-M. Lucina is preferred; her skillset should be Dual Support+/Anathema/Solidarity/2 filler skills, Dual Strike+ and Tomefaire are probably preferred - DStr+ miiiight save your butt if you fail to get a crit-kill on an enemy (with more than 55 Lck or Aegis+).

    At 1hp with appropriate Rally skills (offhand I don't recall if Rally Heart is required but I suspect not), this set is a guaranteed OHKO on any enemy with 55 Lck and no Aegis+.

    I guess if you drop Laurent's Vantage you can use the set as a tactical nuke instead of a traditional V/V unit. Gaius' Fighter inheritance would then offer Zeal for +5 Crit, allowing you to outright kill any enemy with 60 Lck who lacks Aegis+ or Vantage+. The Vantage set is probably more broadly applicable, though.

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