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Book of Ereshkigal

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Posts posted by Book of Ereshkigal

  1. Needs more AA where the cloth touches the face and on the far shoulder. To be honest, it needs more AA everywhere. and the stuff going down the back has no shading.

    I like the idea. :)

  2. His hair needs an outline, and the color hurts my eyes, to be honest. Try using someone elses hair color. (Can't think of anyone with blue hair like that at the moment...)

    Make sure to use colors from the same FE.

    Also: the mug is really blurry, did you put an effect over it in GIMP or something or is my copypasting screwing it up?

    There should be a 'make a character look older contest. :V unless there already is one?

  3. Then why did he kill her? Even if she was injured she still could've been of use. Story wise, it might've been a better Idea for her to die in the gaiden instead of running off to Nergal and then him (seemingly) randomly killing her.

  4. It's Aenir, BTW.

    I wonder what the point of Sonia thinking she was human? She might've deluded herself, but then why did she have emotions? To seduce Brendan? (That kinda makes sense, I guess...) I think Nergal kills her because her purpose (Brendan) was dead. She does survive the gaiden when you defeat her.

  5. I'm fairly certain Ninian says that at the end.

    I'm curious to know where it's implied that Nergal is their father, though.

    Chapter 19xx, the man is nergal and the children are Ninian and Nils.

    Nergal comes at the end of the chapter and says he left something important there, his children(which he doesn't realize.)

    Gack, Ninja'd.

  6. Yes, I did just read all of this, and I agree with you. I never understood how people thought this game had a great plot. I noticed most of this stuff on my second playthrough. It feels like they wrote down a bunch of Ideas that didn't connect in the end.

    On my first play I though Ephidel had a subplot in trying to screw over lundgren and making a rebellion.

    I honestly have no clue what Elbert was doing, I was contemplating on making a topic asking why Elbert even went to see Nergal (I thought he was gonna try to infiltrate the rebels, or something). And I didn't understand wht Hector was all "It was you!" To Teador, I honestly thought I was missing stuff, but then another playthrough and this thread made me realize, nope.

    About Nergal summoning dragons, I've heard people say he just used his own quintessence, but that's kinda pushing it. It's just a fan theory after all.

    Yeah, this isn't trolling. You just pointed out just about every issue I've had with this games story.

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