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The Thief's Assassin

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Everything posted by The Thief's Assassin

  1. Lol great conversation Waha Knife you are awesome
  2. I believe it's almost like Communism in a way. It would be great if we could have a society with no need for authority but there is always those people who won't look out for everyone and do things that are harmful to others
  3. Dorcas deadly with a bow, def need to promote him
  4. probably nothing more than when units are upgraded
  5. alright i can reread my strategies and try to copy them
  6. just a question for RD once i find another version of FE, should i start over and update from the start, or just update after i catch-up?
  7. hate to be the bearer of bad news but my DS and iPod got stolen in school the other day. and Fire Emblem was in the GBA port. I'll be hunting down a new game and a new DS soon unless they find who took it. So then ill have to beat EM before going on to HM
  8. Ch. 12 6 turns Hector and Matthew killed at the top, with matthew killing the boss, with Marcus got the secret book, and helped Dorcas down south ---------- Ch. 13 11 turns Dorcas went to the north village and killed the cavilers that cam at him. Everyone else went south, Marcus got the village, Matthew recruited Guy, and Hector killed the boss --------- Ch. 13x 7 turns Dorcas and Serra went west, Matthew and Hector went north, and Marcus went west Boss survived --------- Ch. 14 12 turns Serra recruited Erk and visited the village then healed Marcus guarding the opening. Matthew went south to visit village for Priscilla. Hector went forward to kill Eric while Dorcas stayed to protect Merlinus -------- Ch. 15 7 turns Hector killed the boss and northern enemies, Matthew went for the chests and enemies, Marcus and Dorcas went south, while Serra and Priscilla healed ------- Ch. 16 11 turns Matthew got both villages, everyone else minus Florina went north and killed anything in the way ------- Ch. 17 13 turns Added Lyn/Wil to my party. Matthew stole the door key and gave it to Lyn, who killed the west and got the lower chests with Serra. Dorcas stayed to guard Merlinus. Everyone else went north. Priscilla got Raven who got Lucius. Matthew got one northern chest, and killed the thief for the Silver sword. Hector killed the boss -------- Ch. 17x 6 turns Priscilla got Canas. Matthew went north and got the uppermost village. Everyone else straight, where Dorcas killed Damien. Lyn got the middle village, and Wil the northern one in the barriers. Lucius talked to Fargus.
  9. i vote yes, also he kills Jasmine i believe and its difficult to get the guiding ring
  10. Did we decide that a flier would be allowed to rescue Pent on ch 23?
  11. As long as you don't doubt me, you won't be suprised
  12. You get Naesala! *inserts austrian death machine video*
  13. So tomorrow i'll be going on vaca so i'll be doing a large update after that, but it won't be as fancy as Horace's
  14. All the Lyn characters in Ch. 16? YESSS i can finally get by that balista
  15. You get a crushed metal cube! *insert coin*
  16. like it says at the bottom bad for tactics god for exp/funds
  17. mkay just wondering i didnt know if it would affect me either way if i did or didnt try to recruit like Guy AND not have him be attacked hmm last two, Vaida and Farina I guess
  18. level grinding? and is it necessary to recruit undrafted characters for the sake of the survival section of grading?
  19. Chapter 11 Hector went south and took out anything in the way killed boss, matthew went north took gem killed the two in the north 9 turns Hector 3.87 Matthew 3.91
  20. good to know, so i just realized in the fortune-tactician window it gives you stars, its 12 point per star so we could estimate as we go
  21. So some of the chapters in HM don't count towards stars?
  22. got it, i am debating that now but he kicks ass promoted
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