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Everything posted by LuckyMouse4864

  1. I know this is old, but I recently did a transfer run and there was a lack of resources online to really help me maximise it. I plan on writing an faq next time I do a transfer run to reach just a few more caps here and there. I managed to cap 32 of my units and transfer a total of 96 stats, plus Sothe's stats. If anyone's interested I can go into more detail on how I did it, but the average stat faq on Gamefaqs helped tremendously (even tho it got some info wrong, which cost me a Stefan def transfer). So maybe just use serenes lol. Bexp abuse is also very important, is what let me cap 5 stats on Marcia and 4 on many other units. I boss abused often, and didn't worry too much about turn count for bexp since it was used mostly for finishing a level up. At the top of my head, I remember boss abusing chapter 9 so that Mist and Rolf wouldn't need too much babying, the chapter where you rescue Kieran, Nephenee and Brom, the desert chapter with the laguz (which really helped me max out my healers), Petrine, Bertram, Ena, and the boss before the Black Knight. I beat the Black Knight in this playthrough, but I plan for a future run and recommend just running away. For one, the fight is rng based so it would suck to die and have to replay the chapter. Especially if you boss abused. Second, it's actually possible to cap a stat or two on Ena if you're lucky, have a bunch of extra bexp lying around, or don't mind using a stat booster or two if no one else needs it. I reset probably a hundred times, and that's just for bexp abuse for Tormod alone. Also reset a few times during the Bertram chapter trying to level up Volke's str so he'd be strong enough to boss abuse. That reminds me, a useful tactic I used several times in a run is boxing in an enemy archer and letting a weaker unit wail on him a bit and get the kill. And one more thing, Reyson is really useful in Ena's chapter since he can heal. So helpful since her weapon doesn't break. My run took just over 90 hours plus all the time to reset over and over, including one unfortunate death 120 turns into a boss abuse chapter. So I estimate at least 92 hours in total. Finally, here's all my transfers. I went for stats in particular so there's a lack of supports which I'll make sure to squeeze in on my next run. Ike str skill sp def Elincia mag skill res Tanith str skill sp Largo (which transfers to Calill) hp str skill sp Calill mag Stefan str skill sp Haar skill sp Tormod mag skill sp res Nephenee str skill sp Mist mag sp res (just 2 away from skill, thanks gamefaqs) :c Rhys mag skill res Soren mag skill sp res Marcia str skill sp def res (isn't she beautiful?) Jill str skill sp def (so much reset abuse) Giffca str (hey, it's free) Gatrie hp str skill def Brom hp str skill def Shinon skill sp def Titania skill sp (could've capped others, but she was an afterthought. I'll fix it next time) Oscar str skill sp def Zihark str skill speed Mia str skill sp Astrid str skill sp Reyson skill (sad face. I'll have to reset abuse him a bit next time to get at least mag and maybe res) Makalov str sp def Devdan str sp Volke str skill sp Boyd hp str skill sp Rolf str skill Kieran str skill sp Ilyana str mag skill res And finally, Sothe. Hp str mag skill sp luck def res 37 20 4 20 20 24 20 16 Next time I'll cap his hp and try to level his luck evey single time. And he gets the Ashera icons ofc since no one can cap luck but his transfers. Also his res becomes 15 since that's his cap in RD but yeah. So what you guys think? Anything I could've done better? Any other units worth considering? What about supports, assuming I can do as many as possible? Also let me know if y'all have any questions or need any help with doing a transfer run, I'll be glad to offer my assistance
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