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Everything posted by QKumber

  1. That ghost fight was really fun! My first time using Bride as main dps since she is finally decently trained (90 8/10/6) and man, she packs some punch! 5 turn fight, she NPed 3 times, and strongest hit for almost 200k dmg! Jesus!!! edit: sry for double posting, internet acting up ><
  2. Yes in this case the lack of consistency might prove to be fatal - 60% crit chance is like ASKING for trouble :P I still think a team like that is poorly designed for a crit user, but that`s just the way I see the game. I would prob give up on Herc`s dmg potential for something like Hans or CAH, and make my crit user a dedicated dmg dealer ALONE. Dif approaches, neither is wrong or right! In your case, for sure someone who can actively pull the stars without doubt would work much better! that IS a good idea. The moment the game starts to get boring you should take a break from the events we still have more then enough time - go slow don`t go crazy on ap refils! I recommend CasLiz + CasCu + Medea for some fun comps! I just like CasCu np so much giggle
  3. Hmmm I mean, everytime I intend to use someone as a main CritDmg dealer, I usually create the comp around a single dmg unit And when the unit happens to be an archer/rider, Star Weight usually isn`t the main issue - mostly it`s the lack of dmg buffs - in my exp but yeah, if you use another archer or a rider as a support, I can see why he would have some troubles acquiring those stars indeed
  4. really? Emyia has troubling acquiring stars even tho he is an archer servant?
  5. 802 is considerably harder, but drops more Hagen Dazz, some cats, and grants much more bond/exp - for the same AP if time ain`t a problem, 802 is better in the long run.,... but much more annoying to farm
  6. that depends on how you use Liz. Myself I have lvl9 Innocent monster (1st) lvl6 Mana burst and lvl1 Guts :P
  7. CasCu was indeed a fun fight! I used for the first time my own Yuri Pirates with Hans/SuppWaver. Good numbers from them :D About room 802 with the zombies + Bride boss...I think I found a decent enough team... did 5 times in a row without a single casualty: Scathach + RobinHood + AssShiki. try to kill the zombies slowly on wave 1, it might be possible to charge some NPs there. So far been working for me! And since we need to clear 10 rooms from each floor, I figured might aswell max the number of zombie kills :P
  8. Rapunzel was ok I guess? Good cat drops + lanterns here and there, so not complaining. Thx to that, Bride 2nd maxed now =D running out of Lores ><
  9. Sadly I do not have any Gacha CEs... I am skipping rolling this event As much as I find SaberShiki gorgeous, I have to start saving my funds for the summer banner - Martha is coming!
  10. yeah that was a good amount of skill ups indeed. But not many SSRS... those damn units EAT QP like it is candy! and unless you really need it quickly, just farm qp slowly daily. It is an easy enough quest to just clear mindlessly at work or something. but if you can afford to wait, farming during Lotteries is just so much better! I have couple of high lvled skills myself (Sca 10s, Waver 10, Okita/casko/Bryn 7s) and still around 400 million mainly thx to xmas and to excessive SeibaWars tubes (got like 200 million there). I honestly think try to gather mats and go ham during next lottery, while you do dailies as usual :D
  11. Remember that the event give some QP rewards... for collecting bottles / ice creams / cats - so prob around 18 million QP - if you haven`t collected them all yet and the event is making justice to some chars finally!!! Boudica and Methman <3
  12. If you play the events from KnK till lunchtime, you should have plenty enough prisms. Future events stars to shit prisms out! This started with the lotto on christmas or ladder on saber wars, but became a regular item on shop/rewards so don`t fret. If you go on a hiatus and/or do not play any of the events inbetween it might be trickier edit: KnK will have 2k total prisms: 1k from shop and another 1k from mission rewards
  13. Why Meh? 8 crystals and 3 hearts + a handfull of master exp and mystic code exp + event currency + probably some monuments It is a MUCH better value then if you would farm those outside of it. That was a rather good haul
  14. just ended my zerk farming session and have to say it was prob the easiest and fastest of the quests! plus getting some crystals and hearts are always good civilization! Yay
  15. they were not thinking Melty CE is niche but very good at it
  16. Sure but Spartacus anime came after and not like he was super loved by the fanbase but thats just what I think. It needs SOME appeal. And the way FGO is designed it isn`t necessarily a bad thing being a low rarity unit anyways, not a demerit. as for arts users, I would say you should look at Medea/Xuanzang/Rhyme as casters, Shiki (welfare) assassin, Euryale/Kuro (welfare)/Orion archers, OG Nero.Saberlot, OG Jeanne. Those are all worthwhile units to give it a check and very usefull. I would try to get a good variety off arts units to be able to tackel a variety of quests - vlad works as a general attacker tho. That`s a lot of units :P
  17. well specially on launch the game NEEDED to have some chars with decent popularity being attainable. Like Cu Medea and Medusa - those were well known from the anime and all. If the famous ones were all rares - like OG Saber and Gil, it would make very hard to get players to start with the game. A real gate right from the get go. Imagine starting a game, where you know and like some chars, but they are all locked into 1% rate and all you prob get are random unknown shitters... not very fun right? :P
  18. And you would be correct. But in this specific case of valentines, so far anyone at least among those who contribute to drop spreadsheets on reddit have been able to get a single seed with ARCHER amazoness. Apparently that also happenned in jp. On daily quests any kind of amazon - be it saber/lancer/archer can drop seeds and gold amazon can drop plumes. Not sure why but seems to be different here. You positive you got a seed there? My friend burned around 1,5k AP farming 30ap for plumes and haven`t got a single seed so far - he logs his runs
  19. well because archer nodes do not drop seeds? the enemy that might drop seeds is a SABER class unit so...yeah :P
  20. The CE drops are kinda generous this event... I saw many of my friends dropping one or 2 and even I got 2 drops - still only on natural AP regen. and remember to spam archer rate ups if you so desire some plumes! They do drop fairly often too!!! edit: and so far, I am kinda blessed by rate-up classes. All the dragons/demons and bosses followed the rate up class =D
  21. I decided to get ALL the chocos I can... I can live without the pieces/monuments and dragon scales most likely some of the cutscenes are so cute!!! I really enjoyed Stheno and Mata Hari =D
  22. Some of those new cutscenes are rather cute!!! So far got Okita and Martha chocos! Pretty fun!!!
  23. Probably not. Personally I am not very fond of JAlter myself. Same reason I skipped Jack / MHX before so shouldn`t be a real problem :P no no, after everything was used I ended with a NP3 Bride, so 3 SSRs in 187 summons edit: Prior to Bride, I got Bryn on 270 sq and Sca with 450... so my avg was a bit above 300sq/SSR which kinda makes sense with the 1%drop rate. Nero Bride was kinda generous! My only complain (a very minor one mind you) was the lack of CEs... I love ReDrop art
  24. Just a bit more man, stay strong! Now I have to start my fasting until Summer event hit NA FGO :P
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