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Posts posted by QKumber

  1. I tried, got a single heart using regular AP regen - 70 for exp dailies.

    Gonna go HAM on apples for saberwars, Scathach node drops hearts + gears + crystals so all usefull! Plus rarest of the event currencies. And everyrun has  achance of a drop, since the demon is 100% present - better then caster daily if you ask me.

    I wanna play saber wars already aaaaah xD

  2. kinda bummed by the new years banner... I could not care less about the units on rate up, but the CEs looks amazing as usual!


    still thinking but I prob gonna roll on sber wars until I get a 4*CE, then save everything for Valentines or Bryn... so many NICE options and so few quartz ><


    merry xmas everyone - kinda late but I was super busy =D

  3. 12 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

    Serious answer: I sometimes do ticket pulls. My most recent ticket got me a second copy of Prisma Cosmos, but since I only have five left I’m going to start saving those too. I don’t even want to think about what I’d do if I don’t roll Jeanne Alter with all this quartz.

    I sincerely hope everything works out in the end! Lady Sca ate almost 480 quartz before joining my chaldea so... those were dark days

    And I was soooo hoping for Carmilla new animations! Damn. Medea is fine at least =D

    60k friend points summons = some health MPs and fous, no Babbagge sadly

  4. The thing about Eric is: he can clear hands super fast and effortlessly. His np will destroy a wave without any kind of buffs AND his animations are faster then let`s say Arash for exemple.


    That`s all about him... sure you can combo his first into a NPBB for a good chunk of dmg (30% def break is a big deal) but honestly? He is just a super acessible and reliable wave clearer.


    Slap him a starting CE, fill his gauge and unleash the WOOLOOOHOLLLOLOOOO - I love this hahaha

  5. This is my plan for saberwars. The CEs are only placeholders for me to calculate partycosts.

    Probably gonna ditch BROCK for some dedicated class counter if the need arises, maybe adding an Archer to farm Scathach node most likely Nobu =D


  6. 3 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

    I have 600k FP. Angra Mainyu is pretty crappy in general but he gives good drops for the event he comes out in so I’d roll for that if nothing else.

    I have 400 sq...

    I rest my case

    FP bait I can see that working.

    400SQ means you saving for quite some time - if those are free SQ then that explains why you missing quite a few 3*s

    and TBF I should have said, I still use my Euryale more then Robin (yesterday on Okeanos Hercules fight for exemple), Robin only got maxed first because I needed him for christmas.

    Both are good, both should receive love. The 3* archers are ALL strong, Robin Euryale AND David (for me he is THE strongest)

  7. 4 minutes ago, Skurge said:

    I read on an fb fgo that an avenger is recommended for Camelot because of Lancelot.  Should I save Sq to try to get Jalter, or just go with the free avenger dantes we get sometime in spring?

    I'm gonna blow my current pile of fp to try to get paracelsus because I've got a bunch of arts team servants. 

    Does Vlad have long term use as an arts berserker? I've got him at third ascension and lvl 70. Might max him out. Waiting for his interlude to get that skill upgrade.

    I'm looking at what I have right now and it seems that my servants lean towards an arts based team with possible crit support.  I'm thinking of getting Mozart raised up since he's got some uses on an arts team. Tamamo is just waiting for lanterns. Hans wants levels. STG is at third ascension.

    For arts based damage, I got vlad, Robin, euryale, and medea. Anything else I need to keep in mind with arts teams? I don't have a lot of variety in my CEs 

    Free Avenger? I am pretty sure Dantes ain`t a freebie... and Avenger by itself is a weird class... uber low star weight and weapon triangle vs rulers. If you want, JAlter is considered among the top tier dmg dealers in the game, just see if you like her or not.


    Vlad is among the strongest DMG dealers on a classic arts comp - the good old tamamo + vlad + a 3rd support works wonders! I don`t think any other berserker can fit this role.


    Hans with lvls helps, but what he needs is SKILL UPS! Makes a world of dif on his case specially.


    You might wanna try to pick some dif classes arts users! Nero can be a good saber, assassin shiki and you are probably well covered!

  8. 1 hour ago, MrSmokestack said:

    They have the exact same deck, QQAAB with Arts NP, very similar generation stats, and the exact same hitcounts on those cards, though Euryale has slightly higher crit weight.

    Fair point on most males being weak to her class though. I would still use both but I’ve never rolled Euryale.

    Wasn`t sure about Euryale deck, thx for correcting me!

    And kinda sad never rolling so many 3star units... they do come in hand more often then not.

    About FP points, I am sitting at 1,3 million right now... might roll for some MPs if I ever get around, but will try to wait at least until Saber wars... the Angra Man guy I find pretty meh but would like for Pokedex purposes =p

    But most of my 3* do come from regular Gacha...are you perhaps one of those ppl saving for Jalter? Never rolling on quartz can do that to the roster sometimes

    edit: myself I have a lvl70 Robin but only a lvl40 Euryale just thought I should say it

  9. Hood default poison rate is 100%, meaning he should not miss unless enemy has some kind of resistance.

    The main issue with him is his cards are actually bad. Robin's quick or even arts have low hitcounts and his dmg outside np is lackluster being generous.


    Euryale has a better deck fornarts IIRC with 3 arts unlike robins 2. Her charm and np drain are actually usefull for some stalling specially vs males but not only. The thing is males are not the majority of servants but many males are sabers and berserkers - which are optimal targets for Euryale and her kit.

    Personally, I value more Eury np gauge control then robins small golden rule bonus. But both are usable in the long run

  10. 48 minutes ago, Talandar said:

    The thing with Bond CE is though that only the provider can use it.
    That's why Tamamo's or Robin's are considered good because it works for their Arts Teams while stuff like Cu's or Emiya's are pretty bad since it doesn't help them in their role.
    But in general Bond CE's aren't really worth it, at least if you have access to 5* CEs. Even Tamano and Robin have better options in that regard.

    Heracles' has the best one and there is nothing better for him. It singlehandely fixes his entire problem as a Berserker.

    Hmm about Tamamo I think you could argue about using her bond CE... she usually is a np battery with support capabilities and her main issue is charging her OWN np - she kinda struggles.

    Adding a +card effect helps her 3 arts card charge a bit more, while also powering up the team DMG dealer! I do not have raw numbers but 15% arts up looks just a little less then a Divine Banquet MLB from some runs I tried. Could be wrong, maybe with future updates it changes can`t say.


    6 minutes ago, Skurge said:

    well arash and kojirou don't really seem to be worth grailing to me, and in as much as I'd like to attempt it; Mata Hari is probably going to be lackluster.

    hmn gee whiz I have the feeling that kuro goes good with Emiya.



    do we get someone using a rider card with astolfo and getting a penis?

    not yet but maybe in the future!

  12. Prisma Illya is... well past the fan service there is some decent animation and cool fights IMO. But don`t expect ground breaking stuff.

    Kuro/Chloe is an AMAZING arts archer, with a very strong skill set! She is a top tier unit for sure.

    And among the current Gold archer you named (Garcher / Orion and Atanyanta) first 2 will have SQ that makes a world of difference! Emiya becames usable and Orion gains charge gauge reduction on np - which is AWESOME!

    Cat is... welp, she has a nice party quick buff aight? RIGHT??!?!?

    PS: resisted Fuyuki bait, staying strong for Bryn and Bride!!!

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